class ShapeSelector(HasTraits): select = Enum(*[cls.__name__ for cls in Shape.__subclasses__()]) shape = Instance(Shape) view = View(VGroup( Item("select", show_label=False), VSplit(Item("shape", style="custom", editor=InstanceEditor(view="view")), Item("shape", style="custom", editor=InstanceEditor(view="view_info")), show_labels=False)), width=350, height=300, resizable=True) def __init__(self, **traits): super(ShapeSelector, self).__init__(**traits) self._select_changed() def _select_changed(self): klass = [ c for c in Shape.__subclasses__() if c.__name__ == ][0] self.shape = klass()
class Trace(PolyLine): x = Instance(Expression) y = Instance(Expression) z = Instance(Expression) #point = Instance(Expression) length = Int(0) traits_view = View( Item(name='length', label='Frame'), Item(name='x', style='custom'), Item(name='y', style='custom'), Item(name='z', style='custom'), #Item(name = 'points', style = 'custom'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Line properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PolyLine.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def update(self): x = self.x.get_array(first=-self.length) y = self.y.get_array(first=-self.length) z = self.z.get_array(first=-self.length) self.points = array([x, y, z]).T #self.points = self.point.get_array(first=-self.length) #array([x,y,z]).T #print self.point.get_array(first=-self.length).shape super(Trace, self).update()
class AnalogInputViewer(traits.HasTraits): channels = traits.List usb_device_number2index = traits.Property(depends_on='channels') @traits.cached_property def _get_usb_device_number2index(self): result = {} for i, channel in enumerate(self.channels): result[channel.device_channel_num] = i return result traits_view = View( Group( Item( 'channels', style='custom', editor=ListEditor(rows=3, editor=InstanceEditor(), style='custom'), resizable=True, )), resizable=True, width=800, height=600, title='Analog Input', ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AnalogInputViewer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for usb_channel_num in [0, 1, 2, 3]: self.channels.append( AnalogInputChannelViewer(device_channel_num=usb_channel_num))
class Frame(HasTraits): parent = This T = Instance(Expression) name = Str("") variables = DelegatesTo('parent') traits_view = View(Item(name='name'), Item(name='parent', label='Base', editor=InstanceEditor(label="Frame")), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), title='Frame properties') def evalT(self): if self.T.get_curr_value() != None and self.parent.evalT() != None: return self.parent.evalT() * self.T.get_curr_value() else: return None def __init__(self, parent, T, name=""): = name self.parent = parent if isinstance(T, Expression): self.T = T else: self.T = self.variables.new_expression(T)
def default_traits_view(self): """The default traits view of the Engine View. """ view = View(HSplit( Item('engine', id='mayavi.engine_rich_view.pipeline_view', springy=True, resizable=True, editor=self.tree_editor, dock='tab', label='Pipeline'), Item('engine', id='mayavi.engine_rich_view.current_selection', editor=InstanceEditor( view='current_selection_view'), springy=True, resizable=True, style='custom'), show_labels=False, id='mayavi.engine_rich_view_group', ), id='enthought.mayavi.engine_rich_view', help=False, resizable=True, undo=False, revert=False, ok=False, cancel=False, title='Mayavi pipeline', icon=self.icon, toolbar=self.toolbar, handler=EngineRichViewHandler) return view
class PolyLine(Primitive): source = Instance(tvtk.PolyData) points = Instance(numpy.ndarray) traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Line properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.source = tvtk.PolyData() self.mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=self.source) = tvtk.Actor(mapper=self.mapper) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs) #kwargs.get('foo', 12) fnoble cleverity def _points_changed(self, old, new): npoints = len(self.points) if npoints < 2: return lines = np.zeros((npoints - 1, 2), dtype=int) lines[:, 0] = np.arange(0, npoints - 1) lines[:, 1] = np.arange(1, npoints) self.source.points = self.points self.source.lines = lines
class PupilGenerator(HasTraits): wavelength = Float(700) NA = Float(1.49) n = Float(1.51) pupilSizeX = Int(61) pixelSize = Float(70) pupils = List(_pupils) aberations = List(ZernikeMode, value=[ZernikeMode(i) for i in range(25)]) basePupil = Instance(Pupil, _getDefaultPupil) pupil = None view = View(Item( 'basePupil', label='Pupil source', editor=InstanceEditor(name='pupils', editable=True), ), Item('_'), Item('wavelength'), Item('n'), Item('NA'), Item('pupilSizeX'), Item('pixelSize'), Item('_'), Item('aberations'), buttons=[OKButton]) def GetPupil(self): u, v, R, pupil = self.basePupil.GeneratePupil(self.pixelSize, self.pupilSizeX, self.wavelength, self.NA, self.n)
class RootPreferencesHelper(PreferencesHelper): # The preferences path for which we use. preferences_path = 'enthought.mayavi' ###################################################################### # Our preferences. # Specifies if the nodes on the tree may be deleted without a # confirmation or not. If True the user will be prompted before # the object is deleted. If it is False then the user will not be # prompted. confirm_delete = Bool(desc='if the user is prompted before' ' a node on the MayaVi tree is deleted') # Specifies if the splash screen is shown when mayavi starts. show_splash_screen = Bool(desc='if the splash screen is shown at' ' startup') # Specifies if the adder nodes are shown on the mayavi tree view. show_helper_nodes = Bool(desc='if the helper (adder) nodes are shown' ' on the tree view') # Specifies if the adder nodes are shown on the mayavi tree view. open_help_in_light_browser = Bool( desc='if the help pages are opened in a chromeless' ' browser window (only works with Firefox)') # Contrib directories to load on startup. contrib_packages = List(Str, desc='contrib packages to load on startup') # Whether or not to use IPython for the Shell. use_ipython = Bool(desc='use IPython for the embedded shell ' '(if available)') ######################################## # Private traits. _contrib_finder = Instance(HasTraits) ###################################################################### # Traits UI view. traits_view = View(Group( Item(name='confirm_delete'), Item(name='show_splash_screen'), Item(name='show_helper_nodes'), Item(name='open_help_in_light_browser'), Item( '_contrib_finder', show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor(label='Find contributions'), )), resizable=True) ###################################################################### # Non-public interface. ###################################################################### def __contrib_finder_default(self): from contrib_finder import ContribFinder return ContribFinder()
class Plane(Primitive): source = Instance(tvtk.PlaneSource) traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), Item(name='source', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Geometric properties'), title='Plane properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.source = tvtk.PlaneSource() self.mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=self.source.output) = tvtk.Actor(mapper=self.mapper) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
class Image(Primitive): source = Instance(tvtk.ImageReader) file_name = DelegatesTo('source') traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='file_name'), Item(name='source', editor=InstanceEditor()), Item(name='actor', editor=InstanceEditor()), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Image properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, *kwargs) self.source = tvtk.ImageReader(file_name="woodpecker.bmp") # im.ouput self.source.set_data_scalar_type_to_unsigned_char() #self.mapper = tvtk.ImageMapper(input=self.source.output) = tvtk.Actor2D(mapper=self.mapper) = tvtk.ImageActor(input=self.source.output) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
class MyDemo(HasTraits): scene = Instance(SceneModel, ()) source = Instance(tvtk.ParametricFunctionSource, ()) func_name = Enum([c.__name__ for c in source_types]) func = Property(depends_on="func_name") traits_view = View(HSplit( VGroup( Item("func_name", show_label=False), Tabbed( Item("func", style="custom", editor=InstanceEditor(), show_label=False), Item("source", style="custom", show_label=False))), Item("scene", style="custom", show_label=False, editor=SceneEditor())), resizable=True, width=700, height=600) def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(MyDemo, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self._make_pipeline() def _get_func(self): return sources[self.func_name] def _make_pipeline(self): self.func.on_trait_change(self.on_change, "anytrait") src = self.source src.on_trait_change(self.on_change, "anytrait") src.parametric_function = self.func map = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input_connection=src.output_port) act = tvtk.Actor(mapper=map) self.scene.add_actor(act) self.src = src def _func_changed(self, old_func, this_func): if old_func is not None: old_func.on_trait_change(self.on_change, "anytrait", remove=True) this_func.on_trait_change(self.on_change, "anytrait") self.src.parametric_function = this_func self.scene.render() def on_change(self): self.scene.render()
class Team(HasStrictTraits): name = Str captain = Instance(Person) roster = List(Person) traits_view = View(Item('name'), Item('_'), Item( 'captain', label='Team Captain', editor=InstanceEditor(name='roster', editable=True), style='custom', ), buttons=['OK'])
class Text(Primitive): text = DelegatesTo('source') traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='text'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Text properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.source = tvtk.VectorText() self.mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=self.source.get_output()) = tvtk.Actor(mapper=self.mapper) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
class Arrow(Primitive): source = Instance(tvtk.ArrowSource) tip_resolution = DelegatesTo("source") traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='tip_resolution'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Arrow properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.source = tvtk.ArrowSource() self.mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=self.source.output) = tvtk.Actor(mapper=self.mapper) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
