def test_find_drugs_for_genes():
    # SearchTerm for SRC
    SRC = SearchTerm(type='gene',
                     db_refs={'HGNC': '11283'})
    # drugs targeting KRAS
    drug_terms = find_drugs_for_genes([SRC])

    # make sure there are results
    assert drug_terms

    # make sure the result is a list of search terms
    assert all(isinstance(term, SearchTerm) for term in drug_terms)

    # something is wrong if there are fewer than 10 drugs
    assert len(drug_terms) > 10

    # test that some example drugs are included
    drug_names = set(term.name for term in drug_terms)
    example_drugs = set(['Dasatinib', 'Tozasertib', 'Ponatinib'])
    assert example_drugs <= drug_names
def test_find_drugs_for_genes():
    # SearchTerm for SRC
    SRC = SearchTerm(type='gene',
                     db_refs={'HGNC': '11283'})
    # drugs targeting KRAS
    drug_terms = find_drugs_for_genes([SRC], [
        Inhibition(Agent('Dasatinib', db_refs={'CHEBI': 'CHEBI:49375'}),
                   Agent('SRC', db_refs={'HGNC': '11283'})),
        Inhibition(Agent('Ponatinib', db_refs={'CHEBI': 'CHEBI:78543'}),
                   Agent('SRC', db_refs={'HGNC': '11283'}))

    # make sure there are results
    assert drug_terms

    # make sure the result is a list of search terms
    assert all(isinstance(term, SearchTerm) for term in drug_terms)

    # test that some example drugs are included
    drug_names = set(term.name for term in drug_terms)
    assert drug_names == set(['Dasatinib', 'Ponatinib'])
        # If all the agents are gene names, this is an internal statement.
        # We classify any statements with drugs in them as external.
        return all([a.name in gene_names for a in stmt.real_agent_list()])

    estmts = [
        EmmaaStatement(stmt, datetime.datetime.now(), [],
                       {'internal': is_internal(stmt)}) for stmt in stmts
    return estmts

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cancer_types = (
    for ctype in cancer_types:
        top_genes = get_top_genes(ctype, 5)
        cancer_terms = make_prior_from_genes(top_genes)
        drug_terms = find_drugs_for_genes(cancer_terms)
        gene_names = [g.name for g in cancer_terms]
        drug_names = [d.name for d in drug_terms]
        terms = cancer_terms + drug_terms
        save_config(ctype, terms)
        prior_stmts = get_stmts_for_gene_list(gene_names, drug_names)
        save_prior(ctype, prior_stmts)