def scanner_cb(self, source, angle_degrees, position, arc_degrees, arc_length, color): start_angle = (angle_degrees - arc_degrees / 2) % 360 end_angle = (start_angle + arc_degrees) % 360 rvals = [] p = Vector(position) for rob in self.robs: if rob is not source: if p.distance(rob.position) < arc_length: angle = rob.position.angle_between(p) % 360 if start_angle + arc_degrees > 360: if angle > start_angle or angle < end_angle: rvals.append(rob.position) else: if start_angle < angle < end_angle: rvals.append(rob.position) if len(rvals) > 0: color = [1, 0, 0] self.scanner_draw(p, angle_degrees, arc_degrees, arc_length, color) return rvals
class Robot(Entity): def __init__(self, name='', polygon=robody, projectile_cb=None, scanner_cb=None, laser_cb=None): super(Robot, self).__init__(polygon=polygon) = name self.color = None self.position = Vector(0, 0) self.velocity = Vector(0, 0) #self.projectile_cb = projectile_cb self.alive = True self.hull = 100 self.kills = [] self.scanner = ArcScanner(self, scanner_cb) self.cannon = ATCannon(source=self, projectile_cb=projectile_cb) self.shield = EnergyShield() self.laser = LaserEmitter(sourcebot=self, laser_cb=laser_cb) self.cannon_iface = self.cannon.gen_interface() self.modules = [] self.modules.append(self.scanner) self.modules.append(self.cannon) self.modules.append(self.shield) self.modules.append(self.laser) def get_position(self): return self.position def get_heading(self): return self.heading def get_hull(self): return self.hull def get_velocity(self): return self.velocity def scan(self, angle): rvals = self.scanner.scan(angle, self.position, self.color) return rvals def forward(self, val): vx = math.cos(math.radians(self.heading)) * val vy = math.sin(math.radians(self.heading)) * val self.velocity = Vector(vx, vy) def turn(self, val): self.rotation = val def execute(self): # to be initialized as a thread rval = random.randint(-3, 3) s_angle = random.randint(0, 360) self.scanner.set_arc_width(30) while True: if self.alive: time.sleep(.03) self.forward(1) if random.randint(0, 4) == 0: while rval >= 3 and rval <= -3: rval += random.randint(-3,3) if random.randint(0, 50) == 0: rval *= -1 self.turn(rval) tvals = self.scan(s_angle) if tvals is not False: s_angle += 30 s_angle %=360 if len(tvals) > 0: for t in tvals: d = None if d is None: d = t elif self.position.distance(t) < self.position.distance(d): d = t angle = Vector(d).angle_between(self.position) s_angle = angle self.shield.modulate(random.randint(0,2)) else: return def draw(self, ctx): #body ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_ADD) ctx.set_line_width(1) col = [*self.color] + [0.7] ctx.set_source_rgba(*col) ctx.move_to(self.body.points[0].x, self.body.points[0].y) for point in self.body.points: ctx.line_to(point[0], point[1]) ctx.line_to(self.body.points[0].x, self.body.points[0].y) ctx.fill() ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.color) ctx.move_to(self.body.points[0].x, self.body.points[0].y) for point in self.body.points: ctx.line_to(point[0], point[1]) ctx.line_to(self.body.points[0].x, self.body.points[0].y) ctx.stroke() # energy shield shield_color = self.shield.color + [.3] ctx.set_source_rgba(*shield_color) ctx.arc(self.position[0], self.position[1], self.body.radius+1, 0, math.pi*2) ctx.fill() self.draw_data(ctx) def draw_data(self, ctx): #circle ctx.set_line_width(1) ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 1, 0) ctx.arc(self.position[0], self.position[1], self.body.radius+1, 0, math.pi*2) ctx.stroke() #data self.draw_text(ctx) def draw_text(self, ctx): ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.color) ctx.select_font_face("Courier", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) ctx.set_font_size(12) (x, y, width, height, dx, dy) = ctx.text_extents( ctx.move_to(self.position[0]-width/2, self.position[1]+self.body.radius + height + 2) ctx.show_text( hull_str = str(self.hull) r = 1-.01*self.hull g = .01*self.hull ctx.set_source_rgb(r, g, 0) (x, y, width, height, dx, dy) = ctx.text_extents(hull_str) ctx.move_to(self.position[0] - width/2, self.position[1]- self.body.radius - height + 2) ctx.show_text(hull_str)