class MappingMarchingCubes(TVTKMapperWidget): operator = Instance(tvtk.MarchingCubes) mapper = Instance(tvtk.HierarchicalPolyDataMapper) vmin = Float vmax = Float auto_set = Bool(False) _val_redit = RangeEditor(format="%0.2f", low_name='vmin', high_name='vmax', auto_set=False, enter_set=True) traits_view = View( Item('value', editor=_val_redit), Item('auto_set'), Item('alpha', editor=RangeEditor( low=0.0, high=1.0, enter_set=True, auto_set=False, )), Item('lut_manager', show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor(), style='custom')) def __init__(self, vmin, vmax, vdefault, **traits): HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits) self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax trait = Range(float(vmin), float(vmax), value=vdefault) self.add_trait("value", trait) self.value = vdefault def _auto_set_changed(self, old, new): if new is True: self._val_redit.auto_set = True self._val_redit.enter_set = False else: self._val_redit.auto_set = False self._val_redit.enter_set = True def _value_changed(self, old, new): self.operator.set_value(0, new) self.post_call()
class MappingPlane(TVTKMapperWidget): plane = Instance(tvtk.Plane) _coord_redit = editor = RangeEditor(format="%0.2e", low_name='vmin', high_name='vmax', auto_set=False, enter_set=True) auto_set = Bool(False) traits_view = View( Item('coord', editor=_coord_redit), Item('auto_set'), Item('alpha', editor=RangeEditor(low=0.0, high=1.0, enter_set=True, auto_set=False)), Item('lut_manager', show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor(), style='custom')) vmin = Float vmax = Float def _auto_set_changed(self, old, new): if new is True: self._coord_redit.auto_set = True self._coord_redit.enter_set = False else: self._coord_redit.auto_set = False self._coord_redit.enter_set = True def __init__(self, vmin, vmax, vdefault, **traits): HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits) self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax trait = Range(float(vmin), float(vmax), value=vdefault) self.add_trait("coord", trait) self.coord = vdefault def _coord_changed(self, old, new): orig = self.plane.origin[:] orig[self.axis] = new self.plane.origin = orig self.post_call()
class Cylinder(Primitive): source = Instance(tvtk.CylinderSource) height = DelegatesTo('source') radius = DelegatesTo('source') resolution = DelegatesTo('source') traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='height'), Item(name='radius'), Item(name='resolution'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Cylinder properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, *kwargs) self.source = tvtk.CylinderSource() self.mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=self.source.output) = tvtk.Actor(mapper=self.mapper) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
class Axes(Primitive): source = Instance(tvtk.Axes) tube = Instance(tvtk.TubeFilter) scale_factor = DelegatesTo('tube') radius = DelegatesTo('tube') sides = PrototypedFrom('tube', 'number_of_sides') traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Axes properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, *kwargs) self.source = tvtk.Axes(symmetric=1) = tvtk.TubeFilter(vary_radius='vary_radius_off', input=self.source.output) self.mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper( = tvtk.Actor(mapper=self.mapper) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
class Circle(PolyLine): radius = Instance(Expression) resolution = Int(100) traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='radius', style='custom'), Item(name='resolution'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Line properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PolyLine.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def update(self): t = linspace(0, 6.29, self.resolution) if self.radius.get_curr_value() != None: self.points = array([ self.radius.get_curr_value() * sin(t), self.radius.get_curr_value() * cos(t), zeros(t.shape) ]).T super(Circle, self).update()
class Box(Primitive): source = Instance(tvtk.CubeSource) x_length = DelegatesTo('source') y_length = DelegatesTo('source') z_length = DelegatesTo('source') traits_view = View(Item(name='parent', label='Frame'), Item(name='T', label='Matrix4x4', style='custom'), Item(name='x_length'), Item(name='y_length'), Item(name='z_length'), Item(name='properties', editor=InstanceEditor(), label='Render properties'), title='Box properties') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Primitive.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.source = tvtk.CubeSource() self.polyDataMapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper() self.polyDataMapper.input = self.source.output = tvtk.Actor(mapper=self.polyDataMapper) self.handle_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
class ScalarCutPlane(Module): # The version of this class. Used for persistence. __version__ = 0 # The implicit plane widget used to place the implicit function. implicit_plane = Instance(ImplicitPlane, allow_none=False, record=True) # The cutter. Takes a cut of the data on the implicit plane. cutter = Instance(Cutter, allow_none=False, record=True) # Specifies if contouring is to be done or not. enable_contours = Bool(False, desc='if contours are generated') # The Contour component that contours the data. contour = Instance(Contour, allow_none=False, record=True) # Specifies if scalar warping is to be done or not. enable_warp_scalar = Bool(False, desc='if scalar warping is enabled') # The WarpScalarCutPlane component that warps the data. warp_scalar = Instance(WarpScalar, allow_none=False, record=True) # Specify if scalar normals are to be computed to make a smoother surface. compute_normals = Bool(False, desc='if normals are to be computed '\ 'to make the warped scalar surface smoother') # The component that computes the scalar normals. normals = Instance(PolyDataNormals, allow_none=False, record=True) # The actor component that represents the visualization. actor = Instance(Actor, allow_none=False, record=True) input_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['any'], attribute_types=['any'], attributes=['scalars']) ######################################## # View related code. _warp_group = Group(Item(name='filter', style='custom', editor=\ InstanceEditor(view= View(Item('scale_factor')))), show_labels=False) view = View(Group(Item(name='implicit_plane', style='custom'), label='ImplicitPlane', show_labels=False), Group(Group(Item(name='enable_contours')), Group(Item(name='contour', style='custom', enabled_when='object.enable_contours'), show_labels=False), label='Contours', show_labels=False), Group(Item(name='enable_warp_scalar'), Group(Item(name='warp_scalar', enabled_when='enable_warp_scalar', style='custom', editor=InstanceEditor(view= View(_warp_group)) ), show_labels=False, ), Item(name='_'), Item(name='compute_normals', enabled_when='enable_warp_scalar'), Item(name='normals', style='custom', show_label=False, enabled_when='compute_normals and enable_warp_scalar'), label='WarpScalar', show_labels=True), Group(Item(name='actor', style='custom'), label='Actor', show_labels=False) ) ###################################################################### # `Module` interface ###################################################################### def setup_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *creates* the tvtk pipeline. This method is invoked when the object is initialized via `__init__`. Note that at the time this method is called, the tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup. So upstream data will not be available. The idea is that you simply create the basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not dependent on upstream sources and filters. You should also set the `actors` attribute up at this point. """ # Create the objects. self.implicit_plane = ImplicitPlane() self.cutter = Cutter() self.contour = Contour(auto_contours=True, number_of_contours=10) self.warp_scalar = WarpScalar() self.normals = PolyDataNormals() = Actor() # Setup the actor suitably for this module. prop = prop.line_width = 2.0 def update_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline when data upstream is known to have changed. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `pipeline_changed` event. """ mm = self.module_manager if mm is None: return # Data is available, so set the input for the grid plane. self.implicit_plane.inputs = [mm.source] # Ensure that the warped scalar surface's normal is setup right. self.warp_scalar.filter.normal = self.implicit_plane.normal # This makes sure that any changes made to enable_warp when # the module is not running are updated when it is started -- # this in turn calls the other functions (normals and # contours) internally. self._enable_warp_scalar_changed(self.enable_warp_scalar) # Set the LUT for the mapper. self.pipeline_changed = True def update_data(self): """Override this method so that it flushes the vtk pipeline if that is necessary. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `data_changed` event. """ # Just set data_changed, the components should do the rest if # they are connected. self.data_changed = True ###################################################################### # Non-public methods. ###################################################################### def _get_warp_output(self): """Helper function to return the warped (or not) output depending on settings. """ if self.enable_warp_scalar: if self.compute_normals: return self.normals else: return self.warp_scalar else: return self.cutter def _get_contour_output(self): """Helper function to return the contoured (and warped (or not)) output depending on settings. """ if self.enable_contours: return self.contour else: return self._get_warp_output() def _filled_contours_changed_for_contour(self, value): """When filled contours are enabled, the mapper should use the the cell data, otherwise it should use the default scalar mode. """ if value: = 'use_cell_data' else: = 'default' self.render() def _enable_warp_scalar_changed(self, value): """Turns on and off the scalar warping.""" if self.module_manager is None: return if value: self.warp_scalar.inputs = [self.cutter] else: self.warp_scalar.inputs = [] self._compute_normals_changed(self.compute_normals) self.render() def _compute_normals_changed(self, value): if self.module_manager is None: return if self.enable_warp_scalar: normals = self.normals if value: normals.inputs = [self.warp_scalar] else: normals.inputs = [] self._enable_contours_changed(self.enable_contours) self.render() def _enable_contours_changed(self, value): """Turns on and off the contours.""" if self.module_manager is None: return actor = if value: self.contour.inputs = [self._get_warp_output()] actor.inputs = [self._get_contour_output()] if self.contour.filled_contours: actor.mapper.scalar_mode = 'use_cell_data' else: self.contour.inputs = [] actor.inputs = [self._get_warp_output()] actor.mapper.scalar_mode = 'default' self.render() def _normals_changed(self, old, new): warp_scalar = self.warp_scalar if warp_scalar is not None: new.inputs = [warp_scalar] self._compute_normals_changed(self.compute_normals) self._change_components(old, new) def _implicit_plane_changed(self, old, new): cutter = self.cutter if cutter is not None: cutter.cut_function = new.plane cutter.inputs = [new] # Update the pipeline. self._enable_warp_scalar_changed(self.enable_warp_scalar) # Hook up events to set the normals of the warp filter. if old is not None: old.widget.on_trait_change(self._update_normal, 'normal', remove=True) new.widget.on_trait_change(self._update_normal, 'normal') self._change_components(old, new) def _cutter_changed(self, old, new): ip = self.implicit_plane if ip is not None: new.cut_function = ip.plane new.inputs = [ip] # Update the pipeline. self._enable_warp_scalar_changed(self.enable_warp_scalar) self._change_components(old, new) def _contour_changed(self, old, new): # Update the pipeline. self._enable_contours_changed(self.enable_contours) self._change_components(old, new) def _warp_scalar_changed(self, old, new): # Update the pipeline. self._enable_warp_scalar_changed(self.enable_warp_scalar) self._change_components(old, new) def _actor_changed(self, old, new): # Update the pipeline. self._enable_contours_changed(self.enable_contours) self._change_components(old, new) def _update_normal(self): """Invoked when the orientation of the implicit plane changes. """ ws = self.warp_scalar if ws is not None: ws.filter.normal = self.implicit_plane.widget.normal
