def corr(stats, var, p=[.05], figsize=(6.,4.), axrect=[.08,.15,.9,.75], legend_ncol=4, ): """ plots the correlation between a timeseries and a variable over time """ # if iscollection(stats): # stats = [stats] # assert all(iscollection(s) for s in stats) corr = [segment_ops.corr(s, var) for s in stats] if np.isscalar(p): p = [p] # P ( n = len(corr[0]['slist']) if not all([len(corr[i]['slist']) == n for i in range(1, len(corr))]): raise ValueError("StatsSegments have different N --> p threshold cannot be drawn correctly") Ps = np.array(p) / 2 # 2 tailed df = n-2 Ts = sp.stats.t.isf(Ps, df) R_thresholds = Ts / np.sqrt(df + Ts**2) P.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = P.axes(axrect) legend_names = [] legend_handles = [] # corr T = stats[0].t for c in corr: R = c.param handle = P.plot(T, R, legend_names.append(fmtxt.texify( legend_handles.append(handle) # thresholds P.axhline(0, c='k') for p in R_thresholds: P.axhline(p) P.axhline(-p) # Figure stuff P.ylabel('r') P.xlabel('time') P.suptitle("Correlation with {v}".format(v=fmtxt.texify(, fontsize=16) P.figlegend(legend_handles, legend_names, 'lower center', ncol=legend_ncol)
def _ax_im_array(ax, layers, title=None, tick_spacing=.5): """ plots segment data as im define a colorspace by supplying one of those kwargs: ``colorspace`` OR ``p`` OR ``vmax`` """ handles = [] epoch = layers[0] map_kwargs = {'extent': [epoch.time[0], epoch.time[-1], 0, len(epoch.sensor)], 'aspect': 'auto'} # plot for l in layers: h = _plt_im_array(ax, l, **map_kwargs) handles.append(h) ax.set_ylabel("Sensor") ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]") #ticks tickstart = int((-epoch.time[0] - 1e-3) / tick_spacing) ticklabels = np.r_[-tickstart * tick_spacing : \ epoch.time[-1] + 1e-3 : tick_spacing] ax.xaxis.set_ticks(ticklabels) #title if title is None: if _plt.rcParams['text.usetex']: title = fmtxt.texify( else: title = ax.set_title(title) return handles
def plot(self, fig_num=None):#, tmax=1000): if self._example_path == None: ui.message("No files specified", "Before an import preview can be " "plotted, at least one source file has " "to be specified through the p.source parameter.", '!') return data = self._example_data#[:tmax] # range correct data t, n = data.shape data = data - np.min(data, 0) data /= np.max(data, 0) * 1.1 data += np.arange(n-1, -1, -1) # channel 1 on the top # collect properties name = os.path.basename(self._example_path) samplingrate = self.p.samplingrate.get() T = np.arange(0, t) if samplingrate: T /= samplingrate # start plot P.figure(fig_num) P.subplots_adjust(.2, .05, .99, .9) P.suptitle("Example: %s"%fmtxt.texify(name)) ax = P.axes() lines = [ax.plot(data[:,i], c='.75', antialiased=False)[0] for i in xrange(n)] y_ticks = np.arange(n-1, -1, -1) + .45 y_ticklabels = range(n) # get channels data for index, settings in self.p.channels.iterchannels(): # ax = P.subplot(n, 1, i+1, sharex=ax) name, ds_type, arg1, arg2 = settings # y_ticklabels.append(name) if isinstance(index, int): ls = [lines[index]] y_ticklabels[index] = name # y_ticks.append(i) else: if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop = index.start, index.stop ls = lines[index] indexes = xrange(start+1, stop+1) else: start = index[0] indexes = index[1:] ls = [lines[i] for i in index] y_ticklabels[start] = name for i in indexes: y_ticklabels[i] = '' # tick_y = start + (stop-start)//2 # y_ticks.append(tick_y) if ds_type == 'uts': c = 'k' elif ds_type == 'topo': c = 'r' elif ds_type == 'evt': c = 'b' for l in ls: l.set_color(c) if hasattr(ax, 'tick_params'): ax.tick_params(axis='y', length=0) ax.set_xlim(0, len(data)) ax.set_yticks(y_ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(y_ticklabels) # ax.set_xlim(T[0], T[-1]) # ax.set_xlim(0, tmax)
def _ax_im_array(ax, layers, x='time', # vmax=None, xlabel=True, ylabel=True, title=None, tick_spacing=.3): """ plots segment data as im define a colorspace by supplying one of those kwargs: ``colorspace`` OR ``p`` OR ``vmax`` """ handles = [] epoch = layers[0] xdim = epoch.get_dim(x) if epoch.ndim == 2: xdim_i = epoch.dimnames.index(x) ydim_i = {1:0, 0:1}[xdim_i] y = epoch.dimnames[ydim_i] else: err = ("Need 2 dimensions, got %i" % epoch.ndim) raise ValueError(err) ydim = epoch.get_dim(y) if y == 'sensor': ydim = _dta.var(np.arange(len(ydim)), y) map_kwargs = {'extent': [xdim[0], xdim[-1], ydim[0], ydim[-1]], 'aspect': 'auto'} # plot for l in layers: h = _plt_im_array(ax, l, dims=(y, x), **map_kwargs) handles.append(h) if xlabel: if xlabel is True: xlabel = ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: if ylabel is True: ylabel = ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # x-ticks tickstart = math.ceil(xdim[0] / tick_spacing) * tick_spacing tickend = xdim[-1] + tick_spacing / 1e4 ticklabels = np.arange(tickstart, tickend, tick_spacing) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(ticklabels) ax.x_fmt = "t = %.3f s" # y-ticks if y == 'sensor': # make sure y-ticklabels are all integers locs = ax.yaxis.get_ticklocs() if any(locs != locs.round()): idx = np.where(locs == locs.round())[0] locs = locs[idx] labels = map(lambda x: str(int(x)), locs) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(locs) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(labels) # title if title is None: if plt.rcParams['text.usetex']: title = fmtxt.texify( else: title = ax.set_title(title) return handles
def _get_attributes(statsSegments, sensor=None): "" raise DeprecationWarning if sensor: try: sensor_name = statsSegments[0].sensors[sensor].name except Exception, exc: print Exception, exc sensor_name = None else: sensor_name = None seg_t_start = statsSegments[0].tstart seg_t_end = statsSegments[0].tend if P.rcParams['text.usetex']: names = [fmtxt.texify( for s in statsSegments] else: names = [ for s in statsSegments] return names, sensor_name, seg_t_start, seg_t_end # MARK: figure composition def _loc(name, size=(0,0), title_space=0, frame=.01): """ takes a loc argument and returns x,y of bottom left edge """ if isinstance(name, basestring):