def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBFluid", self.labelButtonAdd = _U("Add fluid") self.labelButtonDelete = _U("Delete fluid") # DBFluid_ID needs to remain as first entry although it is not shown on the GUI self.colLabels = "DBFluid_ID", "FluidName", "RefrigerantCode" self.db = Status.DB.dbfluid self.table = "dbfluid" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[2] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('General information on fluid')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Main physical properties')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Specific properties required only for refrigerants')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("RefrigerantCode"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) self.tc_help = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U('Help')) self.tc_help_text = wx.StaticText(self.page0, -1, _U('Click on the column labels to sort the table.')) self.tc_help_text.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Tahoma')) # # tab 1 - General information on fluid # self.frame_general_information = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("General information on fluid")) self.frame_general_information.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_general_information.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_general_information.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Name of the fluid"), tip = _U("Name of the fluid")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 6, value = '', label = _U("Refrigerant code"), tip = _U("Refrigerant code")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT_TE_MULTILINE, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Source of data"), tip = _U("Source of data")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Additional comments"), tip = _U("Additional comments")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 2 - Main physical properties # self.frame_main_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Main physical properties")) self.frame_main_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_LONG, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH_LARGE) self.tc5 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'SPECIFICHEAT', label = _U("Specific heat in liquid state"), tip = _U("Specific heat in liquid state")) self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'TEMPERATURE', label = _U("Temperature of evaporation"), tip = _U("Temperature of evaporation")) self.tc7 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'SPECIFICHEAT', label = _U("Specific heat in gaseous state (vapour)"), tip = _U("Specific heat in gaseous state (vapour)")) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'SPECIFICENTHALPY', label = _U("Latent heat of evaporation"), tip = _U("Latent heat of evaporation")) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'DENSITY', label = _U("Density"), tip = _U("Density")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_LONG, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 3 - Specific properties required only for refrigerants # self.frame_refrigerant_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Specific properties required only for refrigerants")) self.frame_refrigerant_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_refrigerant_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_refrigerant_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_LONG, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH_LARGE) self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'CO2RATIO', label = _U("Typical specific mass flow of refrigerant"), tip = _U("Typical specific mass flow of refrigerant")) self.tc11 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'TEMPERATURE', label = _U("Typical outlet temperature of compressor"), tip = _U("Typical outlet temperature of compressor")) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'CINEMATICVISCOSITY', label = _U("Dynamic Viscosity at typical working conditions"), tip = _U("Dynamic Viscosity at typical working conditions")) self.tc13 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'CONDUCTIVITY', label = _U("Thermal conductivity at typical working conditions"), tip = _U("Thermal conductivity at typical working conditions")) self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'SPECIFICENTHALPY', label = _U("Senisble heat at typical working conditions"), tip = _U("Senisble heat at typical working conditions")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_LONG, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH)
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBHeatPump", # DBHeatPump_ID needs to remain as first entry self.colLabels = "DBHeatPump_ID", "HPManufacturer", "HPModel", "HPType", "HPSubType", "HPHeatCAP" self.db = Status.DB.dbheatpump self.table = "dbheatpump" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[3] self.subtype = self.colLabels[4] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('Descriptive Data')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Technical Data')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Heat source / sink')) self.page4 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page4, _U('Economic Parameters')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) self.tc_subtype = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Subtype"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of subtype")) # # tab 1 - Descriptive Data # self.frame_descriptive_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Descriptive data")) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("HPManufacturer"), tip = _U("Heatpump Manufacturer")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("HPModel"), tip = _U("Heatpump Model")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("HPType"), tip = _U("Heatpump Type")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("HPSubType"), tip = _U("Heatpump Sub Type")) self.tc5 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', label = _U("Reference"), tip = _U("Source of data")) # # tab 2 - Technical data # self.frame_technical_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Technical data")) self.frame_heating = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Heating")) self.frame_cooling = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Cooling")) self.frame_general = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("General")) self.frame_nominal_working_conditions = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Nominal working conditions")) self.frame_theoretical_efficiency = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Theoretical efficiency and exergetic efficiency")) self.frame_technical_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPHeatCap"), tip = _U("Nominal heating capacity")) self.tc7 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPHeatCOP"), tip = _U("Nominal COP for heating mode")) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPCoolCap"), tip = _U("Nominal cooling capacity")) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPCoolCOP"), tip = _U("Nominal COP for cooling mode")) self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPFuelConsum"), tip = _U("Nominal fuel consumption")) self.tc11 = ChoiceEntry(self.page2, values = [], label = _U("FuelType"), tip = _U("Fuel type")) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPElectConsum"), tip = _U("Nominal electrical power consumption")) self.tc13 = TextEntry(self.page2, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("HPWorkFluid"), tip = _U("Refrigerant / absorbent refrigerant pair")) self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPCondTinC"), tip = _U("inlet temperature to the condenser (and absorber)")) self.tc15 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPGenTinC"), tip = _U("inlet temperature to the generator")) self.tc16 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPEvapTinC"), tip = _U("inlet temperature to the evaporator")) self.tc17 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPConstExCoolCOP"), tip = _U("Temperature range around the nominal temperatures for which the constant exergetic COP approximation is valid (e.g. +-20 K)")) self.tc18 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPCondTinH"), tip = _U("inlet temperature to the condenser (and absorber)")) self.tc19 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPGenTinH"), tip = _U("inlet temperature to the generator")) self.tc20 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPEvapTinH"), tip = _U("inlet temperature to the evaporator")) self.tc21 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPConstExHeatCOP"), tip = _U("Temperature range around the nominal temperatures for which the constant exergetic COP approximation is valid (e.g. +-20 K)")) self.tc22 = StaticTextEntry(self.page2, maxchars = 255, value = '', label = _U("HPExCoolCOP"), tip = _U("Calculated from the nominal and theoretical COP at the manufact. catalogue nominal conditions and applied as a constant in extrapolation for other working conditions (see next point).")) self.tc23 = StaticTextEntry(self.page2, maxchars = 255, value = '', label = _U("HPThCoolCOP"), tip = _U("Carnot COP for cooling mode at nominal conditions (see next point).")) self.tc24 = StaticTextEntry(self.page2, maxchars = 255, value = '', label = _U("HPExHeatCOP"), tip = _U("Calculated from the nominal and theoretical COP at the manufact. catalogue nominal conditions and applied as a constant in extrapolation for other working conditions (see next point).")) self.tc25 = StaticTextEntry(self.page2, maxchars = 255, value = '', label = _U("HPThHeatCOP"), tip = _U("Carnot COP for heating mode at nominal conditions (see next point).")) # # tab 3 - Heat source / sink # self.frame_heat_source_sink = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Heat source / sink")) self.frame_low_temp_heat_source_sink = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Low temperature heat source / sink")) self.frame_high_temp_heat_source_sink = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("High temperature heat source / sink")) self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc26 = ChoiceEntry(self.page3, values = [], label = _U("HPAbsEffects"), tip = _U("Heat source and sink")) self.tc27 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPLimDT"), tip = _U("Maximum acceptable temperature difference between evaporator and condenser temperatures (primary fluid: Tco - Tev) - working limit")) self.tc28 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPCondTmax"), tip = _U("Maximum condensing (and absorption) temperature (primary fluid) - working limit")) self.tc29 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPEvapTmin"), tip = _U("Minimum evaporating temperature (primary fluid) - working limit")) self.tc30 = ChoiceEntry(self.page3, values = [], label = _U("HPAbsHeatMed"), tip = _U("Heat transport medium used for heat supply to the generator")) self.tc31 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPGenTmin"), tip = _U("Minimum required inlet temperature to the generator")) # # tab 4 - Economic Parameters # self.frame_economic_parameters = wx.StaticBox(self.page4, -1, _U("Economic parameters")) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc32 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPPrice"), tip = _U("Equipment price at factory applied installer's discount")) self.tc33 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPTurnKeyPrice"), tip = _U("Price of installed equipment (including work, additional accessories, pumps, regulation, etc)")) self.tc34 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPOandMfix"), tip = _U("Annual operational and maintenance fixed costs (approximate average per kW heating)")) self.tc35 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("HPOandMvar"), tip = _U("Annual operational and maintenance variable costs dependant on usage (approximate average per MWh heating)")) self.tc36 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 4, decimals = 0, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, value = 2010, label = _U("HPYearUpdate"), tip = _U("Year of last update of the economic data"))
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBCHP", # DBCHP_ID needs to remain as first entry self.colLabels = "DBCHP_ID", "Manufacturer", "CHPequip", "Type", "SubType", "CHPPt" self.db = Status.DB.dbchp self.table = "dbchp" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[3] self.subtype = self.colLabels[4] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('Descriptive Data')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Technical Data')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Heat source / sink')) self.page4 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page4, _U('Economic Parameters')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) self.tc_subtype = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Subtype"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of subtype")) # # tab 1 - Descriptive Data # self.frame_descriptive_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Descriptive data")) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Manufacturer"), tip = _U("Manufacturer")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("CHPequip"), tip = _U("CHPequip")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Type")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("SubType"), tip = _U("SubType")) self.tc5 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Reference"), tip = _U("Source of data")) # # tab 2 - Technical data # self.frame_technical_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Technical data")) self.frame_electricity = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Electricity generation parameters")) self.frame_technical_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits = 0) self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("CHPPt"), tip = _U("Nominal thermal power")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc7 = ChoiceEntry(self.page2, values = [], label = _U("FuelType"), tip = _U("Fuel type")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits = 0) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("FuelConsum"), tip = _U("Nominal fuel consumption")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Eta_t"), tip = _U("Nominal thermal conversion efficiency")) self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'POWER', label = _U("CHPPe"), tip = _U("Nominal electrical power")) self.tc11 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Eta_e"), tip = _U("Electrical efficiency")) # # tab 3 - Heat source / sink # self.frame_heat_source_sink = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Heat source / sink")) self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'POWER', label = _U("FluidSupply"), tip = _U("Heat transport medium")) self.tc13 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'TEMPERATURE', label = _U("Tsupply"), tip = _U("Outlet temperature at nominal conditions")) self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'MASSFLOWRATE', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FlowRateSupply"), tip = _U("Mass flow rate of heat transport medium")) self.tc15 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'POWER', label = _U("FluidSupply2"), tip = _U("Heat transport medium")) self.tc16 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'TEMPERATURE', label = _U("Tsupply2"), tip = _U("Outlet temperature at nominal conditions")) self.tc17 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'MASSFLOWRATE', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FlowRateSupply2"), tip = _U("Mass flow rate of heat transport medium")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 4 - Economic Parameters # self.frame_economic_parameters = wx.StaticBox(self.page4, -1, _U("Economic parameters")) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc18 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'PRICE', label = _U("Price"), tip = _U("Equipment price at factory applied installer's discount")) self.tc19 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'PRICE', label = _U("InvRate"), tip = _U("Turn-key price")) self.tc20 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("OMRateFix"), tip = _U("Annual operational and maintenance fixed costs (approximate average per kW heating)")) self.tc21 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'UNITPRICEENERGY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("OMRateVar"), tip = _U("Annual operational and maintenance variable costs dependant on usage (approximate average per MWh heating)")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits = 0) self.tc22 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 4, decimals = 0, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, value = 2010, label = _U("YearUpdate"), tip = _U("Year of last update of the economic data")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH)
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBBoiler", # DBBoiler_ID needs to remain as first entry self.colLabels = "DBBoiler_ID", "BoilerManufacturer", "BoilerModel", "BoilerType", "BBPnom" self.db = Status.DB.dbboiler self.table = "dbboiler" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[3] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('Descriptive Data')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Technical Data')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Heat source / sink')) self.page4 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page4, _U('Economic Parameters')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) # # tab 1 - Descriptive Data # self.frame_descriptive_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Descriptive data")) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("BoilerManufacturer"), tip = _U("Boiler Manufacturer")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("BoilerModel"), tip = _U("Boiler Model")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("BoilerType"), tip = _U("Boiler Type")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', label = _U("Reference"), tip = _U("Source of data")) # # tab 2 - Technical data # self.frame_technical_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Technical data")) self.frame_boiler_spec = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Boiler specific technical parameters")) self.frame_eco_preh = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Economiser / Preheater")) self.frame_technical_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc5 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'POWER', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("BBPnom"), tip = _U("Nominal thermal power")) self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("BBEfficiency"), tip = _U("Nominal efficiency")) self.tc7 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'POWER', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FuelConsum"), tip = _U("Nominal fuel consumption (LCV)")) self.tc8 = ChoiceEntry(self.page2, values = [], label = _U("FuelType"), tip = _U("Fuel type")) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'POWER', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("ElConsum"), tip = _U("Nominal electrical power consumption")) self.tc10 = ChoiceEntry(self.page2, values = ["Yes", "No"], label = _U("Economiser"), tip = _U("Does the equipment include an economiser (water preheater)?")) self.tc11 = ChoiceEntry(self.page2, values = ["Yes", "No"], label = _U("Preheater"), tip = _U("Does the equipment include an air preheater ?")) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("ExcessAirRatio"), tip = _U("Typical excess air ratio")) self.tc13 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("BBA1"), tip = _U("Linear dependence of the efficiency on the load")) self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("BBA2"), tip = _U("Quadratic dependence of the efficiency on the load")) self.tc15 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'INVTEMP', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("BBK1"), tip = _U("Linear dependence of the efficiency on the temperature")) self.tc16 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'INVTEMP2', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("BBK2"), tip = _U("Quadratic dependence of the efficiency on the temperature")) # # tab 3 - Heat source / sink # self.frame_heat_source_sink = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Heat source / sink")) self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_heat_source_sink.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc17 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., unitdict = 'TEMPERATURE', label = _U("BoilerTemp"), tip = _U("Maximum outlet temperature")) # # tab 4 - Economic Parameters # self.frame_economic_parameters = wx.StaticBox(self.page4, -1, _U("Economic parameters")) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits = 0) self.tc18 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("BoilerPrice"), tip = _U("Equipment price at factory applied installer's discount")) self.tc19 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("BoilerTurnKeyPrice"), tip = _U("Price of installed equipment (including work, additional accessories, pumps, regulation, etc)")) self.tc20 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("BoilerOandMfix"), tip = _U("Annual operational and maintenance fixed costs (approximate average per kW heating)")) self.tc21 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("BoilerOandMvar"), tip = _U("Annual operational and maintenance variable costs dependant on usage (approximate average per MWh heating)")) self.tc22 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 4, decimals = 0, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, value = 2010, label = _U("YearUpdate"), tip = _U("Year of last update of the economic data")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH)
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBBenchmark", self.labelButtonAdd = _U("Add") self.labelButtonDelete = _U("Delete") # DBBenchmark_ID needs to remain as first entry although it is not shown on the GUI self.colLabels = "DBBenchmark_ID", "NACECode", "UnitOp", "ProductCode", "Product", "Reference" self.db = Status.DB.dbbenchmark self.table = "dbbenchmark" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[1] self.subtype = self.colLabels[3] self.subtype2 = self.colLabels[2] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('Validity of benchmark')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Electricity consumption')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Fuel consumption')) self.page4 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page4, _U('Total final energy consumption')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("NACECode"), tip = _U("Show only")) self.tc_subtype = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("ProductCode"), tip = _U("Show only")) self.tc_subtype2 = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("UnitOp"), tip = _U("Show only")) self.tc_help = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U('Help')) self.tc_help_text = wx.StaticText(self.page0, -1, _U('Click on the column labels to sort the table.')) self.tc_help_text.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Tahoma')) # # tab 1 - Validity of benchmark - association with industrial sector, unit operation and product type # self.frame_validity_of_benchmark = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Validity of benchmark - association with industrial sector, unit operation and product type")) self.frame_validity_range = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Validity range for benchmark (general)")) self.frame_limits_of_validity = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Limits of validity range depending on company size / production volume")) self.frame_data_source = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Data source")) self.frame_validity_of_benchmark.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_validity_of_benchmark.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_validity_of_benchmark.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = ChoiceEntry(self.page1, values = [], label = _U("NACE code of the industrial sector"), tip = _U("The benchmark can be general or only valid for a specific industrial sector")) self.tc2 = ChoiceEntry(self.page1, values = [], label = _U("Unit operation code"), tip = _U("The benchmark can be general for the industrial sector, or specific for some unit operation in the sector. \"General\" could be an unit-operation code = 0, or empty")) self.tc3 = ChoiceEntry(self.page1, values = [], label = _U("Product Code"), tip = _U("Final product or intermediate product for unit operation specific benchmarks")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Product short name"), tip = _U("Final product or intermediate product for unit operation specific benchmarks")) self.tc5 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Measurement unit for product"), tip = _U("Measurement unit for product")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT_TE_MULTILINE, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc6 = TextEntry(self.page1, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Comments on range of application"), tip = _U("Additional comments on validity range (e.g. restrictions to certain types of machinery, etc.)")) self.tc7 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Data relevance/reliability"), tip = _U("Data