def __init__(self, pluginId, pluginDisplayName, pluginVersion, pluginPrefs): indigo.PluginBase.__init__(self, pluginId, pluginDisplayName, pluginVersion, pluginPrefs) self.debug = False self.pluginUrl = "" # 1.52 #pluginId = "com.eps.indigoplugin.device-extensions" # removed 1.52 self.cache = DevUtils (pluginId) self.thermostat = SmartThermostat (self.cache) = Weathersnoop (self.cache) self.sprinkler = SmartIrrigation (self.cache) self.cache.cacheSubDevices ("device") eps.parent = self # 1.52 conv.parent = self # 1.52
class Plugin(indigo.PluginBase): # # Init # def __init__(self, pluginId, pluginDisplayName, pluginVersion, pluginPrefs): indigo.PluginBase.__init__(self, pluginId, pluginDisplayName, pluginVersion, pluginPrefs) self.debug = False self.pluginUrl = "" # 1.52 #pluginId = "com.eps.indigoplugin.device-extensions" # removed 1.52 self.cache = DevUtils (pluginId) self.thermostat = SmartThermostat (self.cache) = Weathersnoop (self.cache) self.sprinkler = SmartIrrigation (self.cache) self.cache.cacheSubDevices ("device") eps.parent = self # 1.52 conv.parent = self # 1.52 # # Delete # def __del__(self): indigo.PluginBase.__del__(self) # # Support log dump # def supportLogDump (self): self.cache.supportLogDump() # # Device pre-save event # def validateDeviceConfigUi(self, valuesDict, typeId, devId): return (True, valuesDict) # # Device menu selection changed # def deviceMenuChanged(self, valuesDict, typeId, devId): # Just here so we can refresh the states if typeId == "epsdews": valuesDict = (valuesDict) return valuesDict # # Return menu of device states for irrigation controller rain states # def getStatesForDeviceIr(self, filter="", valuesDict=None, typeId="", targetId=0): return self.cache.getDeviceStatesArray (filter, valuesDict, typeId, targetId, "raindevice") # # Return menu of device states # def getStatesForDevice(self, filter="", valuesDict=None, typeId="", targetId=0): states = self.cache.getDeviceStatesArray (filter, valuesDict, typeId, targetId, "device") option = ("lastChanged", "lastChanged (property)") states.append(option) return states # # Device properties changed # def didDeviceCommPropertyChange(self, origDev, newDev): return True # # One of our monitored devices has changed # def deviceUpdated(self, origDev, newDev): if self.cache.deviceInCache ( self.debugLog ("Our plugin device %s changed" % if "device" in newDev.pluginProps and "device" in origDev.pluginProps: if newDev.pluginProps["device"] != origDev.pluginProps["device"]: # The device changed, force a re-cache of devices and subs - this will mean both are in cache but that's ok until we upgrade this to the new engine self.debugLog("Re-caching sub devices") self.cache.addSubDevice(newDev.pluginProps["device"]) self.updateDevice (, "", "") else: if newDev.pluginId == self.pluginId: self.debugLog (u"Our plugin device %s changed and isn't in cache" % # It's one of our devices but isn't in our cache, could be new, fix that now if newDev.pluginProps: self.debugLog(u"Adding device not currently in cache: " + self.deviceValidate (newDev) self.cache.addDevice (newDev) if self.cache.subDeviceInCache ( devs = self.cache.devicesForSubDevice (, "device") for devId, tfVar in devs.iteritems(): #self.debugLog("deviceUpdate for " + str( self.updateDevice (devId, origDev, newDev) # # Action to update from device # def updateFromDevice (self, devAction): #indigo.server.log(unicode(devAction)) self.updateDevice (devAction.deviceId, "", "") # # Device actions # def deviceActions (self, devAction): # Run thermostat actions self.thermostat.deviceActions (devAction) self.sprinkler.deviceActions (devAction) # Generic actions if devAction.pluginTypeId == "resethighlow": devEx = indigo.devices[devAction.deviceId] self.resetHighLowForDevice (devEx) if devAction.pluginTypeId == "forceoff": devEx = indigo.devices[devAction.deviceId] devEx.updateStateOnServer("onOffState", False) # # Update device # def updateDevice (self, devId, origDev, newDev): dev = indigo.devices[int(devId)] try: typeId = self.cache.deviceTypeId (devId) except: # If we get here then they may have copied the device and the typeId isn't assigned yet return if typeId == "epsdecon": self.convertDeviceAction (dev) if typeId == "epsdews": (dev) if typeId == "epsdeth": self.thermostat.updateThermostat (dev) if typeId == "epsdeirr": #self.debugLog("Sprinkler updated") self.sprinkler.updateIrrigation (dev, origDev, newDev) # # Convert device temperature value # def convertDeviceAction (self, devEx): if devEx.pluginProps["chdevice"]: dev = indigo.devices[int(devEx.pluginProps["device"])] # Added condition to check if it's in states, it will be if it's a state because we already verified this in the config (1.5.0) if devEx.pluginProps["states"] in dev.states: value = dev.states[devEx.pluginProps["states"]] else: # It's a special device property added in 1.5.0 if devEx.pluginProps["states"] == "lastChanged": value = dev.lastChanged else: dev = "" value = indigo.variables[int(devEx.pluginProps["variable"])] if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "strtocase": # 