def load(self, path=ELIT_DEP_BIAFFINE_EN_MIXED, model_root=None, **kwargs): """Load from disk Parameters ---------- path : str path to the directory which typically contains a config.pkl file and a model.bin file Returns ------- DepParser parser itself :param **kwargs: """ path = fetch_resource(path, model_root=model_root) config = _Config.load_json(os.path.join(path, 'config.json')) config = _Config(**config) config.save_dir = path # redirect root path to what user specified vocab = ParserVocabulary.load_json(config.save_vocab_path) vocab = ParserVocabulary(vocab) self._vocab = vocab with mx.Context(mxnet_prefer_gpu()): self._parser = BiaffineParser(vocab, config.word_dims, config.tag_dims, config.dropout_emb, config.lstm_layers, config.lstm_hiddens, config.dropout_lstm_input, config.dropout_lstm_hidden, config.mlp_arc_size, config.mlp_rel_size, config.dropout_mlp, True) self._parser.load(config.save_model_path) return self
def parse(self, sentence: Sequence[Tuple]) -> ConllSentence: """Parse raw sentence into ConllSentence Parameters ---------- sentence : list a list of (word, tag) tuples Returns ------- elit.structure.ConllSentence ConllSentence object """ words = np.zeros((len(sentence) + 1, 1), np.int32) tags = np.zeros((len(sentence) + 1, 1), np.int32) words[0, 0] = ParserVocabulary.ROOT tags[0, 0] = ParserVocabulary.ROOT vocab = self._vocab for i, (word, tag) in enumerate(sentence): words[i + 1, 0], tags[i + 1, 0] = vocab.word2id(word.lower()), vocab.tag2id(tag) with mx.Context(mxnet_prefer_gpu()): outputs = self._parser.forward(words, tags) words = [] for arc, rel, (word, tag) in zip(outputs[0][0], outputs[0][1], sentence): words.append(ConllWord(id=len(words) + 1, form=word, pos=tag, head=arc, relation=vocab.id2rel(rel))) return ConllSentence(words)
def fill(self, path): super().fill(path) for i, second_decoder in enumerate(self.arc_biaffines): sd_path = os.path.join(path, 'second_decoder{}.bin'.format(i)) if os.path.isfile(sd_path): second_decoder.load_parameters(sd_path, ctx=mxnet_prefer_gpu()) freeze(second_decoder)
def evaluate(self, test_file, save_dir=None, logger=None, num_buckets_test=10, test_batch_size=5000): """Run evaluation on test set Parameters ---------- test_file : str or Sequence path to test set save_dir : str where to store intermediate results and log logger : logging.logger logger for printing results num_buckets_test : int number of clusters for sentences from test set test_batch_size : int batch size of test set Returns ------- tuple UAS, LAS """ parser = self._parser vocab = self._vocab if not save_dir: save_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with mx.Context(mxnet_prefer_gpu()): UAS, LAS, speed = evaluate_official_script(parser, vocab, num_buckets_test, test_batch_size, test_file, os.path.join(save_dir, 'valid_tmp')) if logger is None: logger = init_logger(save_dir, 'test.log')'Test: UAS %.2f%% LAS %.2f%% %d sents/s' % (UAS, LAS, speed)) return UAS, LAS, speed
def load_from_file(cls, model_folder, context: mx.Context = None, model_root=None, **kwargs): model_folder = fetch_resource(model_folder, model_root=model_root) if context is None: context = mxnet_prefer_gpu() config_path = os.path.join(model_folder, 'config.json') config = load_json(config_path) # convert embedding str to type embeddings = [] for classpath, param in config['embeddings']: embeddings.append((str_to_type(classpath), param)) config['embeddings'] = embeddings config['tag_dictionary'] = Dictionary.from_dict(config['tag_dictionary']) with context: embeddings = StackedEmbeddings.from_list(config['embeddings']) model = SequenceTagger( hidden_size=config['hidden_size'], embeddings=embeddings, tag_dictionary=config['tag_dictionary'], tag_type=config['tag_type'], use_crf=config['use_crf'], use_rnn=config['use_rnn'], rnn_layers=config['rnn_layers']) # print(config) model.load_parameters(os.path.join(model_folder, 'model.bin'), ctx=context) if not model.use_crf: model.transitions = pickle_load(os.path.join(model_folder, 'transitions.pkl')) # type:nd.NDArray model.transitions = model.transitions.as_in_context(context) return model
