    def _get_gt_action(self, grid, start, goal, planning_window, start_o):

        [gx1, gx2, gy1, gy2] = planning_window

        x1 = min(start[0], goal[0])
        x2 = max(start[0], goal[0])
        y1 = min(start[1], goal[1])
        y2 = max(start[1], goal[1])
        dist = pu.get_l2_distance(goal[0], start[0], goal[1], start[1])
        buf = max(5., dist)
        x1 = max(0, int(x1 - buf))
        x2 = min(grid.shape[0], int(x2 + buf))
        y1 = max(0, int(y1 - buf))
        y2 = min(grid.shape[1], int(y2 + buf))

        path_found = False
        goal_r = 0
        while not path_found:
            traversible = skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(
                grid[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2][x1:x2, y1:y2], self.selem) != True
            traversible[self.visited[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2][x1:x2, y1:y2] == 1] = 1
            traversible[int(start[0] - x1) - 1:int(start[0] - x1) + 2,
                        int(start[1] - y1) - 1:int(start[1] - y1) + 2] = 1
            traversible[int(goal[0] - x1) - goal_r:int(goal[0] - x1) + goal_r +
                        int(goal[1] - y1) - goal_r:int(goal[1] - y1) + goal_r +
                        1] = 1
            scale = 1
            planner = FMMPlanner(traversible, 360 // self.dt, scale)

            reachable = planner.set_goal([goal[1] - y1, goal[0] - x1])

            stg_x_gt, stg_y_gt = start[0] - x1, start[1] - y1
            for i in range(1):
                stg_x_gt, stg_y_gt, replan = \
                        planner.get_short_term_goal([stg_x_gt, stg_y_gt])

            if replan and buf < 100.:
                buf = 2 * buf
                x1 = max(0, int(x1 - buf))
                x2 = min(grid.shape[0], int(x2 + buf))
                y1 = max(0, int(y1 - buf))
                y2 = min(grid.shape[1], int(y2 + buf))
            elif replan and goal_r < 50:
                goal_r += 1
                path_found = True

        stg_x_gt, stg_y_gt = stg_x_gt + x1, stg_y_gt + y1
        angle_st_goal = math.degrees(
            math.atan2(stg_x_gt - start[0], stg_y_gt - start[1]))
        angle_agent = (start_o) % 360.0
        if angle_agent > 180:
            angle_agent -= 360

        relative_angle = (angle_agent - angle_st_goal) % 360.0
        if relative_angle > 180:
            relative_angle -= 360

        if relative_angle > 15.:
            gt_action = 1
        elif relative_angle < -15.:
            gt_action = 0
            gt_action = 2

        return gt_action
    def _get_stg(self, grid, explored, start, goal, planning_window):

        [gx1, gx2, gy1, gy2] = planning_window

        x1 = min(start[0], goal[0])
        x2 = max(start[0], goal[0])
        y1 = min(start[1], goal[1])
        y2 = max(start[1], goal[1])
        dist = pu.get_l2_distance(goal[0], start[0], goal[1], start[1])
        buf = max(20., dist)
        x1 = max(1, int(x1 - buf))
        x2 = min(grid.shape[0] - 1, int(x2 + buf))
        y1 = max(1, int(y1 - buf))
        y2 = min(grid.shape[1] - 1, int(y2 + buf))

        rows = explored.sum(1)
        rows[rows > 0] = 1
        ex1 = np.argmax(rows)
        ex2 = len(rows) - np.argmax(np.flip(rows))

        cols = explored.sum(0)
        cols[cols > 0] = 1
        ey1 = np.argmax(cols)
        ey2 = len(cols) - np.argmax(np.flip(cols))

        ex1 = min(int(start[0]) - 2, ex1)
        ex2 = max(int(start[0]) + 2, ex2)
        ey1 = min(int(start[1]) - 2, ey1)
        ey2 = max(int(start[1]) + 2, ey2)

        x1 = max(x1, ex1)
        x2 = min(x2, ex2)
        y1 = max(y1, ey1)
        y2 = min(y2, ey2)

