 def test_factory_arg_overrides_policy(self):
     for parser in self.parsers:
         with self.subTest(parser=parser.__name__):
             MyPolicy = default.clone(message_factory=self.MyMessage)
             msg = parser("To: foo\n\ntest", Message, policy=MyPolicy)
             self.assertNotIsInstance(msg, self.MyMessage)
             self.assertIsInstance(msg, Message)
 def test_factory_arg_overrides_policy(self):
     for parser in self.parsers:
         with self.subTest(parser=parser.__name__):
             MyPolicy = default.clone(message_factory=self.MyMessage)
             msg = parser('To: foo\n\ntest', Message, policy=MyPolicy)
             self.assertNotIsInstance(msg, self.MyMessage)
             self.assertIsInstance(msg, Message)
def protect_mail(mail,linesep='\r\n',sevenbit=True):
    "convert mail and subparts to ProtectedMessage, convert payloads to 7bit and CRLF"
    from email.message import Message
    from email.parser import Parser
    from email.encoders import encode_quopri
    import copy, six

    def fix_encoding(msg):
        cte = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
        if msg[cte] == '8bit' and msg.get_content_maintype()=='text' and msg.get_charset() is None:
            charset = msg.get_content_charset()
            if not charset: return #broken
            payload = msg.get_payload(decode=False)
        if not sevenbit: return
        try: msg.get_payload().encode('ascii')
        except UnicodeError: encode_quopri(msg)
            if not cte in msg: msg.add_header(cte,'7bit')

    if six.PY3:
        from email.policy import default
        cte_type='7bit' if sevenbit else '8bit'
        if not isinstance(mail,Message):
            mail = _protected(mail,linesep=linesep,cte_type=cte_type)
            linesep = mail.policy.linesep
        elif not linesep:
            linesep = get_linesep(mail.as_string())
        policy = default.clone(linesep=linesep,cte_type=cte_type)
        mail = copy.deepcopy(mail)
        mail.policy = policy
        mail = _protected(mail,linesep=linesep)
        linesep = mail._linesep # get new or original lineseps
    if mail.is_multipart():
        converted = []
        for submsg in mail.get_payload():
            if submsg.is_multipart():
                submsg = protect_mail(submsg,linesep,sevenbit)
                submsg = _protected(submsg,linesep=linesep)
        for submsg in converted: mail.attach(submsg)
        if linesep:
            payload = mail.get_payload()
            if isinstance(payload,six.string_types):
    return mail
    def test_parse_email_with_policy(self):
        if not DEFAULT_POLICY:

        message_object = email.message_from_bytes(

            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'name': 'Receiver'
        }, {
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'name': 'Second Receiver'
        }], get_mail_addresses(message_object, 'to'))
def _protected(txt,linesep=None,headersonly=False,template=None,cte_type='7bit'):
    "convert txt to a protected message without modifying the subparts"
    from email.parser import Parser
    from email.message import Message

    if six.PY3:
        from email.policy import default
        if isinstance(txt,Message):
            if not headersonly:
                if not linesep or linesep==txt.policy.linesep:
                    import copy
                    return copy.deepcopy(txt)
                return protect_mail(txt,linesep)
            txt = mail_binary(txt)
        if linesep is None: linesep = get_linesep(txt)
        policy = default.clone(linesep=linesep,cte_type=cte_type)
        if not template: template = Message
        if isinstance(txt,bytes):
            from email.parser import BytesParser
            return BytesParser(policy=policy,_class=template).parsebytes(txt,headersonly)
        return Parser(policy=policy,_class=template).parsestr(txt,headersonly)

    if isinstance(txt,ProtectedMessage):
        if not headersonly and (not linesep or linesep==txt._linesep):
            import copy
            return copy.deepcopy(txt)
        charset = txt._charset
        txt = txt.as_string()
    elif isinstance(txt,Message):
        charset = txt.get_content_charset()
        txt = mail_binary(txt)
    else: charset = None
    if linesep is None: linesep = get_linesep(txt)
    else: txt = fix_lines(txt,linesep) # convert lineseps
    if not template: template = ProtectedMessage
    from email.parser import HeaderParser
    P = HeaderParser if headersonly else Parser
    mail = P(_class=template).parsestr(txt)
    if not charset: charset = mail.get_content_charset()
    if charset:
        # cannot use mail.set_charset(charset), as it adds MIME-Version header
        mail._charset = charset
    mail._linesep = linesep
    return mail
import sys
import email
import gzip
from email.policy import default
from email.policy import compat32

class MyHeaderClass(email.headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader):
    def parse(cls, value, kwds):
#         print("Input:" + value)
        super().parse(value.lstrip(), kwds)
#         print(kwds)

