    def decode_option_ps1(self, data, path=None):
        lines = data.split('\n')
        # TODO?: refactor below so that it won't break when parameter order of source is different than expected/not sourced from this encoder
        setting_line = list(
                lambda l: l.startswith(
                    'Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter "{}" -PSPath "{}" -Name "{}" -Value '
                        self.filter, path
                        if path else self.default_path, self.name_override
                        if self.name_override else self.name)), lines))
        if len(setting_line) > 1:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                "Found more than one value for registry setting {} in the provided powershel text:\n{}",
                q(self.name), data)
        if len(setting_line) < 1:
            value = self.system_default  # If web config settings are not adjusted, the system default value is in effect so long as the site exists
            value = setting_line[0].split()[-1]

            return self.get_value_encoder().decode(value)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                'Invalid value to decode for setting {}. '
                'Error: {}. Arg: {}'.format(q(self.name), str(e), value))
 def validate_data(self, data):
     if not isinstance(data, list):
         raise SettingRuntimeException(
             'Expected list on input for RangeSetting. '
             'Got {} instead.'.format(q(type(data).__name__)))
     opts = self.filter_data(data)
     if len(opts) > 1:
         raise SettingRuntimeException(
             'Received multiple values for setting {}, only one value is allowed '
             'on decode'.format(q(self.name)))
     if not opts and self.default is None:
         raise SettingRuntimeException(
             'No value found to decode for setting {} and no '
             'default value was configured.'.format(q(self.name)))
     return opts
    def validate_data(self, data):
        decoded_values = {
            setting.name: setting.decode_option(data)
            for setting in self.settings

        if sum(decoded_values.values()) > 1:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                'There is more than 1 active GC in the input data for setting GCType.'

        if not any(decoded_values.values()) and self.default is None:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                'No value found to decode for setting GCType and no '
                'default value was configured.'.format(q(self.name)))

        return decoded_values
 def validate_value(self, value):
     if value not in self.values:
         raise SettingRuntimeException(
             'Provided value {} for encode is not '
             'one of the available ones: {}.'.format(
                 q(value), ', '.join(self.values)))
     value = self.values.index(value)
     value = super().validate_value(value)
     return value
 def decode_option(self, data):
     if isinstance(data, dict):
         return self.decode_option_json(data)
     elif isinstance(data, str):
         return self.decode_option_ps1(data)
         raise SettingRuntimeException(
             'Unrecognized data type passed on decode_option in dotnet encoder setting: {}. '
             'Supported: "dict (loaded json)", "str (powershell script)"'.
    def decode_option_json(self, data, path=None):
        Decodes dict of primitive values back into single primitive value.

        :param data: dict of setting values for the given path and filter of the current setting class
        :param path: path string from parent WebConfigSetting config_list
        :return: Single primitive value
        if path is None:
            path = self.default_path

        wc = data.get("WebConfig")
        # NOTE: because json structure is used during adjust as validation, it is built to be more fail-deadly
        #       as these failures would indicate the describe data is misformatted. When describe.ps1 is up to date, webconfig values will always
        #       be present in describe json even if they haven't been adjusted yet
        if not wc:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                "WebConfig dict for path:setting {}:{} was not found in describe data"
                .format(path, self.name))
        if not isinstance(wc, dict):
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                'Describe WebConfig data {} must have its value be a dict. '
                'It is currently {}.'.format(q(self.name),
        if len(wc) < 0:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                "WebConfig dict for path:setting {}:{} was found but had no key values"
                .format(path, self.name))

        name_locator = self.name_override if self.name_override else self.name
            value = wc[path][self.filter][name_locator]
        except KeyError:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                "Unable to located value of setting in path '{}' under filter '{}' by name(_override) '{}'"
                " within the describe data provided".format(
                    path, self.filter, name_locator))
            return self.get_value_encoder().decode(value)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                'Invalid value to decode for setting {}. '
                'Error: {}. Arg: {}'.format(q(self.name), str(e), value))
    def decode_option(self, data):
        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                'Unrecognized data type passed on decode_option in nameval encoder setting type: {}. '
                'Supported: "dict (parsed multiline file)"'.format(

        value = data.get(self.name)
        if value is None:
            return self.config['default']
        return value
    def decode_option_json(self, data):
        Decodes describe data dict back into single primitive value of the current setting.

        :param data: dict of describe data
        :return: Single primitive value
        # NOTE: because json structure is used during adjust as validation, it is built to be more fail-deadly
        #       as these failures would indicate an out of date describe.ps1
        reg = data.get(self.path, None)
        if not reg:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                "Registry path {} for setting {} was not found in describe data"
                .format(self.path, self.name))

        # NOTE: Until registry options are set, getting the registry path will return no keys but each of the settings does have a system default value
        #    which will be considered to be in effect in cases where the path in data has no keys
        value = reg.get(self.name, self.system_default)
            return self.get_value_encoder().decode(value)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise SettingRuntimeException(
                'Invalid value to decode for setting {}. '
                'Error: {}. Arg: {}'.format(q(self.name), str(e), value))
    def decode_option(self, data):
        Decodes list of primitive values back into single primitive value.

        :param data: List of multiple primitive values
        :return: Single primitive value
        opts = self.validate_data(data)
        if opts:
            opt = opts[0]
            value = self.get_format_match(opt).groups()[0]
                return self.get_value_encoder().decode(value)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise SettingRuntimeException(
                    'Invalid value to decode for setting {}. '
                    'Error: {}. Arg: {}'.format(q(self.name), str(e), opt))
        return self.default
 def validate_value(self, value):
     if value not in self.config['values']:
         raise SettingRuntimeException(
             'Value provided for setting {} was not contained in configured values. '
             'Value: {}.'.format(q(self.name), q(value)))