    def test_dither_spikes_with_refractory_period_output_format(self):

        spiketrain = neo.SpikeTrain([90, 93, 97, 100, 105, 150, 180, 350] *
                                    t_stop=.5 * pq.s)
        n_surrogates = 2
        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrogate_trains = surr.dither_spikes(spiketrain,
                                              refractory_period=4 * pq.ms)

        self.assertIsInstance(surrogate_trains, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(surrogate_trains), n_surrogates)

        self.assertIsInstance(surrogate_trains[0], neo.SpikeTrain)
        for surrogate_train in surrogate_trains:
            self.assertEqual(surrogate_train.units, spiketrain.units)
            self.assertEqual(surrogate_train.t_start, spiketrain.t_start)
            self.assertEqual(surrogate_train.t_stop, spiketrain.t_stop)
            self.assertEqual(len(surrogate_train), len(spiketrain))
            # Check that refractory period is conserved
            sigma_displacement = np.std(surrogate_train - spiketrain)
            # Check that spikes are moved
            self.assertLessEqual(dither / 10, sigma_displacement)
            # Spikes are not moved more than dither
            self.assertLessEqual(sigma_displacement, dither)

    def test_dither_spikes_empty_train(self):

        st = neo.SpikeTrain([] * pq.ms, t_stop=500 * pq.ms)

        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrog = surr.dither_spikes(st, dither=dither, n=1)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(surrog), 0)
    def test_dither_spikes_with_refractory_period_empty_train(self):

        spiketrain = neo.SpikeTrain([] * pq.ms, t_stop=500 * pq.ms)

        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrogate_train = surr.dither_spikes(
            spiketrain, dither=dither, n_surrogates=1,
            refractory_period=4 * pq.ms)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(surrogate_train), 0)
    def test_dither_spikes_false_edges(self):

        st = neo.SpikeTrain([90, 150, 180, 350] * pq.ms, t_stop=500 * pq.ms)

        nr_surr = 2
        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrs = surr.dither_spikes(st, dither=dither, n=nr_surr, edges=False)

        for surrog in surrs:
            for i in range(len(surrog)):
                self.assertLessEqual(surrog[i], st.t_stop)
    def test_dither_spikes_output_decimals(self):

        st = neo.SpikeTrain([90, 150, 180, 350] * pq.ms, t_stop=500 * pq.ms)

        nr_surr = 2
        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrs = surr.dither_spikes(st, dither=dither, decimals=3, n=nr_surr)

        for surrog in surrs:
            for i in range(len(surrog)):
                self.assertNotEqual(surrog[i] - int(surrog[i]) * pq.ms,
                                    surrog[i] - surrog[i])
    def test_dither_spikes_output_format(self):

        st = neo.SpikeTrain([90, 150, 180, 350] * pq.ms, t_stop=500 * pq.ms)

        nr_surr = 2
        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrs = surr.dither_spikes(st, dither=dither, n=nr_surr)

        self.assertIsInstance(surrs, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(surrs), nr_surr)

        for surrog in surrs:
            self.assertIsInstance(surrs[0], neo.SpikeTrain)
            self.assertEqual(surrog.units, st.units)
            self.assertEqual(surrog.t_start, st.t_start)
            self.assertEqual(surrog.t_stop, st.t_stop)
            self.assertEqual(len(surrog), len(st))
    def test_dither_spikes_output_decimals(self):

        st = neo.SpikeTrain([90, 150, 180, 350] * pq.ms, t_stop=500 * pq.ms)

        nr_surr = 2
        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrs = surr.dither_spikes(st, dither=dither, decimals=3, n=nr_surr)

        dither_values = np.random.random_sample((nr_surr, len(st)))
        expected_non_dithered = np.sum(dither_values==0)

        observed_non_dithered = 0
        for surrog in surrs:
            for i in range(len(surrog)):
                if surrog[i] - int(surrog[i]) * pq.ms == surrog[i] - surrog[i]:
                    observed_non_dithered += 1

        self.assertEqual(observed_non_dithered, expected_non_dithered)
    def test_dither_spikes_output_format(self):

        spiketrain = neo.SpikeTrain([90, 93, 97, 100, 105,
                                     150, 180, 350] * pq.ms, t_stop=.5 * pq.s)
        spiketrain.t_stop = .5 * pq.s
        n_surrogates = 2
        dither = 10 * pq.ms
        surrogate_trains = surr.dither_spikes(
            spiketrain, dither=dither, n_surrogates=n_surrogates)

        self.assertIsInstance(surrogate_trains, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(surrogate_trains), n_surrogates)

        self.assertIsInstance(surrogate_trains[0], neo.SpikeTrain)
        for surrogate_train in surrogate_trains:
            self.assertEqual(surrogate_train.units, spiketrain.units)
            self.assertEqual(surrogate_train.t_start, spiketrain.t_start)
            self.assertEqual(surrogate_train.t_stop, spiketrain.t_stop)
            self.assertEqual(len(surrogate_train), len(spiketrain))
            assert_array_less(0., np.diff(surrogate_train))  # check ordering
def pvspec(sts, wndlen, width, dither, n, min_z=2, min_c=2, verbose=False):
    compute the p-value spectrum of pattern signatures extracted from
    surrogates of parallel spike trains *sts*, under the null hypothesis of
    spiking independence.

    * *n* surrogates are obtained from each spike train by spike dithering
      (--> elephant.core.surrogates.gensurr_dither())
    * closed frequent itemsets (CFISs) are collected from each surrogate data
      (--> fpgrowth())
    * the signatures (size, support) of all CFISs are computed, and their
      occurrence probability estimated by their occurrence frequency
    * CFISs in *sts* whose signatures are significant are returned

    sts [list]
        list of neo.core.SpikeTrain objects, interpreted as parallel
        spike trains, or list of (ID, train) pairs. The IDs must be
        hashable. If not specified, they are set to integers 0,1,2,...
    width [quantity.Quantity]
        time span for evaluating spike synchrony.
        * if *method* == 'd', this is the width of the time bins used by
          fpgrowth() routine
        * if *method* == 'c', this is the width of the sliding window
          used by the coconad() routine
    dither [quantity.Quantity]
        spike dithering amplitude. Surrogates are generated by randomly
        dithering each spike around its original position by +/- *dither*
    n [int]
        amount of surrogates to generate to compute the p-value spectrum.
        Should be large (n>=1000 recommended for 100 spike trains in *sts*)
    min_z [int]
        minimum size for a set of synchronous spikes to be considered
        a pattern
    min_c [int]
        minimum support for patterns to be considered frequent
    method [str. Default: 'd']
        which frequent itemset mining method to use to determine patterns
        of synchronous spikes:
        * 'd'|'discrete' : use fpgrowth() (time discretization into bins)
        * 'c'|'continuous': use coconad() (sliding window)
        'c' captures imprecise coincidences much better, but is slower.

    a list of triplets (z,c,p), where (z,c) is a pattern signature and
    p is the corresponding p-value (fraction of surrogates containing
    signatures (z*,c*)>=(z,c)). Signatures whose empirical p-value is
    0 are not listed.

    MultiTimer("pvspec start")
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD  # create MPI communicator
    rank = comm.Get_rank()  # get rank of current MPI task
    size = comm.Get_size()  # get tot number of MPI tasks
    len_partition = n // size  # length of each MPI task
    len_remainder = n if len_partition == 0 else n % len_partition

    # If *sts* is a list of SpikeTrains
    if not all([type(elem) == neo.core.SpikeTrain for elem in sts]):
        raise TypeError('*sts* must be either a list of SpikeTrains or a' +
                        'list of (id, train) pairs')

    # For each surrogate collect the signatures (z,c) such that (z*,c*)>=(z,c)
    # exists in that surrogate. Group such signatures (with repetition)

    # list of all signatures found in surrogates, initialized to []
    SurrSgnts = []

    if rank == 0:
        for i in xrange(len_partition + len_remainder):
            #Surrs = [surr.dither_spikes(
            #    xx, dither=dither, n=1)[0] for xx in sts]

            Surrs = []
            for xx in sts:
                Surrs.append(surr.dither_spikes(xx, dither=dither, n=1)[0])
                MultiTimer("  pvspec list step surrs step")
            MultiTimer("pvspec list step surrs")

            # Find all pattern signatures in the current surrogate data set
            SurrTrans = st2trans(Surrs, wndlen, width=width)
            MultiTimer("pvspec list step st2trans")
            SurrSgnt = [(a, b) for (a, b, c) in fpgrowth(
                SurrTrans, target='c', min_z=min_z, min_c=min_c, report='#')]
            MultiTimer("pvspec list step fpgrowth")

            # List all signatures (z,c) <= (z*, c*), for each (z*,c*) in the
            # current surrogate, and add it to the list of all signatures
            FilledSgnt = []
            for (z, c) in SurrSgnt:
                for j in xrange(min_z, z + 1):
                    for k in xrange(min_c, c + 1):
                        FilledSgnt.append((j, k))

            MultiTimer("pvspec list step list")


            MultiTimer("pvspec list step end")
        for i in xrange(len_partition):
            Surrs = [
                surr.dither_spikes(xx, dither=dither, n=1)[0] for xx in sts

            # Find all pattern signatures in the current surrogate data set
            SurrTrans = st2trans(Surrs, wndlen, width=width)
            SurrSgnt = [(a, b) for (a, b, c) in fpgrowth(
                SurrTrans, target='c', min_z=min_z, min_c=min_c, report='#')]
            # List all signatures (z,c) <= (z*, c*), for each (z*,c*) in the
            # current surrogate, and add it to the list of all signatures
            FilledSgnt = []
            for (z, c) in SurrSgnt:
                for j in xrange(min_z, z + 1):
                    for k in xrange(min_c, c + 1):
                        FilledSgnt.append((j, k))

    MultiTimer("pvspec middle")
    if rank != 0:
        comm.send(SurrSgnts, dest=0)

    if rank == 0:
        for i in xrange(1, size):
            recv_list = comm.recv(source=i)

    # Compute the p-value spectrum, and return it
    PvSpec = {}
    for (z, c) in SurrSgnts:
        PvSpec[(z, c)] = 0
    for (z, c) in SurrSgnts:
        PvSpec[(z, c)] += 1
    scale = 1. / n
    PvSpec = [(a, b, c * scale) for (a, b), c in PvSpec.items()]
    if verbose is True:
        print '    end of pvspec'

    MultiTimer("pvspec end")
    return PvSpec