def EOF_projection(self, nEOFs, store_EOFs=True): from eofs.iris import Eof weighting_type = 'coslat' #this weighting ensures the variance of each gridpoint is area weighted solver = Eof(, weights=weighting_type) self.PCs = solver.pcs(npcs=nEOFs) self.history.append(f"Leading {nEOFs} PCs calculated.") if store_EOFs: self.EOFs = solver.eofs(eofscaling=1, neofs=nEOFs) self.history.append(f"Leading {nEOFs} EOFs calculated.")
def NAO_EOFs(SLP, neofs, time, months): SLP_NAO = SLP.extract(lat_constraint_EOF & lon_constraint_EOF) SLP_djf = SLP_NAO.extract(iris.Constraint(month = months)) SLP_djf = SLP_djf.aggregated_by('year', iris.analysis.MEAN) mean = SLP_djf.collapsed(time, iris.analysis.MEAN) stdev = SLP_djf.collapsed(time, iris.analysis.STD_DEV) SLP_djf = (SLP_djf - mean)/stdev solver = Eof(SLP_djf, weights = 'coslat') eof = solver.eofs(neofs=neofs) NAO_djf = solver.pcs(npcs=neofs, pcscaling=1)[:,0] return NAO_djf, eof
def eof_pc_modes(cube, fraction_explained, neofs_pred=None, show_info=False): n_eofs = 0 n_fraction = 0 solver = Eof(cube, weights='coslat') if neofs_pred is None: # Number of EOFs needed to explain the fraction (fraction_explained) of the total variance while n_fraction < fraction_explained: n_eofs = n_eofs+1 cube.eof_var = solver.varianceFraction(neigs=n_eofs) n_fraction = np.sum( cube.eof = solver.eofs(neofs=n_eofs) cube.pcs = solver.pcs(npcs=n_eofs) cube.solver = solver cube.neofs = n_eofs else: cube.eof = solver.eofs(neofs=neofs_pred) cube.pcs = solver.pcs(npcs=neofs_pred) cube.solver = solver cube.neofs = neofs_pred # Function return if show_info: for i in range(0,n_eofs): print('EOF '+str(i+1)+' fraction: '+str("%.2f" % ([i]*100))+'%') print(str("%.2f" % (n_fraction*100))+'% of the total variance explained by '+str(n_eofs)+' EOF modes.') return cube elif show_info == False: return cube else: print 'Missing show_info=True or show_info=False'
iris.coord_categorisation.add_year(sst, 'time', name='year') yr_sst = sst.aggregated_by('year', iris.analysis.MEAN) clim_sst = yr_sst.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MEAN) # yr_sst_detrend = detrend(yr_sst) # clim_sst_detrend = yr_sst_detrend.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MEAN) anom_sst = yr_sst - clim_sst anom_sst_detrend = detrend(anom_sst) # Create an EOF solver to do the EOF analysis. Square-root of cosine of # latitude weights are applied before the computation of EOFs. # sovler = Eof(anom_sst_detrend) #--> NO FUNCIONA PQ yr_sst_detrend SEMBLA QUE JA ESTÀ FETA LA ANOMALIA. BUENO CLAR PUTO,, SI LI TREUS LA REGRESSIÓ LINEAL ET CARREGUES TOT. solver = Eof(anom_sst, weights='coslat') # Retrieve the leading EOF, expressed as the correlation between the leading # PC time series and the input SST anomalies at each grid point, and the # leading PC time series itself. n = 3 # eofs = solver.eofsAsCorrelation(neofs=n) eofs = solver.eofsAsCorrelation(neofs=n) pcs = solver.pcs(npcs=n) variance_fractions = solver.varianceFraction(neigs=n) print( for i in range(n): plotter(eofs[i],pcs[:,i],[i]*100,i+1) #
# lat_bds = [20, 70] # lon_bds = [120, 250] # SP # lat_bds = [-70, -20] # lon_bds = [135, 300] # TP # lat_bds = [0, 90] # lon_bds = [0, 360] # sst = extract_region(cube, lat_bds, lon_bds) if 1 == 1: # anom_sst_detrend = anomaly(sst_cube, sst=True) anom_slp_detrend = anomaly(slp_cube) # # Create an EOF solver to do the EOF analysis. Square-root of cosine of # # latitude weights are applied before the computation of EOFs. solver = Eof(anom_slp_detrend, weights='coslat') # Retrieve the leading EOF, expressed as the correlation between the leading # PC time series and the input SST anomalies at each grid point, and the # leading PC time series itself. n = 3 # eofs = solver.eofsAsCorrelation(neofs=n) eofs = solver.eofs(neofs=n) print(eofs) pcs = solver.pcs(npcs=n) pc0 = pcs.coord('year').points pc1 = pcs[:, 0].data / np.std(pcs[:, 0].data) pc2 = (pcs[:, 1].data * -1) / np.std(pcs[:, 1].data) pc3 = pcs[:, 2].data / np.std(pcs[:, 2].data) pcs_np = np.array([pc1, pc2, pc3]) variance_fractions = solver.varianceFraction(neigs=n)
# Read geopotential height data using the iris module. The file contains # December-February averages of geopotential height at 500 hPa for the # European/Atlantic domain (80W-40E, 20-90N). filename = example_data_path('') z_djf = iris.load_cube(filename) # Compute anomalies by removing the time-mean. with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Iris emits a warning due to the non-contiguous time dimension. warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) z_djf_mean = z_djf.