 def loadLevel(self):
     import ogre.renderer.OGRE as ogre
     models= ["ship_blue.mesh","ship_gray.mesh","ship_tan.mesh"]
     if (self.engine.netMgr.networkingEnabled and self.engine.netMgr.server) or not self.engine.netMgr.networkingEnabled:
         ent = Spaceship("Ship" + str(0),0, self.engine,models[0])
         ent.pos = ogre.Vector3(const.INNER_RADIUS + 100,50,0)
         self.playerIndex = 0
         self.nextPos = ogre.Vector3(const.INNER_RADIUS + 140,50,0)
    def tick(self, dtime):
        if self.networkingEnabled:
            if dtime < 1 and self.timeToWaitForPlayers > 0:
                self.timeToWaitForPlayers -= dtime
            # check to see if all players are ready to start the race
            if self.timeToWaitForPlayers > 0 and self.engine.gameMgr.allPlayersReady == False:
                allReady = True
                for ent in self.engine.entMgr.entities:
                    if not ent.isReady:
                        allReady = False
                if len(self.engine.entMgr.entities) > 1:
                    self.engine.gameMgr.allPlayersReady = allReady
            elif self.timeToWaitForPlayers <= 0:
                self.engine.gameMgr.allPlayersReady = True

            # get messages
            incoming = self.listener.getMessages()
            outgoingMsgs = []
            for msgs in incoming:
                msgType, msg = messages.unpack(msgs)
                if msgType == const.STATUS:
                    found = False
                    # check to see if the status message is regarding a ship that is already created
                    for ent in self.engine.entMgr.entities:
                        if ent.shipId == msg.shipId:
                            found = True
                    # if it is, send updates to entity
                    if found and msg.shipId != self.engine.entMgr.playerIndex:
                    # if it isn't, create that entity
                    elif not found:
                        ent = Spaceship("Ship" + str(msg.shipId),msg.shipId, self.engine,const.MESHES[msg.shipId])
                        ent.pos = self.engine.entMgr.nextPos
                        self.engine.entMgr.nextPos.x += 40
                # only process requests before game has started
                elif msgType == const.REQUEST and self.timeToWaitForPlayers > 0:
                    for ID in self.remainingIDs:
                        # if the id has not been issued already, or if the ID corresponds to a user who has been given an ID (but did not recieve their ID), send the ID
                        if ID[1] == "" or ID[1] ==  msg.userName:
                            ID[1] = msg.userName
                # only process info messages when this player has not been handed a playerIndex
                elif msgType == const.INFO and not self.server and self.engine.entMgr.playerIndex == -1:
                    self.engine.entMgr.playerIndex = msg.shipId
                    found = False
                    for ent in self.engine.entMgr.entities:
                        if ent.shipId == msg.shipId:
                            found = True
                    if not found:
                        ent = Spaceship("Ship" + str(msg.shipId),msg.shipId, self.engine,const.MESHES[msg.shipId])
                        ent.pos = self.engine.entMgr.nextPos
                        self.engine.entMgr.nextPos.x += 40

            # if this player has not been handed a playerIndex, request one.
            if self.engine.entMgr.playerIndex == -1:
            # if the player has been handed a playerIndex, send the status of your ship
                myId = self.engine.entMgr.playerIndex
                myEnt = self.engine.entMgr.entities[myId]
                outgoingMsgs.append(messages.pack(messages.StatusMessage(myId,myEnt.pos,myEnt.dir,myEnt.colVel,myEnt.speed,myEnt.pitch, myEnt.roll,myEnt.isReady),const.STATUS))
            # send outgoing messages
            for msg in outgoingMsgs: