def paddle(name, canvas, pos, size, controller): # Handles the mouse input by updating the paddle's position. This is # run at 60 FPS, as long as the game is running (ie.: no # game-over). # # Since the animator expects each callback to return whether it # should continue running or not — by signaling with either True or # False — we just return the value of GAME_RUNNING here. def handle_input(): screen = canvas.rect.move_by(10, 10).inflate(-20, -20) px, py = canvas.pointer_canvas_xy controller(pad, px, py) pad.rect = pad.rect.clamp(screen) return GAME_RUNNING pad = canvas.Rectangle(name=name, color=(238, 238, 236, 255)) pad.resize(*size) pad.move(*pos) # Adds the pad area as a solid area, so the ball collides with it. add_collision_object(pad) # Adds the input handler to the list of animator callbacks animator_add(handle_input) return pad
def force_move(self, from_value, to_value, interval): """Animate movement from one value to another in some interval. This function will try to calculate the correct speed for the animation to respect the interval. """ if from_value == to_value: if self.state_change: self.state_change(False) return # Note that we invert things here because other functions usually # take the MOUSE GESTURE and move the other way around dv = from_value - to_value self.speed = dv / (interval * \ (1 - (0.5 * self.accel_constant * interval))) self.accel = -(self.speed * self.accel_constant) self.time = ecore.time_get() self.cancel_click = True self.forced_goal = abs(dv) self.forced = True if not self.animation: if self.state_change: self.state_change(True) self.animation = ecore.animator_add(self._animation)
def __mouse_down_cb(self, obj, event): self._desktop_scroller.scroll_hold_push() self._start_region = self._desktop_scroller.region_get() self._start = event.position.output.xy self._last = self._start self._move_animator = ecore.animator_add(self.__move_animator_do) self._modifier_control = event.modifier_is_set("Control") self._modifier_shift = event.modifier_is_set("Shift") self.down(*event.position.output) self.on_mouse_up_add(self.__mouse_up_cb)
def _run(self): def animate(): t = ecore.time_get() progress = (t - self.time_start) / self.duration if progress >= 1.0: progress = 1.0 self.anim = None self._exec(progress) return progress < 1.0 self.anim = ecore.animator_add(animate)
def start(self, *args): if not self.animator: if self.repeat_timer: self.repeat_timer.delete() self.repeat_timer = None self._setup_start_pos() self.text1_times = 0 self.text2_times = 0 self.move_text1 = True self.move_text2 = False self.animator = ecore.animator_add(self._scroll_text)
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): evas.ClippedSmartObject.__init__(self, *args, **kargs) # It's recommended to use self.XXX to create member objects = self.Rectangle(color=(200, 200, 200, 255)) # But one can do the regular way, just remember to member_add()! # This is required by non-primitive objects, like Edje and other # SmartObjects self.child = evas.Rectangle(self.evas, color=(255, 0, 0, 255), size=(10, 10)) self.member_add(self.child) self.vx, self.vy = 1, 2 self.animator = ecore.animator_add(self._animator_cb)
def mouse_up(self, value): """Feeds object with mouse up event at value. @return: True if a click happened, False otherwise. """ # If it's just a small movement and click was not cancelled yet, # this is a click. delta_first = value - self.first_value if abs(delta_first) < self.threshold and not self.cancel_click: if self.state_change: self.state_change(False) self.cancel_click = False return True # A very slow drag cause the kinetic scroll to stop. if self.cancel_kinetic: if self.animation: self.animation.stop() self.animation = None if self.state_change: self.state_change(False) return False # Set the values and create the animation t = ecore.time_get() dt = t - self.time dv = value - self.base_value self.time = t self.speed = dv / dt self.accel = -(self.speed * self.accel_constant) self.forced = False if not self.animation: if self.state_change: self.state_change(True) self.animation = ecore.animator_add(self._animation) return False