# print(default.header_factory)
policy = default.clone()
policy.header_factory.map_to_type('references', MyHeaderClass)
policy.header_factory.map_to_type('message-id', MyHeaderClass)

def process(f):
    msg = email.message_from_binary_file(f, policy=policy)
    # N.B. This may repeat keys
    for key,val in msg.items():
        print(key, val)

for file in sys.argv[1:]:
    if file.find(".gz") != -1:
        with gzip.open(file,'rb') as gp:
 def test_custom_message_factory_on_policy(self):
     for parser in self.parsers:
         with self.subTest(parser=parser.__name__):
             MyPolicy = default.clone(message_factory=self.MyMessage)
             msg = parser('To: foo\n\ntest', policy=MyPolicy)
             self.assertIsInstance(msg, self.MyMessage)
class Remailer:
    def __init__(self, imap_connection, smtp_service):
        self._imap_cxn = imap_connection
        self._smtp_service = smtp_service

        # Check the connection capabilities to see if it supports
        # the MOVE command
        typ, capabilities_str = self._imap_cxn.capability()
        capabilities = capabilities_str[0].split()

        if b'MOVE' in capabilities:
            self._imap_has_move = True
            self._imap_has_move = False

        self._uptime_timer = Timer()
        self._imap_timer = Timer()

        self._imap_reconnect_count = 0

    def resetIMAPTimer(self):
        self._imap_timer = Timer()

    def _uptimeStr(self):
        return self._uptime_timer.simpleElapsedTimeString()

    def _imapupStr(self):
        return self._imap_timer.simpleElapsedTimeString()

    def setIMAPConnction(self, imap_cxn):
        self._imap_cxn = imap_cxn
        self._imap_reconnect_count += 1

    def _validateFolder(self, folder_name):
        typ, [response] = self._imap_cxn.select(folder_name)
        if typ != 'OK':
            raise RuntimeError(response)

    def validateFolderStructure(self):

    def getAllFolderUIDs(self, folder):
        typ, [response] = self._imap_cxn.select(folder)
        if typ != 'OK':
            raise RuntimeError(response)

        typ, response = self._imap_cxn.uid('search', None, 'ALL')

        if typ != 'OK':
            raise RuntimeError(response)

        message_uids = response[0].split()

        return message_uids

    def fetchMessageUIDAsBytes(self, message_uid):

        # Fetch the contents of the message
        typ, data = self._imap_cxn.uid('fetch', message_uid, '(RFC822)')

        if typ != 'OK':
            raise RuntimeError(data)

        # The message date comes in as a bytestring. Resist the temptation
        # to decode it into a UTF-8 string.
        message_bytes = data[0][1]

        return message_bytes

    def checkIMAPResponse(self, code, response):
        if code != 'OK':
            raise RuntimeError(response)

    def msgId(self, message_uid):
        message_id = 'ID(' + message_uid.decode('utf-8') + ')'
        return message_id

    def moveMessageUID(self, message_uid, destination_folder):

        message_id = self.msgId(message_uid)
        debug('Moving message %s to %s' % (message_id, destination_folder))

        # If our IMAP server supports the MOVE command, then we simply
        # call it directly. If not, we do it the hard way.
        if self._imap_has_move:
            typ, [response] = self._imap_cxn.uid('move', message_uid,

            # Here's the hard way: copy the message to the folder...
            typ, [response] = self._imap_cxn.uid('copy', message_uid,
            self.checkIMAPResponse(typ, response)

            # ...then delete the original.
            typ, [response] = self._imap_cxn.uid('store', message_uid,
                                                 '+FLAGS', r'(\Deleted)')
            self.checkIMAPResponse(typ, response)

    http_url_regex = 'https://ei194.infusion-links.com/[a-zA-Z0-9/]+'
    http_url_prog = re.compile(http_url_regex)

    def remapURLs(self, message_part_str):

        # See if there is an infusionlinks URL
        match = self.http_url_prog.search(message_part_str)

        while match is not None:
            matched_url = match.group(0)
            # print()
            # print("  Found infusionlinks url <%s>" % matched_url)

            mapped_url = get_redirect_for(matched_url)

            message_part_str = macro_substitute(message_part_str, match,

            # Find the next infusionlinks URL
            match = self.http_url_prog.search(message_part_str)

        return message_part_str

    tracking_pixel_url_regex = "https://is-tracking-pixel-api-prod.appspot.com/[a-zA-Z0-9/]+"
    tracking_pixel_url_prog = re.compile(tracking_pixel_url_regex)

    def suppressTrackingPixels(self, message_part_str):

        # See if there is an infusionlinks URL
        match = self.tracking_pixel_url_prog.search(message_part_str)

        while match is not None:
            matched_url = match.group(0)
            # print()
            # print("  Found tracking pixel url <%s>" % matched_url)

