def log(code, target=None, comment=None, attributes_modified=None): """ :param code: The auditlog code. :keyword target: The object being modified. :keyword comment: Any description of event that is not captured by other attributes (e.g. search string would go in here). :keyeword attributes_modified: Any object attributes being modified (if relevant). """ if attributes_modified is None: attributes_modified = [] session = meta.Session() try: entry = model.AuditlogEntry() entry.code = code entry.comment = comment entry.operator_id = operator_info().user_id entry.operator_username = operator_info().username if target: entry.object_id = entry.object_type = target.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(target, 'label'): entry.object_label = target.label entry.attributes_modified = attributes_modified session.add(entry) session.flush() build_msg = [] build_msg.append("code={0}".format(code)) if operator_info().username: build_msg.append('operator={0}'.format(operator_info().username)) if target: build_msg.append('target={0}'.format(target)) if attributes_modified: build_msg.append('modified={0}'.format(','.join(attributes_modified))) if comment: build_msg.append(comment) # For now we're just writing this to syslog, but probably we want a database # log for this stuff too. logger().info(' '.join(build_msg)) except: # This may be wrong, but otherwise we go to try to commit() in our wrapper and it fails due to # an invalid session state. session.rollback() logger().critical("There was an error writing audit log: {code}, target={target}, mod={mod}".format(code=code, target=target, mod=attributes_modified), exc_info=True)
def has_access(perms): """ Check whether current operator has the specified access perms. """ if isinstance(perms, (int, basestring)): perms = [perms] return all([access.has_access(operator_info().user_id, perm) for perm in perms])
def index(self): # Grab some recent passwords accessed by the current user. results = auditlog.recent_content_views(operator_id=operator_info().user_id, object_type=Password.object_type(), limit=20, skip_count=True) return render("index.html", {'recent_pw_views': results.entries})
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # set name_override to func.__name__ for perm in perms: access.verify_access(operator_info().user_id, perm) return f(*args, **kwargs)