 def testRun(self):
     p = PlaybookMgr( 'testbook' )
     p.write_inventory( 'testinv', { 'all' : ['localhost'] } )
     f = open( props['emtools.test.sshkeyfile'] )
     keytext = ''.join(f.readlines())
     p.config_ssh( props['emtools.test.user'], keytext )
     rc = p.run_module('testinv', 'all', 'setup', sudo=False)
     self.assertTrue( rc['contacted'].has_key( 'localhost' ))
     rc, results, out, err = p.run_playbook('smokecheck.yml', 'testinv')
     self.assertEquals(rc, 0)
     shutil.rmtree( p.get_rootdir() )
    def testSuccess(self):
        p = PlaybookMgr( 'testbook' )
        p.write_inventory( 'testinv', { 'all' : ['foo.calpont.com', 'bar.calpont.com'] } )
        inv = p.read_inventory( 'testinv' )
        self.assertEquals(inv['all'][0], 'foo.calpont.com')
        self.assertEquals(inv['all'][1], 'bar.calpont.com')
        ref_file = '%s/test_testinv' % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.assertTrue( testutils.file_compare(ref_file, '%s/testinv' % p.get_rootdir()))
        p.config_ssh( 'root', 'some_key_data1234567890' )

        ref_file = '%s/test_ansible.cfg' % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.assertTrue( testutils.file_compare(ref_file, '%s/ansible.cfg' % p.get_rootdir()))

        ref_file = '%s/test_private_key' % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.assertTrue( testutils.file_compare(ref_file, '%s/.ssh/private_key' % p.get_rootdir()))
        shutil.rmtree( p.get_rootdir() )
    def run_cmd(self):
        Prepare and run the ansible playbook command for
        the operation type specified in the constructor
        self._rundir  = self._cluster.get_vmi()._rundir
        emboxtype = self._cluster.config()['em']['boxtype']
        if not vagboxes.em_support(emboxtype):
            # Don't even try to install if the boxtype does not support an EM
            print 'supported is %s' % vagboxes.list_all(flags=vagboxes.FLAG_EM)
            Log.error("boxtype %s does not support the EM!" % emboxtype)
            return 1
        self._pkgtype = vagboxes.get_default_pkgtype(emboxtype)
        vmgr = emvmgr.EMVersionManager()
        (emversion, self._pkgfile) = vmgr.retrieve(self._cluster.config()['em']['version'], self._pkgtype)
        self._pkgname = os.path.split( self._pkgfile )[1]
        (ansible_yml,cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_install()

        extra_playdir = self._cluster.get_extra_playbook_dir()
        p = PlaybookMgr( os.path.basename(self._rundir), extra_playdir )

        # create ansible inventory file with list of hosts
        emrole = self._cluster.config()['em']['role']
        iplist = [ self._cluster.machine(emrole)['ip'] ]
        ipdict = { 'all' : iplist }
        p.write_inventory( 'emdefault', ipdict )

        # create ansible.cfg file
        self._idbuser = self._cluster.config()['idbuser']
        f = open( common.props['vmi.vagrantvmi.sshkey'] )
        keytext = ''.join(f.readlines())
        p.config_ssh( self._idbuser, keytext )

        # execute playbook thru PlaybookMgr
        Log.info("Running %s EM pkg install playbook; --extra-vars=%s" % (ansible_yml,cmdargs))
        rc, results, out, err = p.run_playbook(ansible_yml, 'emdefault', playbook_args=cmdargs)
        return rc
def main(argv):
    main function
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hvi", ['json='])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
    # defaults
    use_stdin = False
    json_file = ''
    for o,a in opts:
        if o == '-h':
        elif o == '-v':
            print 'launch.py Version: %s' % version
        elif o == '-i':
            use_stdin = True
        elif o == '--json':
            json_file = a
            print 'unsupported option: %s' % o
    if (use_stdin and json_file) or (not use_stdin and not json_file):
        print 'ERROR: Must specify exactly one of -i or --json'
    jsonstr = None
    if use_stdin:
        lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
        jsonstr = ''.join(lines)
    elif json_file:
        f = open( json_file )
        lines = f.readlines()
        jsonstr = ''.join(lines)
    # debug only
    # print '%s' % req
        req = inventoryreq.InventoryRequest( jsonstr )