def __init__(self, model, detach: bool = True, context: mx.Context = None): super().__init__() """ Contextual string embeddings of words, as proposed in Akbik et al., 2018. Parameters ---------- arg1 : model model string, one of 'news-forward', 'news-backward', 'mix-forward', 'mix-backward', 'german-forward', 'german-backward' depending on which character language model is desired arg2 : detach if set to false, the gradient will propagate into the language model. this dramatically slows down training and often leads to worse results, so not recommended. """ self.model = model self.static_embeddings = detach self.context = context if context else mxnet_prefer_gpu() self.lm = ContextualStringModel.load_language_model( model, context=self.context) self.detach = detach if detach: self.lm.freeze() self.is_forward_lm = self.lm.is_forward_lm with self.context: dummy_sentence = Sentence() dummy_sentence.add_token(Token('hello')) embedded_dummy = self.embed(dummy_sentence) self.__embedding_length = len( embedded_dummy[0].get_token(1).get_embedding())
def __init__(self, context: mx.Context = None) -> None: """ Create a tagger :param context: the context under which this component will run """ super().__init__() self.tagger = None # type: SequenceTagger self.context = context if context else mxnet_prefer_gpu()
def __init__(self, context=mxnet_prefer_gpu()) -> None: """ Create a parser :param context: the context under which this component will run """ super().__init__() self.context = context self._parser = None # type: BiaffineSDPParser
def __init__(self, context: mx.Context = None) -> None: """ Create a parser :param context: the context under which this component will run """ super().__init__() self._parser = None # type: BiaffineParser self._vocab = None # type: ParserVocabulary self.context = context if context else mxnet_prefer_gpu()
def fill(self, path): rnn_path = os.path.join(path, 'rnn.bin') if os.path.isfile(rnn_path): # print('load rnn') self.rnn.load_parameters(rnn_path, ctx=mxnet_prefer_gpu()) freeze(self.rnn) for i, (mlp, decoder) in enumerate(zip(self.mlps, self.decoders)): mlp_path = os.path.join(path, 'mlp{}.bin'.format(i)) if os.path.isfile(mlp_path): # print('load mlp') mlp.load_parameters(mlp_path, ctx=mxnet_prefer_gpu()) freeze(mlp) decoder_path = os.path.join(path, 'decoder{}.bin'.format(i)) if os.path.isfile(decoder_path): # print('load decoder') decoder.load_parameters(decoder_path, ctx=mxnet_prefer_gpu()) freeze(decoder)
def load(self, load_path, ctx=None): """Load model Parameters ---------- load_path : str path to model file """ if not ctx: ctx = mxnet_prefer_gpu() self.load_parameters(load_path, allow_missing=True, ctx=ctx)
train_file='en-pos.trn', test_file='en-pos.tst', dev_file='', # train_file='train.tsv', # test_file='dev.tsv', # dev_file='dev.tsv', ) # 2. what tag do we want to predict? tag_type = 'pos' # 3. make the tag dictionary from the corpus tag_dictionary = corpus.make_tag_dictionary(tag_type=tag_type) print(tag_dictionary.idx2item) model_path = 'data/model/pos/jumbo' with mx.Context(mxnet_prefer_gpu()): train = False print(train) use_crf = True if train: embedding_types = [ WordEmbeddings(('fasttext', 'crawl-300d-2M-subword')), CharLMEmbeddings(EN_LM_FLAIR_FW_WMT11), CharLMEmbeddings(EN_LM_FLAIR_BW_WMT11), ] embeddings = StackedEmbeddings(embeddings=embedding_types) # 5. initialize sequence tagger tagger = SequenceTagger(hidden_size=256, embeddings=embeddings, tag_dictionary=tag_dictionary,
def train(self, trn_docs: Sequence[Document], dev_docs: Sequence[Document], save_dir, pretrained_embeddings=None, min_occur_count=2, lstm_layers=3, word_dims=100, tag_dims=100, dropout_emb=0.33, lstm_hiddens=400, dropout_lstm_input=0.33, dropout_lstm_hidden=0.33, mlp_arc_size=500, mlp_rel_size=100, dropout_mlp=0.33, learning_rate=2e-3, decay=.75, decay_steps=5000, beta_1=.9, beta_2=.9, epsilon=1e-12, num_buckets_train=40, num_buckets_valid=10, num_buckets_test=10, train_iters=50000, train_batch_size=5000, test_batch_size=5000, validate_every=100, save_after=5000, debug=False, **kwargs) -> float: """ Train a DEP parser :param trn_docs: training set :param dev_docs: dev set :param save_dir: folder for saving model :param pretrained_embeddings: ptretrained embeddings :param min_occur_count: filter out features with frequency less than this threshold :param lstm_layers: lstm layers :param word_dims: dim for word embeddings :param tag_dims: dim for tag embeddings :param dropout_emb: dropout on word/tag