    def createTable(self):

        # print('create table called', len(self))
        if len(self) == 0:
        if self.nRows == 0:
            self.nRows = 1
        if self.nCols == 0:
            self.nCols = 1
        print('nb images ' + str(len(self)) + ' nRows:' + str(self.nRows) + ' nCols:' + str(self.nCols))
        if self.nCols * self.nRows < len(self):
            while self.nCols * self.nRows < len(self):
                self.nRows += 1
        # for img in self:
        counter = 0

        # maybe bug is just because of not properly handling set to with and set to height

        # why the hell do I have a figure in panel really need to recode that
        from deprecated_demos.ezfig_tests.col import col
        fig = col(space=self.space)

        # TODO recode that and do not go through rows for that
        # if it is None
        for i in range(self.nRows):
            row = None
            last_size = None
            for j in range(self.nCols):
                if i * self.nCols + j < len(self):
                    img = self.images[i * self.nCols + j]
                    last_size = img.boundingRect()
                    print('last_size', last_size)
                    if row is None:
                        row = Row(img)
                        row += img
                    # not enough images so adding empty images with same size as last one
                    if last_size is not None:
                        logger.debug('not enough images so adding empty images with same size as last entry')
                        row += Image2D(width=last_size.width(), height=last_size.height())
            if row is not None and not row.isEmpty():
                fig += row

        if len(fig) == 0:
            logger.error('empty panel created there has to be an error somewhere')

        # not necessarily that by the way

        print('width here', self.width())
        # on dirait que ça marche mais faudrait distinguer la width de la desired width...
        if self.width() != 0:
            fig.setToWidth(self.width())  # or settoheight by the way
    def __init__(self, *args, nCols=None, nRows=None, space=3,
                 orientation='horizontal'):  # replace orientation by horizontal or vertical instead of with or height just set fixed dimension size
        # self.width = 512 # KEEP # already exists in Qrect so not need to set it elsewhere !!!!!!
        # self.height = 0
        # super(Panel, self).__init__(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.space = space
        self.orientation = orientation

        if nCols is None and nRows is None:
            # by default panels behave as 1D panel either being a row or a column --> quite cool
            # should do the job ???
            # try it
            if len(args) > 0:
                # self.nCols = self.nRows = round(math.sqrt(len(args)))
                # TODO need suppress this behaviour if I want to get rid of the row stuff to replace everything by panels --> would be simpler in a way
                # this way I can select single objects
                # print(self.nCols, round(self.nCols))
                if self.orientation == 'horizontal':
                    self.nCols = len(args)
                    self.nRows = 1
                    self.nRows = len(args)
                    self.nCols = 1
                self.nCols = self.nRows = 0
            self.nCols = nCols
            self.nRows = nRows
        if self.nRows is None or self.nRows == 0:
            self.nRows = 1
        if self.nCols is None or self.nCols == 0:
            self.nCols = 1
        nb_images = self.nCols * self.nRows
        if len(args) > nb_images:
            logger.error('too few images incrementing nb of rows to compensate')
            while (self.nCols * self.nRows < len(args)):
                # add more rows so that it can fit
                self.nRows += 1

        # store all images in there and create the appropriate figure with rows and cols specified
        self.images = []
        if args:
            for arg in args:
                if isinstance(arg, str):
                    # TODO need check image is not null --> file was found really
                elif isinstance(arg, Image2D):
                    logger.error('unsupported input for panel ' + str(arg))
        super(Rect2D, self).__init__()
        self.isSet = True  # required to allow dragging
    def __init__(self, parent=None, demo=False):
        QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.shapes_to_draw = []
        self.lastPoint = None
        if demo:
                Polygon2D(0, 0, 10, 0, 10, 20, 0, 20, 0, 0, color=0x00FF00))
                Line2D(0, 0, 110, 100, color=0xFF0000, stroke=3))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Rect2D(200, 150, 250, 100, stroke=10))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Ellipse2D(0, 50, 600, 200, stroke=3))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Circle2D(150, 300, 30, color=0xFF0000))
                Point2D(128, 128, color=0xFF0000, stroke=6))
                Point2D(128, 128, color=0x00FF00, stroke=1))
                Point2D(10, 10, color=0x000000, stroke=6))

                Rect2D(0, 0, 512, 512, color=0xFF00FF, stroke=6))
            img0 = Image2D(
            # img0 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # size is not always respected and that is gonna be a pb but probably size would be ok for journals as they would not want more than 14 pt size ????