        Log = logutils.getLogger('writeinventory')
        Log.info('request: %s' % req.json_dumps())

        pmgr = PlaybookMgr( req['cluster_name'] )
        # the write_inventory method expects a list for each role
        role_map = {}
        for r in req['role_info'].iterkeys():
            if type( req['role_info'][r] ) == list:
                role_map[r] = req['role_info'][r]
            elif type( req['role_info'][r] ) == unicode:
                role_map[r] = [ req['role_info'][r] ]
                raise Exception("writeinventory ERROR: unsupported type in role info %s : %s" % r, req['role_info'][r])
        pmgr.write_inventory('infinidb', role_map )
        import traceback
        print errormsg.ErrorMsg_from_parms( msg=json.dumps( traceback.format_exc() ) )

    reply_json = '{ "rc" : 0 }'
    Log.info('reply: %s' % reply_json)
    print reply_json
    return 0

    reqdict = {
        'cluster_name': 'cdh-head',
        'hostnames': hosts,
        'ssh_user': '******',
        'ssh_key': ssh_key

    req = factreq.FactRequest_from_dict(reqdict)
    print '%s' % req

    # todo - handle case where use only specifies one machine of infinidb cluster
    # run site_facts first, then check to make sure any infinidb machine is in the
    # inventory.  Then rerun setup & site_facts, etc.
    p.write_inventory('default', {'all': hosts})

    cluster_valid = True
    cluster_dist = ''
    cluster_reason = ''
    valid_instances = 0
    cluster_gluster = ''
    cluster_hadoop = ''
    cluster_infinidb = ''
    infinidb_host = ''

    instance_info = {}
    reslt = p.run_module('default', 'all', 'setup')
    role_info = {}

    for h in reslt['dark']:
class FactGetter(object):
    def __init__(self, req):
        self.__req = req
        self.__pmgr = PlaybookMgr( req['cluster_name'] )
        # TODO - add support for ssh_pass
        ssh_port = None
        if req.has_key('ssh_port'):
            ssh_port = req['ssh_port']
        if req.has_key('ssh_key'):
            self.__pmgr.config_ssh( req['ssh_user'], req['ssh_key'], ssh_port=ssh_port )
            self.__pmgr.config_ssh( req['ssh_user'], ssh_pass=req['ssh_pass'], ssh_port=ssh_port )
        self.__pmgr.write_inventory( 'default', { 'all' : req['hostnames'] })
        self.__role_info = {}
        self.__instance_info = {}
        self.__parsed_idbxml = False
        self.__user = req['ssh_user']

    def write_envsetup(self):
        fname = '%s/env-setup' % self.__pmgr.get_rootdir()
        f = open( fname, 'w' )
        for var in envvars:
            if os.environ.has_key(var):
                f.write('export %s=%s\n' % (var, os.environ[var]))
    def run_host(self, hostname):
        # debug only
        #print 'Running host %s' % hostname
        reslt = self.__pmgr.run_module( 'default', hostname, 'setup', no_raise=True, sudo=False )
        fqdn = ''
        for h in reslt['dark']:
            fqdn = h
            self.__instance_info[fqdn] = dict( valid=False,
                                     reason=reslt['dark'][h]['msg'] )
        for h in reslt['contacted']:
            if reslt['contacted'][h].has_key('failed'):
                # module execution failed, we need to report the error
                self.__instance_info[h] = dict( valid=False,
                                         reason=reslt['contacted'][h]['msg'] )
            elif reslt['contacted'][h].has_key('ansible_facts'):
                host_facts = reslt['contacted'][h]['ansible_facts']
                fqdn = host_facts['ansible_fqdn']
                # do a test here to make sure that the server running emtools
                # can resolve the FQDN that ansible found.  This guards against
                # a local, unrouteable hostname.  Note that we already know the
                # original IP was ok because ansible was able to contact the host
                    # try a lookup
                    host = socket.gethostbyname(fqdn)
                    # this is bad - it means the hostname is non-routable from the server
                    self.__instance_info[fqdn] = dict( valid=False,
                                                    reason='non-routeable FQDN: %s' % h)
                # we made contact so let's run our site_facts module
                    site_reslt = self.__pmgr.run_module( 'default', hostname, 'site_facts', sudo=False )
                except errormsg.ErrorMsg, exc:
                    self.__instance_info[h] = dict( valid=False,
                                                    reason=exc['msg'] )


