# Initialize author with uri
URI = "https://krr.cs.vu.nl/"

data = {"data": "24.3"}
data_json = json.dumps(data)

headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}

my_auth = ElsAuthor(

#data from Elsevier
# resp = client.exec_request('https://api.elsevier.com/content/search/scopus?query=all(7004322609)&apiKey=ff61921fc97787106a446daa9dc3827b')

resp = client.exec_request(

data = resp  #data from scopus

#data from JSON file
# with open('data_scopus_author.json') as json_file:
#     data_json_file = json.load(json_file)

# data = data_json_file       #data from JSON file

with open('data_scopus_author.json', 'w') as outfile:
    json.dump(resp, outfile)

class ElsevierSearcher:
    __base_url = u'https://api.elsevier.com/content/search/'
    __api_key = u'e7882eed968063f188d6c53a919528a7'

    def __init__(self, index: str, apikey: str = __api_key):
        self.articles_found = []
        self.apikey = apikey
        self.index = index
        self.els_client = ElsClient(self.apikey)
        self._uri = self.__base_url + index + '?'

    def search(self,
               queryterms: list = None,
               start_year: int = None,
               end_year: int = None,
               content_type: str = 'journals',
               start_record: int = None,
               sort_field: str = None,
               sort_order: int = None,
               max_records: int = None,
               article_title: str = None,
               author: list = None,
               journal: list = None):
        @param queryterms: list of lists. Terms within the same list are
            separated by an OR. Lists are separated by an AND
        @param search_type: meta_data or querytext.
            meta_data: This field enables a free-text search of all
                configured metadata fields and the abstract. Accepts
                complex queries involving field names and  boolean
            querytext: This field enables a free-text search of all
                configured metadata fields, abstract and document text.
                Accepts complex queries involving field names and boolean
        @param start_year: Start value of Publication Year to restrict results by.
        @param end_year: End value of Publication Year to restrict results by.
        @param content_type: Note: these are case sensitive and must be spelled as
            presented here to get a result: Journals, Conference, Early Access,
            Standards, Books, Courses
        @param start_record: Sequence number of first record to fetch. Default: 1
        @param sort_field: Field name on which to sort. Choose from: article_number
            article_title, author, publication_title, publication_year
        @param sort_order: asc (for ascending sort) or desc (for descending sort)
        @param max_records: The number of records to fetch. Maximum: 200

        @return  the data fields returned by the search are described by the
            following link https://developer.ieee.org/docs/read/Metadata_API_responses

        formated_query = ''
        if self.index == 'scopus':
            formated_query = "TITLE-ABS-KEY(("
        if self.index == 'scidir':
            formated_query = "tak(("
        for index_group, group in enumerate(queryterms):
            if index_group > 0:
                formated_query += ' AND ('
            #         else:
            # #             formated_query += '('
            for index_term, term in enumerate(group):
                if index_term > 0:
                    formated_query += ' OR '
                formated_query += f'"{term}"'

                if (index_term + 1) == len(group):
                    formated_query += ')'
        formated_query += ')'

        if author:
            str_author = ' AND '.join([f'"{x}"' for x in author])
            if self.index == 'scopus':
                formated_query += f' AND AUTHOR-NAME({str_author})'
            if self.index == 'scidir':
                formated_query += f' AND aut({str_author})'
        if article_title:
            if self.index == 'scopus':
                formated_query += f' AND TITLE("{article_title}")'
            if self.index == 'scidir':
                formated_query += f' AND ttl("{article_title}")'
        if journal:
            str_journal = ' AND '.join([f'"{x}"' for x in journal])
            if self.index == 'scopus':
                formated_query += f' AND SRCTITLE({str_journal})'
            if self.index == 'scidir':
                formated_query += f' AND src({str_journal})'

        query_params = dict()

        query_params['query'] = formated_query
        #         query_params['view'] = 'STANDARD'

        if start_year:
            start_year = str(start_year)
            date = start_year
            if end_year:
                end_year = str(end_year)
                date += f'-{end_year}'
            query_params['date'] = date
        if content_type:
            query_params['content'] = content_type
        if start_record:
            query_params['start'] = start_record
        if max_records:
            query_params['count'] = max_records

        get_all = True

        url = self._uri + urlencode(query_params, quote_via=quote_plus)

        self._api_response = self.els_client.exec_request(url)
        self._tot_num_res = int(
        self.results = self._api_response['search-results']['entry']
        print("a request completed...")
        if get_all is True:
            while (len(self.results) < self._tot_num_res) and (len(
                    self.results) < 5000):
                for e in self._api_response['search-results']['link']:
                    if e['@ref'] == 'next':
                        next_url = e['@href']
                self._api_response = self.els_client.exec_request(next_url)
                self.results += self._api_response['search-results']['entry']
                print("a request completed...")

        return self.results
client = ElsClient(config['apikey'])
# client.inst_token = config['insttoken']

## Author example
# Initialize author with uri

data = {"data" : "24.3"}
data_json = json.dumps(data)

headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}

my_auth = ElsAuthor(
        uri = 'https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/7004322609')

resp = client.exec_request('https://api.elsevier.com/content/author/author_id/7004322609?apiKey=2af6a3b4ba3f250031381ec4c63c1c5e')

import pprint

# print("Scopus")
# #ID of the Author?
# print("Personal ID: " + resp['author-retrieval-response'][0]['author-profile']['affiliation-current']['affiliation']['@affiliation-id'])
# #different kind of names used
# print(resp['author-retrieval-response'][0]['author-profile']['name-variant'])
# #preferred-name
# print(resp['author-retrieval-response'][0]['author-profile']['preferred-name'])
# #Author ID
# print(resp['author-retrieval-response'][0]['coredata']['dc:identifier'])
# #Total document-count
has_scopus_id = transformToRDF('hasScopusID')
has_description = transformToRDF('hasDescription')
has_isbn = transformToRDF('hasISBN')
has_issn = transformToRDF('hasISSN')
has_publication_name = transformToRDF('hasPublicationName')
has_page_range = transformToRDF('hasPageRange')
has_publication_year = transformToRDF('hasPublicationYear')
has_doi = transformToRDF('hasDoi')

for doi in doi_list:
    #data from Elsevier
    url = 'https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/doi/'+ doi +'?apiKey=ff61921fc97787106a446daa9dc3827b'
    resp = client.exec_request(url)
    data = resp

    # Publications

    if 'dc:title' in data['abstracts-retrieval-response']['coredata']:
        title_pub = transformToRDF(data['abstracts-retrieval-response']['coredata']['dc:title'])
        titles = transformToRDF('Titles')
        g.add((titles, RDF.type, OWL.Class))
        g.add((titles, RDFS.label, title_pub))
        g.add((titles, RDFS.subClassOf, OWL.Thing))
        g.add((title_pub, RDF.type, FOAF.Document))