#!/usr/bin/env python3
import emails
import os
import reports

  ['Name', 'Amount', 'Value'],
  ['elderberries', 10, 0.45],
  ['figs', 5, 3],
  ['apples', 4, 2.75],
  ['durians', 1, 25],
  ['bananas', 5, 1.99],
  ['cherries', 23, 5.80],
  ['grapes', 13, 2.48],
  ['kiwi', 4, 0.49]]
reports.generate("/tmp/report.pdf", "A Complete Inventory of My Fruit", "This is all my fruit.", table_data)

sender = "*****@*****.**"

receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
subject = "List of Fruits"
body = "Hi\n\nI'm sending an attachment with all my fruit."

message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/report.pdf")

# Check Available memory
available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available / (1024 * 1024)

# Check localhost
localhost = socket.gethostbyname('localhost')

# Do the checks
error = False

if usage > 80:
    message = "CPU usage is over 80%"
    error = True
if free_space < 20:
    message = "Available disk space is less than 20%"
    error = True
if available_memory < 500:
    message = "Available memory is less than 500MB"
    error = True
if localhost != '':
    message = "localhost cannot be resolved to"
    error = True

if error is True:
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    recipient = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Error - " + message
    body = "Please check your system and resolve the issue as soon as possible."
    email = emails.generate_no_attachment(sender, recipient, subject, body)
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import emails
import os
import reports

table_data = [['Name', 'Amount', 'Value'], ['elderberries', 10, 0.45],
              ['figs', 5, 3], ['apples', 4, 2.75], ['durians', 1, 25],
              ['bananas', 5, 1.99], ['cherries', 23, 5.80],
              ['grapes', 13, 2.48], ['kiwi', 4, 0.49]]
reports.generate("report.pdf", "A Complete Inventory of My Fruit",
                 "This is all my fruit.", table_data)
sender = "*****@*****.**"
receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
subject = "List of Fruits"
body = "Hi\n\nI'm sending an attachment with all my fruit."

message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/report.pdf")
import socket
import psutil
import emails

sender = '*****@*****.**'
recipient = '*****@*****.**'
body = 'Please check your system and resolve the issue as soon as possible.'

cpu = psutil.cpu_percent()
mem = psutil.virtual_memory().available
disk = psutil.disk_usage('/').percent

# CPU usage is over 80% - Error - CPU usage is over 80%
if cpu >= 80:
    subject = 'Error - CPU usage is over 80%'
    emails.send(emails.generate_email(sender, recipient, subject, body))

# available memory is less than 500MB - Error - Available memory is less than 500MB
if mem <= 500 * 1024 * 1024:
    subject = 'Error - Available memory is less than 500MB'
    emails.send(emails.generate_email(sender, recipient, subject, body))

# Available disk space is lower than 20% - Error - Available disk space is less than 20%
if disk >= 80:
    subject = 'Error - Available disk space is less than 20%'
    emails.send(emails.generate_email(sender, recipient, subject, body))

# hostname "localhost" cannot be resolved to "" - Error - localhost cannot be resolved to
except socket.error:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import reports
import datetime
import emails

def contents(dir):
  dir = "supplier-data/descriptions/"
  list_files = os.listdir(dir)
  paragraph =""
  for files in list_files:
    if files.endswith(".txt"):
      with open(dir + files) as text_file:
        contents = text_file.read().split("\n")
        format = {
                    "name": contents[0].strip(),
                    "weight": contents[1].strip()}
        paragraph+= "name: " + format["name"] + "<br/" + "weight: " + format["weight"] + "<br/><br/>"
  return paragraph

if __name__ == "__main__":
  dir = "supplier-data/descriptions/"
  #generate title with today's date
  title ="Processed Update on {}".format(datetime.date.today())
  #generate report
  paragraph = contents(dir)
  reports.generate("/tmp/processed.pdf", title, paragraph)
  #generate and send email emails.generate(From, To, Subject line, E-mail Body, Attachment)
  gen_email = emails.generate("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Upload Completed- Online Fruit Store", "All fruits are uploaded to our website successfully. A detailed list is attached to this email.", "/tmp/processed.pdf")
from datetime import datetime, date
import os

import emails
import reports

def getfruitlist():
    data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "supplier-data/descriptions")
    list_of_files = os.listdir(data_folder)
    data = ""
    for file in list_of_files:
        if file.startswith("."):
        with open(os.path.join(data_folder, file), "r") as current_file:
            name = current_file.readline().strip()
            weight = int(current_file.readline().strip())
            data = data + name + "<br/>" + weight + "<br/>" + "<br/>"
    return data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = "processed.pdf"
    title = "Processed Update on {}".format(date.today().strftime("%B %d, %Y"))
    data = getfruitlist()
    msg = emails.generate("*****@*****.**",
                          "Upload Completed - Online Fruit Store",
                          "All fruits are uploaded to our website successfully. A detailed list is attached to this email.",
import os
from psutil import cpu_percent, virtual_memory
from shutil import disk_usage
from emails import generate_no_attachment, send

du = disk_usage('/')
free_percent = du.free / du.total * 100
cpu = cpu_percent(1)
mem = virtual_memory()
mem_limit = 500 * 1024 * 1024
body = 'Please check your system and resolve the issue as soon as possible.'
if mem.available < mem_limit:
    message = generate_no_attachment(
        '*****@*****.**', '<user>@example.com',
        'Error - Available memory is less than 500MB', body)
if free_percent < 20:
    message = generate_no_attachment(
        '*****@*****.**', '<user>@example.com',
        'Error - Available disk space is less than 20%', body)
if cpu > 80:
    message = generate_no_attachment('*****@*****.**',
                                     'Error - CPU usage is over 80%', body)
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + 'localhost')
if response != 0:
    message = generate_no_attachment(
        '*****@*****.**', '<user>@example.com',
        'Error - localhost cannot be resolved to', body)
import os
import datetime
import reports
import emails

source_text_folder = os.path.abspath('./supplier-data/descriptions')
files = os.listdir(source_text_folder)

data_list = []
for file in files:
    with open(os.path.join(source_text_folder, file), 'r') as f:
        name = f.readline().strip()
        weight = f.readline().strip().split()[0] + ' lbs'
        data_list.append('name: {}<br/>weight: {}'.format(name, weight))

pdf_header = 'Processed Update on {}'.format(
    datetime.date.today().strftime('%B %d, %Y'))
pdf_body = '<br/><br/>'.join(data_list)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    reports.generate_report('/tmp/processed.pdf', pdf_header, pdf_body)
    sender = '*****@*****.**'
    recipient = '*****@*****.**'
    subject = 'Upload Completed - Online Fruit Store'
    body = 'All fruits are uploaded to our website successfully. A detailed list is attached to this email.'
    attachment_path = '/tmp/processed.pdf'
        emails.generate_email(sender, recipient, subject, body,
    cpu, memory, disk, localhost_ip = datas.gather()
    result = datas.evaluate(cpu, memory, disk, localhost_ip)

        mail_file = sys.argv[1]
        credentials = []
        now = datetime.datetime.now().ctime()

        with open(mail_file, 'r') as f:
            # save credentials in a list, split them by newline and ignore the
            # last empty string then save them to
            credentials = f.read().split('\n')[:-1]
            server, port, login, password, recipient = credentials

        if result != 0 and result != 1:
            subject = "Monitor PC Alert"
            body = now + " - " + result

            message = emails.generate(login, recipient, subject, body)
            emails.send(message, server, port, login, password)

        elif result == 1:
            print("{} - Error, something went wrong".format(now))
            print("{} - Everything is OK".format(now))

    except Exception as e:
        raise e