def __init__(self, collider: ICollider, drawable: IDrawable, mass: float, velocity: Vector2D, acceleration: Vector2D = None): self._collider: ICollider = collider self._drawable: IDrawable = drawable self._mass: float = mass self._velocity: Vector2D = velocity self._acceleration: Vector2D = acceleration if acceleration is not None else Vector2D(0, 0) # position shift for collision handling self._position_shift = None
def shift_to_intersection_with_rectangle(self, other: 'Rectangle') -> Vector2D: d_left = other.left - self.right # distance from left to right >= 0 d_right = other.right - self.left # distance from right to left <= 0 d_top = - self.bottom # distance from top to bottom >= 0 d_bottom = other.bottom - # distance from bottom to top <= 0 shift = Vector2D(Vector2D.INF, Vector2D.INF) if d_left >= 0: shift.x = d_left elif d_right <= 0: shift.x = d_right if d_top >= 0: shift.y = d_top if d_bottom <= 0: shift.y = d_bottom return shift
def draw(self, surface: Surface, position: Vector2D): surface.blit(self.image, position.as_tuple())
def scale(self, scale: Vector2D): self.image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, scale.as_tuple())
def __init__(self, offset: Vector2D = None): self.offset: Vector2D = offset if offset is not None else Vector2D(0, 0)
def start(self): W, H = self.screen.get_size() T = 60 WALLS_COLOR = (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) image = Image('adventure_game\\res\\player\\hd1.png') image.scale(Vector2D(64, 64)) image.set_transparent_color(Color(255, 255, 255)) self.player = KineticBody(collider=RectangleCollider( Rectangle(W // 2, H // 2, 64, 64)), drawable=image, mass=5, velocity=Vector2D(0, 0), acceleration=Vector2D(0, 1)) self.kinetic_bodies: list[KineticBody] = [self.player] self.elastic_bodies = [] self.collidables: list[ICollidable] = [ Wall(RectangleCollider(Rectangle(0, 0, W, T)), RectangleDrawable(W, T, Color(*WALLS_COLOR))), Wall(RectangleCollider(Rectangle(0, H - T, W, T)), RectangleDrawable(W, T, Color(*WALLS_COLOR))), Wall(RectangleCollider(Rectangle(0, T, T, H - T - T)), RectangleDrawable(T, H - T - T, Color(*WALLS_COLOR))), Wall(RectangleCollider(Rectangle(W - T, T, T, H - T - T)), RectangleDrawable(T, H - T - T, Color(*WALLS_COLOR))), self.player ] self.not_elastic_collidables = [] + self.collidables self.updatables: list[IUpdatable] = [self.player] image = Image('adventure_game\\res\\test\\bg1.jpg') image.scale(Vector2D(W, H)) self.entities: list[IEntity] = [ Wall(RectangleCollider(Rectangle(0, 0, W, H)), image) ] + self.collidables for _ in range(5): r = randint(40, 60) x, y = randint(T + T, W - T - T), randint(T + T, H - T - T) v = Vector2D(randint(-30, 30), randint(-30, 30)) color = Color(randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) ball = ElasticBody(RectangleCollider(Rectangle(x, y, 2 * r, 2 * r)), OffsetCircleDrawable(r, color, offset=Vector2D(r, r)), mass=r * 2, velocity=v, acceleration=Vector2D(0, 1)) self.kinetic_bodies.append(ball) self.elastic_bodies.append(ball) self.entities.append(ball) self.collidables.append(ball) self.updatables.append(ball) for i in range(len(self.elastic_bodies)): for j in range(i + 1, len(self.elastic_bodies)): if self.elastic_bodies[i].collides_with( self.elastic_bodies[j]): raise Exception('NOPE')
def __init__(self, left_x: float, top_y: float, width: float, height: float): self.left_top: Vector2D = Vector2D(left_x, top_y) self.width: float = width self.height: float = height
def center(self) -> Vector2D: return Vector2D(self.left_top.x + self.width / 2, self.left_top.y + self.height / 2)