            # ci dessous la font size marche mais je comprend rien ... pkoi ça marche et l'autre marche pas les " et ' ou \' ont l'air clef...
            # in fact does not work font is super small
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text='<font face="Comic Sans Ms" size=\'12\' color=yellow ><font size=`\'12\'>this is a <br>test</font></font>'))
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text='<font face="Comic Sans Ms" color=yellow ><font size=12 >this is a <br>test</font></font>'))
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D("<p style='font-size: large; font-color: yellow;'><b>Serial Number:</b></p> "))
            # a l'air de marcher mais à tester
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D('<html><body><p><font face="verdana" color="yellow" size="2000">font_face = "verdana"font_color = "green"font_size = 3</font></html>'))

            # try that https://www.learnpyqt.com/examples/megasolid-idiom-rich-text-editor/
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text='<html><font face="times" size=3 color=yellow>test</font></html>'))
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<p style='font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; text-align: center;'> <u>Don't miss it</u></p><p style='font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; text-align: center;'> <u>Don't miss it</u></p>"))

            # this is really a one liner but a bit complex to do I find
            # chaque format different doit etre dans un span different --> facile
            # ça marche mais voir comment faire ça
                    '<p style="text-align:left;color: yellow">This text is left aligned <span style="float:right;font-style: italic;font-size: 8pt;"> This text is right aligned </span><span style="float:right;font-size: 4pt;color:red"> This text is another text </span></p>'

            img1 = Image2D(
            # img1 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/focused_Series012.png')
            # img1.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<font face='Comic Sans Ms' size=16 color='blue' >this is a <br>test</font>"))
            # ça ça marche vraiment en fait --> use css to write my text instead of that

            # ça ça a l'air de marcher --> pas trop mal en fait du coup
            # ça a l'air de marcher maintenant --> could use that and do a converter for ezfig ???
            # img1.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<span style='font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; paddind: 20px; text-align: center;'> <u>Don't miss it</u></span><span style='font-size: 4pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: #00FF00; paddind: 3px; text-align: right;'> <u>test2</u></span>"))

            # TODO need remove <meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /> from the stuff otherwise alignment is not ok... TODO --> should I offer a change to that ??? maybe not
            test_text = '''
            </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-size:22pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
            <p style="color:#00ff00;"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">toto</span><br />tu<span style=" vertical-align:super;">tu</span></p>
            # background-color: orange;
            # span div et p donnent la meme chose par contre c'est sur deux lignes
            # display:inline; float:left # to display as the same line .... --> does that work html to svg
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10451445/two-div-blocks-on-same-line --> same line for two divs

            img2 = Image2D(
            img3 = Image2D(
            img4 = Image2D(
            img5 = Image2D(
            img6 = Image2D(
            img7 = Image2D(
            img8 = Image2D(
            img9 = Image2D(
            img10 = Image2D(

            # img10 = Image2D('/media/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/10.png')
            # img2 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img3 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img4 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img5 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img6 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/focused_Series012.png')
            # img7 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img8 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img9 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img10 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/focused_Series012.png')

            # is row really different from a panel ??? probably not that different
            # row = img1 + img2

            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(row)
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(row)

            # pkoi ça creerait pas plutot un panel
            # au lieu de creer une row faut creer des trucs
            # row2 = img4 + img5
            # fig = row / row2
            # fig = col(row, row2, width=512)# ça c'est ok
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(fig)

            # TODO add image swapping and other changes and also implement sticky pos --> just need store initial pos

            # print(len(row))
            # for img in row:
            #     print(img.boundingRect())

            # fig.setToWidth(512) # bug is really here I do miss something but what and why

            # print('rows', len(fig))
            # for r in fig:
            #     print('bounding rect', r.boundingRect())
            #     print('cols in row', len(r))

            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(fig)

            # peut etre si rien n'est mis juste faire une row avec un panel
            row1 = Row(img0, img1, img2)  # , img6, #, nCols=3, nRows=2

