def build_curr_disabled(chat_id: Union[str, int]) -> str: disabled = sql.get_all_disabled(chat_id) if not disabled: return, "Tidak ada perintah yang dinonaktifkan!") result = "" for cmd in disabled: result += " - `{}`\n".format(escape_markdown(cmd)) return, "Perintah-perintah berikut saat ini dibatasi:\n{}").format(result)
def export_data(update, context): msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] chat_id = chat = update.effective_chat current_chat_id = chat_data = context.chat_data conn = connected(, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda bisa lakukan command ini pada grup, bukan pada PM")) return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = jam = time.time() new_jam = jam + 43200 cek = get_chat(chat_id, chat_data) if cek.get('status'): if jam <= int(cek.get('value')): waktu = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(cek.get('value'))) send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda dapat mencadangan data sekali dalam 12 jam!\n[Orang ini](tg://user?id={}) sudah mencadangan data\nAnda dapat mencadangan data lagi pada `{}`").format(cek.get('user'), waktu), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return else: if != OWNER_ID: put_chat(chat_id,, new_jam, chat_data) else: if != OWNER_ID: put_chat(chat_id,, new_jam, chat_data) # Backup version # Revision: 07/07/2019 backup_ver = 1 bot_base = "Emilia" # Make sure this backup is for this bot bot_id = # Backuping antiflood flood_mode, flood_duration = antifloodsql.get_flood_setting(chat_id) flood_limit = antifloodsql.get_flood_limit(chat_id) antiflood = {'flood_mode': flood_mode, 'flood_duration': flood_duration, 'flood_limit': flood_limit} # Backuping blacklists all_blacklisted = blacklistsql.get_chat_blacklist(chat_id) blacklist_mode, blacklist_duration = blacklistsql.get_blacklist_setting( blacklists = {'blacklist_mode': blacklist_mode, 'blacklist_duration': blacklist_duration, 'blacklists': all_blacklisted} # Backuping blacklists sticker all_blsticker = blackliststksql.get_chat_stickers(chat_id) blsticker_mode, blsticker_duration = blacklistsql.get_blacklist_setting( blstickers = {'blsticker_mode': blsticker_mode, 'blsticker_duration': blsticker_duration, 'blstickers': all_blsticker} # Backuping disabled cmd_disabled = disabledsql.get_all_disabled(chat_id) disabled = {'disabled': cmd_disabled} # Backuping filters all_filters = filtersql.get_chat_triggers(chat_id) filters_gen = [] for x in all_filters: filt = filtersql.get_filter(, x) if filt.is_sticker: filt_type = 1 elif filt.is_document: filt_type = 2 elif filt.is_image: filt_type = 3 elif filt.is_audio: filt_type = 4 elif filt.is_voice: filt_type = 5 elif filt.is_video: filt_type = 6 elif filt.has_markdown: filt_type = 0 else: filt_type = 7 filters_gen.append({"name": x, "reply": filt.reply, "type": filt_type}) filters = {'filters': filters_gen} # Backuping greetings msg and config greetings = {} pref, welcome_m, cust_content, welcome_type = welcsql.get_welc_pref(chat_id) if not welcome_m: welcome_m = "" if not cust_content: cust_content = "" buttons = welcsql.get_welc_buttons(chat_id) welcome_m += revert_buttons(buttons) greetings["welcome"] = {"enable": pref, "text": welcome_m, "content": cust_content, "type": welcome_type} pref, goodbye_m, cust_content, goodbye_type = welcsql.get_gdbye_pref(chat_id) if not goodbye_m: goodbye_m = "" if not cust_content: cust_content = "" buttons = welcsql.get_gdbye_buttons(chat_id) goodbye_m += revert_buttons(buttons) greetings["goodbye"] = {"enable": pref, "text": goodbye_m, "content": cust_content, "type": goodbye_type} curr = welcsql.clean_service(chat_id) greetings["clean_service"] = curr getcur, cur_value, extra_verify, timeout, timeout_mode, cust_text = welcsql.welcome_security(chat_id) greetings["security"] = {"enable": getcur, "text": cust_text, "time": cur_value, "extra_verify": extra_verify, "timeout": timeout, "timeout_mode": timeout_mode} # Backuping chat language getlang = langsql.get_lang(chat_id) language = {"language": getlang} # Backuping locks curr_locks = locksql.get_locks(chat_id) curr_restr = locksql.get_restr(chat_id) if curr_locks: locked_lock = { "sticker": curr_locks.sticker, "audio":, "voice": curr_locks.voice, "document": curr_locks.document, "video":, "contact":, "photo":, "gif": curr_locks.gif, "url": curr_locks.url, "bots": curr_locks.bots, "forward": curr_locks.forward, "game":, "location": curr_locks.location, "rtl": curr_locks.rtl } else: locked_lock = {} if curr_restr: locked_restr = { "messages": curr_restr.messages, "media":, "other": curr_restr.other, "previews": curr_restr.preview, "all": all([curr_restr.messages,, curr_restr.other, curr_restr.preview]) } else: locked_restr = {} lock_warn = locksql.get_lockconf(chat_id) locks = {'lock_warn': lock_warn, 'locks': locked_lock, 'restrict': locked_restr} # Backuping notes note_list = notesql.get_all_chat_notes(chat_id) notes = [] for note in note_list: buttonlist = "" note_tag = note_type = note.msgtype getnote = notesql.get_note(chat_id, if not note.value: note_data = "" else: tombol = notesql.get_buttons(chat_id, note_tag) keyb = [] buttonlist = "" for btn in tombol: if btn.same_line: buttonlist += "[{}](buttonurl:{}:same)\n".format(, btn.url) else: buttonlist += "[{}](buttonurl:{})\n".format(, btn.url) note_data = "{}\n\n{}".format(note.value, buttonlist) note_file = note.file if not note_file: note_file = "" notes.append({"note_tag": note_tag, "note_data": note_data, "note_file": note_file, "note_type": note_type}) # Backuping reports get_report = reportsql.user_should_report(chat_id) report = {'report': get_report} # Backuping rules getrules = rulessql.get_rules(chat_id) rules = {"rules": getrules} # Backuping warns config and warn filters warn_limit, _, warn_mode = warnssql.get_warn_setting(chat_id) all_handlers = warnssql.get_chat_warn_triggers(chat_id) all_warn_filter = [] for x in all_handlers: warnreply = warnssql.get_warn_filter(chat_id, x) all_warn_filter.append({'name': x, 'reason': warnreply.reply}) if not warn_mode: warn_mode = "" # Get all warnings in current chat allwarns = warnssql.get_allwarns(chat_id) warns = {"warn_limit": warn_limit, "warn_mode": warn_mode, "warn_filters": all_warn_filter, "chat_warns": allwarns} # Parsing backups backup = {"bot_id": bot_id, "bot_base": bot_base, "antiflood": antiflood, "blacklists": blacklists, "blstickers": blstickers, "disabled": disabled, "filters": filters, "greetings": greetings, "language": language, "locks": locks, "notes": notes, "report": report, "rules": rules, "warns": warns, "version": backup_ver} all_backups = json.dumps(backup, indent=4, cls=SetEncoder) f = open("{}-Emilia.backup".format(chat_id), "w") f.write(str(all_backups)) f.close(), "upload_document") tgl = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S - %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(time.time())) try:, "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`".format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except BadRequest: pass send =, document=open('{}-Emilia.backup'.format(chat_id), 'rb'), caption=tl(update.effective_message, "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`\n\nNote: cadangan ini khusus untuk bot ini, jika di import ke bot lain maka catatan dokumen, video, audio, voice, dan lain-lain akan hilang").format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), timeout=360, reply_to_message_id=msg.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) try: # Send to temp data for prevent unexpected issue, document=send.document.file_id, caption=tl(update.effective_message, "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`\n\nNote: cadangan ini khusus untuk bot ini, jika di import ke bot lain maka catatan dokumen, video, audio, voice, dan lain-lain akan hilang").format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), timeout=360, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except BadRequest: pass os.remove("{}-Emilia.backup".format(chat_id)) # Cleaning file
def export_data(bot: Bot, update: Update, chat_data): msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] spam = spamfilters(update.effective_message.text,, if spam == True: return update.effective_message.reply_text( "Saya kecewa dengan anda, saya tidak akan mendengar kata-kata anda sekarang!" ) chat_id = chat = update.effective_chat current_chat_id = conn = connected(bot, update, chat,, need_admin=True) if conn: chat = chat_id = conn chat_name = else: if == "private": update.effective_message.reply_text( "Anda bisa lakukan command ini pada grup, bukan pada PM") return "" chat = update.effective_chat chat_id = chat_name = jam = time.time() new_jam = jam + 10800 cek = get_chat(chat_id, chat_data) if cek.get('status'): if jam <= int(cek.get('value')): waktu = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(cek.get('value'))) update.effective_message.reply_text( "Anda dapat mencadangan data sekali dalam sehari!