class tcWindow(HasTraits): project = tcProject plot = tcPlot def __init__(self, project): self.project = project self.plot = create_timechart_container(project) self.plot_range_tools = self.plot.range_tools self.plot_range_tools.on_trait_change(self._selection_time_changed, "time") self.trait_view().title = self.get_title() def get_title(self): if self.project.filename == "dummy": return "PyTimechart: Please Open a File" return "PyTimechart:" + self.project.filename # Create an action that exits the application. status = Str("Welcome to PyTimechart") traits_view = View( HSplit( VSplit( Item('project', show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor(view='process_view'), style='custom', width=150), # Item('plot_range_tools', show_label = False, editor=InstanceEditor(view = 'selection_view'), style='custom',width=150,height=100) ), Item('plot', show_label=False, editor=ComponentEditor()), ), toolbar=ToolBar(*_create_toolbar_actions(), image_size=(24, 24), show_tool_names=False), menubar=MenuBar(*_create_menubar_actions()), statusbar=[ StatusItem(name='status'), ], resizable=True, width=1280, height=1024, handler=tcActionHandler()) def _on_open_trace_file(self): if open_file(None) and self.project.filename == "dummy": self._ui.dispose() def _on_view_properties(self): self.plot.options.edit_traits() def _on_exit(self, n=None): self.close() sys.exit(0) def close(self, n=None): pass def _on_about(self): aboutBox().edit_traits() def _on_doc(self): browse_doc() def _selection_time_changed(self): self.status = "selection time:%s" % (self.plot_range_tools.time)
class WarpVectorCutPlane(Module): # The version of this class. Used for persistence. __version__ = 0 # The implicit plane widget used to place the implicit function. implicit_plane = Instance(ImplicitPlane, allow_none=False, record=True) # The cutter. Takes a cut of the data on the implicit plane. cutter = Instance(Cutter, allow_none=False, record=True) # The WarpVectorCutPlane component that warps the data. warp_vector = Instance(WarpVector, allow_none=False, record=True) # Specify if vector normals are to be computed to make a smoother surface. compute_normals = Bool(False, desc='if normals are to be computed '\ 'to make the warped surface smoother') # The component that computes the normals. normals = Instance(PolyDataNormals, record=True) # The Actor component. actor = Instance(Actor, allow_none=False, record=True) input_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['any'], attribute_types=['any'], attributes=['vectors']) ######################################## # View related traits. _warp_group = Group(Item(name='filter', style='custom', editor=\ InstanceEditor(view= View(Item('scale_factor')))), show_labels=False) view = View(Group(Item(name='implicit_plane', style='custom'), label='ImplicitPlane', show_labels=False), Group(Group(Item(name='warp_vector', style='custom', resizable=True, show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor(view=View(_warp_group)) ), ), Item(name='_'), Item(name='compute_normals'), Group(Item(name='normals', style='custom', show_label=False, enabled_when = 'compute_normals'), ), label='WarpVector', show_labels=True), Group(Item(name='actor', style='custom'), label='Actor', show_labels=False), resizable=True, ) ###################################################################### # `Module` interface ###################################################################### def setup_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *creates* the tvtk pipeline. This method is invoked when the object is initialized via `__init__`. Note that at the time this method is called, the tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup. So upstream data will not be available. The idea is that you simply create the basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not dependent on upstream sources and filters. You should also set the `actors` attribute up at this point. """ # Create the objects and set them up. self.implicit_plane = ImplicitPlane() self.cutter = Cutter() self.warp_vector = WarpVector() self.normals = PolyDataNormals() actor = = Actor() actor.mapper.scalar_visibility = 1 def update_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline when data upstream is known to have changed. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `pipeline_changed` event. """ mm = self.module_manager if mm is None: return self.implicit_plane.inputs = [mm.source] # Force the vector normals setting to be noted. self._compute_normals_changed(self.compute_normals) # Set the LUT for the mapper. self.pipeline_changed = True def update_data(self): """Override this method so that it flushes the vtk pipeline if that is necessary. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `data_changed` event. """ # Just set data_changed, the other components should do the rest. self.data_changed = True ###################################################################### # Non-public traits. ###################################################################### def _compute_normals_changed(self, value): if self.module_manager is None: return actor = if actor is not None: if value: actor.inputs = [self.normals] else: actor.inputs = [self.warp_vector] self.render() def _normals_changed(self, old, new): warp_vector = self.warp_vector compute_normals = self.compute_normals if compute_normals is not None: new.inputs = [warp_vector] self._compute_normals_changed(self.compute_normals) self._change_components(old, new) def _implicit_plane_changed(self, old, new): cutter = self.cutter if cutter is not None: cutter.cut_function = new.plane cutter.inputs = [new] self._change_components(old, new) def _warp_vector_changed(self, old, new): cutter = self.cutter if cutter is not None: new.inputs = [cutter] self._compute_normals_changed(self.compute_normals) self._change_components(old, new) def _cutter_changed(self, old, new): ip = self.implicit_plane if ip is not None: new.cut_function = ip.plane new.inputs = [ip] w = self.warp_vector if w is not None: w.inputs = [new] self._change_components(old, new) def _actor_changed(self, old, new): self._compute_normals_changed(self.compute_normals) self._change_components(old, new)
class Scene(TVTKScene, Widget): """A VTK interactor scene widget for pyface and PyQt. This widget uses a RenderWindowInteractor and therefore supports interaction with VTK widgets. The widget uses TVTK. In addition to the features that the base TVTKScene provides this widget supports: - saving the rendered scene to the clipboard. - picking data on screen. Press 'p' or 'P' when the mouse is over a point that you need to pick. - The widget also uses a light manager to manage the lighting of the scene. Press 'l' or 'L' to activate a GUI configuration dialog for the lights. - Pressing the left, right, up and down arrow let you rotate the camera in those directions. When shift-arrow is pressed then the camera is panned. Pressing the '+' (or '=') and '-' keys let you zoom in and out. - full screen rendering via the full_screen button on the UI. """ # The version of this class. Used for persistence. __version__ = 0 ########################################################################### # Traits. ########################################################################### # Turn on full-screen rendering. full_screen = Button('Full Screen') # The picker handles pick events. picker = Instance(picker.Picker) ######################################## # Render_window's view. _stereo_view = Group(Item(name='stereo_render'), Item(name='stereo_type'), show_border=True, label='Stereo rendering', ) # The default view of this object. default_view = View(Group( Group(Item(name='background'), Item(name='foreground'), Item(name='parallel_projection'), Item(name='disable_render'), Item(name='off_screen_rendering'), Item(name='jpeg_quality'), Item(name='jpeg_progressive'), Item(name='magnification'), Item(name='anti_aliasing_frames'), Item(name='full_screen', show_label=False), ), Group(Item(name='render_window', style='custom', visible_when='object.stereo', editor=InstanceEditor(view=View(_stereo_view)), show_label=False), ), label='Scene'), Group( Item(name='light_manager', style='custom', show_label=False), label='Lights'), buttons=['OK', 'Cancel'] ) ######################################## # Private traits. _vtk_control = Instance(_VTKRenderWindowInteractor) _fullscreen = Any ########################################################################### # 'object' interface. ########################################################################### def __init__(self, parent=None, **traits): """ Initializes the object. """ # Base class constructor. super(Scene, self).__init__(parent, **traits) # Setup the default picker. self.picker = picker.Picker(self) # The light manager needs creating. self.light_manager = None self._cursor = QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor def __get_pure_state__(self): """Allows us to pickle the scene.""" # The control attribute is not picklable since it is a VTK # object so we remove it. d = super(Scene, self).__get_pure_state__() for x in ['_vtk_control', '_fullscreen']: d.pop(x, None) return d ########################################################################### # 'Scene' interface. ########################################################################### def render(self): """ Force the scene to be rendered. Nothing is done if the `disable_render` trait is set to True.""" if not self.disable_render: self._vtk_control.Render() def get_size(self): """Return size of the render window.""" sz = self._vtk_control.size() return (sz.width(), sz.height()) def set_size(self, size): """Set the size of the window.""" self._vtk_control.resize(*size) def hide_cursor(self): """Hide the cursor.""" self._cursor = self._vtk_control.cursor().shape() self._vtk_control.