relevance/reliability")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page1, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'CURRENCY', label = _U("Yearly turnover (minimum)"), tip = _U("Yearly turnover (minimum)")) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page1, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'CURRENCY', label = _U("Yearly turnover (maximum)"), tip = _U("Yearly turnover (maximum)")) self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page1, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'PU', label = _U("Yearly production volume (minimum)"), tip = _U("Yearly production volume (minimum)")) self.tc11 = FloatEntry(self.page1, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'PU', label = _U("Yearly production volume (maximum)"), tip = _U("Yearly production volume (maximum)")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits = 0) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page1, ipart = 4, decimals = 0, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, value = 2010, label = _U("Year (reference for economic data)"), tip = _U("Reference year for the economic data")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT_TE_MULTILINE, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc13 = TextEntry(self.page1, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("References"), tip = _U("Bibliographic reference (data source) of the benchmark")) self.tc14 = TextEntry(self.page1, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Complementary literature"), tip = _U("Additional bibliography")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 2 - Electricity consumption # self.frame_electricity_consumption = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Electricity consumption")) self.frame_electricity_consumption.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_electricity_consumption.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_electricity_consumption.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_SHORT, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_2_label_prod_cost = TextEntry(self.page2, label = _U("Energy intensity (production cost)")) self.tc_2_label_turnover = TextEntry(self.page2, label = _U("Energy intensity (turnover)")) self.tc_2_label_spec_e_cons = TextEntry(self.page2, label = _U("Specific Energy Consumption")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT + 20, wLabel = 0, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_2_label_space = TextEntry(self.page2, label = _U("")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT + 20, wLabel = 40, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_2_label_min = TextEntry(self.page2, label = _U("MIN")) self.tc_2_label_max = TextEntry(self.page2, label = _U("MAX")) self.tc_2_label_tar = TextEntry(self.page2, label = _U("TARGET")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = 0, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc15 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc16 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc17 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc18 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc19 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc20 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc21 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per pruduct unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) self.tc22 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per pruduct unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) self.tc23 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per pruduct unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc24 = ChoiceEntry(self.page2, values = [], label = _U("Unit of measurement"), tip = _U("Measuring unit for the quantity of product or the quantity of processed medium")) # # tab 3 - Fuel consumption # self.frame_fuel_consumption = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Fuel consumption")) self.frame_fuel_consumption.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_fuel_consumption.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_fuel_consumption.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_SHORT, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_3_label_prod_cost = TextEntry(self.page3, label = _U("Energy intensity (production cost)")) self.tc_3_label_turnover = TextEntry(self.page3, label = _U("Energy intensity (turnover)")) self.tc_3_label_spec_e_cons = TextEntry(self.page3, label = _U("Specific Energy Consumption")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT + 20, wLabel = 0, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_3_label_space = TextEntry(self.page3, label = _U("")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT + 20, wLabel = 40, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_3_label_min = TextEntry(self.page3, label = _U("MIN")) self.tc_3_label_max = TextEntry(self.page3, label = _U("MAX")) self.tc_3_label_tar = TextEntry(self.page3, label = _U("TARGET")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = 0, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc25 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc26 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc27 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc28 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc29 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc30 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc31 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per pruduct unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) self.tc32 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per pruduct unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) self.tc33 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per pruduct unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc34 = ChoiceEntry(self.page3, values = [], label = _U("Unit of measurement"), tip = _U("Measuring unit for the quantity of product or the quantity of processed medium")) # # tab 4 - Total final energy consumption # self.frame_energy_consumption = wx.StaticBox(self.page4, -1, _U("Total final energy consumption")) self.frame_energy_consumption.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_energy_consumption.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_energy_consumption.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_SHORT, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_4_label_prod_cost = TextEntry(self.page4, label = _U("Energy intensity (production cost)")) self.tc_4_label_turnover = TextEntry(self.page4, label = _U("Energy intensity (turnover)")) self.tc_4_label_spec_e_cons = TextEntry(self.page4, label = _U("Specific Energy Consumption")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT + 20, wLabel = 0, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_4_label_space = TextEntry(self.page4, label = _U("")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT + 20, wLabel = 40, wData = 0, wUnits = 0) self.tc_4_label_min = TextEntry(self.page4, label = _U("MIN")) self.tc_4_label_max = TextEntry(self.page4, label = _U("MAX")) self.tc_4_label_tar = TextEntry(self.page4, label = _U("TARGET")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = 0, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc35 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc36 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc37 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc38 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc39 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc40 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERCU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Energetic intensity (energetic consumption with respect to an economic value: (a) expressed as a production cost and (b) expressed as a turnover")) self.tc41 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per product unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) self.tc42 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per product unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) self.tc43 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'ENERGYPERPU', label = _U(""), tip = _U("Specific energetic consumption per product unit (generic ratios) or processed medium unit (specific ratios for determined unitary operation)")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc44 = ChoiceEntry(self.page4, values = [], label = _U("Unit of measurement"), tip = _U("Measuring unit for the quantity of product or the quantity of processed medium"))
