def test_component_subtitle_with_face_markup(self):
     """build an article object and component, generate Crossref XML"""
     doi = "10.7554/eLife.00666"
     title = "Test article"
     article = Article(doi, title)
     component = Component()
     component.title = "A component"
     component.subtitle = (
         "A <sc>STRANGE</sc> <italic>subtitle</italic>, " +
         "and this tag is <not_allowed>!</not_allowed>")
     expected_subtitle = (
         "A <sc>STRANGE</sc> <i>subtitle</i>, and this tag " +
         "is &lt;not_allowed&gt;!&lt;/not_allowed&gt;")
     article.component_list = [component]
     # load a config and override the value
     raw_config_object = raw_config("elife")
     face_markup = raw_config_object.get("face_markup")
     raw_config_object["face_markup"] = "true"
     crossref_config = parse_raw_config(raw_config_object)
     # generate the crossrefXML
     c_xml = generate.CrossrefXML([article], crossref_config, None, True)
     crossref_xml_string = c_xml.output_xml()
     # A quick test just look for the expected string to test for tags and escape characters
     self.assertTrue(expected_subtitle in crossref_xml_string)
     # now set the config back to normal
     raw_config_object["face_markup"] = face_markup
 def test_component_subtitle_no_face_markup(self):
     """build an article object and component, generate Crossref XML"""
     doi = "10.7554/eLife.00666"
     title = "Test article"
     article = Article(doi, title)
     component = Component()
     component.title = "A component"
     component.subtitle = (
         "A <sc>STRANGE</sc> <italic>subtitle</italic>, " +
         "and this tag is <not_allowed>!</not_allowed>")
     expected_subtitle = ("A STRANGE subtitle, and this tag is"
                          " &lt;not_allowed&gt;!&lt;/not_allowed&gt;")
     article.component_list = [component]
     # generate the crossrefXML
     c_xml = generate.build_crossref_xml([article])
     crossref_xml_string = c_xml.output_xml()
     # A quick test just look for the expected string to test for tags and escape characters
     self.assertTrue(expected_subtitle in crossref_xml_string)