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.BlankCursor) def show_cursor(self): """Show the cursor.""" self._vtk_control.setCursor(self._cursor) ########################################################################### # 'TVTKScene' interface. ########################################################################### def save_to_clipboard(self): """Saves a bitmap of the scene to the clipboard.""" handler, name = tempfile.mkstemp() self.save_bmp(name) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setImage(QtGui.QImage(name)) os.close(handler) os.unlink(name) ########################################################################### # Non-public interface. ########################################################################### def _create_control(self, parent): """ Create the toolkit-specific control that represents the widget. """ # Create the VTK widget. self._vtk_control = window = _VTKRenderWindowInteractor(self, parent, stereo=self.stereo) # Switch the default interaction style to the trackball one. window.GetInteractorStyle().SetCurrentStyleToTrackballCamera() # Grab the renderwindow. renwin = self._renwin = tvtk.to_tvtk(window.GetRenderWindow()) renwin.set(point_smoothing=self.point_smoothing, line_smoothing=self.line_smoothing, polygon_smoothing=self.polygon_smoothing) # Create a renderer and add it to the renderwindow self._renderer = tvtk.Renderer() renwin.add_renderer(self._renderer) # Save a reference to our camera so it is not GC'd -- needed for # the sync_traits to work. self._camera = # Sync various traits. self._renderer.background = self.background self.sync_trait('background', self._renderer) self.renderer.on_trait_change(self.render, 'background') renwin.off_screen_rendering = self.off_screen_rendering self._camera.parallel_projection = self.parallel_projection self.sync_trait('parallel_projection', self._camera) self.sync_trait('off_screen_rendering', self._renwin) self.render_window.on_trait_change(self.render, 'off_screen_rendering') self.render_window.on_trait_change(self.render, 'stereo_render') self.render_window.on_trait_change(self.render, 'stereo_type'), 'parallel_projection') self._interactor = tvtk.to_tvtk(window._Iren) return window def _lift(self): """Lift the window to the top. Useful when saving screen to an image.""" if self.render_window.off_screen_rendering: # Do nothing if off screen rendering is being used. return self._vtk_control.window().raise_() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() def _full_screen_fired(self): fs = self._fullscreen if fs is None: f = FullScreen(self) # This will block. self._fullscreen = None def _busy_changed(self, val): GUI.set_busy(val)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define the View to use: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- view = View( Group( [ Item( 'company', editor = tree_editor, resizable = True ), '|<>' ], Group( [ '{Employee of the Month}@', Item( 'eom@', editor = InstanceEditor( values = [ InstanceDropChoice( klass = Employee, selectable = True ) ] ), resizable = True ), '|<>' ], [ '{Department of the Month}@', Item( 'dom@', editor = InstanceEditor( values = [ InstanceDropChoice( klass = Department ) ] ), resizable = True ), '|<>' ], show_labels = False, layout = 'split' ), orientation = 'horizontal', show_labels = False, layout = 'split' ), title = 'Company Structure',
class DataSourceWizardView(DataSourceWizard): #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private traits #---------------------------------------------------------------------- _top_label = Str('Describe your data') _info_text = Str('Array size do not match') _array_label = Str('Available arrays') _data_type_text = Str("What does your data represents?" ) _lines_text = Str("Connect the points with lines" ) _scalar_data_text = Str("Array giving the value of the scalars") _optional_scalar_data_text = Str("Associate scalars with the data points") _connectivity_text = Str("Array giving the triangles") _vector_data_text = Str("Associate vector components") _position_text = Property(depends_on="position_type_") _position_text_dict = {'explicit': 'Coordinnates of the data points:', 'orthogonal grid': 'Position of the layers along each axis:', } def _get__position_text(self): return self._position_text_dict.get(self.position_type_, "") _shown_help_text = Str _data_sources_wrappers = Property(depends_on='data_sources') def _get__data_sources_wrappers(self): return [ ArrayColumnWrapper(name=name, shape=repr(self.data_sources[name].shape)) for name in self._data_sources_names ] # A traits pointing to the object, to play well with traitsUI _self = Instance(DataSourceWizard) _suitable_traits_view = Property(depends_on="data_type_") def _get__suitable_traits_view(self): return "_%s_data_view" % self.data_type_ ui = Any(False) _preview_button = Button(label='Preview structure') def __preview_button_fired(self): if self.ui: self.build_data_source() self.preview() _ok_button = Button(label='OK') def __ok_button_fired(self): if self.ui: self.ui.dispose() self.build_data_source() _cancel_button = Button(label='Cancel') def __cancel_button_fired(self): if self.ui: self.ui.dispose() _is_ok = Bool _is_not_ok = Bool def _anytrait_changed(self): """ Validates if the OK button is enabled. """ if self.ui: self._is_ok = self.check_arrays() self._is_not_ok = not self._is_ok _preview_window = Instance(PreviewWindow, ()) _info_image = Instance(ImageResource, ImageLibrary.image_resource('@std:alert16',)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # TraitsUI views #---------------------------------------------------------------------- _coordinates_group = \ HGroup( Item('position_x', label='x', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), Item('position_y', label='y', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), Item('position_z', label='z', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), ) _position_group = \ Group( Item('position_type'), Group( Item('_position_text', style='readonly', resizable=False, show_label=False), _coordinates_group, visible_when='not position_type_=="image data"', ), Group( Item('grid_shape_source_', label='Grid shape', editor=EnumEditor( name='_grid_shape_source_labels', invalid='_is_not_ok')), HGroup( spring, Item('grid_shape', style='custom', editor=ArrayEditor(width=-60), show_label=False), enabled_when='grid_shape_source==""', ), visible_when='position_type_=="image data"', ), label='Position of the data points', show_border=True, show_labels=False, ), _connectivity_group = \ Group( HGroup( Item('_connectivity_text', style='readonly', resizable=False), spring, Item('connectivity_triangles', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names'), show_label=False, ), show_labels=False, ), label='Connectivity information', show_border=True, show_labels=False, enabled_when='position_type_=="explicit"', ), _scalar_data_group = \ Group( Item('_scalar_data_text', style='readonly', resizable=False, show_label=False), HGroup( spring, Item('scalar_data', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), show_labels=False, ), label='Scalar value', show_border=True, show_labels=False, ) _optional_scalar_data_group = \ Group( HGroup( 'has_scalar_data', Item('_optional_scalar_data_text', resizable=False, style='readonly'), show_labels=False, ), Item('_scalar_data_text', style='readonly', resizable=False, enabled_when='has_scalar_data', show_label=False), HGroup( spring, Item('scalar_data', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok'), enabled_when='has_scalar_data'), show_labels=False, ), label='Scalar data', show_border=True, show_labels=False, ), _vector_data_group = \ VGroup( HGroup( Item('vector_u', label='u', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), Item('vector_v', label='v', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), Item('vector_w', label='w', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), ), label='Vector data', show_border=True, ), _optional_vector_data_group = \ VGroup( HGroup( Item('has_vector_data', show_label=False), Item('_vector_data_text', style='readonly', resizable=False, show_label=False), ), HGroup( Item('vector_u', label='u', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), Item('vector_v', label='v', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), Item('vector_w', label='w', editor=EnumEditor(name='_data_sources_names', invalid='_is_not_ok')), enabled_when='has_vector_data', ), label='Vector data', show_border=True, ), _array_view = \ View( Item('_array_label', editor=TitleEditor(), show_label=False), Group( Item('_data_sources_wrappers', editor=TabularEditor( adapter = ArrayColumnAdapter(), ), ), show_border=True, show_labels=False )) _questions_view = View( Item('_top_label', editor=TitleEditor(), show_label=False), HGroup( Item('_data_type_text', style='readonly', resizable=False), spring, 'data_type', spring, show_border=True, show_labels=False, ), HGroup( Item('_self', style='custom', editor=InstanceEditor( view_name='_suitable_traits_view'), ), Group( # FIXME: Giving up on context sensitive help # because of lack of time. #Group( # Item('_shown_help_text', editor=HTMLEditor(), # width=300, # label='Help', # ), # show_labels=False, # label='Help', #), #Group( Item('_preview_button', enabled_when='_is_ok'), Item('_preview_window', style='custom', label='Preview structure'), show_labels=False, #label='Preview structure', #), #layout='tabbed', #dock='tab', ), show_labels=False, show_border=True, ), ) _point_data_view = \ View(Group( Group(_coordinates_group, label='Position of the data points', show_border=True, ), HGroup( 'lines', Item('_lines_text', style='readonly', resizable=False), label='Lines', show_labels=False, show_border=True, ), _optional_scalar_data_group, _optional_vector_data_group, # XXX: hack to have more vertical space Label('\n'), Label('\n'), Label('\n'), )) _surface_data_view = \ View(Group( _position_group, _connectivity_group, _optional_scalar_data_group, _optional_vector_data_group, )) _vector_data_view = \ View(Group( _vector_data_group, _position_group, _optional_scalar_data_group, )) _volumetric_data_view = \ View(Group( _scalar_data_group, _position_group, _optional_vector_data_group, )) _wizard_view = View( Group( HGroup( Item('_self', style='custom', show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor(view='_array_view'), width=0.17, ), '_', Item('_self', style='custom', show_label=False, editor=InstanceEditor(view='_questions_view'), ), ), HGroup( Item('_info_image', editor=ImageEditor(), visible_when="_is_not_ok"), Item('_info_text', style='readonly', resizable=False, visible_when="_is_not_ok"), spring, '_cancel_button', Item('_ok_button', enabled_when='_is_ok'), show_labels=False, ), ), title='Import arrays', resizable=True, ) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public interface #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, **traits): DataSourceFactory.__init__(self, **traits) self._self = self def view_wizard(self): """ Pops up the view of the wizard, and keeps the reference it to be able to close it. """ # FIXME: Workaround for traits bug in enabled_when self.position_type_ self.data_type_ self._suitable_traits_view self.grid_shape_source self._is_ok self.ui = self.edit_traits(view='_wizard_view') def preview(self): """ Display a preview of the data structure in the preview window. """ self._preview_window.clear() self._preview_window.add_source(self.data_source) data = lambda name: self.data_sources[name] g = Glyph() g.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source = \ g.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_list[0] g.glyph.scale_mode = 'data_scaling_off' if not (self.has_vector_data or self.data_type_ == 'vector'): g.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.glyph_type = 'cross' = 'points' = 3. self._preview_window.add_module(g) if not self.data_type_ in ('point', 'vector') or self.lines: s = Surface() = 0.3 self._preview_window.add_module(s) if not self.data_type_ == 'point': self._preview_window.add_filter(ExtractEdges()) s = Surface() = 0.2 self._preview_window.add_module(s)