        traversible = skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(
            grid[x1:x2, y1:y2], self.selem) != True
        traversible[self.collison_map[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2][x1:x2, y1:y2] == 1] = 0
        traversible[self.visited[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2][x1:x2, y1:y2] == 1] = 1

        traversible[int(start[0] - x1) - 1:int(start[0] - x1) + 2,
                    int(start[1] - y1) - 1:int(start[1] - y1) + 2] = 1

        if goal[0]-2 > x1 and goal[0]+3 < x2\
            and goal[1]-2 > y1 and goal[1]+3 < y2:
            traversible[int(goal[0] - x1) - 2:int(goal[0] - x1) + 3,
                        int(goal[1] - y1) - 2:int(goal[1] - y1) + 3] = 1
            goal[0] = min(max(x1, goal[0]), x2)
            goal[1] = min(max(y1, goal[1]), y2)

        def add_boundary(mat):
            h, w = mat.shape
            new_mat = np.ones((h + 2, w + 2))
            new_mat[1:h + 1, 1:w + 1] = mat
            return new_mat

        traversible = add_boundary(traversible)

        planner = FMMPlanner(traversible, 360 // self.dt)

        reachable = planner.set_goal([goal[1] - y1 + 1, goal[0] - x1 + 1])

        stg_x, stg_y = start[0] - x1 + 1, start[1] - y1 + 1
        for i in range(self.args.short_goal_dist):
            stg_x, stg_y, replan = planner.get_short_term_goal([stg_x, stg_y])
        if replan:
            stg_x, stg_y = start[0], start[1]
            stg_x, stg_y = stg_x + x1 - 1, stg_y + y1 - 1

        return (stg_x, stg_y)
    def step(self, action):

        args = self.args
        self.timestep += 1

        # Action remapping
        if action == 2:  # Forward
            action = 1
            noisy_action = 'NOISY_FORWARD'  #HabitatSimActions.NOSIY_FORWARD
        elif action == 1:  # Right
            action = 3
            noisy_action = 'NOISY_RIGHT'  #HabitatSimActions.NOISY_RIGHT
        elif action == 0:  # Left
            action = 2
            noisy_action = 'NOISY_LEFT'  #HabitatSimActions.NOISY_LEFT

        self.last_loc = np.copy(self.curr_loc)
        self.last_loc_gt = np.copy(self.curr_loc_gt)
        self._previous_action = action

        if args.noisy_actions:
            obs, rew, done, info = super().step(noisy_action)
            obs, rew, done, info = super().step(action)

        # Preprocess observations
        rgb = obs['rgb'].astype(np.uint8)
        self.obs = rgb  # For visualization
        if self.args.frame_width != self.args.env_frame_width:
            rgb = np.asarray(self.res(rgb))

        state = rgb.transpose(2, 0, 1)

        depth = _preprocess_depth(obs['depth'])

        # Get base sensor and ground-truth pose
        dx_gt, dy_gt, do_gt = self.get_gt_pose_change()
        dx_base, dy_base, do_base = self.get_base_pose_change(
            action, (dx_gt, dy_gt, do_gt))

        self.curr_loc = pu.get_new_pose(self.curr_loc,
                                        (dx_base, dy_base, do_base))

        self.curr_loc_gt = pu.get_new_pose(self.curr_loc_gt,
                                           (dx_gt, dy_gt, do_gt))

        if not args.noisy_odometry:
            self.curr_loc = self.curr_loc_gt
            dx_base, dy_base, do_base = dx_gt, dy_gt, do_gt

        # Convert pose to cm and degrees for mapper
        mapper_gt_pose = (self.curr_loc_gt[0] * 100.0,
                          self.curr_loc_gt[1] * 100.0,

        # Update ground_truth map and explored area
        fp_proj, self.map, fp_explored, self.explored_map = \
                self.mapper.update_map(depth, mapper_gt_pose)