            # marche pas en fait car un truc ne prend pas en charge les figs

            # ça marche donc en fait tt peut etre un panel en fait

            col1 = Column(img4, img5, img6)  # , img6, img6, nCols=3, nRows=2,

            col2 = Column(img3, img7)

            # col1+=col2
            col1 /= col2
            # col1+=img3

            # print('mega begin', panel2.nCols, panel2.nRows, panel2.orientation, len(panel2.images), type(panel2), panel2.boundingRect())
            print('mega begin', len(col1.images), type(col1),

            row2 = Row(img8, img9)

            # row1+=row2
            row1 /= row2
            # row1+= img7

            # all seems fine now

            # panel = Panel(img0)# , img1, img2, img3)  # , img6, #, nCols=3, nRows=2

            # # marche pas en fait car un truc ne prend pas en charge les figs
            # # ça marche donc en fait tt peut etre un panel en fait
            # panel2 = Panel(img4, img5)  # ,

            # panel2.setToWidth(256)
            # panel3.setToWidth(256)
            # panel.setToWidth(256)


            # tt marche
            # should I put align top left or right...

            # panel3.setToWidth(512)

            # can I add self to any of the stuff --> check --> if plus --> adds if divide --> stack it --> good idea and quite simple

            # fig = col(panel,panel2,panel3)

            # panel2+=panel
            # print(type(panel2))

            # panel2.setToHeight(512)
            # panel2.setToWidth(512)

            # all seems fine now --> see how I can fix things

            # panel2+=panel3 # bug here cause does not resize the panel properly
            # print('mega final', panel2.nCols, panel2.nRows, panel2.orientation, len(panel2.images), type(panel2), panel2.boundingRect(), panel.boundingRect())
            print('mega final', len(col1.images), type(col1),
                  col1.boundingRect(), row1.boundingRect())

            # on dirait que tt marche

            # maintenant ça marche mais reessayer qd meme
            # panel2.setToWidth(256) # seems still a very modest bug somewhere incompressible height and therefore ratio is complex to calculate for width with current stuff --> see how I can do --> should I ignore incompressible within stuff --> most likely yes... and should set its width and height irrespective of that
            # panel2.setToWidth(512) # seems still a very modest bug somewhere incompressible height and therefore ratio is complex to calculate for width with current stuff --> see how I can do --> should I ignore incompressible within stuff --> most likely yes... and should set its width and height irrespective of that

            # panel2.setToHeight(1024) #marche pas --> à fixer
            # panel2.setToHeight(128) # marche pas --> faut craiment le coder en fait --> voir comment je peux faire ça

            # marche pas non plus en fait --> bug qq part
            # panel2.setToHeight(82.65128578548527) # marche pas --> faut craiment le coder en fait --> voir comment je peux faire ça

            # panel += img7
            # panel -= img0
            # panel -= img1
            # panel -= img10
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(panel)
            # panel2.set_P1(256, 300)

            # panel2.set_P1(512,0)
            # panel3.set_P1(1024, 0)
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(panel2)

            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(fig)

        # panel2 | panel
        # panel2 | panel # for swapping panels
        # panel | panel2

        # panel << img3

        # ça ne marche pas pkoi

        # img3 >> panel # does not work --> need implement it in my image2D

        # panel >> img3

        # cannot be dragged --> is it because self.is_set
        # row.packX()
        # row.packY() # ça marche mais finaliser le truc pr que ça soit encore plus simple à gerer
        # img.setP1(10,10) #translate it --> cool
        # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img1)
        # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img2)
        # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img3)

        self.shapes_to_draw.append(Square2D(300, 260, 250, stroke=3))

