def test_uncertainty_sampling_shapes(model, model_with_density):
    # test both with Lebesgue measure and with a probability measure because the gradients are computed differently
    x = np.array([[-1, 1], [0, 0], [-2, 0.1]])

    aq = UncertaintySampling(model)
    aq_with_density = UncertaintySampling(model_with_density)

    # value
    res = aq.evaluate(x)
    assert res.shape == (3, 1)

    # gradient
    res = aq.evaluate_with_gradients(x)
    assert res[0].shape == (3, 1)
    assert res[1].shape == (3, 2)

    # value
    res = aq_with_density.evaluate(x)
    assert res.shape == (3, 1)

    # gradient
    res = aq_with_density.evaluate_with_gradients(x)
    assert res[0].shape == (3, 1)
    assert res[1].shape == (3, 2)
def uncertainty_sampling(model_test_list_fixture):
    return UncertaintySampling(model_test_list_fixture)
def uncertainty_sampling_acquisition(vanilla_bq_model):
    return UncertaintySampling(vanilla_bq_model)
def test_uncertainty_sampling_gradients(model, model_with_density):
    aq = UncertaintySampling(model)
    aq_with_density = UncertaintySampling(model_with_density)
    x = np.array([[-2.5, 1.5]])
    _check_grad(aq, x)
    _check_grad(aq_with_density, x)