        # Update collision map
        if action == 1:
            x1, y1, t1 = self.last_loc
            x2, y2, t2 = self.curr_loc
            if abs(x1 - x2) < 0.05 and abs(y1 - y2) < 0.05:
                self.col_width += 2
                self.col_width = min(self.col_width, 9)
                self.col_width = 1

            dist = pu.get_l2_distance(x1, x2, y1, y2)
            if dist < args.collision_threshold:  #Collision
                length = 2
                width = self.col_width
                buf = 3
                for i in range(length):
                    for j in range(width):
                        wx = x1 + 0.05*((i+buf) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(t1)) + \
                                        (j-width//2) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(t1)))
                        wy = y1 + 0.05*((i+buf) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(t1)) - \
                                        (j-width//2) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(t1)))
                        r, c = wy, wx
                        r, c = int(r*100/args.map_resolution), \
                        [r, c] = pu.threshold_poses([r, c],
                        self.collison_map[r, c] = 1

        # Set info
        self.info['time'] = self.timestep
        self.info['fp_proj'] = fp_proj
        self.info['fp_explored'] = fp_explored
        self.info['sensor_pose'] = [dx_base, dy_base, do_base]
        self.info['pose_err'] = [
            dx_gt - dx_base, dy_gt - dy_base, do_gt - do_base

        if self.timestep % args.num_local_steps == 0:
            area, ratio = self.get_global_reward()
            self.info['exp_reward'] = area
            self.info['exp_ratio'] = ratio
            self.info['exp_reward'] = None
            self.info['exp_ratio'] = None


        if self.info['time'] >= args.max_episode_length:
            done = True
            if self.args.save_trajectory_data != "0":
            done = False

        return state, rew, done, self.info
    def get_short_term_goal(self, inputs):

        args = self.args

        # Get Map prediction
        map_pred = inputs['map_pred']
        exp_pred = inputs['exp_pred']

        grid = np.rint(map_pred)
        explored = np.rint(exp_pred)

        # Get pose prediction and global policy planning window
        start_x, start_y, start_o, gx1, gx2, gy1, gy2 = inputs['pose_pred']
        gx1, gx2, gy1, gy2 = int(gx1), int(gx2), int(gy1), int(gy2)
        planning_window = [gx1, gx2, gy1, gy2]

        # Get last loc
        last_start_x, last_start_y = self.last_loc[0], self.last_loc[1]
        r, c = last_start_y, last_start_x
        last_start = [
            int(r * 100.0 / args.map_resolution - gx1),
            int(c * 100.0 / args.map_resolution - gy1)
        last_start = pu.threshold_poses(last_start, grid.shape)

        # Get curr loc
        self.curr_loc = [start_x, start_y, start_o]
        r, c = start_y, start_x
        start = [
            int(r * 100.0 / args.map_resolution - gx1),
            int(c * 100.0 / args.map_resolution - gy1)
        start = pu.threshold_poses(start, grid.shape)
        #TODO: try reducing this

        self.visited[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2][start[0] - 2:start[0] + 3,
                                       start[1] - 2:start[1] + 3] = 1

        steps = 25
        for i in range(steps):
            x = int(last_start[0] + (start[0] - last_start[0]) *
                    (i + 1) / steps)
            y = int(last_start[1] + (start[1] - last_start[1]) *
                    (i + 1) / steps)
            self.visited_vis[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2][x, y] = 1

        # Get last loc ground truth pose
        last_start_x, last_start_y = self.last_loc_gt[0], self.last_loc_gt[1]
        r, c = last_start_y, last_start_x
        last_start = [
            int(r * 100.0 / args.map_resolution),
            int(c * 100.0 / args.map_resolution)
        last_start = pu.threshold_poses(last_start, self.visited_gt.shape)

        # Get ground truth pose
        start_x_gt, start_y_gt, start_o_gt = self.curr_loc_gt
        r, c = start_y_gt, start_x_gt
        start_gt = [
            int(r * 100.0 / args.map_resolution),
            int(c * 100.0 / args.map_resolution)
        start_gt = pu.threshold_poses(start_gt, self.visited_gt.shape)
        #self.visited_gt[start_gt[0], start_gt[1]] = 1

        steps = 25
        for i in range(steps):
            x = int(last_start[0] + (start_gt[0] - last_start[0]) *
                    (i + 1) / steps)
            y = int(last_start[1] + (start_gt[1] - last_start[1]) *
                    (i + 1) / steps)
            self.visited_gt[x, y] = 1