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBAuditor", self.labelButtonAdd = _U("Add Auditor") self.labelButtonDelete = _U("Delete Auditor") # Auditor_ID needs to remain as first entry although it is not shown on the GUI self.colLabels = "Auditor_ID", "Name", "City", "Country", "Company", "CompanyType" self.db = Status.DB.auditor self.table = "auditor" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[3] self.subtype = self.colLabels[5] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('General Data')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Country"), tip = _U("Show only auditors of country")) self.tc_subtype = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Company type"), tip = _U("Show only auditors of company type")) self.tc_help = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U('Help')) self.tc_help_text = wx.StaticText(self.page0, -1, _U('Click on the column labels to sort the table.')) self.tc_help_text.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Tahoma')) # # tab 1 - General Data # self.frame_general_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("General data")) self.frame_general_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_general_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_general_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Name"), tip = _U("Name")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("City"), tip = _U("City")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Country"), tip = _U("Country")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Company"), tip = _U("Company")) self.tc5 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("CompanyType"), tip = _U("CompanyType")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT_TE_MULTILINE, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc6 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 100, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Adress"), tip = _U("Adress")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc7 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Phone"), tip = _U("Phone")) self.tc8 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Fax"), tip = _U("Fax")) self.tc9 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("EMail"), tip = _U("EMail")) self.tc10 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Web"), tip = _U("Web"))
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBElectricityMix", self.labelButtonAdd = _U("Add") self.labelButtonDelete = _U("Delete") # id needs to remain as first entry although it is not shown on the GUI self.colLabels = "id", "Country", "Year", "Type" self.db = Status.DB.dbelectricitymix self.table = "dbelectricitymix" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[3] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('General information')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Data')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) self.tc_help = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U('Help')) self.tc_help_text = wx.StaticText(self.page0, -1, _U('Click on the column labels to sort the table.')) self.tc_help_text.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Tahoma')) # # tab 1 - General information # self.frame_general_information = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("General information")) self.frame_general_information.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_general_information.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_general_information.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits = 0) self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Country or region"), tip = _U("Country or region")) self.tc2 = FloatEntry(self.page1, ipart = 4, decimals = 0, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, value = 2010, label = _U("Year of data"), tip = _U("Year of data")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 20, value = '', label = _U("Type of electricity (user, source, supplier, etc.)"), tip = _U("Specify e.g. average of national grid, high voltage grid, ...")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT_TE_MULTILINE, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Bibliographic reference / data source"), tip = _U("Please give a full reference of the data source that allows for tracking back the data")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc5 = TextEntry(self.page1, value = '', isStatic = True, label = _U("Auditor responsible for data set"), tip = _U("Auditor responsible for data set")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 2 - Data # self.frame_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Data")) self.frame_percentage_of_generation = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Percentage of generation by:")) self.frame_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT + 20, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH_LARGE) self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Primary energy per unit of electricity"), tip = _U("Only non-renewable part of primary energy")) self.tc7 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'CO2RATIO', label = _U("CO2 generation per unit of electricity"), tip = _U("CO2 generation per unit of electricity")) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'CO2RATIO', label = _U("Highly radiactive nuclear waste per unit of electricity"), tip = _U("Highly radiactive nuclear waste per unit of electricity")) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Natural Gas"), tip = _U("natural gas")) self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Carbon"), tip = _U("carbon")) self.tc11 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Oil"), tip = _U("oil")) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Renewables"), tip = _U("renewables")) self.tc13 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Nukes"), tip = _U("nuclear")) self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("CHP"), tip = _U("CHP (except CHP using renewables)")) self.tc15 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Other"), tip = _U("other")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH)
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # --- UI setup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBSolarThermal", # DBSolarThermal_ID needs to remain as first entry self.colLabels = "DBSolarThermal_ID", "STManufacturer", "STModel", "STType", "STPnomColl" self.db = Status.DB.dbsolarthermal self.table = "dbsolarthermal" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[3] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style=0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U("Summary table")) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U("Descriptive Data")) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U("Technical Data")) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U("Economic Parameters")) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name="summarytable", parent=self.page0, pos=wx.Point(42, 32), style=0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values=[], label=_U("Type"), tip=_U("Show only equipment of type")) # # tab 1 - Descriptive Data # self.frame_descriptive_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Descriptive data")) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry( self.page1, maxchars=20, value="", label=_U("STManufacturer"), tip=_U("Solarthermal Manufacturer") ) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars=20, value="", label=_U("STModel"), tip=_U("Solarthermal Model")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars=45, value="", label=_U("STType"), tip=_U("Solarthermal Type")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars=200, value="", label=_U("STReference"), tip=_U("Source of data")) # # tab 2 - Technical data # self.frame_technical_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Technical data")) self.frame_col_eff_par = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Collector efficiency parameters")) self.frame_col_dim_wei = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Collector dimension and weight")) self.frame_technical_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc5 = StaticTextEntry(self.page2, maxchars=255, value="", label=_U("STPnomColl"), tip=_U("STPnomColl")) self.tc6 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STc0"), tip=_U("Optical efficiency"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits=0) self.tc7 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, label=_U("STc1"), tip=_U("Linear thermal loss coefficient"), ) self.tc8 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, label=_U("STc2"), tip=_U("Quadratic thermal