def test__delitem__(self): # Create a Mock response object config = { 'status_code': 200, 'json.return_value': { u'_id': u'foo', u'_index': u'elasticdict', u'_type': u'data', u'_version': 1, u'found': True, u'ok': True } } mock_response = Mock(**config) self.mock_requests.delete.return_value = mock_response d = ElasticDict() d['foo'] = 'bar' # make sure it's actually in the dictionary del d['foo'] # It's deleted from ElasticSearch self.mock_requests.delete.assert_called_once_with( "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/foo" ) # It's removed from the dictionary eq_(d.items(), [])
def test__getitem__no_values(self): """Tests ``__getitem__`` when there are no existing values in the dict, and when there are no matching values in ElasticSearch""" d = ElasticDict() d._get_key_from_elasticsearch = Mock(return_value=None) # verify that there are not items in the dict eq_(d.items(), []) # fetch an item with assert_raises(KeyError): d['foo']
def test__contains__(self): # when the key exists in the dictionary d = ElasticDict() d['foo'] = 'bar' ok_('foo' in d) # when the key exists, but is pulled from ElasticSearch d = ElasticDict() d._get_key_from_elasticsearch = Mock(return_value={"fizz": "buzz"}) eq_(d.items(), []) ok_("fizz" in d) eq_(d.items(), [("fizz", "buzz")])
def test__setitem__(self): d = ElasticDict() d['foo'] = 'bar' # Set an item # super calls __setitem__(key, value); so we get keys/values just like # a regular dictionary eq_(d.values(), ['bar']) eq_(d.keys(), ['foo']) # Then the key/value is json-ified and posted to ElasticSearch "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/foo", data='{"foo": "bar"}')
def test__getitem__es_values(self): """Tests ``__getitem__`` when there are no existing values in the dict, but there *are* matching values in ElasticSearch""" d = ElasticDict() d._get_key_from_elasticsearch = Mock(return_value={'foo': 'bar'}) # verify that there are not items in the dict eq_(d.items(), []) # fetch an item result = d['foo'] eq_(result, 'bar') # value retrieved from ES eq_(d.items(), [('foo', 'bar')]) # and inserted into the dict
def test__setitem__(self): d = ElasticDict() d['foo'] = 'bar' # Set an item # super calls __setitem__(key, value); so we get keys/values just like # a regular dictionary eq_(d.values(), ['bar']) eq_(d.keys(), ['foo']) # Then the key/value is json-ified and posted to ElasticSearch "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/foo", data='{"foo": "bar"}' )
def test__getitem__existing_values(self): """Tests ``__getitem__`` when there are existing values in the dict.""" d = ElasticDict() d['foo'] = 'bar' result = d['foo'] # calls super class's __getitem__(key) eq_(result, 'bar')
def test__query(self): # create an object to use for an ES query response es_response = { '_shards': { 'failed': 0, 'successful': 1, 'total': 1 }, 'hits': { 'hits': [{ '_id': 'foo', '_index': 'elasticdict', '_score': 0.30685282, '_source': { 'foo': 'bar' }, '_type': 'data' }], 'max_score': 0.30685282, 'total': 1, }, 'timed_out': False, 'took': 1 } # Create a Mock response object config = { 'status_code': 200, 'json.return_value': es_response, } mock_response = Mock(**config) self.mock_requests.get.return_value = mock_response d = ElasticDict() results = d._query('bar') eq_(results, [{u'foo': u'bar'}]) expected_query_json = ('{"query": {"filtered": {"query": ' '{"query_string": {"query": "bar"}}}}}') self.mock_requests.get.assert_called_once_with( 'http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/_search', data=expected_query_json)
def test__init__default(self): # With default parameters d = ElasticDict() eq_(d.es_host, "localhost") eq_(d.es_port, 9200) eq_(d.es_index, "elasticdict") eq_(d.es_type, "data") index_uri = "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict" self.mock_requests.put.assert_called_once_with(index_uri)
def test__get_key_from_elasticsearch(self): # Create a Mock response object config = { 'status_code': 200, 'content': """{ "_index" : "es_index", "_type" : "es_type", "_id" : "es_id", "_version" : 1, "exists" : true, "_source": "RESULT"}""", } mock_response = Mock(**config) self.mock_requests.get.return_value = mock_response d = ElasticDict() result = d._get_key_from_elasticsearch("KEY") eq_(result, "RESULT") uri = "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/KEY" self.mock_requests.get.assert_called_once_with(uri)
def test__init__custom(self): # with custom parameters d = ElasticDict(es_host="", es_port=4242, es_index="foo", es_type="thingies") eq_(d.es_host, "") eq_(d.es_port, 4242) eq_(d.es_index, "foo") eq_(d.es_type, "thingies") index_uri = "" self.mock_requests.put.assert_called_once_with(index_uri)
def test__query(self): # create an object to use for an ES query response es_response = { '_shards': {'failed': 0, 'successful': 1, 'total': 1}, 'hits': { 'hits': [{ '_id': 'foo', '_index': 'elasticdict', '_score': 0.30685282, '_source': {'foo': 'bar'}, '_type': 'data' }], 'max_score': 0.30685282, 'total': 1, }, 'timed_out': False, 'took': 1 } # Create a Mock response object config = { 'status_code': 200, 'json.return_value': es_response, } mock_response = Mock(**config) self.mock_requests.get.return_value = mock_response d = ElasticDict() results = d._query('bar') eq_(results, [{u'foo': u'bar'}]) expected_query_json = ('{"query": {"filtered": {"query": ' '{"query_string": {"query": "bar"}}}}}') self.mock_requests.get.assert_called_once_with( 'http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/_search', data=expected_query_json )
def test__delitem__(self): # Create a Mock response object config = { 'status_code': 200, 'json.return_value': { u'_id': u'foo', u'_index': u'elasticdict', u'_type': u'data', u'_version': 1, u'found': True, u'ok': True } } mock_response = Mock(**config) self.mock_requests.delete.return_value = mock_response d = ElasticDict() d['foo'] = 'bar' # make sure it's actually in the dictionary del d['foo'] # It's deleted from ElasticSearch self.mock_requests.delete.assert_called_once_with( "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/foo") # It's removed from the dictionary eq_(d.items(), [])
def test__delitem__fails(self): """Deleting a Non-existing item should raise a KeyError.""" # Create a Mock response object config = { 'status_code': 404, 'json.return_value': { u'_id': u'nothing', u'_index': u'elasticdict', u'_type': u'data', u'_version': 1, u'found': False, u'ok': True } } mock_response = Mock(**config) self.mock_requests.delete.return_value = mock_response d = ElasticDict() with assert_raises(KeyError): del d['nothing'] self.mock_requests.delete.assert_called_once_with( "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/nothing")
def test__uri(self): d = ElasticDict() result = d._uri("some_key") eq_(result, "http://localhost:9200/elasticdict/data/some_key")