            # Delete the URL.
            message_part_str = macro_substitute(message_part_str, match, "")

            # Find the next tracking pixel URL
            match = self.tracking_pixel_url_prog.search(message_part_str)

        return message_part_str

    mime_pattern = "([a-z]+)/([a-z]+)"
    mime_prog = re.compile(mime_pattern)

    def typeAndSubtype(self, mime_type_str):
        match = self.mime_prog.match(mime_type_str)
        if match is not None:
            main_type = match.group(1)
            sub_type = match.group(2)
            return main_type, sub_type
        return "", mim_type_str

    delete_html_parts = True

    def performSubstitutionOnMessageParts(self, obj):

        remail_addresses_set = set()

        # Loop over all the message parts.
        for part in obj.walk():

            content_type = part.get_content_type()
            content_charset = part.get_content_charset()
            content_disposition = part.get_content_disposition()

            # Spit out some diagnostic messages.
            debug("Content-Type: %s" % content_type)
            debug("Content-Charset: %s" % content_charset)
            debug("Content-Disposition: %s" % content_disposition)

            # Multipart parts are basically containers, so we don't process
            # them. But we process all others.
            if not part.is_multipart():
                main_type, sub_type = self.typeAndSubtype(content_type)

                # Optional configuration: just delete all HTML parts because
                # something in them is causing emails to get filed as SPAM.
                if self.delete_html_parts and sub_type == "html":
                    pl = obj.get_payload()

                    # This part has been deleted - no further processing
                    # needed for this part.

                debug("main_type = <%s>, sub_type = <%s>" %
                      (main_type, sub_type))

                # Get the message_part_str of this part of the message.
                # If this part of the message was encoded in (possibly)
                # MIME quoted-printable, it will be decoded into a string
                # in (proabably) UTF-8 unicode. (Which is good, because
                # it's easier to deal with in this form.)
                message_part_str = part.get_content()

                # Now some real processing...

                maybe_modified_content_str = scanPartForTruncateTags(

                # Scan the part for remail-to: tags, replace them,
                # and accumulate the recipient addresses.
                maybe_modified_content_str, more_remail_addresses_set = \

                # Get the union of the two sets.
                remail_addresses_set |= more_remail_addresses_set

                # # Now perform mapping of any infusion-link URLs to their
                # # direct link conterparts.
                # maybe_modified_content_str = self.remapURLs(maybe_modified_content_str)
                # # Finally, nuke any tracking pixel URLs
                # maybe_modified_content_str = self.suppressTrackingPixels(maybe_modified_content_str)

                # If any of these steps have modified the content of this
                # part of the message, then replace that part of the
                # message object.
                if maybe_modified_content_str != message_part_str:


        # Return any remail-to addresses we found. (It's not
        # to return the message object. It's passed by reference,
        # and the caller's reference will retain any changes
        # we've made here.)
        return remail_addresses_set

    from email.policy import default
    MHTMLPolicy = default.clone(linesep='\r\n', max_line_length=0)

    def doThemAll(self):
        first_send_this_iteration = True

        # Get the UIDs of all the messages in our Inbox and compute
        # the number of messages, which we key off of for some
        # info messages and housekeeping.
        message_uids = self.getAllFolderUIDs(incoming_folder)
        message_count = len(message_uids)

        # Report the number of messages in the Inbox.
        mc_suffix = "" if message_count == 1 else "s"
            "%d message%s in %s, Uptime: %s, IMAP uptime: %s, reconnect count: %d"
            % (message_count, mc_suffix, incoming_folder, self._uptimeStr(),
               self._imapupStr(), self._imap_reconnect_count))

        if message_count > 0:

        # Loop through all the messages in the inbox.
        for message_uid in message_uids:

            # Wrap this processing in a try block so
            # that if a message fails we may still be
            # able to process others.

                message_bytes = self.fetchMessageUIDAsBytes(message_uid)

                # Emit some messages to show progress.
                info("Message %s" % self.msgId(message_uid))

                message_obj = messageBytesAsObject(message_bytes)

                remail_addresses_set = self.performSubstitutionOnMessageParts(

                remail_count = len(remail_addresses_set)
                if remail_count > 0:
                    rm_suffix = "" if remail_count == 1 else "es"
                    info("Found %d remail address%s" %
                         (remail_count, rm_suffix))

                    # We found at least one valid remail-to tag, so the original
                    # message should be move to the originals folder.
                    self.moveMessageUID(message_uid, original_folder)

                    # The message in message_bytes has already had its body
                    # modified (remail-to tags removed, infusionlinks URLs
                    # replaced, tracking pixel URLs deleted). Now we modify
                    # the headers to make the message look like a brand new
                    # message, not something that's been bounced around the
                    # Internet already.
                    mutateHeaders(message_obj, global_from_addr)

                    # Construct a single To: header with all of the email
                    # addresses in it.
                    to_header_str = ', '.join(remail_addresses_set)
                    message_obj.add_header("To", to_header_str)

                    # debug("Base message headers:")
                    # dumpHeaders(message_obj)

                    # Save the base message to IMAP so it can easily be resent
                    # later.
                    now = Time2Internaldate(time.time())
                    message_bytes = self._smtp_service.message_bytes(
                    typ, data = self._imap_cxn.append(sent_folder, '', now,

                    # message_obj now contains the base message, which we
                    # send to each of the recipients in turn.

                    # We're about to send an email. If it's the first email
                    # for this iteration, then we need to get the SMTP server
                    # ready.
                    if first_send_this_iteration:
                        debug("Readying SMTP service.")

                    # Send the email to each of its recipients.
                    for recipient_address in remail_addresses_set:
                        info("Sending to <%s>" % recipient_address)
                            global_from_addr, recipient_address, message_obj)

                    # No addresses to remail to - move the original message to the
                    # original-notag folder
                    debug("No remail addresses! Moving to no-tag folder.")
                    self.moveMessageUID(message_uid, notag_folder)

            except Exception as e:
                print("*** Error processing message - skipping.")

        # If we had some messages to process, then do some cleanup...
        if message_count > 0:

            # Close the connection to the SMTP server. SMTP servers don't
            # like it when connections to them remain open too long, so
            # we close the connection. This call is harmless if the connection
            # was never opened.
            debug("Terminating SMTP service.")

            info('*** Done ***')

    def testIMAPConnection(self):

 def test_custom_message_factory_on_policy(self):
     for parser in self.parsers:
         with self.subTest(parser=parser.__name__):
             MyPolicy = default.clone(message_factory=self.MyMessage)
             msg = parser("To: foo\n\ntest", policy=MyPolicy)
             self.assertIsInstance(msg, self.MyMessage)
def create_mime(data,maintype='text',subtype=None,charset=None,
    params={}, headers={}, encoding=None):
    """ create MIME message from data.
    if maintype is None, the default content type is text/plain for str,
     and application/octet-stream for binary data.
    The default charset and encoding are automatically detected.
    from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
    from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
    from email.mime.audio import MIMEAudio
    from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
    from email.mime.message import MIMEMessage
    from email.mime.text import MIMEText
    import email.encoders, six
    if maintype is None:
        if isinstance(data,(six.text_type,)+six.string_types):
            maintype= 'text'
        elif isinstance(data,six.binary_type):
            maintype,subtype = 'application', subtype or 'octet-stream'
        maintype = maintype.lower()
    cte = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
    if maintype=='text':
        subtype = subtype or 'plain'
        data, charset = check_charset(data,charset)
        if encoding is None:
            msg = MIMEText(data, subtype, charset)
            msg = MIMEText('', subtype, charset)
        if encoding in ('base64','quoted-printable'):
            del msg[cte]
            if not isinstance(data,six.binary_type): data = data.encode(charset)
            if encoding=='base64': email.encoders.encode_base64(msg)
            else: email.encoders.encode_quopri(msg)
        elif encoding:
            if six.PY3:
                from email.policy import default
                policy = default.clone(cte_type='8bit' if encoding=='8bit' else '7bit')
                msg.policy = policy
            if encoding=='7bit' and charset!='us-ascii':
                raise UnicodeEncodeError
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(data,six.binary_type): data = data.decode(charset)
        if msg[cte]=='base64': # remove superflous newline
            data = msg.get_payload(decode=False)
        idata = data if encoding else ''
        if maintype=='application': msg = MIMEApplication(idata, subtype, **params)
        elif maintype=='audio': msg = MIMEAudio(idata, subtype, **params)
        elif maintype=='image': msg = MIMEImage(idata, subtype, **params)
        elif maintype=='message': msg = MIMEMessage(idata, subtype)
            msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype, **params)
            encoding = encoding or 'base64'
        if encoding in ('base64','quoted-printable'):
            del msg[cte]
            if encoding=='base64': email.encoders.encode_base64(msg)
            else: email.encoders.encode_quopri(msg)
        elif encoding:
            if six.PY3:
                from email.policy import default
                policy = default.clone(cte_type='7bit' if encoding=='7bit' else '8bit')
                msg.policy = policy
            if encoding=='7bit':
                if isinstance(data,six.string_types): data.encode('us-ascii')
                else: data.decode('us-ascii')
            if six.PY3 and isinstance(data,six.binary_type):
                data = data.decode('utf-8','surrogateescape')
        if msg[cte]=='base64': # remove superflous newline
            data = msg.get_payload(decode=False)
    for k, v in six.iteritems(headers):
    return msg