class FitGui(HasTraits): """ This class represents the fitgui application state. """ plot = Instance(Plot) colorbar = Instance(ColorBar) plotcontainer = Instance(HPlotContainer) tmodel = Instance(TraitedModel,allow_none=False) nomodel = Property newmodel = Button('New Model...') fitmodel = Button('Fit Model') showerror = Button('Fit Error') updatemodelplot = Button('Update Model Plot') autoupdate = Bool(True) data = Array(dtype=float,shape=(2,None)) weights = Array weighttype = Enum(('custom','equal','lin bins','log bins')) weightsvary = Property(Bool) weights0rem = Bool(True) modelselector = NewModelSelector ytype = Enum(('data and model','residuals')) zoomtool = Instance(ZoomTool) pantool = Instance(PanTool) scattertool = Enum(None,'clicktoggle','clicksingle','clickimmediate','lassoadd','lassoremove','lassoinvert') selectedi = Property #indecies of the selected objects weightchangesel = Button('Set Selection To') weightchangeto = Float(1.0) delsel = Button('Delete Selected') unselectonaction = Bool(True) clearsel = Button('Clear Selections') lastselaction = Str('None') datasymb = Button('Data Symbol...') modline = Button('Model Line...') savews = Button('Save Weights') loadws = Button('Load Weights') _savedws = Array plotname = Property updatestats = Event chi2 = Property(Float,depends_on='updatestats') chi2r = Property(Float,depends_on='updatestats') nmod = Int(1024) #modelpanel = View(Label('empty'),kind='subpanel',title='model editor') modelpanel = View panel_view = View(VGroup( Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(),show_label=False), HGroup(Item('tmodel.modelname',show_label=False,style='readonly'), Item('nmod',label='Number of model points'), Item('updatemodelplot',show_label=False,enabled_when='not autoupdate'), Item('autoupdate',label='Auto?')) ), title='Model Data Fitter' ) selection_view = View(Group( Item('scattertool',label='Selection Mode', editor=EnumEditor(values={None:'1:No Selection', 'clicktoggle':'3:Toggle Select', 'clicksingle':'2:Single Select', 'clickimmediate':'7:Immediate', 'lassoadd':'4:Add with Lasso', 'lassoremove':'5:Remove with Lasso', 'lassoinvert':'6:Invert with Lasso'})), Item('unselectonaction',label='Clear Selection on Action?'), Item('clearsel',show_label=False), Item('weightchangesel',show_label=False), Item('weightchangeto',label='Weight'), Item('delsel',show_label=False) ),title='Selection Options') traits_view = View(VGroup( HGroup(Item('object.plot.index_scale',label='x-scaling', enabled_when='object.plot.index_mapper.range.low>0 or object.plot.index_scale=="log"'), spring, Item('ytype',label='y-data'), Item('object.plot.value_scale',label='y-scaling', enabled_when='object.plot.value_mapper.range.low>0 or object.plot.value_scale=="log"') ), Item('plotcontainer', editor=ComponentEditor(),show_label=False), HGroup(VGroup(HGroup(Item('weighttype',label='Weights:'), Item('savews',show_label=False), Item('loadws',enabled_when='_savedws',show_label=False)), Item('weights0rem',label='Remove 0-weight points for fit?'), HGroup(Item('newmodel',show_label=False), Item('fitmodel',show_label=False), Item('showerror',show_label=False,enabled_when='tmodel.lastfitfailure'), VGroup(Item('chi2',label='Chi2:',style='readonly',format_str='%6.6g',visible_when='tmodel.model is not None'), Item('chi2r',label='reduced:',style='readonly',format_str='%6.6g',visible_when='tmodel.model is not None')) )#Item('selbutton',show_label=False)) ,springy=False),spring, VGroup(HGroup(Item('autoupdate',label='Auto?'), Item('updatemodelplot',show_label=False,enabled_when='not autoupdate')), Item('nmod',label='Nmodel'), HGroup(Item('datasymb',show_label=False),Item('modline',show_label=False)),springy=False),springy=True), '_', HGroup(Item('scattertool',label='Selection Mode', editor=EnumEditor(values={None:'1:No Selection', 'clicktoggle':'3:Toggle Select', 'clicksingle':'2:Single Select', 'clickimmediate':'7:Immediate', 'lassoadd':'4:Add with Lasso', 'lassoremove':'5:Remove with Lasso', 'lassoinvert':'6:Invert with Lasso'})), Item('unselectonaction',label='Clear Selection on Action?'), Item('clearsel',show_label=False), Item('weightchangesel',show_label=False), Item('weightchangeto',label='Weight'), Item('delsel',show_label=False), ),#layout='flow'), Item('tmodel',show_label=False,style='custom',editor=InstanceEditor(kind='subpanel')) ), handler=FGHandler(), resizable=True, title='Data Fitting', buttons=['OK','Cancel'], width=700, height=900 ) def __init__(self,xdata=None,ydata=None,weights=None,model=None, include_models=None,exclude_models=None,fittype=None,**traits): """ :param xdata: the first dimension of the data to be fit :type xdata: array-like :param ydata: the second dimension of the data to be fit :type ydata: array-like :param weights: The weights to apply to the data. Statistically interpreted as inverse errors (*not* inverse variance). May be any of the following forms: * None for equal weights * an array of points that must match `ydata` * a 2-sequence of arrays (xierr,yierr) such that xierr matches the `xdata` and yierr matches `ydata` * a function called as f(params) that returns an array of weights that match one of the above two conditions :param model: the initial model to use to fit this data :type model: None, string, or :class:`pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1D` instance. :param include_models: With `exclude_models`, specifies which models should be available in the "new model" dialog (see `models.list_models` for syntax). :param exclude_models: With `include_models`, specifies which models should be available in the "new model" dialog (see `models.list_models` for syntax). :param fittype: The fitting technique for the initial fit (see :class:`pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel`). :type fittype: string kwargs are passed in as any additional traits to apply to the application. """ self.modelpanel = View(Label('empty'),kind='subpanel',title='model editor') self.tmodel = TraitedModel(model) if model is not None and fittype is not None: self.tmodel.model.fittype = fittype if xdata is None or ydata is None: if not hasattr(self.tmodel.model,'data') or is None: raise ValueError('data not provided and no data in model') if xdata is None: xdata =[0] if ydata is None: ydata =[1] if weights is None: weights =[2] self.on_trait_change(self._paramsChanged,'tmodel.paramchange') self.modelselector = NewModelSelector(include_models,exclude_models) = [xdata,ydata] if weights is None: self.weights = np.ones_like(xdata) self.weighttype = 'equal' else: self.weights = np.array(weights,copy=True) self.savews = True weights1d = self.weights while len(weights1d.shape)>1: weights1d = np.sum(weights1d**2,axis=0) pd = ArrayPlotData([0],[1],weights=weights1d) self.plot = plot = Plot(pd,resizable='hv') self.scatter = plot.plot(('xdata','ydata','weights'),name='data', color_mapper=_cmapblack if self.weights0rem else _cmap, type='cmap_scatter', marker='circle')[0] self.errorplots = None if not isinstance(model,FunctionModel1D): self.fitmodel = True self.updatemodelplot = False #force plot update - generates xmod and ymod plot.plot(('xmod','ymod'),name='model',type='line',line_style='dash',color='black',line_width=2) del plot.x_mapper.range.sources[-1] #remove the line plot from the x_mapper source so only the data is tied to the scaling self.on_trait_change(self._rangeChanged,'plot.index_mapper.range.updated') self.pantool = PanTool(plot,drag_button='left') self.zoomtool = ZoomTool(plot) self.zoomtool.prev_state_key = KeySpec('a') self.zoomtool.next_state_key = KeySpec('s') plot.overlays.append(self.zoomtool) self.scattertool = None self.scatter.overlays.append(ScatterInspectorOverlay(self.scatter, hover_color = "black", selection_color="black", selection_outline_color="red", selection_line_width=2)) self.colorbar = colorbar = ColorBar(index_mapper=LinearMapper(range=plot.color_mapper.range), color_mapper=plot.color_mapper.range, plot=plot, orientation='v', resizable='v', width = 30, padding = 5) colorbar.padding_top = plot.padding_top colorbar.padding_bottom = plot.padding_bottom colorbar._axis.title = 'Weights' self.plotcontainer = container = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True) container.add(plot) container.add(colorbar) super(FitGui,self).__init__(**traits) self.on_trait_change(self._scale_change,'plot.value_scale,plot.index_scale') if weights is not None and len(weights)==2: self.weightsChanged() #update error bars def _weights0rem_changed(self,old,new): if new: self.plot.color_mapper = _cmapblack(self.plot.color_mapper.range) else: self.plot.color_mapper = _cmap(self.plot.color_mapper.range) self.plot.request_redraw() # if old and self.filloverlay in self.plot.overlays: # self.plot.overlays.remove(self.filloverlay) # if new: # self.plot.overlays.append(self.filloverlay) # self.plot.request_redraw() def _paramsChanged(self): self.updatemodelplot = True def _nmod_changed(self): self.updatemodelplot = True def _rangeChanged(self): self.updatemodelplot = True #@on_trait_change('object.plot.value_scale,object.plot.index_scale',post_init=True) def _scale_change(self): self.plot.request_redraw() def _updatemodelplot_fired(self,new): #If the plot has not been generated yet, just skip the update if self.plot is None: return #if False (e.g. button click), update regardless, otherwise check for autoupdate if new and not self.autoupdate: return mod = self.tmodel.model if self.ytype == 'data and model': if mod: #xd =[0] #xmod = np.linspace(np.min(xd),np.max(xd),self.nmod) xl = self.plot.index_range.low xh = self.plot.index_range.high if self.plot.index_scale=="log": xmod = np.logspace(np.log10(xl),np.log10(xh),self.nmod) else: xmod = np.linspace(xl,xh,self.nmod) ymod = self.tmodel.model(xmod)'xmod',xmod)'ymod',ymod) else:'xmod',[])'ymod',[]) elif self.ytype == 'residuals': if mod:'xmod',[])'ymod',[]) #residuals set the ydata instead of setting the model res = mod.residuals(*'ydata',res) else: self.ytype = 'data and model' else: assert True,'invalid Enum' def _fitmodel_fired(self): from warnings import warn preaup = self.autoupdate try: self.autoupdate = False xd,yd = kwd = {'x':xd,'y':yd} if self.weights is not None: w = self.weights if self.weights0rem: if xd.shape == w.shape: m = w!