loss coefficient"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc9 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("K50L"), tip=unicode("Incidence angle correction factor at 50º (longitudinal)", "latin-1"), ) self.tc10 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("K50T"), tip=unicode("Incidence angle correction factor at 50º (transversal)", "latin-1"), ) self.tc11 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="MASSORVOLUMEFLOW", label=_U("STMassFlowRate"), tip=_U("Recommended collector mass flow rate"), ) self.tc12 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="LENGTH", label=_U("STLengthGross"), tip=_U("STLengthGross"), ) self.tc13 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="LENGTH", label=_U("STHeightGross"), tip=_U("STHeightGross"), ) self.tc14 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="AREA", label=_U("STAreaGross"), tip=_U("STAreaGross"), ) self.tc15 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="LENGTH", label=_U("STLengthAper"), tip=_U("STLengthAper"), ) self.tc16 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="LENGTH", label=_U("STHeightAper"), tip=_U("STHeightAper"), ) self.tc17 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="AREA", label=_U("STAreaAper"), tip=_U("STAreaAper"), ) self.tc18 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STAreaFactor"), tip=_U("STAreaFactor"), ) self.tc19 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, # unitdict = 'MASSPERAREA', unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STWeightFactor"), tip=_U("STWeightFactor"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 3 - Economic Parameters # self.frame_economic_parameters = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Economic parameters")) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc20 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, # unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STUnitPrice300kW"), tip=_U("STUnitPrice300kW"), ) self.tc21 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, # unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STUnitTurnKeyPrice30kW"), tip=_U("STUnitTurnKeyPrice30kW"), ) self.tc22 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, # unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STUnitTurnKeyPrice300kW"), tip=_U("STUnitTurnKeyPrice300kW"), ) self.tc23 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, # unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STUnitTurnKeyPrice3000kW"), tip=_U("STUnitTurnKeyPrice3000kW"), ) self.tc24 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0e12, value=0.0, # unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("STOMUnitFix"), tip=_U("STOMUnitFix"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits=0) self.tc25 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=4, decimals=0, minval=1900, maxval=2100, value=2010, label=_U("STYearUpdate"), tip=_U("Year of last update of the economic data"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH)
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBSolarThermal", # DBSolarThermal_ID needs to remain as first entry although it is not shown on the GUI self.colLabels = "DBSolarThermal_ID", "STManufacturer", "STModel", "STType", "STPnomColl" self.db = Status.DB.dbsolarthermal self.table = "dbsolarthermal" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[3] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('Descriptive Data')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Technical Data')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Economic Parameters')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) self.tc_help = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U('Help')) self.tc_help_text = wx.StaticText(self.page0, -1, _U('Click on the column labels to sort the table.')) self.tc_help_text.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, 'Tahoma')) # # tab 1 - Descriptive Data # self.frame_descriptive_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("Descriptive data")) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_descriptive_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 20, value = '', label = _U("Solarthermal Manufacturer"), tip = _U("Solarthermal Manufacturer")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 20, value = '', label = _U("Solarthermal Model"), tip = _U("Solarthermal Model")) self.tc3 = ChoiceEntry(self.page1, values = [], label = _U("Solarthermal Type"), tip = _U("Solarthermal Type")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT_TE_MULTILINE, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', isMultiline = True, label = _U("Reference"), tip = _U("Source of data")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 2 - Technical data # self.frame_technical_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Technical data")) self.frame_col_eff_par = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Collector efficiency parameters")) self.frame_col_dim_wei = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Collector dimension and weight")) self.frame_technical_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_technical_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_LONG, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc5 = FloatEntry(self.page2, isStatic = True, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'POWER', label = _U("STPnomColl"), tip = _U("STPnomColl")) self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Optical efficiency"), tip = _U("Optical efficiency")) self.tc7 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'HEATLOSSCOEFF', label = _U("Linear thermal loss coefficient"), tip = _U("Linear thermal loss coefficient")) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'HEATLOSSCOEFF2', label = _U("Quadratic thermal loss coefficient"), tip = _U("Quadratic thermal loss coefficient")) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Incidence angle correction factor at 50º (longitudinal)"), tip = unicode("Incidence angle correction factor at 50º (longitudinal)", 'latin-1')) self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Incidence angle correction factor at 50º (transversal)"), tip = unicode("Incidence angle correction factor at 50º (transversal)", 'latin-1')) self.tc11 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'MASSORVOLUMEFLOW', label = _U("Recommended collector mass flow rate"), tip = _U("Recommended collector mass flow rate")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'LENGTH', label = _U("STLengthGross"), tip = _U("STLengthGross")) self.tc13 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'LENGTH', label = _U("STHeightGross"), tip = _U("STHeightGross")) self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'AREA', label = _U("STAreaGross"), tip = _U("STAreaGross")) self.tc15 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'LENGTH', label = _U("STLengthAper"), tip = _U("STLengthAper")) self.tc16 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'LENGTH', label = _U("STHeightAper"), tip = _U("STHeightAper")) self.tc17 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'AREA', label = _U("STAreaAper"), tip = _U("STAreaAper")) self.tc18 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("STAreaFactor"), tip = _U("STAreaFactor")) self.tc19 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'MASSPERAREA', label = _U("STWeightFactor"), tip = _U("STWeightFactor")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 3 - Economic Parameters # self.frame_economic_parameters = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Economic parameters")) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_economic_parameters.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT + 70, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH_LARGE) self.tc20 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', label = _U("STUnitPrice300kW"), tip = _U("STUnitPrice300kW")) self.turn_key_price_grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'STUnitTurnKeyPrice', parent = self.page3, style = 0) self.turn_key_price_grid.CreateGrid(1, 3) self.turn_key_price_grid.SetRowLabelValue(0, 'EUR/kW') self.turn_key_price_grid.EnableGridLines(True) self.turn_key_price_grid.SetDefaultRowSize(20) self.turn_key_price_grid.SetRowLabelSize(85) self.turn_key_price_grid.SetDefaultColSize(160) self.turn_key_price_grid.EnableEditing(True) self.turn_key_price_grid.SetSelectionMode(wx.grid.Grid.wxGridSelectCells) self.turn_key_price_grid.SetLabelFont(wx.Font(9, wx.ROMAN, wx.ITALIC, wx.BOLD)) self.turn_key_price_grid.SetColLabelValue(0, "STUnitTurnKeyPrice30kW") self.turn_key_price_grid.SetColLabelValue(1, "STUnitTurnKeyPrice300kW") self.turn_key_price_grid.SetColLabelValue(2, "STUnitTurnKeyPrice3000kW") self.turn_key_price_grid.SetGridCursor(0, 0) self.tc24 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = -INFINITE, maxval = INFINITE, value = 0., unitdict = 'UNITPRICE', label = _U("STOMUnitFix"), tip = _U("STOMUnitFix")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT + 70, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH_LARGE, wUnits = 0) self.tc25 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 4, decimals = 0, minval = 1900, maxval = 2100, value = 2010, label = _U("Year of last update of the economic data"), tip = _U("Year of last update of the economic data")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT_SHORT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH)
