async def maths_input(self, ctx, numbers, target): while True: m = await "message", check=lambda m: == and != ctx. bot.user and m.content and all( s in operators + numerals + ["x"] for s in m.content)) player = get_user( content = m.content.replace("x", "*") if "//" in content: task(ctx.send("Floor division is not allowed!")) continue if "**" in content: task(ctx.send("Powers are not allowed!")) continue numbers_used = [ int(n) for n in re.split(regexPattern, content) if n ] if not spellable(numbers_used, numbers): task(ctx.send("Incorrect numbers!")) continue try: result = eval(content) if result == target: return player else: task(ctx.send("Incorrect result: %s!" % result)) continue except Exception: task( ctx.send( "Something went wrong while executing your answer...")) continue
async def inv(self, ctx: commands.Context, other: discord.Member = None): target = economy.get_user(other or if target.inv: await ctx.send(f"{}'s inventory:\n" + "\n".join(f"{i.display_name}: {q}" for i, q in target.inv.items())) else: await ctx.send(f"{} has no items...")
async def hangman(self, ctx): if in await ctx.send( "Wait for the current game in this channel to finish!") return player = get_user( if player.credits == 0: await ctx.send("You're broke and can't play hangman!") return category = random.choice(list(wordlists.keys())) tword = random.choice(wordlists[category]) cword = ["*"] * len(tword) guesses = [] msg = None failed_horribly = False while True: s = "HANGMAN! Category: %s\n" % category + "".join( econv(c) for c in cword) + "\nWrong:" + "".join( econv(c) for c in guesses if c not in cword) if msg: await msg.edit(content=s) else: msg = await ctx.send(s) if "*" not in cword: await ctx.send("Hooray! You got the word! +5c!") player.update_balance(5) break done, not_done = await asyncio.wait( [self.wait_for_input(ctx, player, guesses), asyncio.sleep(60)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) r = next(d for d in done).result() if r: l, to_delete = r for m in to_delete: await asyncio.create_task(m.delete()) guesses.append(l) if l in tword: indices = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(l, tword)] for i in indices: cword[i] = l else: player.update_balance(-1) if player.credits == 0: await ctx.send("You ran out of money! TOO BAD!") failed_horribly = True break else: await ctx.send( "You spent too long thinking! TOO BAD! NO MONEY!") failed_horribly = True break if failed_horribly: await ctx.send("The word was %s" % "".join(econv(l) for l in tword))
async def join(self, ctx): self.refresh() if in u = get_user( success = await[].join( await[].pump() return success else: await ctx.send("No games currently in this channel...")
async def shame(self,ctx): user = get_user( if in g =[] if g.shameable: if shame:=g.ashamed: msg = "%s, hurry the f**k up!" if user.has("f-word pass") else "%s, hurry up!" tagging = user.remove_item("name tag") await ctx.send(msg % smart_list([p.tag if tagging else for p in shame])) else: await ctx.send("Shame on you, nobody is busy!") else: await ctx.send("Unfortunately, shaming in this game would reveal too much information...")
async def flair(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, flair: str): user = economy.get_user( if flair.lower() == "none": user.flair = "%s" await ctx.send("Removed Flair!") return if fitem := shopitems.get(flair): if isinstance(fitem, Flair): if user.inv[fitem]: user.flair = fitem.flair await ctx.send(f"Nice look, {}!") else: await ctx.send("BUY IT FIRST, YOU CHEAPSKATE!") else: await ctx.send("That's... not a flair.")
async def join(self, author): if isinstance(author,discord.Member): user=get_user(author) if self.started: await self.send("The game has already started!") return False if any(p.user == user for p in self.players) and not TEST_PLAY_URSELF: await self.send("You're already playing!") return False elif not user.update_balance(-self.cost): await self.send("You don't have enough money to play!") return False else: self.players.append(self.playerclass(user)) await self.send("%s has joined the game! Current players: %s" % (, len(self.players))) return True else: self.players.append(author)
async def multibuy(self, ctx: commands.Context, quantity: int, *, thing: str): buyer = economy.get_user( if quantity <= 0: await ctx.send( "You can't buy less than 1 of something, that's PREPOSTEROUS!") return if item := shopitems.get(thing): total_q = quantity + buyer.inv[item] if and total_q > 1: await ctx.send("Sorry, you can't have more than one of that.") return total_cost = quantity * item.cost if buyer.update_balance(-total_cost): await ctx.send("Buying successful!") for _ in range(quantity): await item.on_get(, buyer)
async def pull(self,ctx,high_stakes=False): player=get_user( if not high_stakes and player==self.locked_out: m = await ctx.send("You're still locked out!") await asyncio.sleep(1) await m.delete() await ctx.message.delete() return cost=20 if high_stakes else 2 if self.using: m=await ctx.send("Wait for the current player to finish!") await asyncio.sleep(1) await m.delete() await ctx.message.delete() return if high_stakes and not random.randint(0,9): for n in range(4): await ctx.send("PULL" if n%2 else "SUPER") await asyncio.sleep(1) if player.update_balance(-cost): self.using=True await ctx.send("You put a %s in the machine..." % ("20c note" if high_stakes else "2c coin")) slots=await ctx.send(":question:"*3) result=[] for n in range(3): await asyncio.sleep(1) result.append(random.choice(self.high_stakes_wheel if high_stakes else self.wheel)()) await slots.edit(content="".join(s.emoji for s in result)+":question:"*(2-n)) self.using=False if all(r==result[0] for r in result): await result[0].on_triple(ctx,player) else: winnings=sum(s.value for s in result) if winnings<=0: if len([s for s in result if isinstance(s,Skull)])==2: await ctx.send("DOUBLE SKULL: You're locked out of playing the normal stakes machine until someone else gets this...") self.locked_out=player else: await ctx.send("Too bad, you didn't win anything") else: await ctx.send("You won %sc!" % winnings) player.update_balance(winnings) else: await ctx.send("You need %s credits to use this slot machine!" % cost)
async def maths(self, ctx, difficulty="medium"): try: target = { "easy": 0.1, "medium": 0.5, "hard": 0.9, "extreme": 1.0, "mathmo": 1.0 }[difficulty] except KeyError: await ctx.send("not a valid difficulty!") return if not get_user( await ctx.send("You're _too poor_ for countdown!") return numbers = random.choices(list(range(1, 10)), k=4) + random.choices( [10, 25, 50, 75, 100], k=2) results = { k: v for k, v in recursive_maths(numbers).items() if (1000 <= k < 9999 if difficulty == "mathmo" else 100 <= k < 999) } results = sorted(((k, v) for k, v in results.items()), key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) results = [r[0] for r in results] target = results[int(min(len(results) * target, len(results) - 1))] done, not_done = await asyncio.wait( [ self.manage_countdown( ctx, numbers, self.time[difficulty], target=target), self.maths_input(ctx, numbers, target) ], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) winner = next(d for d in done).result() next(d for d in not_done).cancel() if winner: winnings = self.winnings[difficulty] await ctx.send("Well done %s! You won %sc!" % (winner.nick, winnings)) winner.update_balance(winnings) else: await ctx.send("Nobody won...")
async def start(self,ctx, game:str): self.refresh() game = game.lower() if in await ctx.send("There's already a game of %s in this channel" %[].name) else: u = get_user( if game in self.game_classes: g = self.game_classes[game](ctx)[] = g if g.all_play: g.players = [g.playerclass(u) for u in economy.users.values() if not isinstance(u,economy.BankUser)] await self.begin(ctx) return g if await g.join( await g.pump() return g await g.pump() else: await ctx.send("Game not found: %s" % game)
async def user_input(self, ctx, letters, udict): done = set() while True: m = await "message", check=lambda m: == and != ctx. bot.user and m.content and " " not in m.content and "?" not in m.content) player = get_user( content = m.content.lower() if content in done: task(ctx.send("Someone's already got that word!")) continue if player in udict and len(udict[player]) >= len(content): task( ctx.send( "You've got a word of equal or greater length already!" )) continue if spellable(content, letters): if content in words: mx = (max(len(w) for w in udict.values()) if udict else 0) if len(content) > mx: task( ctx.send("%s has the new longest word!" % player.nick)) elif len(content) == mx: task( ctx.send("%s has equalled the longest word!" % player.nick)) else: task( ctx.send("%s has got a word of length %s" % (player.nick, len(content)))) udict[player] = content done.add(content) else: task(ctx.send("That word is not in the dictionary!")) else: task(ctx.send("not spellable using these letters..."))
async def play(self, ctx, conundrum=None, wild=False): cost = 5 if conundrum else 2 if wild else 1 if in await ctx.send("Game already running in this channel!") return if not get_user( await ctx.send("You're _too poor_ for countdown!") return letters = list( conundrum if conundrum else random.sample(word_list.ldist, 9)) random.shuffle(letters) if wild: letters[8] = "*" udict = {} longest_word = conundrum if conundrum else next( w for w in searchlist if spellable(w, letters)) t1, ui = await asyncio.wait([ self.manage_countdown(ctx, letters, 30), self.user_input(ctx, letters, udict) ], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for u in ui: u.cancel() s = "Game finished! Longest word possible: %s" % longest_word win_word = max(len(w) for w in udict.values()) if udict else None winners = [u for u, w in udict.items() if len(w) == win_word] for u, w in udict.items(): winnings = 20 if len(w) == 9 else 8 if len(w) == 8 else 5 if len( w) == len(longest_word ) else 2 if len(w) == len(longest_word) - 1 else 0 if u in winners and len(udict) > 1: winnings += 2 s += "\n%s %s a word of length %s. They get %sc" % ( u.nick, "won with" if u in winners else "got", len(w), winnings) u.update_balance(winnings) await ctx.send(s)
async def wait_for_tag(ctx,player): m = await"message",check=lambda m: == player.user and len(m.mentions) == 1 and m.mentions[0]!=player.user) return get_user(m.mentions[0])