=0 w = w[m] kwd['x'] = kwd['x'][m] kwd['y'] = kwd['y'][m] elif np.any(w==0): warn("can't remove 0-weighted points if weights don't match data") kwd['weights'] = w self.tmodel.fitdata = kwd finally: self.autoupdate = preaup self.updatemodelplot = True self.updatestats = True # def _tmodel_changed(self,old,new): # #old is only None before it is initialized # if new is not None and old is not None and new.model is not None: # self.fitmodel = True def _newmodel_fired(self,newval): from inspect import isclass if isinstance(newval,basestring) or isinstance(newval,FunctionModel1D) \ or (isclass(newval) and issubclass(newval,FunctionModel1D)): self.tmodel = TraitedModel(newval) else: if self.modelselector.edit_traits(kind='modal').result: cls = self.modelselector.selectedmodelclass if cls is None: self.tmodel = TraitedModel(None) elif self.modelselector.isvarargmodel: self.tmodel = TraitedModel(cls(self.modelselector.modelargnum)) self.fitmodel = True else: self.tmodel = TraitedModel(cls()) self.fitmodel = True else: #cancelled return def _showerror_fired(self,evt): if self.tmodel.lastfitfailure: ex = self.tmodel.lastfitfailure dialog = HasTraits(s=ex.__class__.__name__+': '+str(ex)) view = View(Item('s',style='custom',show_label=False), resizable=True,buttons=['OK'],title='Fitting error message') dialog.edit_traits(view=view) @cached_property def _get_chi2(self): try: return self.tmodel.model.chi2Data()[0] except: return 0 @cached_property def _get_chi2r(self): try: return self.tmodel.model.chi2Data()[1] except: return 0 def _get_nomodel(self): return self.tmodel.model is None def _get_weightsvary(self): w = self.weights return np.any(w!=w[0])if len(w)>0 else False def _get_plotname(self): xlabel = self.plot.x_axis.title ylabel = self.plot.y_axis.title if xlabel == '' and ylabel == '': return '' else: return xlabel+' vs '+ylabel def _set_plotname(self,val): if isinstance(val,basestring): val = val.split('vs') if len(val) ==1: val = val.split('-') val = [v.strip() for v in val] self.x_axis.title = val[0] self.y_axis.title = val[1] #selection-related def _scattertool_changed(self,old,new): if new == 'No Selection':[0].drag_button='left' else:[0].drag_button='right' if old is not None and 'lasso' in old: if new is not None and 'lasso' in new: #connect correct callbacks self.lassomode = new.replace('lasso','') return else: #TODO:test[-1].on_trait_change(self._lasso_handler, 'selection_changed',remove=True) del self.scatter.overlays[-1] del self.lassomode elif old == 'clickimmediate': self.scatter.index.on_trait_change(self._immediate_handler, 'metadata_changed',remove=True) = [] if new is None: pass elif 'click' in new: smodemap = {'clickimmediate':'single','clicksingle':'single', 'clicktoggle':'toggle'}, selection_mode=smodemap[new])) if new == 'clickimmediate': self.clearsel = True self.scatter.index.on_trait_change(self._immediate_handler, 'metadata_changed') elif 'lasso' in new: lasso_selection = LassoSelection(component=self.scatter, selection_datasource=self.scatter.index) lasso_overlay = LassoOverlay(lasso_selection=lasso_selection, component=self.scatter) self.scatter.overlays.append(lasso_overlay) self.lassomode = new.replace('lasso','') lasso_selection.on_trait_change(self._lasso_handler, 'selection_changed') lasso_selection.on_trait_change(self._lasso_handler, 'selection_completed') lasso_selection.on_trait_change(self._lasso_handler, 'updated') else: raise TraitsError('invalid scattertool value') def _weightchangesel_fired(self): self.weights[self.selectedi] = self.weightchangeto if self.unselectonaction: self.clearsel = True self._sel_alter_weights() self.lastselaction = 'weightchangesel' def _delsel_fired(self): self.weights[self.selectedi] = 0 if self.unselectonaction: self.clearsel = True self._sel_alter_weights() self.lastselaction = 'delsel' def _sel_alter_weights(self): if self.weighttype != 'custom': self._customweights = self.weights self.weighttype = 'custom' self.weightsChanged() def _clearsel_fired(self,event): if isinstance(event,list): self.scatter.index.metadata['selections'] = event else: self.scatter.index.metadata['selections'] = list() def _lasso_handler(self,name,new): if name == 'selection_changed': lassomask = self.scatter.index.metadata['selection'].astype(int) clickmask = np.zeros_like(lassomask) clickmask[self.scatter.index.metadata['selections']] = 1 if self.lassomode == 'add': mask = clickmask | lassomask elif self.lassomode == 'remove': mask = clickmask & ~lassomask elif self.lassomode == 'invert': mask = np.logical_xor(clickmask,lassomask) else: raise TraitsError('lassomode is in invalid state') self.scatter.index.metadata['selections'] = list(np.where(mask)[0]) elif name == 'selection_completed': self.scatter.overlays[-1].visible = False elif name == 'updated': self.scatter.overlays[-1].visible = True else: raise ValueError('traits event name %s invalid'%name) def _immediate_handler(self): sel = self.selectedi if len(sel) > 1: self.clearsel = True raise TraitsError('selection error in immediate mode - more than 1 selection') elif len(sel)==1: if self.lastselaction != 'None': setattr(self,self.lastselaction,True) del sel[0] def _savews_fired(self): self._savedws = self.weights.copy() def _loadws_fired(self): self.weights = self._savedws self._savews_fired() def _get_selectedi(self): return self.scatter.index.metadata['selections'] @on_trait_change('data,ytype',post_init=True) def dataChanged(self): """ Updates the application state if the fit data are altered - the GUI will know if you give it a new data array, but not if the data is changed in-place. """ pd = #TODO:make set_data apply to both simultaneously? pd.set_data('xdata',[0]) pd.set_data('ydata',[1]) self.updatemodelplot = False @on_trait_change('weights',post_init=True) def weightsChanged(self): """ Updates the application state if the weights/error bars for this model are changed - the GUI will automatically do this if you give it a new set of weights array, but not if they are changed in-place. """ weights = self.weights if 'errorplots' in self.trait_names(): #TODO:switch this to updating error bar data/visibility changing if self.errorplots is not None: self.plot.remove(self.errorplots[0]) self.plot.remove(self.errorplots[1]) self.errorbarplots = None if len(weights.shape)==2 and weights.shape[0]==2: xerr,yerr = 1/weights high = ArrayDataSource(self.scatter.index.get_data()+xerr) low = ArrayDataSource(self.scatter.index.get_data()-xerr) ebpx = ErrorBarPlot(orientation='v', value_high = high, value_low = low, index = self.scatter.value, value = self.scatter.index, index_mapper = self.scatter.value_mapper, value_mapper = self.scatter.index_mapper ) self.plot.add(ebpx) high = ArrayDataSource(self.scatter.value.get_data()+yerr) low = ArrayDataSource(self.scatter.value.get_data()-yerr) ebpy = ErrorBarPlot(value_high = high, value_low = low, index = self.scatter.index, value = self.scatter.value, index_mapper = self.scatter.index_mapper, value_mapper = self.scatter.value_mapper ) self.plot.add(ebpy) self.errorplots = (ebpx,ebpy) while len(weights.shape)>1: weights = np.sum(weights**2,axis=0)'weights',weights) self.plot.plots['data'][0].color_mapper.range.refresh() if self.weightsvary: if self.colorbar not in self.plotcontainer.components: self.plotcontainer.add(self.colorbar) self.plotcontainer.request_redraw() elif self.colorbar in self.plotcontainer.components: self.plotcontainer.remove(self.colorbar) self.plotcontainer.request_redraw() def _weighttype_changed(self, name, old, new): if old == 'custom': self._customweights = self.weights if new == 'custom': self.weights = self._customweights #if hasattr(self,'_customweights') else np.ones_like([0]) elif new == 'equal': self.weights = np.ones_like([0]) elif new == 'lin bins': self.weights = binned_weights([0],10,False) elif new == 'log bins': self.weights = binned_weights([0],10,True) else: raise TraitError('Invalid Enum value on weighttype') def getModelInitStr(self): """ Generates a python code string that can be used to generate a model with parameters matching the model in this :class:`FitGui`. :returns: initializer string """ mod = self.tmodel.model if mod is None: return 'None' else: parstrs = [] for p,v in mod.pardict.iteritems(): parstrs.append(p+'='+str(v)) if mod.__class__._pars is None: #varargs need to have the first argument give the right number varcount = len(mod.params)-len(mod.__class__._statargs) parstrs.insert(0,str(varcount)) return '%s(%s)'%(mod.__class__.__name__,','.join(parstrs)) def getModelObject(self): """ Gets the underlying object representing the model for this fit. :returns: The :class:`pymodelfit.core.FunctionModel1D` object. """ return self.tmodel.model
class SceneModel(TVTKScene): ######################################## # TVTKScene traits. light_manager = Property picker = Property ######################################## # SceneModel traits. # A convenient dictionary based interface to add/remove actors and widgets. # This is similar to the interface provided for the ActorEditor. actor_map = Dict() # This is used primarily to implement the add_actor/remove_actor methods. actor_list = List() # The actual scene being edited. scene_editor = Instance(TVTKScene) do_render = Event() # Fired when this is activated. activated = Event() # Fired when this widget is closed. closing = Event() # This exists just to mirror the TVTKWindow api. scene = Property ################################### # View related traits. # Render_window's view. _stereo_view = Group( Item(name='stereo_render'), Item(name='stereo_type'), show_border=True, label='Stereo rendering', ) # The default view of this object. default_view = View( Group(Group( Item(name='background'), Item(name='foreground'), Item(name='parallel_projection'), Item(name='disable_render'), Item(name='off_screen_rendering'), Item(name='jpeg_quality'), Item(name='jpeg_progressive'), Item(name='magnification'), Item(name='anti_aliasing_frames'), ), Group( Item(name='render_window', style='custom', visible_when='object.stereo', editor=InstanceEditor(view=View(_stereo_view)), show_label=False), ), label='Scene'), Group(Item(name='light_manager', style='custom', editor=InstanceEditor(), show_label=False), label='Lights')) ################################### # Private traits. # Used by the editor to determine if the widget was enabled or not. enabled_info = Dict() def __init__(self, parent=None, **traits): """ Initializes the object. """ # Base class constructor. We call TVTKScene's super here on purpose. # Calling TVTKScene's init will create a new window which we do not # want. super(TVTKScene, self).