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBFluid", # DBFluid_ID needs to remain as first entry self.colLabels = "DBFluid_ID", "FluidName", "RefrigerantCode" self.db = Status.DB.dbfluid self.table = "dbfluid" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[2] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('General information on fluid')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Main physical properties')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Specific properties required only for refrigerants')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) # # tab 1 - General information on fluid # self.frame_general_information = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("General information on fluid")) self.frame_general_information.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_general_information.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_general_information.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("FluidName"), tip = _U("Name of the fluid")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 6, value = '', label = _U("RefrigerantCode"), tip = _U("Refrigerant code")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', label = _U("FluidDataSource"), tip = _U("Source of data")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', label = _U("FluidComment"), tip = _U("Additional comments")) # # tab 2 - Main physical properties # self.frame_main_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Main physical properties")) self.frame_main_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc5 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'HEATCAPACITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FluidCp"), tip = _U("Specific heat in liquid state")) self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'TEMPERATURE', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("TCond"), tip = _U("Temperature of evaporation")) self.tc7 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'HEATCAPACITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FluidCpG"), tip = _U("Specific heat in gaseous state (vapour)")) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'SPECIFICENTHALPY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("LatentHeat"), tip = _U("Latent heat of evaporation")) self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'DENSITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FluidDensity"), tip = _U("Density")) # # tab 3 - Specific properties required only for refrigerants # self.frame_refrigerant_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Specific properties required only for refrigerants")) self.frame_refrigerant_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_refrigerant_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_refrigerant_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'CO2RATIO', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("SpecificMassFlow"), tip = _U("Typical specific mass flow of refrigerant")) self.tc11 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'TEMPERATURE', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("THighP"), tip = _U("Typical outlet temperature of compressor")) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'DYNAMICVISCOSITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Viscosity"), tip = _U("Dynamic Viscosity at typical working conditions")) self.tc13 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'CONDUCTIVITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("Conductivity"), tip = _U("Thermal conductivity at typical working conditions")) self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'SPECIFICENTHALPY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("SensibleHeat"), tip = _U("Senisble heat at typical working conditions"))
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBFuel", # DBFuel_ID needs to remain as first entry self.colLabels = "DBFuel_ID", "FuelName", "FuelType", "DBFuelUnit" self.db = Status.DB.dbfuel self.table = "dbfuel" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[2] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('General information on fuel')) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U('Main physical properties')) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U('Properties for offgas calculations')) self.page4 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page4, _U('Environment parameters')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) # # tab 1 - General information on fuel # self.frame_general_information = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("General information on fuel")) self.frame_general_information.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_general_information.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_general_information.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("FuelName"), tip = _U("Name of the fuel")) self.tc2 = ChoiceEntry(self.page1, values = [], label = _U("FuelType"), tip = _U("Fuel type")) self.tc3 = ChoiceEntry(self.page1, values = [], label = _U("DBFuelUnit"), tip = _U("Default measurement unit")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', label = _U("FuelDataSource"), tip = _U("Source of data")) self.tc5 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 200, value = '', label = _U("FuelComment"), tip = _U("Additional comments")) # # tab 2 - Main physical properties # self.frame_main_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Main physical properties")) self.frame_main_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc6 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'SPECIFICENTHALPY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FuelLCV"), tip = _U("Lower calorific value")) self.tc7 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'SPECIFICENTHALPY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FuelHCV"), tip = _U("Higher calorific value")) self.tc8 = FloatEntry(self.page2, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'DENSITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("FuelDensity"), tip = _U("Density")) # # tab 3 - Properties for offgas calculations # self.frame_offgas_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Properties for offgas calculations")) self.frame_offgas_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_offgas_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_offgas_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc9 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'HEATCAPACITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("OffgasHeatCapacity"), tip = _U("OffgasHeatCapacity")) self.tc10 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'DENSITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("OffgasDensity"), tip = _U("OffgasDensity")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT + UNITS_WIDTH, wUnits = 0) self.tc11 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("Humidity"), tip = _U("Humidity")) self.tc12 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("CombAir"), tip = _U("CombAir")) self.tc13 = FloatEntry(self.page3, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., label = _U("Offgas"), tip = _U("Offgas")) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 4 - Environment parameters # self.frame_environment_parameters = wx.StaticBox(self.page4, -1, _U("Environment parameters")) self.frame_environment_parameters.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_environment_parameters.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_environment_parameters.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc14 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'DENSITY', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("PEConvFuel"), tip = _U("Primary energy conversion ratio")) self.tc15 = FloatEntry(self.page4, ipart = 6, decimals = 1, minval = 0., maxval = 1.e+12, value = 0., #unitdict = 'CO2RATIO', unitdict = 'FRACTION', label = _U("CO2ConvFuel"), tip = _U("Ratio of CO2 generation"))
