    def __init__(self, robot, render=False):
        # print("WalkerBase::__init__ start")
        self.camera_x = 0
        self.walk_target_x = 1e3  # kilometer away
        self.walk_target_y = 0
        self.stateId = -1
        MJCFBaseBulletEnv.__init__(self, robot, render)

        self.time_tick = G_Tick  #1ms

        self.latency = 0.0  # save the latency of most recent returned state
        self.latency_max = G_delay_max  # max latency in ms

        self.max_num_steps = G_max_num_steps  # for steps latency will be fixed or change on reset or done after G_max_num_steps.
        self.latency_steps = 0
        self.steps = 0

        self.sampling_interval = G_sampling_min
        self.sampling_interval_min = G_sampling_min  #30 Hz frequency

        #increase the latency within thresholds
        self.index = 1

        #used to evolve the latency
        self.prev_action = None

        self.original_timestep = (0.0165 * 1000.0) / 4.0

        #used to enable jitter
        self.episodic_l = 0.0
        self.episodic_si = G_sampling_min
  def reset(self):
    if (self.stateId >= 0):
      #print("restoreState self.stateId:",self.stateId)

    r = MJCFBaseBulletEnv.reset(self)

    self._p.configureDebugVisualizer(pybullet.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 0)

    self.parts, self.jdict, self.ordered_joints, self.robot_body = self.robot.addToScene(
        self._p, self.stadium_scene.ground_plane_mjcf)
    self.ground_ids = set([(self.parts[f].bodies[self.parts[f].bodyIndex],
                            self.parts[f].bodyPartIndex) for f in self.foot_ground_object_names])
    self._p.configureDebugVisualizer(pybullet.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1)
    if (self.stateId < 0):
      self.stateId = self._p.saveState()
      #print("saving state self.stateId:",self.stateId)

    self.prev_action =[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    self.steps = 0

    #update the state with the timing information
    if G_TS:
        r[26] = self.latency/self.latency_max
        r[27] = self.sampling_interval/self.latency_max

    return r