__init__(**traits) self.control = None ###################################################################### # TVTKScene API. ###################################################################### def render(self): """ Force the scene to be rendered. Nothing is done if the `disable_render` trait is set to True.""" self.do_render = True def add_actors(self, actors): """ Adds a single actor or a tuple or list of actors to the renderer.""" if hasattr(actors, '__iter__'): self.actor_list.extend(actors) else: self.actor_list.append(actors) def remove_actors(self, actors): """ Removes a single actor or a tuple or list of actors from the renderer.""" my_actors = self.actor_list if hasattr(actors, '__iter__'): for actor in actors: my_actors.remove(actor) else: my_actors.remove(actors) # Conevenience methods. add_actor = add_actors remove_actor = remove_actors def add_widgets(self, widgets, enabled=True): """Adds widgets to the renderer. """ if not hasattr(widgets, '__iter__'): widgets = [widgets] for widget in widgets: self.enabled_info[widget] = enabled self.add_actors(widgets) def remove_widgets(self, widgets): """Removes widgets from the renderer.""" if not hasattr(widgets, '__iter__'): widgets = [widgets] self.remove_actors(widgets) for widget in widgets: del self.enabled_info[widget] def reset_zoom(self): """Reset the camera so everything in the scene fits.""" if self.scene_editor is not None: self.scene_editor.reset_zoom() def save(self, file_name, size=None, **kw_args): """Saves rendered scene to one of several image formats depending on the specified extension of the filename. If an additional size (2-tuple) argument is passed the window is resized to the specified size in order to produce a suitably sized output image. Please note that when the window is resized, the window may be obscured by other widgets and the camera zoom is not reset which is likely to produce an image that does not reflect what is seen on screen. Any extra keyword arguments are passed along to the respective image format's save method. """ self._check_scene_editor(), size, **kw_args) def save_ps(self, file_name): """Saves the rendered scene to a rasterized PostScript image. For vector graphics use the save_gl2ps method.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_ps(file_name) def save_bmp(self, file_name): """Save to a BMP image file.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_bmp(file_name) def save_tiff(self, file_name): """Save to a TIFF image file.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_tiff(file_name) def save_png(self, file_name): """Save to a PNG image file.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_png(file_name) def save_jpg(self, file_name, quality=None, progressive=None): """Arguments: file_name if passed will be used, quality is the quality of the JPEG(10-100) are valid, the progressive arguments toggles progressive jpegs.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_jpg(file_name, quality, progressive) def save_iv(self, file_name): """Save to an OpenInventor file.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_iv(file_name) def save_vrml(self, file_name): """Save to a VRML file.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_vrml(file_name) def save_oogl(self, file_name): """Saves the scene to a Geomview OOGL file. Requires VTK 4 to work.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_oogl(file_name) def save_rib(self, file_name, bg=0, resolution=None, resfactor=1.0): """Save scene to a RenderMan RIB file. Keyword Arguments: file_name -- File name to save to. bg -- Optional background option. If 0 then no background is saved. If non-None then a background is saved. If left alone (defaults to None) it will result in a pop-up window asking for yes/no. resolution -- Specify the resolution of the generated image in the form of a tuple (nx, ny). resfactor -- The resolution factor which scales the resolution. """ self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_rib(file_name, bg, resolution, resfactor) def save_wavefront(self, file_name): """Save scene to a Wavefront OBJ file. Two files are generated. One with a .obj extension and another with a .mtl extension which contains the material proerties. Keyword Arguments: file_name -- File name to save to """ self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_wavefront(file_name) def save_gl2ps(self, file_name, exp=None): """Save scene to a vector PostScript/EPS/PDF/TeX file using GL2PS. If you choose to use a TeX file then note that only the text output is saved to the file. You will need to save the graphics separately. Keyword Arguments: file_name -- File name to save to. exp -- Optionally configured vtkGL2PSExporter object. Defaults to None and this will use the default settings with the output file type chosen based on the extention of the file name. """ self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.save_gl2ps(file_name, exp) def get_size(self): """Return size of the render window.""" self._check_scene_editor() return self.scene_editor.get_size() def set_size(self, size): """Set the size of the window.""" self._check_scene_editor() self.scene_editor.set_size(size) def _update_view(self, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz): """Used internally to set the view.""" if self.scene_editor is not None: self.scene_editor._update_view(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) def _check_scene_editor(self): if self.scene_editor is None: msg = """ This method requires that there be an active scene editor. To do this, you will typically need to invoke:: object.edit_traits() where object is the object that contains the SceneModel. """ raise SceneModelError(msg) def _scene_editor_changed(self, old, new): if new is None: self._renderer = None self._renwin = None self._interactor = None else: self._renderer = new._renderer self._renwin = new._renwin self._interactor = new._interactor def _get_picker(self): """Getter for the picker.""" se = self.scene_editor if se is not None and hasattr(se, 'picker'): return se.picker return None def _get_light_manager(self): """Getter for the light manager.""" se = self.scene_editor if se is not None: return se.light_manager return None ###################################################################### # SceneModel API. ###################################################################### def _get_scene(self): """Getter for the scene property.""" return self
class GlyphSource(Component): # The version of this class. Used for persistence. __version__ = 1 # Glyph position. This can be one of ['head', 'tail', 'center'], # and indicates the position of the glyph with respect to the # input point data. Please note that this will work correctly # only if you do not mess with the source glyph's basic size. For # example if you use a ConeSource and set its height != 1, then the # 'head' and 'tail' options will not work correctly. glyph_position = Trait('center', TraitPrefixList(['head', 'tail', 'center']), desc='position of glyph w.r.t. data point') # The Source to use for the glyph. This is chosen from # `self._glyph_list` or `self.glyph_dict`. glyph_source = Instance(tvtk.Object, allow_none=False, record=True) # A dict of glyphs to use. glyph_dict = Dict(desc='the glyph sources to select from', record=False) # A list of predefined glyph sources that can be used. glyph_list = Property(List(tvtk.Object), record=False) ######################################## # Private traits. # The transformation to use to place glyph appropriately. _trfm = Instance(tvtk.TransformFilter, args=()) # Used for optimization. _updating = Bool(False) ######################################## # View related traits. view = View(Group( Group(Item(name='glyph_position')), Group(Item( name='glyph_source', style='custom', resizable=True, editor=InstanceEditor(name='glyph_list'), ), label='Glyph Source', show_labels=False)), resizable=True) ###################################################################### # `Base` interface ###################################################################### def __get_pure_state__(self): d = super(GlyphSource, self).__get_pure_state__() for attr in ('_updating', 'glyph_list'): d.pop(attr, None) return d def __set_pure_state__(self, state): if 'glyph_dict' in state: # Set their state. set_state(self, state, first=['glyph_dict'], ignore=['*']) ignore = ['glyph_dict'] else: # Set the dict state using the persisted list. gd = self.glyph_dict gl = self.glyph_list handle_children_state(gl, state.glyph_list) for g, gs in zip(gl, state.glyph_list): name = camel2enthought(g.__class__.__name__) if name not in gd: gd[name] = g # Set the glyph source's state. set_state(g, gs) ignore = ['glyph_list'] g_name = state.glyph_source.__metadata__['class_name'] name = camel2enthought(g_name) # Set the correct glyph_source. self.glyph_source = self.glyph_dict[name] set_state(self, state, ignore=ignore) ###################################################################### # `Component` interface ###################################################################### def setup_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *creates* the tvtk pipeline. This method is invoked when the object is initialized via `__init__`. Note that at the time this method is called, the tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup. So upstream data will not be available. The idea is that you simply create the basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not dependent on upstream sources and filters. You should also set the `actors` attribute up at this point. """ self._trfm.transform = tvtk.Transform() # Setup the glyphs. self.glyph_source = self.glyph_dict['glyph_source2d'] def update_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline when data upstream is known to have changed. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `pipeline_changed` event. """ self._glyph_position_changed(self.glyph_position) self.pipeline_changed = True def update_data(self): """Override this method so that it flushes the vtk pipeline if that is necessary. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `data_changed` event. """ self.data_changed = True def render(self): if not self._updating: super(GlyphSource, self).render() ###################################################################### # Non-public methods. ###################################################################### def _glyph_source_changed(self, value): if self._updating == True: return gd = self.glyph_dict value_cls = camel2enthought(value.__class__.__name__) if value not in gd.values(): gd[value_cls] = value # Now change the glyph's source trait. self._updating = True recorder = self.recorder if recorder is not None: name = recorder.get_script_id(self) lhs = '%s.glyph_source' % name rhs = '%s.glyph_dict[%r]' % (name, value_cls) recorder.record('%s = %s' % (lhs, rhs)) name = value.