        self.selected_shape = None
    def __init__(self,
        self.shapes = []
        self.currently_drawn_shape = None
        self.shape_to_draw = None
        self.selected_shape = []
        self.active = active
        self.scale = scale
        self.drawing_mode = drawing_mode
        if demo:
                Polygon2D(0, 0, 10, 0, 10, 20, 0, 20, 0, 0, color=0x00FF00))
            self.shapes.append(Line2D(0, 0, 110, 100, color=0xFF0000,
            self.shapes.append(Rect2D(200, 150, 250, 100, stroke=10))
            self.shapes.append(Square2D(300, 260, 250, stroke=3))
            self.shapes.append(Ellipse2D(0, 50, 600, 200, stroke=3))
            self.shapes.append(Circle2D(150, 300, 30, color=0xFF0000))
            self.shapes.append(Point2D(128, 128, color=0xFF0000, stroke=6))
            self.shapes.append(Point2D(128, 128, color=0x00FF00, stroke=1))
            self.shapes.append(Point2D(10, 10, color=0x000000, stroke=6))
            img0 = Image2D('./../data/counter/00.png')
            img1 = Image2D('./../data/counter/01.png')
            img2 = Image2D('./../data/counter/02.png')
            img3 = Image2D('./../data/counter/03.png')
            img4 = Image2D('./../data/counter/04.png')
            img5 = Image2D('./../data/counter/05.png')
            img6 = Image2D('./../data/counter/06.png')
            img7 = Image2D('./../data/counter/07.png')
            img8 = Image2D('./../data/counter/08.png')
            img9 = Image2D('./../data/counter/09.png')
            img10 = Image2D('./../data/counter/10.png')

            row = img1 + img2 + img10


            row2 = img4 + img5
            fig = row / row2
            # fig = Column(row, row2)
            self.drawing_mode = True
            # self.shape_to_draw = Line2D
            # self.shape_to_draw = Rect2D
            # self.shape_to_draw = Square2D
            # self.shape_to_draw = Ellipse2D
            # self.shape_to_draw = Circle2D
            # self.shape_to_draw = Point2D  # ok maybe small centering issue
            # self.shape_to_draw = Freehand2D
            # self.shape_to_draw = PolyLine2D
            # self.shape_to_draw = Polygon2D
            import random
            drawing_methods = [
                Line2D, Rect2D, Square2D, Ellipse2D, Circle2D, Point2D,
                Freehand2D, PolyLine2D, Polygon2D
            self.shape_to_draw = random.choice(drawing_methods)
        width_in_px -= self.getIncompressibleHeight()
        ratio = width_in_px / pure_image_width
        for img in self:
            img.setToWidth(img.boundingRect().width() * ratio)

    # @return the block incompressible width
    def getIncompressibleHeight(self):
        extra_space = 0
        return extra_space

if __name__ == '__main__':

    img1 = Image2D(
    img2 = Image2D(
    img3 = Image2D(
    img4 = Image2D(
    result = img1 + img2

    def __init__(self, parent=None, demo=False):
        QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.shapes_to_draw = []
        self.lastPoint = None
        if demo:

            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Polygon2D(0, 0, 10, 0, 10, 20, 0, 20, 0, 0, color=0x00FF00))
                Polygon2D(100, 100, 110, 100, 110, 120, 10, 120, 100, 100, color=0x0000FF, fill_color=0x00FFFF,
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Line2D(0, 0, 110, 100, color=0xFF0000, stroke=3))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Rect2D(200, 150, 250, 100, stroke=10, fill_color=0xFF0000))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Ellipse2D(0, 50, 600, 200, stroke=3))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Circle2D(150, 300, 30, color=0xFF0000, fill_color=0x00FFFF))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(PolyLine2D(10, 10, 20, 10, 20, 30, 40, 30, color=0xFF0000, stroke=2))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(PolyLine2D(10, 10, 20, 10, 20, 30, 40, 30, color=0xFF0000, stroke=2))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Point2D(128, 128, color=0xFF0000, fill_color=0x00FFFF, stroke=0.65))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Point2D(128, 128, color=0x00FF00, stroke=0.65))
            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Point2D(10, 10, color=0x000000, fill_color=0x00FFFF, stroke=3))

            self.shapes_to_draw.append(Rect2D(0, 0, 512, 512, color=0xFF00FF, stroke=6))
            img0 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/00.png')

            inset = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/01.png')
            inset2 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/01.png')
            inset3 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/01.png')
            # inset.setToHeight(32)
            # check inset

            scale_bar = ScaleBar(30, '<font color="#FF00FF">10µm</font>')
            # scale_bar.set_scale(self.get_scale())
            # # scale_bar.set_P1(self.get_P1().x()+extra_space, self.get_P1().y()+extra_space)
            img0.add_object(scale_bar, Image2D.TOP_LEFT)
            # scale_bar0 = ScaleBar(30, '<font color="#FF00FF">10µm</font>')
            # scale_bar0.set_P1(0, 0)
            # img0.add_object(scale_bar0, Image2D.TOP_LEFT)
            img0.add_object(inset3, Image2D.TOP_LEFT)

            # all seems fine and could even add insets to it --> not so hard I guess
            # check

            # see how to handle insets --> in a way they can be classical images and one should just determine what proportion of the parent image width they should occupy -->
            # need a boolean or need set fraction of orig --> jut one variable
            # maybe also need draw a square around it of a given size --> see how to do that ???

