def search(time_s, time_e, fwd_host_list, index): time_start = time_s[:10] +'T' + time_s[11:] + '.000Z' time_end =time_e[:10] + 'T' + time_e[11:] + '.000Z' index_all = "logstash-" + index ES_SERVERS = [{'host' : ES_HOST, 'port': 9200}] es_client = ES.Elasticsearch(hosts = ES_SERVERS) match_query = [] for i in xrange(len(fwd_host_list)): match_query.append({"match":{"host": fwd_host_list[i]}}) es_search_options = {"query":{"bool": {"must":[{"range":{"@timestamp":{"gt":time_start,"le":time_end}}}]}}} es_result = helpers.scan( client = es_client, query = es_search_options, scroll = '3m', index = index_all, doc_type = 'redis-input', timeout = '1m' ) final_result_host = [] final_result_message = [] final_result_time = [] rlen = 0 for item in es_result: rlen += 1 final_result_message.append(str(item['_source']['message'])) final_result_host.append(str(item['_source']['host'])) final_result_time.append(str(item['_source']['@timestamp'])) return final_result_message,final_result_time, final_result_host
def get_search_result(es_search_options, index, scroll='3m', raise_on_error=True, preserve_order=False, doc_type='redis-input', timeout="1m"): es_result = helpers.scan(client=es_client, query=es_search_options, scroll=scroll, index=index, doc_type=doc_type, timeout=timeout) return es_result
def search(es_stime, es_etime, ip_list, index): index_all = 'logstash-' + index es_servers = [{'host':ES_HOST, 'port':9200}] match_query = [] for i in range(len(ip_list)): match_query.append({'match':{'host':ip_list[i]}}) es_search_options = {'query':{'bool':{ 'must':[{'bool':{'should':[match_query]}},{'range':{'@timestamp':{'gt':es_stime, 'lt':es_etime}}}], 'should':[{'match':{'message':'OPEN'}},{'match':{'message':'RELEASE'}}, {'match':{'message':'READ'}},{'match':{'message':'WRITE'}}] }}} es_client = ES.Elasticsearch(hosts = es_servers) es_result = helpers.scan(client = es_client, query = es_search_options, scroll = '5m', index = index_all, doc_type = 'redis-input', timeout = '1m') res_message = [] for item in es_result: res_message.append((item['_source']['@timestamp'][0:10] + ' ' + item['_source']['@timestamp'][11:19] + ' ' + item['_source']['message'][24:] + ' ' + item['_source']['host']).split(' ')) return res_message
def search(time_s, time_e, index, host_t): time_start = time_s[:10] + 'T' + time_s[11:] + '.000Z' time_end = time_e[:10] + 'T' + time_e[11:] + '.000Z' host_all = '20.0.8.' + str(host_t) index_all = "logstash-" + index[0] ES_SERVERS = [{'host': host_all, 'port': 9200}] es_client = ES.Elasticsearch(hosts=ES_SERVERS) es_search_options = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [{ "range": { "@timestamp": { "gt": time_start, "lt": time_end } } }] } } } es_result = helpers.scan(client=es_client, query=es_search_options, scroll='3m', index=index_all, doc_type='redis-input', timeout='1m') final_result_message = [] final_result_time = [] rlen = 0 for item in es_result: rlen += 1 final_result_message.append(str(item['_source']['message'])) final_result_time.append(str(item['_source']['@timestamp'])) print "RESULT LEN : " + str(rlen) return final_result_message, final_result_time
def __migrate_logstash(self):"Connecting to the elastic cluster by address %s", self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'elastic_logstash_host_port')) es = ES1x([self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'elastic_logstash_host_port')], timeout=int(self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'timeout')), use_ssl=False, retry_on_timeout=True) "Connecting to the elastic cluster by address %s", self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'elastic_logstash_host_port_new')) es7 = ES7x( [self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'elastic_logstash_host_port_new')], use_ssl=False) _, data = es.transport.perform_request('GET', '/_all/_mapping') indices_type = [] total_count = int( es.transport.perform_request('GET', '/_cat/count?h=count')[1].strip()) pb_instance = ProgressBar(total=100, decimals=3, length=50, fill='X', zfill='-') for index, value in data.items(): for type in value.get("mappings"): indices_type.append((index, type)) match_all = { "size": self.config.getint('DEFAULT', "query_batch_size"), "query": { "match_all": {} } } es7.indices.put_index_template("merge_tmp_1", body=INDEX_TEMPLATE) speed = {"min": 1000000, "max": 0, "current": 0, "prev_count": 0} def progress_run(): progress = 0 try: current_count = int( es7.transport.perform_request( 'GET', '/_cat/count?h=count').strip()) progress = int(100 * current_count / total_count) pb_instance.print_progress_bar(progress) speed["current"] = (current_count - speed["prev_count"]) / PROGRESS_INTERVAL if speed["current"] >= speed["max"]: speed["max"] = speed["current"] if speed["current"] <= speed["min"]: speed["min"] = speed["current"] speed["prev_count"] = current_count ">>> Documents processed: %d/%d; current speed %d doc's/sec <<<", current_count, total_count, speed["current"]) finally: if progress != 100: threading.Timer(PROGRESS_INTERVAL, progress_run).start() threading.Timer(PROGRESS_INTERVAL, progress_run).start() for index, type in indices_type:"Starting fetching index: %s; type: %s", index, type) data = scan(es, query=match_all, scroll="10m", size=self.config.getint('DEFAULT', "query_batch_size"), index=index, doc_type=type) def _transfer_data(data): for item in data: item["_source"].update({"type": type}) yield { '_op_type': 'create', '_index': index, '_id': item["_id"], '_source': item["_source"] } pb = parallel_bulk( es7, _transfer_data(data), thread_count=4, queue_size=4, chunk_size=int(self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'chunk_size')), max_chunk_bytes=int( self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'max_chunk_bytes')) * 1024 * 1024, timeout="%ss" % self.config.get('DEFAULT', 'timeout')) deque(pb, maxlen=0)"Finished transfer index: %s; type: %s", index, type) "Performance for current index avg: %d; min: %d; max: %d - doc's/sec", (speed["max"] + speed["min"]) / 2, speed["min"], speed["max"]) del INDEX_TEMPLATE["template"]["settings"]"Remove bulk performance settings from index template") es7.indices.put_index_template("merge_tmp_1", body=INDEX_TEMPLATE)"Restore refresh_interval to 1s for all indices") es7.transport.perform_request( 'PUT', '/_settings', body={"index": { "refresh_interval": "1s" }})"Migration finished successfully") "Performance for all indices avg: %d; min: %d; max: %d - doc's/sec", (speed["max"] + speed["min"]) / 2, speed["min"], speed["max"])