                site_facts = site_reslt['contacted'][h]['ansible_facts']

                self.__instance_info[fqdn] = dict()
                # this first group of checks will determine whether the node is valid from 
                # an EM perspective
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['homedir'] = site_facts['homedir']                
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['python_version'] = host_facts['ansible_python_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['sudo'] = site_facts['sudo']
                valid = True if ( self.__instance_info[fqdn]['sudo'] and
                                  ( self.__instance_info[fqdn]['python_version'][0:3] == '2.6' or 
                                    self.__instance_info[fqdn]['python_version'][0:3] == '2.7') ) else False
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['valid'] = valid        
                if not valid:
                    reason = 'no posswardless sudo' if not self.__instance_info[fqdn]['sudo'] else 'unsupported python version'
                    reason = ''
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['reason'] = reason
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['ip_address'] = host_facts['ansible_all_ipv4_addresses'][0]
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['hostname'] = host_facts['ansible_hostname']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['os_family'] = host_facts['ansible_distribution']                                
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['gluster_version'] = site_facts['gluster_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['hadoop_version'] = site_facts['hadoop_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['pdsh_version'] = site_facts['pdsh_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['infinidb_version'] = site_facts['infinidb_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['infinidb_installdir'] = site_facts['infinidb_installdir']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['infinidb_user'] = site_facts['infinidb_user']
                # ansible does not report ansible_processor_vcpus on Mac OS
                if host_facts.has_key('ansible_processor_vcpus'):
                    self.__instance_info[fqdn]['processor_count'] = host_facts['ansible_processor_vcpus']
                    self.__instance_info[fqdn]['processor_count'] = host_facts['ansible_processor_cores']                    
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['memory_available'] = host_facts['ansible_memtotal_mb']
                # ansible does not report ansible_swaptotal_mb on Mac OS
                if host_facts.has_key('ansible_swaptotal_mb'):
                    self.__instance_info[fqdn]['swap_configured'] = host_facts['ansible_swaptotal_mb']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['em_components'] = {}
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['em_components']['collectd'] = site_facts['collectd_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['em_components']['python-stack'] = site_facts['python-stack_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['em_components']['graphite'] = site_facts['graphite_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['em_components']['tools'] = site_facts['tools_version']
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['em_components']['oam-server'] = ''
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['deployment_type'] = ''
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['storage_type'] = ''
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['system_name'] = ''
                self.__instance_info[fqdn]['port3306available'] = site_facts['port3306available']
                # no clue what happened - didn't see Failed but no ansible facts, return the whole result in the reason field
                self.__instance_info[h] = dict( valid=False,
                                         reason='%s' % reslt['contacted'][h] )

        if not self.__parsed_idbxml and self.__instance_info[fqdn]['valid'] and self.__instance_info[fqdn]['infinidb_version'] and self.__instance_info[fqdn]['sudo']:
            self.__parsed_idbxml = True
            # we found infinidb software.  Run our getinfo playbook to retrieve Calpont.xml
            rc, results, out, err = self.__pmgr.run_playbook('getinfo.yml', 'default', host_subset=hostname)
            if rc == 0:
                xml = idbxml.IdbXml( '%s/cluster_files/Calpont.xml' % (self.__pmgr.get_rootdir()) )
                for r in xml.get_all_roles():
                    # eoch role here has role= and ip_address= but we need to put
                    # map role to hostname for our reply.
                    role = r['role']
                    ip = r['ip_address']
                    for i in self.__instance_info.iterkeys():
                        self.__instance_info[i]['deployment_type'] = xml.get_parm('Installation', 'ServerTypeInstall')
                        self.__instance_info[i]['storage_type'] = xml.get_parm('Installation', 'DBRootStorageType')
                        self.__instance_info[i]['system_name'] = xml.get_parm('SystemConfig', 'SystemName')