__class__.__name__ if name == 'GlyphSource2D': self.outputs = [value.output] else: self._trfm.input = value.output self.outputs = [self._trfm.output] value.on_trait_change(self.render) self._updating = False # Now update the glyph position since the transformation might # be different. self._glyph_position_changed(self.glyph_position) def _glyph_position_changed(self, value): if self._updating == True: return self._updating = True tr = self._trfm.transform tr.identity() g = self.glyph_source name = g.__class__.__name__ # Compute transformation factor if name == 'CubeSource': tr_factor = g.x_length / 2.0 elif name == 'CylinderSource': tr_factor = -g.height / 2.0 elif name == 'ConeSource': tr_factor = g.height / 2.0 elif name == 'SphereSource': tr_factor = g.radius else: tr_factor = 1. # Translate the glyph if value == 'tail': if name == 'GlyphSource2D': = 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 elif name == 'ArrowSource': pass elif name == 'CylinderSource': = 0, tr_factor, 0.0 elif hasattr(g, 'center'): = tr_factor, 0.0, 0.0 elif value == 'head': if name == 'GlyphSource2D': = -0.5, 0.0, 0.0 elif name == 'ArrowSource': tr.translate(-1, 0, 0) elif name == 'CylinderSource': = 0, -tr_factor, 0.0 else: = -tr_factor, 0.0, 0.0 else: if name == 'ArrowSource': tr.translate(-0.5, 0, 0) elif name != 'Axes': = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 if name == 'CylinderSource': tr.rotate_z(90) self._updating = False self.render() def _get_glyph_list(self): # Return the glyph list as per the original order in earlier # implementation. order = [ 'glyph_source2d', 'arrow_source', 'cone_source', 'cylinder_source', 'sphere_source', 'cube_source', 'axes' ] gd = self.glyph_dict for key in gd: if key not in order: order.append(key) return [gd[key] for key in order] def _glyph_dict_default(self): g = { 'glyph_source2d': tvtk.GlyphSource2D(glyph_type='arrow', filled=False), 'arrow_source': tvtk.ArrowSource(), 'cone_source': tvtk.ConeSource(height=1.0, radius=0.2, resolution=15), 'cylinder_source': tvtk.CylinderSource(height=1.0, radius=0.15, resolution=10), 'sphere_source': tvtk.SphereSource(), 'cube_source': tvtk.CubeSource(), 'axes': tvtk.Axes(symmetric=1) } return g
class SourceWidget(Component): # The version of this class. Used for persistence. __version__ = 0 # The actual poly data source widget. widget = Instance(tvtk.ThreeDWidget, record=True) # Specifies the updation mode of the poly_data attribute. There # are three modes: 1) 'interactive' -- the poly_data attribute is # updated as the widget is interacted with, 2) 'semi-interactive' # -- poly_data attribute is updated when the traits of the widget # change and when the widget interaction is complete, 3) # 'non-interactive' -- poly_data is updated only explicitly at # users request by calling `object.update_poly_data`. update_mode = Trait( 'interactive', TraitPrefixList(['interactive', 'semi-interactive', 'non-interactive']), desc='the speed at which the poly data is updated') # A list of predefined glyph sources that can be used. widget_list = List(tvtk.Object, record=False) # The poly data that the widget manages. poly_data = Instance(tvtk.PolyData, args=()) ######################################## # Private traits. _first = Bool(True) _busy = Bool(False) _unpickling = Bool(False) ######################################## # View related traits. view = View( Group( Item(name='widget', style='custom', resizable=True, editor=InstanceEditor(name='widget_list')), label='Source Widget', show_labels=False, ), resizable=True, ) ###################################################################### # `Base` interface ###################################################################### def __get_pure_state__(self): d = super(SourceWidget, self).__get_pure_state__() for attr in ('poly_data', '_unpickling', '_first', '_busy'): d.pop(attr, None) return d def __set_pure_state__(self, state): self._unpickling = True # First create all the allowed widgets in the widget_list attr. handle_children_state(self.widget_list, state.widget_list) # Now set their state. set_state(self, state, first=['widget_list'], ignore=['*']) # Set the widget attr depending on value saved. m = [x.__class__.__name__ for x in self.widget_list] w_c_name = state.widget.__metadata__['class_name'] w = self.widget = self.widget_list[m.index(w_c_name)] # Set the input. if len(self.inputs) > 0: w.input = self.inputs[0].outputs[0] # Fix for the point widget. if w_c_name == 'PointWidget': w.place_widget() # Set state of rest of the attributes ignoring the widget_list. set_state(self, state, ignore=['widget_list']) # Some widgets need some cajoling to get their setup right. w.update_traits() if w_c_name == 'PlaneWidget': w.origin = state.widget.origin w.normal = state.widget.normal w.update_placement() w.get_poly_data(self.poly_data) elif w_c_name == 'SphereWidget': # XXX: This hack is necessary because the sphere widget # does not update its poly data even when its ivars are # set (plus it does not have an update_placement method # which is a bug). So we force this by creating a similar # sphere source and copy its output. s = tvtk.SphereSource(, radius=w.radius, theta_resolution=w.theta_resolution, phi_resolution=w.phi_resolution, lat_long_tessellation=True) s.update() self.poly_data.shallow_copy(s.output) else: w.get_poly_data(self.poly_data) self._unpickling = False # Set the widgets trait so that the widget is rendered if needed. self.widgets = [w] ###################################################################### # `Component` interface ###################################################################### def setup_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *creates* the tvtk pipeline. This method is invoked when the object is initialized via `__init__`. Note that at the time this method is called, the tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup. So upstream data will not be available. The idea is that you simply create the basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not dependent on upstream sources and filters. You should also set the `actors` attribute up at this point. """ # Setup the glyphs. sources = [ tvtk.SphereWidget(theta_resolution=8, phi_resolution=6), tvtk.LineWidget(clamp_to_bounds=False), tvtk.PlaneWidget(), tvtk.PointWidget(outline=False, x_shadows=False, y_shadows=False, z_shadows=False), ] self.widget_list = sources # The 'widgets' trait is set in the '_widget_changed' handler. self.widget = sources[0] for s in sources: self._connect(s) def update_pipeline(self): """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline when data upstream is known to have changed. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `pipeline_changed` event. """ if len(self.inputs) == 0: return inp = self.inputs[0].outputs[0] w = self.widget w.input = inp if self._first: w.place_widget() self._first = False # If the dataset is effectively 2D switch to using the line # widget since that works best. b = inp.bounds l = [(b[1] - b[0]), (b[3] - b[2]), (b[5] - b[4])] max_l = max(l) for i, x in enumerate(l): if x / max_l < 1.0e-6: w = self.widget = self.widget_list[1] w.clamp_to_bounds = True w.align = ['z_axis', 'z_axis', 'y_axis'][i] break # Set our output. w.get_poly_data(self.poly_data) self.outputs = [self.poly_data] self.pipeline_changed = True def update_data(self): """Override this method so that it flushes the vtk pipeline if that is necessary. This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs sends a `data_changed` event. """ self.data_changed = True ###################################################################### # `SourceWidget` interface ###################################################################### def update_poly_data(self): self.widget.get_poly_data(self.poly_data) ###################################################################### # Non-public traits. ###################################################################### def _widget_changed(self, value): # If we are being unpickled do nothing. if self._unpickling: return if value not in self.widget_list: classes = [o.__class__ for o in self.widget_list] vc = value.__class__ self._connect(value) if vc in classes: self.widget_list[classes.index(vc)] = value else: self.widget_list.append(value) recorder = self.recorder if recorder is not None: idx = self.widget_list.index(value) name = recorder.get_script_id(self) lhs = '%s.widget' % name rhs = '%s.widget_list[%d]' % (name, idx) recorder.record('%s = %s' % (lhs, rhs)) if len(self.inputs) > 0: value.input = self.inputs[0].outputs[0] value.place_widget() value.on_trait_change(self.render) self.widgets = [value] def _update_mode_changed(self, value): if value in ['interactive', 'semi-interactive']: self.update_poly_data() self.render() def _on_interaction_event(self, obj, event): if (not self._busy) and (self.update_mode == 'interactive'): self._busy = True self.update_poly_data() self._busy = False def _on_widget_trait_changed(self): if (not self._busy) and (self.update_mode != 'non-interactive'): self._busy = True # This render call forces any changes to the trait to be # rendered only then will updating the poly data make # sense. self.render() self.update_poly_data() self._busy = False def _on_alignment_set(self): w = self.widget w.place_widget() w.update_traits() def _connect(self, obj): """Wires up all the event handlers.""" obj.add_observer('InteractionEvent', self._on_interaction_event) if isinstance(obj, tvtk.PlaneWidget): obj.on_trait_change(self._on_alignment_set, 'normal_to_x_axis') obj.on_trait_change(self._on_alignment_set, 'normal_to_y_axis') obj.on_trait_change(self._on_alignment_set, 'normal_to_z_axis') elif isinstance(obj, tvtk.LineWidget): obj.on_trait_change(self._on_alignment_set, 'align') # Setup the widgets colors. fg = (1, 1, 1) if self.scene is not None: fg = self.scene.foreground self._setup_widget_colors(obj, fg) obj.on_trait_change(self._on_widget_trait_changed) obj.on_trait_change(self.render) def _setup_widget_colors(self, widget, color): trait_names = widget.trait_names() props = [ x for x in trait_names if 'property' in x and 'selected' not in x ] sel_props = [ x for x in trait_names if 'property' in x and 'selected' in x ] for p in props: setattr(getattr(widget, p), 'color', color) setattr(getattr(widget, p), 'line_width', 2) for p in sel_props: # Set the selected color to 'red'. setattr(getattr(widget, p), 'color', (1, 0, 0)) setattr(getattr(widget, p), 'line_width', 2) self.render() def _foreground_changed_for_scene(self, old, new): # Change the default color for the actor. for w in self.widget_list: self._setup_widget_colors(w, new) self.render() def _scene_changed(self, old, new): super(SourceWidget, self)._scene_changed(old, new) self._foreground_changed_for_scene(None, new.foreground)