\nAnda dapat mencadangan data lagi pada `{}`" .format(waktu), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return else: if != 388576209: put_chat(chat_id, new_jam, chat_data) else: if != 388576209: put_chat(chat_id, new_jam, chat_data) note_list = sql.get_all_chat_notes(chat_id) backup = {} notes = {} button = "" buttonlist = [] namacat = "" isicat = "" rules = "" count = 0 countbtn = 0 # Notes for note in note_list: count += 1 getnote = sql.get_note(chat_id, namacat += '{}<###splitter###>'.format( if note.msgtype == 1: tombol = sql.get_buttons(chat_id, keyb = [] for btn in tombol: countbtn += 1 if btn.same_line: buttonlist.append( ('{}'.format(, '{}'.format(btn.url), True)) else: buttonlist.append( ('{}'.format(, '{}'.format(btn.url), False)) isicat += '###button###: {}<###button###>{}<###splitter###>'.format( note.value, str(buttonlist)) buttonlist.clear() elif note.msgtype == 2: isicat += '###sticker###:{}<###splitter###>'.format(note.file) elif note.msgtype == 3: isicat += '###file###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>'.format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 4: isicat += '###photo###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>'.format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 5: isicat += '###audio###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>'.format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 6: isicat += '###voice###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>'.format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 7: isicat += '###video###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>'.format( note.file, note.value) elif note.msgtype == 8: isicat += '###video_note###:{}<###TYPESPLIT###>{}<###splitter###>'.format( note.file, note.value) else: isicat += '{}<###splitter###>'.format(note.value) for x in range(count): notes['#{}'.format( namacat.split("<###splitter###>")[x])] = '{}'.format( isicat.split("<###splitter###>")[x]) # Rules rules = rulessql.get_rules(chat_id) # Blacklist bl = list(blacklistsql.get_chat_blacklist(chat_id)) # Disabled command disabledcmd = list(disabledsql.get_all_disabled(chat_id)) # Filters (TODO) """ all_filters = list(filtersql.get_chat_triggers(chat_id)) export_filters = {} for filters in all_filters: filt = filtersql.get_filter(chat_id, filters) # print(vars(filt)) if filt.is_sticker: tipefilt = "sticker" elif filt.is_document: tipefilt = "doc" elif filt.is_image: tipefilt = "img" elif filt.is_audio: tipefilt = "audio" elif filt.is_voice: tipefilt = "voice" elif filt.is_video: tipefilt = "video" elif filt.has_buttons: tipefilt = "button" buttons = filtersql.get_buttons(, filt.keyword) print(vars(buttons)) elif filt.has_markdown: tipefilt = "text" if tipefilt == "button": content = "{}#=#{}|btn|{}".format(tipefilt, filt.reply, buttons) else: content = "{}#=#{}".format(tipefilt, filt.reply) print(content) export_filters[filters] = content print(export_filters) """ # Welcome (TODO) # welc = welcsql.get_welc_pref(chat_id) # Locked locks = locksql.get_locks(chat_id) locked = [] if locks: if locks.sticker: locked.append('sticker') if locks.document: locked.append('document') if locked.append('contact') if locked.append('audio') if locked.append('game') if locks.bots: locked.append('bots') if locks.gif: locked.append('gif') if locked.append('photo') if locked.append('video') if locks.voice: locked.append('voice') if locks.location: locked.append('location') if locks.forward: locked.append('forward') if locks.url: locked.append('url') restr = locksql.get_restr(chat_id) if restr.other: locked.append('other') if restr.messages: locked.append('messages') if restr.preview: locked.append('preview') if locked.append('media') # Warns (TODO) # warns = warnssql.get_warns(chat_id) # Backing up backup[chat_id] = { 'bot':, 'hashes': { 'info': { 'rules': rules }, 'extra': notes, 'blacklist': bl, 'disabled': disabledcmd, 'locks': locked } } catatan = json.dumps(backup, indent=4) f = open("cadangan{}.backup".format(chat_id), "w") f.write(str(catatan)) f.close() bot.sendChatAction(current_chat_id, "upload_document") tgl = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S - %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(time.time())) try: bot.sendMessage( TEMPORARY_DATA, "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`" .format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except BadRequest: pass bot.sendDocument( current_chat_id, document=open('cadangan{}.backup'.format(chat_id), 'rb'), caption= "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`\n\nNote: cadangan ini khusus untuk bot ini, jika di import ke bot lain maka catatan dokumen, video, audio, voice, dan lain-lain akan hilang" .format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), timeout=360, reply_to_message_id=msg.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) os.remove("cadangan{}.backup".format(chat_id)) # Cleaning file