embeddings :param lstm_hiddens: dim for lstm hidden states :param dropout_lstm_input: dropout on lstm input :param dropout_lstm_hidden: variational dropout :param mlp_arc_size: arc representation size :param mlp_rel_size: rel representation size :param dropout_mlp: dropout on output of the mlp :param learning_rate: learning rate :param decay: see ExponentialScheduler :param decay_steps: see ExponentialScheduler :param beta_1:see ExponentialScheduler :param beta_2: see ExponentialScheduler :param epsilon: see ExponentialScheduler :param num_buckets_train: cluster training set into this number of groups :param num_buckets_valid: cluster dev set into this number of groups :param num_buckets_test: cluster test set into this number of groups :param train_iters: training iteration :param train_batch_size: training batch size :param test_batch_size: test batch size :param validate_every: validate model on dev set every this number of steps :param save_after: save after this number of steps :param debug: debug mode :param kwargs: not used :return: best UAS during training """ logger = init_logger(save_dir) config = _Config(trn_docs, dev_docs, '', save_dir, pretrained_embeddings, min_occur_count, lstm_layers, word_dims, tag_dims, dropout_emb, lstm_hiddens, dropout_lstm_input, dropout_lstm_hidden, mlp_arc_size, mlp_rel_size, dropout_mlp, learning_rate, decay, decay_steps, beta_1, beta_2, epsilon, num_buckets_train, num_buckets_valid, num_buckets_test, train_iters, train_batch_size, debug) config.save_json() self._vocab = vocab = ParserVocabulary(trn_docs, pretrained_embeddings, min_occur_count) vocab.save_json(config.save_vocab_path) vocab.log_info(logger) with mx.Context(mxnet_prefer_gpu()): self._parser = parser = BiaffineParser(vocab, word_dims, tag_dims, dropout_emb, lstm_layers, lstm_hiddens, dropout_lstm_input, dropout_lstm_hidden, mlp_arc_size, mlp_rel_size, dropout_mlp, debug) parser.initialize() scheduler = ExponentialScheduler(learning_rate, decay, decay_steps) optimizer = mx.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate, beta_1, beta_2, epsilon, lr_scheduler=scheduler) trainer = gluon.Trainer(parser.collect_params(), optimizer=optimizer) data_loader = DataLoader(trn_docs, num_buckets_train, vocab) global_step = 0 best_UAS = 0. batch_id = 0 epoch = 1 total_epoch = math.ceil(train_iters / validate_every)"Epoch {} out of {}".format(epoch, total_epoch)) bar = Progbar(target=min(validate_every, data_loader.samples)) while global_step < train_iters: for words, tags, arcs, rels in data_loader.get_batches(batch_size=train_batch_size, shuffle=True): with autograd.record(): arc_accuracy, rel_accuracy, overall_accuracy, loss = parser.forward(words, tags, arcs, rels) loss_value = loss.asscalar() loss.backward() trainer.step(train_batch_size) batch_id += 1 try: bar.update(batch_id, exact=[("UAS", arc_accuracy, 2), # ("LAS", rel_accuracy, 2), # ("ALL", overall_accuracy, 2), ("loss", loss_value)]) except OverflowError: pass # sometimes loss can be 0 or infinity, crashes the bar global_step += 1 if global_step % validate_every == 0: bar = Progbar(target=min(validate_every, train_iters - global_step)) batch_id = 0 UAS, LAS, speed = evaluate_official_script(parser, vocab, num_buckets_valid, num_buckets_valid, dev_docs, os.path.join(save_dir, 'valid_tmp'))'Dev: UAS %.2f%% LAS %.2f%% %d sents/s' % (UAS, LAS, speed)) epoch += 1 if global_step < train_iters:"Epoch {} out of {}".format(epoch, total_epoch)) if global_step > save_after and UAS > best_UAS:'- new best score!') best_UAS = UAS # When validate_every is too big if not os.path.isfile(config.save_model_path) or best_UAS != UAS: return best_UAS
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: hankcs # Date: 2019-10-03 16:27 from types import SimpleNamespace from elit.component.embedding.fasttext import FastText from elit.component.tagger.corpus import conll_to_documents, label_map_from_conll from elit.component.token_tagger.cnn import CNNTokenTagger from import mxnet_prefer_gpu label_map = label_map_from_conll('data/ptb/pos/dev.tsv') print(label_map) tagger = CNNTokenTagger(ctx=mxnet_prefer_gpu(), key='pos', embs=[FastText('')], input_config=SimpleNamespace(row=100, col=5, dropout=0.5), output_config=SimpleNamespace(num_class=len(label_map), flatten=True), label_map=label_map ) # 94.38 save_path = 'data/model/cnntagger' tagger.train(conll_to_documents('data/ptb/pos/train.tsv', headers={0: 'text', 1: 'pos'}, gold=True), conll_to_documents('data/ptb/pos/dev.tsv', headers={0: 'text', 1: 'pos'}, gold=True), save_path) tagger.load(save_path) # Parameter 'dense1.weight' is missing in file 'data/model/cnntagger.params', which contains parameters: 'dense0.weight', 'dense0.bias'. Set allow_missing=True to ignore missing parameters. tagger.evaluate(conll_to_documents('data/ptb/pos/dev.tsv', headers={0: 'text', 1: 'pos'}))