            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">top right</font>'), Image2D.TOP_RIGHT)
            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">top right2</font>'), Image2D.TOP_RIGHT)
            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">top right3</font>'), Image2D.TOP_RIGHT)

            img0.add_object(inset, Image2D.BOTTOM_RIGHT)  # ça marche meme avec des insets mais faudrait controler la taille des trucs... --> TODO
            # img0.add_object(inset2, Image2D.BOTTOM_RIGHT)  # ça marche meme avec des insets mais faudrait controler la taille des trucs... --> TODO
            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">bottom right</font>'), Image2D.BOTTOM_RIGHT)
            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">bottom right2</font>'), Image2D.BOTTOM_RIGHT)
            img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">bottom right3</font>'), Image2D.BOTTOM_RIGHT)

            # ask whether a border should be drawn for the inset or not ??? and ask for its width...

            # ça a l'air de marcher mais voir comment faire pour gérer

            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">bottom left1</font>'), Image2D.BOTTOM_LEFT)
            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">bottom left2</font>'), Image2D.BOTTOM_LEFT)
            # img0.add_object(TAText2D(text='<font color="#FF0000">bottom left3</font>'), Image2D.BOTTOM_LEFT)

            # seems to work --> just finalize things up...

            # img0 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # size is not always respected and that is gonna be a pb but probably size would be ok for journals as they would not want more than 14 pt size ????

            # ci dessous la font size marche mais je comprend rien ... pkoi ça marche et l'autre marche pas les " et ' ou \' ont l'air clef...
            # in fact does not work font is super small
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text='<font face="Comic Sans Ms" size=\'12\' color=yellow ><font size=`\'12\'>this is a <br>test</font></font>'))
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text='<font face="Comic Sans Ms" color=yellow ><font size=12 >this is a <br>test</font></font>'))
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D("<p style='font-size: large; font-color: yellow;'><b>Serial Number:</b></p> "))
            # a l'air de marcher mais à tester
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D('<html><body><p><font face="verdana" color="yellow" size="2000">font_face = "verdana"font_color = "green"font_size = 3</font></html>'))

            # try that https://www.learnpyqt.com/examples/megasolid-idiom-rich-text-editor/
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text='<html><font face="times" size=3 color=yellow>test</font></html>'))
            # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<p style='font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; text-align: center;'> <u>Don't miss it</u></p><p style='font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; text-align: center;'> <u>Don't miss it</u></p>"))

            # this is really a one liner but a bit complex to do I find
            # chaque format different doit etre dans un span different --> facile
            # ça marche mais voir comment faire ça
            # img0.setLettering(TAText2D(
            #     text='<p style="text-align:left;color: yellow">This text is left aligned <span style="float:right;font-style: italic;font-size: 8pt;"> This text is right aligned </span><span style="float:right;font-size: 4pt;color:red"> This text is another text </span></p>'))
            img0.setLettering('<font color="red">A</font>')
            # letter
            img0.annotation.append(Rect2D(88, 88, 200, 200, stroke=3, color=0xFF00FF))
            img0.annotation.append(Ellipse2D(88, 88, 200, 200, stroke=3, color=0x00FF00))
            img0.annotation.append(Circle2D(33,33, 200, stroke=3, color=0x0000FF))
            img0.annotation.append(Line2D(33,33, 88,88, stroke=3, color=0x0000FF))
            img0.annotation.append(Freehand2D(10, 10, 20, 10, 20, 30, 288, 30, color=0xFFFF00, stroke=3))
            # img0.annotation.append(PolyLine2D(10, 10, 20, 10, 20, 30, 288, 30, color=0xFFFF00, stroke=3))
            img0.annotation.append(Point2D(128, 128, color=0xFFFF00, stroke=6))
            # everything seems to work but do check

            img1 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/01.png')
            # img1 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/focused_Series012.png')
            # img1.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<font face='Comic Sans Ms' size=16 color='blue' >this is a <br>test</font>"))
            # ça ça marche vraiment en fait --> use css to write my text instead of that

