def _calculate_filter(n, spacing, shift, fI, r_def, reim, name):
    r"""Calculate filter for this spacing, shift, n."""

    # Base :: For this n/spacing/shift
    base = np.exp(spacing * (np.arange(n) - n // 2) + shift)

    # r :: Start/end is defined by base AND r_def[0]/r_def[1]
    #      Overdetermined system if r_def[2] > 1
    r = np.logspace(
        np.log10(1 / np.max(base)) - r_def[0],
        np.log10(1 / np.min(base)) + r_def[1], int(r_def[2] * n))

    # k :: Get required k-values (matrix of shape (r.size, base.size))
    k = base / r[:, None]

    # Create filter instance
    dlf = DigitalFilter(name.split('.')[0])
    dlf.base = base
    dlf.factor = np.around(np.average(base[1:] / base[:-1]), 15)
    dlf.filter_coeff = []

    # Loop over transforms
    for f in fI:
        # Add current filter name.

        # Calculate lhs and rhs for inversion
        lhs = reim(f.lhs(k))
        rhs = reim(f.rhs(r) * r)

        # Calculate filter values: Solve lhs*J=rhs using linalg.qr.
        # If factoring fails (qr) or if matrix is singular or square (solve) it
        # will raise a LinAlgError. Error is ignored and zeros are returned
        # instead.
            qq, rr = np.linalg.qr(lhs)
            J = np.linalg.solve(rr, rhs.dot(qq))
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
            J = np.zeros((base.size, ))

        setattr(dlf, f.name, J)

    return dlf
def load_filter(name, full=False, path='filters', filter_coeff=None):
    r"""Load saved DLF-filter and inversion output from text files."""

    # First we'll get the filter using its internal routine.
    if filter_coeff is None:
        filt = DigitalFilter(name.split('.')[0])
        filt = DigitalFilter(name.split('.')[0], filter_coeff=filter_coeff)

    # If full, we get the inversion output
    if full:
        # Try to get the inversion result. If files are not found, most likely
        # because they were not stored, we only return the filter
            # Get file name
            path = os.path.abspath(path)
            if len(name.split('.')) == 2:
                suffix = '.gz'
                suffix = ''
            fullfile = os.path.join(path,
                                    name.split('.')[0] + '_full.txt' + suffix)

            # Read data
            out = np.loadtxt(fullfile)

        except IOError:
            return filt

        # Collect inversion-result tuple
        nspace = int(out[0][0])
        nshift = int(out[1][0])

        space_shift_matrix = np.zeros((2, nspace, nshift))
        space_shift_matrix[0, :, :] = out[5:nspace + 5, :]
        space_shift_matrix[1, :, :] = out[nspace + 5:2 * nspace + 5, :]

        out = (np.array([out[2][0], out[3][0]]), out[4][0], space_shift_matrix,
               out[2 * nspace + 5:3 * nspace + 5, :],
               int(out[3 * nspace + 5, 0]))

        return filt, out
        return filt