        # Get goal
        goal = inputs['goal']
        goal = pu.threshold_poses(goal, grid.shape)

        # Get intrinsic reward for global policy
        # Negative reward for exploring explored areas i.e.
        # for choosing explored cell as long-term goal
        self.extrinsic_rew = -pu.get_l2_distance(10, goal[0], 10, goal[1])
        self.intrinsic_rew = -exp_pred[goal[0], goal[1]]

        # Get short-term goal
        stg = self._get_stg(grid, explored, start, np.copy(goal),

        # Find GT action
        if self.args.eval or not self.args.train_local:
            gt_action = 0
            gt_action = self._get_gt_action(
                1 - self.explorable_map, start,
                [int(stg[0]), int(stg[1])], planning_window, start_o)

        (stg_x, stg_y) = stg
        relative_dist = pu.get_l2_distance(stg_x, start[0], stg_y, start[1])
        relative_dist = relative_dist * 5. / 100.
        angle_st_goal = math.degrees(
            math.atan2(stg_x - start[0], stg_y - start[1]))
        angle_agent = (start_o) % 360.0
        if angle_agent > 180:
            angle_agent -= 360

        relative_angle = (angle_agent - angle_st_goal) % 360.0
        if relative_angle > 180:
            relative_angle -= 360

        def discretize(dist):
            dist_limits = [0.25, 3, 10]
            dist_bin_size = [0.05, 0.25, 1.]
            if dist < dist_limits[0]:
                ddist = int(dist / dist_bin_size[0])
            elif dist < dist_limits[1]:
                ddist = int((dist - dist_limits[0])/dist_bin_size[1]) + \
            elif dist < dist_limits[2]:
                ddist = int((dist - dist_limits[1])/dist_bin_size[2]) + \
                    int(dist_limits[0]/dist_bin_size[0]) + \
                    int((dist_limits[1] - dist_limits[0])/dist_bin_size[1])
                ddist = int(dist_limits[0]/dist_bin_size[0]) + \
                    int((dist_limits[1] - dist_limits[0])/dist_bin_size[1]) + \
                    int((dist_limits[2] - dist_limits[1])/dist_bin_size[2])
            return ddist

        output = np.zeros((args.goals_size + 1))

        output[0] = int((relative_angle % 360.) / 5.)
        output[1] = discretize(relative_dist)
        output[2] = gt_action

        self.relative_angle = relative_angle

        if args.visualize or args.print_images:
            dump_dir = "{}/dump/{}/".format(args.dump_location, args.exp_name)
            ep_dir = '{}/episodes/{}/{}/'.format(dump_dir, self.rank + 1,
            if not os.path.exists(ep_dir):

            if args.vis_type == 1:  # Visualize predicted map and pose
                vis_grid = vu.get_colored_map(
                    np.rint(map_pred), self.collison_map[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2],
                    self.visited_vis[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2],
                                    gy1:gy2], goal, self.explored_map[gx1:gx2,
                                        gy1:gy2], self.map[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2] *
                    self.explored_map[gx1:gx2, gy1:gy2])
                vis_grid = np.flipud(vis_grid)
                    self.figure, self.ax, self.obs, vis_grid[:, :, ::-1],
                    (start_x - gy1 * args.map_resolution / 100.0,
                     start_y - gx1 * args.map_resolution / 100.0, start_o),
                    (start_x_gt - gy1 * args.map_resolution / 100.0,
                     start_y_gt - gx1 * args.map_resolution / 100.0,
                     start_o_gt), dump_dir, self.rank, self.episode_no,
                    self.timestep, args.visualize, args.print_images,

            else:  # Visualize ground-truth map and pose
                vis_grid = vu.get_colored_map(self.map, self.collison_map,
                                              self.visited_gt, self.visited_gt,
                                              (goal[0] + gx1, goal[1] + gy1),
                                              self.map * self.explored_map)
                vis_grid = np.flipud(vis_grid)
                vu.visualize(self.figure, self.ax, self.obs,
                             vis_grid[:, :, ::-1],
                             (start_x_gt, start_y_gt, start_o_gt),
                             (start_x_gt, start_y_gt, start_o_gt), dump_dir,
                             self.rank, self.episode_no, self.timestep,
                             args.visualize, args.print_images, args.vis_type)

        return output
    def step(self, action):
        args = self.args
        self.timestep += 1