1.52 value = unicode(value) if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "title": value = value.title() if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "initial": value = value.capitalize() if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "upper": value = value.upper() if devEx.pluginProps["strcase"] == "lower": value = value.lower() devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value)) devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, uiValue=value) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "strtonum": # 1.52 # CONVERTED value = unicode(value) if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimstart", True): if devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]): self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from beginning of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"])) diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]) value = value[diff:len(value)] if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimend", True): if devEx.pluginProps["trimend"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]): self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from end of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"])) diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]) diff = diff * -1 value = value[:diff] try: dec = string.find (value, '.') numtype = devEx.pluginProps["numtype"] if dec > -1 and numtype == "int": indigo.server.log("Input value of %s on %s contains a decimal, forcing value to be a float. Change the preferences for this device to get rid of this error." % (value,, isError=True) numtype = "float" if numtype == "int": value = int(value) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", value, uiValue=unicode(value)) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(value)) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", value) if numtype == "float": value = float(value) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", value, uiValue=unicode(value)) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(value)) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", value) except Exception as e: eps.printException(e) devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value="Error", uiValue="Error") return if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "dtformat": # 1.52 if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "inputdtformat", True) and eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "outputdtformat", True): value = unicode(value) value = dtutil.DateStringFormat (value, devEx.pluginProps["inputdtformat"], devEx.pluginProps["outputdtformat"]) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value)) devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, uiValue=value) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "string": # 1.52 value = unicode(value) if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "maxlength", True): if devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"]): self.debugLog("Shortening string to %i characters" % int(devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"])) diff = len(value) - int(devEx.pluginProps["maxlength"]) diff = diff * -1 value = value[:diff] if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimstart", True): if devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]): self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from beginning of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"])) diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimstart"]) value = value[diff:len(value)] if eps.valueValid (devEx.pluginProps, "trimend", True): if devEx.pluginProps["trimend"] != "0" and len(value) > int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]): self.debugLog("Removing %i characters from end of string" % int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"])) diff = int(devEx.pluginProps["trimend"]) diff = diff * -1 value = value[:diff] devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value)) devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, uiValue=value) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "ctof": # 1.2 added precision if "precision" in devEx.pluginProps: #value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, False, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"])) value = conv.temperature (value, False, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"])) # 1.52 else: #value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, False) value = conv.temperature (value, False) # 1.52 stateSuffix = u" °F" devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value)) devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.TemperatureSensor) devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, decimalPlaces=1, uiValue=str(value) + stateSuffix) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "ftoc": # 1.2 added precision if "precision" in devEx.pluginProps: #value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, True, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"])) value = conv.temperature (value, True, int(devEx.pluginProps["precision"])) # 1.52 else: #value = self.cache.convertTemperature (value, True) value = conv.temperature (value, True) # 1.52 stateSuffix = u" °C" devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", str(value)) devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.TemperatureSensor) devEx.updateStateOnServer(key="statedisplay", value=value, decimalPlaces=1, uiValue=str(value) + stateSuffix) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "lux": value = int(value) term = "Direct Sunlight" if value < 100001: term = "Direct Sunlight" if value < 30001: term = "Cloudy Outdoors" if value < 10001: term = "Dim Outdoors" if value < 5001: term = "Bright Indoors" if value < 1001: term = "Normal Indoors" if value < 401: term = "Dim Indoors" if value < 201: term = "Dark Indoors" if value < 51: term = "Very Dark" if value < 11: term = "Pitch Black" if value < 1001: devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.LightSensor) else: devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.LightSensorOn) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", term) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", term) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "boolstr": # CONVERTED value = unicode(value).lower() truevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["truewhen"]) falsevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["falsewhen"]) statevalue = falsevalue if value == "true": statevalue = truevalue devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.None) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", unicode(statevalue)) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(statevalue)) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "booltype": value = unicode(value).lower() statevalue = "na" statebool = False truevalue = "na" falsevalue = "na" if devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "tf": truevalue = "true" falsevalue = "false" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "yesno": truevalue = "yes" falsevalue = "no" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "onoff": truevalue = "on" falsevalue = "off" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "oz": truevalue = "1" falsevalue = "0" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "oc": truevalue = "open" falsevalue = "closed" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "rdy": truevalue = "ready" falsevalue = "not ready" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "avail": truevalue = "available" falsevalue = "not available" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "gbad": truevalue = "good" falsevalue = "bad" elif devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "lock": truevalue = "locked" falsevalue = "unlocked" if value == "true": statebool = True if devEx.pluginProps["reverse"]: statebool = False else: statebool = False if devEx.pluginProps["reverse"]: statebool = True if statebool: statevalue = truevalue else: statevalue = falsevalue devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.None) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", unicode(statevalue).lower()) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(statevalue).lower()) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", statebool) if devEx.pluginProps["booltype"] == "oz": devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", int(statevalue)) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "true": # CONVERTED devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.None) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "true") devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", "true") devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", True) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "false": # CONVERTED devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.None) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", "false") devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", "false") devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", False) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "bool": # CONVERTED value = unicode(value).lower() #if devEx.pluginProps["booleanstatetype"] == "float": value = float(value) truevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["truewhen"]).lower() falsevalue = unicode(devEx.pluginProps["falsewhen"]).lower() statevalue = False if truevalue != "*else*": if value == truevalue: statevalue = True else: if falsevalue == "*else*": statevalue = False if falsevalue != "*else*": if value == falsevalue: statevalue = False else: if truevalue == "*else*": statevalue = True devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.None) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", unicode(statevalue).lower()) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(statevalue).lower()) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedBoolean", statevalue) if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "dtmin": self.calcMinutes (devEx, value) # # Force update any devices that need to be checked periodically (called from concurrent threading) # def forceUpdate (self): # Get any lastUpdate conversions, we need to check this every minute devs = indigo.devices.iter("com.eps.indigoplugin.device-extensions.epsdecon") for devEx in devs: if devEx.pluginProps["action"] == "dtmin": dev = indigo.devices[int(devEx.pluginProps["device"])] d = devEx.lastChanged m = dtutil.DateDiff ("minutes", indigo.server.getTime(), d) if m > 1: if devEx.pluginProps["states"] == "lastChanged": self.calcMinutes(devEx, dev.lastChanged) else: self.calcMinutes(devEx, dev.states[devEx.pluginProps["states"]]) # # Calculate minutes since a date for dtmin conversion and update the device # def calcMinutes (self, devEx, value): value = unicode(value) if value == "": return try: value = datetime.datetime.strptime (value, devEx.pluginProps["dateformat"]) except: self.debugLog(u"Error converting %s to a date/time with a format of %s, make sure the date format is correct and that the value is really a date/time string or datetime value!" % (value, devEx.pluginProps["dateformat"]), isError=True) return m = dtutil.DateDiff ("minutes", indigo.server.getTime(), value) m = int(m) # for state devEx.updateStateImageOnServer(indigo.kStateImageSel.TimerOn) devEx.updateStateOnServer("statedisplay", unicode(m).lower() + " Min") devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedValue", unicode(m).lower()) devEx.updateStateOnServer("convertedNumber", m) # # Reset daily high/low values # def resetHighLow (self): devs = self.cache.devices for devId, pluginId in self.cache.devices.iteritems(): dev = indigo.devices[int(devId)] if "lasthighlowreset" in dev.states: s = dtutil.DateDiff ("hours", indigo.server.getTime(), str(dev.states["lasthighlowreset"]) + " 00:00:00") if s > 24: # Reset the high lows self.resetHighLowForDevice (dev) # # Reset or force reset daily high/lows def resetHighLowForDevice (self, dev): d = indigo.server.getTime() if "hightemp" in dev.states: dev.updateStateOnServer ("hightemp", "") if "lowtemp" in dev.states: dev.updateStateOnServer ("lowtemp", "") if "highhumidity" in dev.states: dev.updateStateOnServer ("highhumidity", "") if "lowhumidity" in dev.states: dev.updateStateOnServer ("lowhumidity", "") # Added for 1.3.0 for Weather Extension if "isrecordhigh" in dev.states: dev.updateStateOnServer ("isrecordhigh", False) if "isrecordlow" in dev.states: dev.updateStateOnServer ("isrecordlow", False) indigo.server.log("High/Low Values Reset") dev.updateStateOnServer ("lasthighlowreset", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d ")) # # Device communications startup # def deviceStartComm(self, dev): self.debugLog(u"Starting device " + dev.stateListOrDisplayStateIdChanged() # Force plugin to refresh states from devices.xml self.deviceValidate (dev) # # Device was deleted # def deviceDeleted(self, dev): self.debugLog(u"Deleting device " + self.cache.cacheDevices () self.cache.cacheSubDevices ("device") # # Device started or updated, force defaults and update # def deviceValidate (self, dev): # Make sure we aren't missing critical states if "statedisplay" in dev.states: if dev.states["statedisplay"] == "": dev.updateStateOnServer ("statedisplay", "N/A") if "setMode" in dev.states: if "setmode" in dev.pluginProps: if dev.pluginProps["setmode"] == "heat": dev.updateStateOnServer ("setMode", False) if dev.pluginProps["setmode"] == "cool": dev.updateStateOnServer ("setMode", True) if "lasthighlowreset" in dev.states: if dev.states["lasthighlowreset"] == "": d = indigo.server.getTime() dev.updateStateOnServer ("lasthighlowreset", d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d ")) self.updateDevice (str(, "", "") # # Plugin startup # def startup(self): self.debugLog(u"Starting Device Extensions") indigo.devices.subscribeToChanges() # # Plugin shutdown # def shutdown(self): self.debugLog(u"Device Extensions Shut Down") # # Threading # def runConcurrentThread(self): try: while True: self.resetHighLow() self.thermostat.timerTick() # Lazy mans 1 second timer self.sprinkler.irrigationTimerTick() # A smarter timer self.forceUpdate() # To check if conversions need refreshed self.updateCheck(True, False) self.sleep(1) except self.StopThread: pass # Optionally catch the StopThread exception and do any needed cleanup. ################################################################################ # UPDATE CHECKS - 1.52 ################################################################################ def updateCheck (self, onlyNewer = False, force = True): try: try: if self.pluginUrl == "": if force: indigo.server.log ("This plugin currently does not check for newer versions", isError = True) return except: # Normal if pluginUrl hasn't been defined if force: indigo.server.log ("This plugin currently does not check for newer versions", isError = True) return d = indigo.server.getTime() if eps.valueValid (self.pluginPrefs, "latestVersion") == False: self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"] = False if force == False and eps.valueValid (self.pluginPrefs, "lastUpdateCheck", True): last = datetime.datetime.strptime (self.pluginPrefs["lastUpdateCheck"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") lastCheck = dtutil.DateDiff ("hours", d, last) if self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"]: if lastCheck < 72: return # if last check has us at the latest then only check once a day else: if lastCheck < 2: return # only check every four hours in case they don't see it in the log page = urllib2.urlopen(self.pluginUrl) soup = BeautifulSoup(page) versions = soup.find(string=re.compile("\#Version\|")) versionData = unicode(versions) versionInfo = versionData.split("#Version|") newVersion = float(versionInfo[1][:-1]) if newVersion > float(self.pluginVersion): self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"] = False indigo.server.log ("Version %s of %s is available, you are currently using %s." % (str(round(newVersion,2)), self.pluginDisplayName, str(round(float(self.pluginVersion), 2))), isError=True) else: self.pluginPrefs["latestVersion"] = True if onlyNewer == False: indigo.server.log("%s version %s is the most current version of the plugin" % (self.pluginDisplayName, str(round(float(self.pluginVersion), 2)))) self.pluginPrefs["lastUpdateCheck"] = d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except Exception as e: eps.printException(e) ################################################################################ # INDIGO DEVICE EVENTS ################################################################################ # # URL device action - 1.52 # def urlDeviceAction (self, dev, url): if dev.pluginProps["url"] != "" or dev.pluginProps["username"] != "" or dev.pluginProps["password"] != "": ret = urllib2.Request(url) if dev.pluginProps["url"] != "": ret = urllib2.Request(dev.pluginProps["url"]) if dev.pluginProps["username"] != "" or dev.pluginProps["password"] != "": b64 = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (dev.pluginProps["username"], dev.pluginProps["password"])).replace('\n', '') ret.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % b64) ret = urllib2.urlopen(ret, url) else: ret = urllib2.urlopen(url) if int(ret.getcode()) != 200: return False return True # # Dimmer/relay actions # def actionControlDimmerRelay(self, action, dev): if action.deviceAction == indigo.kDimmerRelayAction.TurnOn: sendSuccess = True if dev.pluginProps["onCommand"] != "": if self.urlDeviceAction (dev, dev.pluginProps["onCommand"]) == False: sendSuccess = False else: sendSuccess = False if sendSuccess: indigo.server.log(u"sent \"%s\" %s" % (, "on")) dev.updateStateOnServer("onOffState", True) else: indigo.server.log(u"send \"%s\" %s failed" % (, "on"), isError=True) elif action.deviceAction == indigo.kDimmerRelayAction.TurnOff: sendSuccess = True if dev.pluginProps["offCommand"] != "": if self.urlDeviceAction (dev, dev.pluginProps["offCommand"]) == False: sendSuccess = False else: sendSuccess = False if sendSuccess: indigo.server.log(u"sent \"%s\" %s" % (, "off")) dev.updateStateOnServer("onOffState", False) else: indigo.server.log(u"send \"%s\" %s failed" % (, "off"), isError=True) elif action.deviceAction == indigo.kDimmerRelayAction.Toggle: newOnState = not dev.onState sendSuccess = True if dev.pluginProps["toggleCommand"] == "": if newOnState: indigo.device.turnOn( else: indigo.device.turnOff( else: if self.urlDeviceAction (dev, dev.pluginProps["toggleCommand"]) == False: sendSuccess = False if sendSuccess: indigo.server.log(u"sent \"%s\" %s" % (, "toggle")) dev.updateStateOnServer("onOffState", newOnState) else: indigo.server.log(u"send \"%s\" %s failed" % (, "toggle"), isError=True) elif action.deviceAction == indigo.kDimmerRelayAction.SetBrightness: newBrightness = action.actionValue sendSuccess = True if sendSuccess: indigo.server.log(u"sent \"%s\" %s to %d" % (, "set brightness", newBrightness)) dev.updateStateOnServer("brightnessLevel", newBrightness) else: indigo.server.log(u"send \"%s\" %s to %d failed" % (, "set brightness", newBrightness), isError=True) elif action.deviceAction == indigo.kDimmerRelayAction.BrightenBy: newBrightness = dev.brightness + action.actionValue if newBrightness > 100: newBrightness = 100 sendSuccess = True if sendSuccess: indigo.server.log(u"sent \"%s\" %s to %d" % (, "brighten", newBrightness)) dev.updateStateOnServer("brightnessLevel", newBrightness) else: indigo.server.log(u"send \"%s\" %s to %d failed" % (, "brighten", newBrightness), isError=True) elif action.deviceAction == indigo.kDimmerRelayAction.DimBy: newBrightness = dev.brightness - action.actionValue if newBrightness < 0: newBrightness = 0 sendSuccess = True if sendSuccess: indigo.server.log(u"sent \"%s\" %s to %d" % (, "dim", newBrightness)) dev.updateStateOnServer("brightnessLevel", newBrightness) else: indigo.server.log(u"send \"%s\" %s to %d failed" % (, "dim", newBrightness), isError=True)