                    host = ''
                        # try a lookup
                        host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
                        if host == 'localhost':
                            host = fqdn
                        # this is bad - it means that the Calpont.xml we found uses IP addresses that don't
                        # resolve to hostnames on the server.
                        self.__instance_info[fqdn]['valid'] = False
                        self.__instance_info[fqdn]['reason'] = 'Calpont.xml contained IP address %s that does not resolve to a hostname' % ip

                    self.__role_info[role] = host

                    # check to see if this host needs to be added to the request
                    if not self.__instance_info.has_key(host):
                        self.__pmgr.write_inventory( 'default', { 'all' : self.__req['hostnames'] })
                if self.__instance_info[fqdn]['valid']:
                    # only do these updates if the node is still considered valid - may get set to False
                    # above if unknown IPs in Calpont.xml
                    invdict =  { 'all' : self.__req['hostnames'], 
                                 'pm:children' : [ 'pm1' ],
                                 'pm1' : [ self.__role_info['pm1'] ] }
                    if self.__role_info.has_key('pm2'):
                        invdict['pm2'] = [ self.__role_info['pm2'] ]
                    self.__pmgr.write_inventory( 'infinidb', invdict )
                    varlist = [ ('em_server',socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())),
                                ('infinidb_user',self.__instance_info[fqdn]['infinidb_user']) ]
                    self.__pmgr.write_vars('pm', varlist)
                # some kind of problem running getinfo.yml...Will reset the entire host info
                self.__instance_info[h] = {
                    'valid' : False,
                    'reason': 'Failed to run playbook getinfo.yml: rc=%s, stdout=%s, stderr=%s' % \
                                ( rc, out, err )
    def run_cmd(self):
        Prepare and run the ansible playbook command for
        the operation type specified in the constructor
        self._rundir = self._cluster.get_rundir()
        self._pkgdir = self._cluster.get_pkgdir()
        self._pkgfile = self._cluster.get_pkgfile()
        self._idbuser = self._cluster.config()['idbuser']
        eflag = self._cluster.config()['enterprise']
        if eflag:
            self._entflag = "true"
            self._entflag = "false"
        self._version = self._pkgfilenameparser.get_pkg_version(self._pkgfile)
        self._hadoop = self._cluster.config()['hadoop']
        self._hdfsflag = "false"
        if self._hadoop:
            self._hdfsflag = "true"
        self._upgfile = self._cluster.get_upgfile()
        self._upgversion = None
        if self._upgfile:
            self._upgversion = self._pkgfilenameparser.get_pkg_version(
        m = self._cluster.machine('pm1')
        self._pm1_ip = m['ip']
        self._postconfig_opts = self._cluster.get_postconfig_opts()

        # Add -em to postconfig flags for version 4.6 and up
        if self._optype == 'pkginstall':
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._version, '4.6.0-0'):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_pkginstall()
        elif self._optype == 'pkgupgrade':
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._upgversion, '4.6.0-0'):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_pkgupgrade()
        elif self._optype == 'bininstall':
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._version, '4.6.0-0'):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_bininstall()
        elif self._optype == 'binupgrade':
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._upgversion, '4.6.0-0'):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_binupgrade()
            raise Exception("Unsupported ansible playbook type to run: %s" %

        extra_playdir = self._cluster.get_extra_playbook_dir()
        p = PlaybookMgr(os.path.basename(self._rundir), extra_playdir)

        # create ansible inventory file with list of hosts;
        # should already exist for an EM-triggered install.
        full_inv_file = '%s/%s' % (p.get_rootdir(), self._inventory_filename)
        if not os.path.exists(full_inv_file):
            machines = self._cluster.machines()
            iplist = []
            infnodelist = []
            for key in machines:
                m = machines[key]

                # if we are using the EM in invm mode we don't want that
                # node to participate in the normal InfiniDB install
                if key != 'em1':
                    #f.write("key: %s.calpont.com; ip: %s\n" % (key,m['ip']))

            ipdict = {'all': iplist, 'infinidb_nodes': infnodelist}
            p.write_inventory(self._inventory_filename, ipdict)

        # create ansible.cfg file;
        # should already exist for an EM-triggered install.
        full_ans_file = '%s/%s' % (p.get_rootdir(), 'ansible.cfg')
        if not os.path.exists(full_ans_file):
            keytext = self._cluster.get_sshkey_text()
            p.config_ssh(self._idbuser, keytext)

