# But one typically wants that the "name" attribute can be only a string, "x" a
# float number, or "filename" a valid file name. EditObj can do that too, if you
# take the time to teach that to him.
# EditObj edits each attribute of an object in an editor. The default one is a
# one-line Python console, but many other are supported (See editobj.editor for
# more info).
# If you want so, you can map an attribute name to a specific editor with the
# editobj.editor.register_attr(attr, editor_class) function. Notice that only attribute
# names are mapped, and the class of the object is NOT involved (contrary to systems
# like Java Bean); this is pretty logic because Python is dynamic and often does so.
# It can also save you a lot of time, since you have to enter each attribute only
# once !

# Say "name" is a string.
custom.register_attr("name", editor.StringEditor)

# Say that for "name", the values "me" and "you" should be proposed to the user.
# Possible values are given as text; as if they were entered by the user in the
# editor.
custom.register_values("name", ["me", "you"])

# Say "filename" is a file name.
custom.register_attr("filename", editor.FilenameEditor)

# Say "x" and "y" are float numbers.
custom.register_attr("x", editor.FloatEditor)
custom.register_attr("y", editor.FloatEditor)

# Say "visible" is a boolean.
custom.register_attr("visible", editor.BoolEditor)
    if val in (9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 576):
      val = int(val / 1.5)
    if val in (4,  8, 16, 32,  64, 128, 256):
      val = int(val * 1.5)
    self.scale.set({ 0: 0, 6 : 0, 12 : 1, 24: 2, 48 : 3, 96 : 4, 192 : 5, 384 : 6 }[val])
    return 1

custom.register_attr("filename"           , None)
custom.register_attr("title"              , None, songbook.SongRef)
custom.register_attr("songs"              , None)
custom.register_attr("songbook"           , None)
custom.register_attr("children"           , None)
custom.register_attr("playlist_items"     , None)
custom.register_attr("playlist"           , editor.EditButtonEditor)
custom.register_attr("playlist"           , None, song.PlaylistItem)
custom.register_attr("view"               , editor.ListEditor(view.view_types), song.Partition)
custom.register_attr("view"               , None, song.Lyrics2)
custom.register_attr("partitions"         , None)
custom.register_attr("mesures"            , None)
custom.register_attr("version"            , None)
custom.register_attr("title"              , editor.StringEditor)
custom.register_attr("authors"            , editor.StringEditor)
custom.register_attr("copyright"          , editor.StringEditor)
			self.image_width  = self.label.winfo_width()
			self.image_height = (self.image.size[1] / float(self.image.size[0])) * self.image_width
			self.imagetk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.image.resize((int(self.image_width), int(self.image_height))))
			self.label.configure(image = self.imagetk)
	def get_value(self): return self.internal_editor.get_value()
	def set_value(self, value): self.internal_editor.set_value(value)
	def update(self): self.internal_editor.update()
	def motion(self, event):
		self.obj.tex_x = max(0.0, min(1.0, float(event.x) / self.image_width ))
		self.obj.tex_y = max(0.0, min(1.0, float(event.y) / self.image_height))
custom.register_attr("lefthanded"          , None)
custom.register_attr("matrix"              , None)
custom.register_attr("root_matrix"         , None)
custom.register_attr("inverted_root_matrix", None)
custom.register_attr("face"                , None)
custom.register_attr("normal"              , None)
custom.register_attr("vertices"            , None)
custom.register_attr("name"                , editor.StringEditor)
custom.register_attr("filename"            , editor.StringEditor)
custom.register_attr("x"                   , editor.FloatEditor)
custom.register_attr("y"                   , editor.FloatEditor)
custom.register_attr("z"                   , editor.FloatEditor)
custom.register_attr("scale_x"             , editor.FloatEditor)
custom.register_attr("scale_y"             , editor.FloatEditor)
custom.register_attr("scale_z"             , editor.FloatEditor)
custom.register_attr("front"               , editor.FloatEditor)