def run(self, container, end_callback=None):, container, end_callback) self.setup() self.anim = ecore.animator_add(self.__animate, ecore.time_get())
def _start(self, func, *a): if self.animator is not None or not self.running: return self.remaining = -1 self.animator = ecore.animator_add(func, *a)
#!/usr/bin/env python import ecore def cb_true(n, t, a): print "cb_true:", n, t, a return True def cb_false(n, t, a): print "cb_false:", n, t, a return False ecore.animator_frametime_set(1.0/24.0) assert ecore.animator_frametime_get() == 1.0/24.0 a0 = ecore.animator_add(cb_true, 123, "teste", a=456) a1 = ecore.Animator(cb_false, 789, "bla", a="something in a") a2 = ecore.animator_add(ecore.main_loop_quit) print "before: a0=", a0 print "before: a1=", a1 print "before: a2=", a2 ecore.main_loop_begin() print "main loop stopped" print "after: a0=", a0 print "after: a1=", a1 print "after: a2=", a2 a0.delete() del a0
def cb_true(n, t, a): print "cb_true:", n, t, a return True def cb_false(n, t, a): print "cb_false:", n, t, a return False ecore.animator_frametime_set(1.0 / 24.0) assert ecore.animator_frametime_get() == 1.0 / 24.0 a0 = ecore.animator_add(cb_true, 123, "teste", a=456) a1 = ecore.Animator(cb_false, 789, "bla", a="something in a") a2 = ecore.animator_add(ecore.main_loop_quit) print "before: a0=", a0 print "before: a1=", a1 print "before: a2=", a2 ecore.main_loop_begin() print "main loop stopped" print "after: a0=", a0 print "after: a1=", a1 print "after: a2=", a2 a0.delete() del a0
obj =["obj"] canvas = ee.evas bg.size = canvas.size = if __name__ == "__main__": ee = ecore.evas.SoftwareX11(w=800, h=600) canvas = ee.evas bg = canvas.Rectangle(color=(255, 255, 255, 255)) bg.size = canvas.size obj = canvas.Image(file="icon.png") w, h = obj.image_size obj.size = (w, h) obj.fill = (0, 0, w, h) =["bg"] = bg["obj"] = obj ee.callback_resize = resize_cb ecore.animator_add(animate_obj, ee, obj) ecore.animator_frametime_set(1.0 / 60.0) ecore.main_loop_begin()
#!/usr/bin/python import etk import ecore c = etk.Canvas() w = etk.Window(title="Button", size_request=(200, 200), child=c) w.show_all() evas = c.toplevel_evas_get() r = evas.Rectangle(color="#ff0000", size=(50,50)) bla = c.object_add(r) print bla def mover(obj): (x, y) = c.child_position_get(bla) c.move(bla, x + 1, y + 1) return True ecore.animator_add(mover, r) def quit(obj): etk.main_quit() w.on_destroyed(quit) etk.main()
def init_ball(ball): ball.resize(*BALL_SIZE) ball.move(* animator_add(input_handler) return ball
global step step = -10 def pulse_animation(bg): global step r, g, b, a = bg.color if not 0 <= r + step < 255: step = -step r = g = b = r + step bg.color = (r, g, b, a) return True pulser = ecore.animator_add(pulse_animation, bg) def img_preloaded(img): pulse_stop() img = ee.evas.Image() img.file_set(required_image) img.fill_set(0, 0, 780, 460) img.geometry = (10, 10, 780, 460) img.on_image_preloaded_add(img_preloaded) img.preload() ee.fullscreen = False
return True counter2 = 0 def animator_quit_program_after_10(): global counter2 counter2 += 1 print "animator_quit_program_after_10: counter=", counter2 if counter2 == 10: ecore.main_loop_quit() return False else: return True if __name__ == "__main__": # animators will run in 60 frames per second ecore.animator_frametime_set(1.0 / 60.0) ecore.animator_add(animator1, "arg1", 1234, q=890, p=567) ecore.animator_add(animator_run_once) ecore.animator_add(animator_run_once2) ecore.animator_add(animator_quit_program_after_10) # keep animator object so we can stop it from the other animator o = ecore.animator_add(animator2) ecore.animator_add(animator3, o) # without a main loop, animators will not work! ecore.main_loop_begin()