        # execute playbook thru PlaybookMgr
        self._ansible_file = ansible_yml
        self._extra_vars = cmdargs
        rc, results, out, err = p.run_playbook(ansible_yml,

        return rc, results, out, err
文件: sample.py 项目: allfs/emtools
    reqdict = {
    req = factreq.FactRequest_from_dict( reqdict )
    print '%s' % req

    # todo - handle case where use only specifies one machine of infinidb cluster
    # run site_facts first, then check to make sure any infinidb machine is in the
    # inventory.  Then rerun setup & site_facts, etc.
    p.write_inventory( 'default', { 'all' : hosts })

    cluster_valid = True
    cluster_dist = ''
    cluster_reason = ''
    valid_instances = 0
    cluster_gluster = ''
    cluster_hadoop = ''
    cluster_infinidb = ''
    infinidb_host = ''
    instance_info = {}
    reslt = p.run_module( 'default', 'all', 'setup' )
    role_info = {}
    for h in reslt['dark']:
    def run_cmd(self):
        Prepare and run the ansible playbook command for
        the operation type specified in the constructor
        self._rundir = self._cluster.get_rundir()
        self._pkgdir = self._cluster.get_pkgdir()
        self._pkgfile = self._cluster.get_pkgfile()
        self._idbuser = self._cluster.config()["idbuser"]
        eflag = self._cluster.config()["enterprise"]
        if eflag:
            self._entflag = "true"
            self._entflag = "false"
        self._version = self._pkgfilenameparser.get_pkg_version(self._pkgfile)
        self._hadoop = self._cluster.config()["hadoop"]
        self._hdfsflag = "false"
        if self._hadoop:
            self._hdfsflag = "true"
        self._upgfile = self._cluster.get_upgfile()
        self._upgversion = None
        if self._upgfile:
            self._upgversion = self._pkgfilenameparser.get_pkg_version(self._upgfile)
        m = self._cluster.machine("pm1")
        self._pm1_ip = m["ip"]
        self._postconfig_opts = self._cluster.get_postconfig_opts()

        # Add -em to postconfig flags for version 4.6 and up
        if self._optype == "pkginstall":
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._version, "4.6.0-0"):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_pkginstall()
        elif self._optype == "pkgupgrade":
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._upgversion, "4.6.0-0"):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_pkgupgrade()
        elif self._optype == "bininstall":
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._version, "4.6.0-0"):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_bininstall()
        elif self._optype == "binupgrade":
            if ConfigSpec._version_greaterthan(self._upgversion, "4.6.0-0"):
                self._postconfig_opts += " -em"
            (ansible_yml, cmdargs) = self._prepare_playbook_binupgrade()
            raise Exception("Unsupported ansible playbook type to run: %s" % self._optype)

        extra_playdir = self._cluster.get_extra_playbook_dir()
        p = PlaybookMgr(os.path.basename(self._rundir), extra_playdir)

        # create ansible inventory file with list of hosts;
        # should already exist for an EM-triggered install.
        full_inv_file = "%s/%s" % (p.get_rootdir(), self._inventory_filename)
        if not os.path.exists(full_inv_file):
            machines = self._cluster.machines()
            iplist = []
            infnodelist = []
            for key in machines:
                m = machines[key]

                # if we are using the EM in invm mode we don't want that
                # node to participate in the normal InfiniDB install
                if key != "em1":
                    # f.write("key: %s.calpont.com; ip: %s\n" % (key,m['ip']))

            ipdict = {"all": iplist, "infinidb_nodes": infnodelist}
            p.write_inventory(self._inventory_filename, ipdict)

        # create ansible.cfg file;
        # should already exist for an EM-triggered install.
        full_ans_file = "%s/%s" % (p.get_rootdir(), "ansible.cfg")
        if not os.path.exists(full_ans_file):
            keytext = self._cluster.get_sshkey_text()
            p.config_ssh(self._idbuser, keytext)

        # execute playbook thru PlaybookMgr
        self._ansible_file = ansible_yml
        self._extra_vars = cmdargs
        rc, results, out, err = p.run_playbook(ansible_yml, self._inventory_filename, playbook_args=cmdargs)

        return rc, results, out, err