        # update previous locations and actions
        self.last_loc = np.copy(self.curr_loc)
        self.last_loc_gt = np.copy(self.curr_loc_gt)
        self._previous_action = action

        # get data from simulator
        # try:
        obs, rew, done, info = super().step(action)
        # except:
        # return

        # Preprocess observations - same as in reset
        rgb = obs['rgb'].astype(np.uint8)
        self.obs = rgb  # For visualization
        if self.args.frame_width != self.args.env_frame_width:
            rgb = np.asarray(self.res(rgb))
        state = rgb.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        depth = _preprocess_depth(obs['depth'])

        # ground-truth pose and predicted pose
        # gt pose change from sim
        dx_gt, dy_gt, do_gt = self.get_gt_pose_change()
        dx_base, dy_base, do_base = self.get_noiseless_map_dpose(
            self.curr_loc, action)

        # print('---------')
        # print("POINTGOAL, rew, done, ", obs['pointgoal'], rew, done)
        # print("DPOSE: GT ", dx_gt, dy_gt, do_gt, " EXPECTED: ", dx_base, dy_base, do_base)
        # print("before stepping POSE: GT ", self.curr_loc_gt, " EST: ", self.curr_loc)
        self.curr_loc = pu.get_new_pose(self.curr_loc,
                                        (dx_base, dy_base, do_base))
        self.curr_loc_gt = pu.get_new_pose(self.curr_loc_gt,
                                           (dx_gt, dy_gt, do_gt))
        # print("POSE: GT ", self.curr_loc_gt, " EST: ", self.curr_loc)
        # print('---------')
        # Convert pose to cm and degrees for mapper
        mapper_gt_pose = (self.curr_loc_gt[0] * 100.0,
                          self.curr_loc_gt[1] * 100.0,

        # Update ground_truth map and explored area
        fp_proj, self.map, fp_explored, self.explored_map = \
                self.mapper.update_map(depth, mapper_gt_pose)

        # Update collision map
        # we should use estimated pose for this
        if action == HabitatSimActions.MOVE_FORWARD:
            x1, y1, t1 = self.last_loc
            x2, y2, t2 = self.curr_loc
            if abs(x1 - x2) < 0.05 and abs(y1 - y2) < 0.05:
                self.col_width += 2
                self.col_width = min(self.col_width, 9)
                self.col_width = 1

            dist = pu.get_l2_distance(x1, x2, y1, y2)
            if dist < args.collision_threshold:  #Collision
                length = 2
                width = self.col_width
                buf = 3
                for i in range(length):
                    for j in range(width):
                        wx = x1 + 0.05*((i+buf) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(t1)) + \
                                        (j-width//2) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(t1)))
                        wy = y1 + 0.05*((i+buf) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(t1)) - \
                                        (j-width//2) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(t1)))
                        r, c = wy, wx
                        r, c = int(r*100/args.map_resolution), \
                        [r, c] = pu.threshold_poses([r, c],
                        self.collison_map[r, c] = 1

        # Set info
        self.info['time'] = self.timestep
        self.info['fp_proj'] = fp_proj
        self.info['fp_explored'] = fp_explored
        self.info['sensor_pose'] = [dx_base, dy_base, do_base]
        self.info['pose_err'] = [
            dx_gt - dx_base, dy_gt - dy_base, do_gt - do_base

        if self.timestep % args.num_local_steps == 0:
            area, ratio = self.get_global_reward()
            self.info['exp_reward'] = area
            self.info['exp_ratio'] = ratio
            self.info['exp_reward'] = None
            self.info['exp_ratio'] = None


        if self.info['time'] >= args.max_episode_length:
            done = True
            if self.args.save_trajectory_data != "0":
            done = False
        return state, rew, done, self.info