def train(self, base_path: str, learning_rate: float = 0.1, mini_batch_size: int = 32, max_epochs: int = 100, anneal_factor: float = 0.5, patience: int = 2, save_model: bool = True, embeddings_in_gpu: bool = True, train_with_dev: bool = False, context: mx.Context = None) -> float: """ :param base_path: a folder to store model, log etc. :param learning_rate: :param mini_batch_size: :param max_epochs: :param anneal_factor: :param patience: :param save_model: :param embeddings_in_gpu: :param train_with_dev: :return: best dev f1 """ evaluation_method = 'F1' if self.model.tag_type in ['ner', 'np', 'srl']: evaluation_method = 'span-F1' if self.model.tag_type in ['pos', 'upos']: evaluation_method = 'accuracy' print(evaluation_method) os.makedirs(base_path, exist_ok=True) loss_txt = os.path.join(base_path, "loss.txt") open(loss_txt, "w", encoding='utf-8').close() anneal_mode = 'min' if train_with_dev else 'max' train_data = self.corpus.train # if training also uses dev data, include in training set if train_with_dev: train_data.extend( # At any point you can hit Ctrl + C to break out of training early. try: if not context: context = mxnet_prefer_gpu() with mx.Context(context): self.model.initialize() if not self.model.use_crf: self.model.count_transition_matrix(train_data) scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(lr=learning_rate, verbose=True, factor=anneal_factor, patience=patience, mode=anneal_mode) optimizer = mx.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate, lr_scheduler=scheduler, clip_gradient=5.0) trainer = gluon.Trainer(self.model.collect_params(), optimizer=optimizer) for epoch in range(0, max_epochs): current_loss = 0 if not self.test_mode: random.shuffle(train_data) batches = [ train_data[x:x + mini_batch_size] for x in range(0, len(train_data), mini_batch_size) ] batch_no = 0 for batch in batches: batch = batch batch_no += 1 if batch_no % 100 == 0: print("%d of %d (%f)" % (batch_no, len(batches), float(batch_no / len(batches)))) # Step 4. Compute the loss, gradients, and update the parameters by calling optimizer.step() with autograd.record(): loss = self.model.neg_log_likelihood( batch, None if embeddings_in_gpu else context) current_loss += loss.sum().asscalar() loss.backward() # torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), 5.0) # optimizer.step() trainer.step(len(batch)) sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() current_loss /= len(train_data) if not train_with_dev: print('.. evaluating... dev... ') dev_score, dev_fp, dev_result = self.evaluate(, base_path, evaluation_method=evaluation_method, embeddings_in_gpu=embeddings_in_gpu) else: dev_fp = 0 dev_result = '_' # anneal against train loss if training with dev, otherwise anneal against dev score scheduler.step( current_loss) if train_with_dev else scheduler.step( dev_score) # save if model is current best and we use dev data for model selection if save_model and not train_with_dev and dev_score == summary = '%d' % epoch + '\t({:%H:%M:%S})'.format( \ + '\t%f\t%d\t%f\tDEV %d\t' % ( current_loss, scheduler.num_bad_epochs, learning_rate, dev_fp) + dev_result summary = summary.replace('\n', '') # if self.corpus.test and len(self.corpus.test): # print('test... ') # test_score, test_fp, test_result = self.evaluate(self.corpus.test, base_path, # evaluation_method=evaluation_method, # embeddings_in_memory=embeddings_in_gpu) # summary += '\tTEST \t%d\t' % test_fp + test_result with open(loss_txt, "a") as loss_file: loss_file.write('%s\n' % summary) loss_file.close() print(summary) # if we do not use dev data for model selection, save final model if save_model and train_with_dev: return # return maximum dev f1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print('-' * 89) print('Exiting from training early') print('saving model') + "/final-model") print('done')