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MEAN) = - # Create an EOF solver to do the EOF analysis. Square-root of cosine of # latitude weights are applied before the computation of EOFs. solver = Eof(z_djf, weights='coslat') # Retrieve the leading EOF, expressed as the covariance between the leading PC # time series and the input SLP anomalies at each grid point. eof1 = solver.eofsAsCovariance(neofs=1) # Plot the leading EOF expressed as covariance in the European/Atlantic domain. ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-20, central_latitude=60)) iplt.contourf(eof1[0, 0], ax.coastlines() ax.set_global() ax.set_title('EOF1 expressed as covariance', fontsize=16)
import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from eofs.iris import Eof from eofs.examples import example_data_path # Read SST anomalies using the iris module. The file contains November-March # averages of SST anomaly in the central and northern Pacific. filename = example_data_path('') sst = iris.load_cube(filename) # Create an EOF solver to do the EOF analysis. Square-root of cosine of # latitude weights are applied before the computation of EOFs. solver = Eof(sst, weights='coslat') # Retrieve the leading EOF, expressed as the correlation between the leading # PC time series and the input SST anomalies at each grid point, and the # leading PC time series itself. eof1 = solver.eofsAsCorrelation(neofs=1) pc1 = solver.pcs(npcs=1, pcscaling=1) # Plot the leading EOF expressed as correlation in the Pacific domain. clevs = np.linspace(-1, 1, 11) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=190)) fill = iplt.contourf(eof1[0], clevs, ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAND, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') cb = plt.colorbar(fill, orientation='horizontal') cb.set_label('correlation coefficient', fontsize=12) ax.set_title('EOF1 expressed as correlation', fontsize=16)
# Read geopotential height data using the iris module. The file contains # December-February averages of geopotential height at 500 hPa for the # European/Atlantic domain (80W-40E, 20-90N). filename = example_data_path('') z_djf = iris.load_cube(filename) # Compute anomalies by removing the time-mean. with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Iris emits a warning due to the non-contiguous time dimension. warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) z_djf_mean = z_djf.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MEAN) z_djf = z_djf - z_djf_mean # Create an EOF solver to do the EOF analysis. Square-root of cosine of # latitude weights are applied before the computation of EOFs. solver = Eof(z_djf, weights='coslat') # Retrieve the leading EOF, expressed as the covariance between the leading PC # time series and the input SLP anomalies at each grid point. eof1 = solver.eofsAsCovariance(neofs=1) # Plot the leading EOF expressed as covariance in the European/Atlantic domain. clevs = np.linspace(-75, 75, 11) proj = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-20, central_latitude=60) ax = plt.axes(projection=proj) ax.coastlines() ax.set_global() iplt.contourf(eof1[0, 0], levels=clevs, ax.set_title('EOF1 expressed as covariance', fontsize=16)
zannc = gph.aggregated_by(['clim_month'], iris.analysis.MEAN) zrept = gph.copy() for yy in range(58):[yy*12:yy*12+12,:,:] = # calculate anomalies from mean annual cycle -- also for 8.1(c) zanom = iris.analysis.maths.subtract(gph,zrept) # extract 1979-2000 anomalies iris.coord_categorisation.add_year(zanom, 'time', name='year') zbase = zanom.extract(iris.Constraint(coord_values={'year':sclm})) #==================================================================== # 8.1(b) # calculate EOFs slvr = Eof(zbase, weights='coslat') eof1 = slvr.eofsAsCovariance(neofs=1) pc1 = iris.util.squeeze(slvr.pcs(npcs=1)) vfrc = slvr.varianceFraction(neigs=5) # get standard deviation of pc1 stdv = pc1.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.STD_DEV) npc1 = iris.analysis.maths.divide(pc1, stdv) # plot clev = np.linspace(-50,50,11) fg = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=180, central_latitude=90)) cs = iplt.contourf(eof1[0,0], levels=clev, ax.coastlines() ax.set_global()
def calc_eofs(input, neofs): mn, anom = rmv_mn(input) solver = Eof(anom, weights = 'coslat') eofs = solver.eofs(neofs = neofs) pcs = solver.pcs(npcs = neofs) return solver, eofs, pcs