148.4, 150.2, 148.8, 149.2, 149.2, 148.4, 150.2, 146.6, 149.8, 149., 150.8,
    148.6, 150.2, 149., 148.6, 150.2, 148.2, 149.4, 150.8, 150.2, 152.2, 148.2,
    149.2, 151., 149.6, 149.6, 149.4, 148.6, 150., 150.6, 149.2, 152.6, 152.8,
    149.6, 151.6, 152.8, 153.2, 152.4, 152.2

# Compute mean and standard deviation: mu, sigma
mu = np.mean(belmont_no_outliers)
sigma = np.std(belmont_no_outliers)

# Sample out of a normal distribution with this mu and sigma: samples

samples = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 10000)

# Get the CDF of the samples and of the data
x, y = ecdf.ecdf(belmont_no_outliers)
x_theor, y_theor = ecdf.ecdf(samples)

# Plot the CDFs and show the plot
_ = plt.plot(x_theor, y_theor)
_ = plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.xlabel('Belmont winning time (sec.)')
_ = plt.ylabel('CDF')

# Compute the fraction that are faster than 144 seconds: prob

prob = sum(samples <= 144) / float(len(samples))

# Print the result
samples_std1 = np.random.normal(20, 1, size=100000)
samples_std3 = np.random.normal(20, 3, size=100000)
samples_std10 = np.random.normal(20, 10, size=100000)

# Make histograms
_ = plt.hist(samples_std1, normed=True, histtype='step', bins=100)
_ = plt.hist(samples_std3, normed=True, histtype='step', bins=100)
_ = plt.hist(samples_std10, normed=True, histtype='step', bins=100)

# Make a legend, set limits and show plot
_ = plt.legend(('std = 1', 'std = 3', 'std = 10'))
plt.ylim(-0.01, 0.42)

# Generate CDFs
x_std1, y_std1 = ecdf.ecdf(samples_std1)
x_std3, y_std3 = ecdf.ecdf(samples_std3)
x_std10, y_std10 = ecdf.ecdf(samples_std10)

# Plot CDFs

_ = plt.plot(x_std1, y_std1, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.plot(x_std3, y_std3, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.plot(x_std10, y_std10, marker='.', linestyle='none')

# Make 2% margin

# Make a legend and show the plot
_ = plt.legend(('std = 1', 'std = 3', 'std = 10'), loc='lower right')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import empiricalcumulativedistribution as ecdf
# Seed the random number generator

import seaborn as sns

# Take 10,000 samples out of the binomial distribution: n_defaults

n_defaults = np.random.binomial(100, 0.05, 10000)
# Compute CDF: x, y

x, y = ecdf.ecdf(n_defaults)

# Plot the CDF with axis labels

_ = plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.xlabel('number of defaults out of 100')
_ = plt.ylabel('CDF')

# Show the plot

def successive_poisson(tau1, tau2, size=1):
    # Draw samples out of first exponential distribution: t1
    t1 = np.random.exponential(tau1, size)

    # Draw samples out of second exponential distribution: t2
    t2 = np.random.exponential(tau2, size)

    return t1 + t2

# Draw samples of waiting times: waiting_times
waiting_times = successive_poisson(764, 715, 100000)

# Make the histogram

_ = plt.hist(waiting_times, bins=100, normed=True, histtype='step')

# Label axes
_ = plt.xlabel('waiting_times')
_ = plt.ylabel('probability ')

# plot ecdf

x, y = ecdf.ecdf(waiting_times)
_ = plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')
_ = plt.xlabel('waitng times')
_ = plt.ylabel('probability of waiting times')

# Show the plot

# Compute the mean: mean_length_vers
mean_length_vers = np.mean(versicolor_petal_length)

# Print the result with some nice formatting
print('I. versicolor:', mean_length_vers, 'cm')

# Specify array of percentiles: percentiles
percentiles = np.array([2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5])

# Compute percentiles: ptiles_vers
ptiles_vers = np.percentile(versicolor_petal_length, percentiles)

# Print the result

x_vers, y_vers = ecdf.ecdf(versicolor_petal_length)

# Plot the ECDF
_ = plt.plot(x_vers, y_vers, '.')
_ = plt.xlabel('petal length (cm)')
_ = plt.ylabel('ECDF')

# Overlay percentiles as red diamonds.
_ = plt.plot(ptiles_vers,
             percentiles / 100,

# Show the plot