def train(self, base_path: str, sequence_length: int, learning_rate: float = 20, mini_batch_size: int = 100, anneal_factor: float = 0.25, patience: int = 10, clip=0.25, max_epochs: int = 10000): number_of_splits = len(self.corpus.train_files) val_data = self._batchify(self.corpus.valid, mini_batch_size) os.makedirs(base_path, exist_ok=True) loss_txt = os.path.join(base_path, 'loss.txt') savefile = os.path.join(base_path, '') try: with mx.Context(mxnet_prefer_gpu()): self.model.initialize() best_val_loss = 100000000 scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(lr=learning_rate, verbose=True, factor=anneal_factor, patience=patience) optimizer = mx.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=learning_rate, lr_scheduler=scheduler) trainer = gluon.Trainer(self.model.collect_params(), optimizer=optimizer) for epoch in range(1, max_epochs + 1): print('Split %d' % epoch + '\t - ({:%H:%M:%S})'.format( # for group in optimizer.param_groups: # learning_rate = group['lr'] train_slice = self.corpus.get_next_train_slice() train_data = self._batchify(train_slice, mini_batch_size) print('\t({:%H:%M:%S})'.format( # go into train mode # self.model.train() # reset variables epoch_start_time = time.time() total_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() hidden = self.model.init_hidden(mini_batch_size) cell = hidden.copy() # not really sure what this does ntokens = len(self.corpus.dictionary) # do batches for batch, i in enumerate( range(0, len(train_data) - 1, sequence_length)): data, targets = self._get_batch( train_data, i, sequence_length) # Starting each batch, we detach the hidden state from how it was previously produced. # If we didn't, the model would try backpropagating all the way to start of the dataset. hidden = self._repackage_hidden(hidden) cell = self._repackage_hidden(cell) # self.model.zero_grad() # optimizer.zero_grad() # do the forward pass in the model with autograd.record(): output, rnn_output, hidden, cell = self.model.forward( data, hidden, cell) # try to predict the targets loss = self.loss_function( output.reshape(-1, ntokens), targets).mean() loss.backward() # `clip_grad_norm` helps prevent the exploding gradient problem in RNNs / LSTMs. # torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), clip) trainer.step(mini_batch_size) total_loss += loss.asscalar() if batch % self.log_interval == 0 and batch > 0: cur_loss = total_loss.item() / self.log_interval elapsed = time.time() - start_time print( '| split {:3d} /{:3d} | {:5d}/{:5d} batches | ms/batch {:5.2f} | ' 'loss {:5.2f} | ppl {:8.2f}'.format( epoch, number_of_splits, batch, len(train_data) // sequence_length, elapsed * 1000 / self.log_interval, cur_loss, self._safe_exp(cur_loss))) total_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() print('epoch {} done! \t({:%H:%M:%S})'.format( epoch, scheduler.step(cur_loss) ############################################################################### # TEST ############################################################################### # skip evaluation # val_loss = self.evaluate(val_data, mini_batch_size, sequence_length) # scheduler.step(val_loss) # # # Save the model if the validation loss is the best we've seen so far. # if val_loss < best_val_loss: # # best_val_loss = val_loss # print('best loss so far {:5.2f}'.format(best_val_loss)) val_loss = cur_loss if (self.corpus.current_train_file_index + 1) % 100 == 0 or self.corpus.is_last_slice: ############################################################################### # print info ############################################################################### print('-' * 89) local_split_number = epoch % number_of_splits if local_split_number == 0: local_split_number = number_of_splits summary = '| end of split {:3d} /{:3d} | epoch {:3d} | time: {:5.2f}s | valid loss {:5.2f} | ' \ 'valid ppl {:8.2f} | learning rate {:3.2f}'.format(local_split_number, number_of_splits, epoch, (time.time() - epoch_start_time), val_loss, self._safe_exp(val_loss), learning_rate) with open(loss_txt, "a") as myfile: myfile.write('%s\n' % summary) print(summary) print('-' * 89) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('-' * 89) print('Exiting from training early')