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #--- UI setup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBAuditor", # Auditor_ID needs to remain as first entry self.colLabels = "Auditor_ID", "Name", "City", "Country", "Company", "CompanyType" self.db = Status.DB.auditor self.table = "auditor" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[2] self.subtype = self.colLabels[4] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight = HEIGHT, wLabel = LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData = DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits = UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style = 0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U('Summary table')) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U('General Data')) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name = 'summarytable', parent = self.page0, pos = wx.Point(42, 32), style = 0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Type"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of type")) self.tc_subtype = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values = [], label = _U("Subtype"), tip = _U("Show only equipment of subtype")) # # tab 1 - General Data # self.frame_general_data = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("General data")) self.frame_general_data.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_general_data.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_general_data.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Name"), tip = _U("Name")) self.tc2 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("City"), tip = _U("City")) self.tc3 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Country"), tip = _U("Country")) self.tc4 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Company"), tip = _U("Company")) self.tc5 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("CompanyType"), tip = _U("CompanyType")) self.tc6 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 100, value = '', label = _U("Adress"), tip = _U("Adress")) self.tc7 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Phone"), tip = _U("Phone")) self.tc8 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Fax"), tip = _U("Fax")) self.tc9 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("EMail"), tip = _U("EMail")) self.tc10 = TextEntry(self.page1, maxchars = 45, value = '', label = _U("Web"), tip = _U("Web"))
def _init_ctrls(self, parent): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # --- UI setup # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PanelDBBase.__init__(self, self.parent, "Edit DBFuel", self.labelButtonAdd = _U("Add fuel") self.labelButtonDelete = _U("Delete fuel") # DBFuel_ID needs to remain as first entry although it is not shown on the GUI self.colLabels = "DBFuel_ID", "FuelName", "FuelType", "DBFuelUnit", "FuelLCV", "FuelHCV" self.db = Status.DB.dbfuel self.table = "dbfuel" self.identifier = self.colLabels[0] self.type = self.colLabels[2] # access to font properties object fp = FontProperties() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH) self.notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, style=0) self.notebook.SetFont(fp.getFont()) self.page0 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page0, _U("Summary table")) self.page1 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page1, _U("General information on fuel")) self.page2 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page2, _U("Main physical properties")) self.page3 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page3, _U("Properties for offgas calculations")) self.page4 = wx.Panel(self.notebook) self.notebook.AddPage(self.page4, _U("Environment parameters")) # # tab 0 - Summary table # self.frame_summary_table = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Summary table")) self.frame_summary_table.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_summary_table.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.grid = wx.grid.Grid(name="summarytable", parent=self.page0, pos=wx.Point(42, 32), style=0) self.tc_type = ChoiceEntry(self.page0, values=[], label=_U("Type"), tip=_U("Show only equipment of type")) self.tc_help = wx.StaticBox(self.page0, -1, _U("Help")) self.tc_help_text = wx.StaticText(self.page0, -1, _U("Click on the column labels to sort the table.")) self.tc_help_text.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.ITALIC, wx.NORMAL, False, "Tahoma")) # # tab 1 - General information on fuel # self.frame_general_information = wx.StaticBox(self.page1, -1, _U("General information on fuel")) self.frame_general_information.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_general_information.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_general_information.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc1 = TextEntry( self.page1, maxchars=45, value="", label=_U("Name of the fuel"), tip=_U("Name of the fuel") ) self.tc2 = ChoiceEntry(self.page1, values=[], label=_U("Fuel type"), tip=_U("Fuel type")) self.tc3 = ChoiceEntry( self.page1, values=[], label=_U("Default measurement unit"), tip=_U("Default measurement unit") ) fs = FieldSizes( wHeight=HEIGHT_TE_MULTILINE, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH ) self.tc4 = TextEntry( self.page1, maxchars=200, value="", isMultiline=True, label=_U("Source of data"), tip=_U("Source of data") ) self.tc5 = TextEntry( self.page1, maxchars=200, value="", isMultiline=True, label=_U("Additional comments"), tip=_U("Additional comments"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 2 - Main physical properties # self.frame_main_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page2, -1, _U("Main physical properties")) self.frame_main_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_main_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH_LARGE) self.tc6 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="SPECIFICENTHALPY", label=_U("Lower calorific value"), tip=_U("Lower calorific value"), ) self.tc7 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="SPECIFICENTHALPY", label=_U("Higher calorific value"), tip=_U("Higher calorific value"), ) self.tc8 = FloatEntry( self.page2, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="DENSITY", label=_U("Density"), tip=_U("Density"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH) # # tab 3 - Properties for offgas calculations # self.frame_offgas_properties = wx.StaticBox(self.page3, -1, _U("Properties for offgas calculations")) self.frame_offgas_properties.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_offgas_properties.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_offgas_properties.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() self.tc9 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="SPECIFICHEAT", label=_U("OffgasHeatCapacity"), tip=_U("OffgasHeatCapacity"), ) self.tc10 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="DENSITY", label=_U("OffgasDensity"), tip=_U("OffgasDensity"), ) self.tc11 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("Humidity"), tip=_U("Humidity"), ) self.tc12 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("CombAir"), tip=_U("CombAir"), ) self.tc13 = FloatEntry( self.page3, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="FRACTION", label=_U("Offgas"), tip=_U("Offgas"), ) # # tab 4 - Environment parameters # self.frame_environment_parameters = wx.StaticBox(self.page4, -1, _U("Environment parameters")) self.frame_environment_parameters.SetForegroundColour(TITLE_COLOR) self.frame_environment_parameters.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)) fp.pushFont() self.frame_environment_parameters.SetFont(fp.getFont()) fp.popFont() fs = FieldSizes( wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT + 20, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH_LARGE ) self.tc14 = FloatEntry( self.page4, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="DENSITY", label=_U("Primary energy conversion ratio"), tip=_U("Primary energy conversion ratio"), ) self.tc15 = FloatEntry( self.page4, ipart=6, decimals=1, minval=-INFINITE, maxval=INFINITE, value=0.0, unitdict="CO2RATIO", label=_U("Ratio of CO2 generation"), tip=_U("Ratio of CO2 generation"), ) fs = FieldSizes(wHeight=HEIGHT, wLabel=LABEL_WIDTH_LEFT, wData=DATA_ENTRY_WIDTH_LEFT, wUnits=UNITS_WIDTH)