            # ça ça a l'air de marcher --> pas trop mal en fait du coup
            # ça a l'air de marcher maintenant --> could use that and do a converter for ezfig ???
            # img1.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<span style='font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; paddind: 20px; text-align: center;'> <u>Don't miss it</u></span><span style='font-size: 4pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: #00FF00; paddind: 3px; text-align: right;'> <u>test2</u></span>"))

            # TODO need remove <meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /> from the stuff otherwise alignment is not ok... TODO --> should I offer a change to that ??? maybe not
            test_text = '''
            </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Comic Sans MS'; font-size:22pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
            <p style="color:#00ff00;"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">toto</span><br />tu<span style=" vertical-align:super;">tu</span></p>

            # background-color: orange;
            # span div et p donnent la meme chose par contre c'est sur deux lignes
            # display:inline; float:left # to display as the same line .... --> does that work html to svg
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10451445/two-div-blocks-on-same-line --> same line for two divs

            img2 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/02.png')

            # crop is functional again but again a packing error
            # img2.crop(all=0) # reset crop
            # img2.crop(top=0) # reset crop --> seems ok
            # now seems ok --> see how to do that with figures/vector graphics ...
            # img2.crop(right=60)
            # img2.crop(bottom=60)
            img3 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/03.png')
            img4 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/04.png')
            img5 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/05.png')
            img6 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/06.png')
            img7 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/07.png')
            img8 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/08.png')

            # reference point is the original image and stroke should be constant irrespective of zoom --> most likely need the scaling factor too there
            # reference size is also the underlying original image --> TODO
            # img8.annotation.append(Line2D(0, 0, 110, 100, color=0xFF0000, stroke=3))
            img8.annotation.append(Rect2D(60, 60, 100, 100, stroke=20, color=0xFF00FF))
            # need make the scale rese
            # img8.annotation.append(Ellipse2D(0, 50, 600, 200, stroke=3))

            img9 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/09.png')
            img10 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/10.png')
            # Data for plotting
            import numpy as np
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
            s = 1 + np.sin(2 * np.pi * t)

            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.plot(t, s)

            ax.set(xlabel='time (s)', ylabel='voltage (mV)',
                   title='About as simple as it gets, folks')

            # plt.show()
            # fig.savefig("test.png")
            # plt.show()
            # ça marche --> voici deux examples de shapes

            # first graph test --> TODO improve that
            graph2d = VectorGraphics2D(fig)
            graph2d.crop(all=20) # not great neither

            vectorGraphics = VectorGraphics2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_svg/cartman.svg')

            # nb cropping marche en raster mais pas en svg output --> besoin de faire un masque d'ecretage --> pourrait aussi dessiner un rectangle de la meme taille de facon à le faire

            # TODO KEEP unfortunately cropping does not work when saved as svg but works when saved as raster...
            vectorGraphics.crop(left=10, right=30, top=10, bottom=10)
            animatedVectorGraphics = VectorGraphics2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_svg/animated.svg')

            # bug cause shears the stuff --> would need crop the other dimension too to maintain AR
            animatedVectorGraphics.crop(left=30)#, top=20, bottom=20

            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(graph2d)

            # img10 = Image2D('/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/10.png')
            # img2 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img3 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img4 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img5 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img6 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/focused_Series012.png')
            # img7 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img8 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img9 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/100708_png06.png')
            # img10 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/focused_Series012.png')

            # is row really different from a panel ??? probably not that different
            # row = img1 + img2

            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(row)
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(row)

            # pkoi ça creerait pas plutot un panel
            # au lieu de creer une row faut creer des trucs
            # row2 = img4 + img5
            # fig = row / row2
            # fig = col(row, row2, width=512)# ça c'est ok
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(fig)

            # TODO add image swapping and other changes and also implement sticky pos --> just need store initial pos

            # print(len(row))
            # for img in row:
            #     print(img.boundingRect())

            # fig.setToWidth(512) # bug is really here I do miss something but what and why

            # print('rows', len(fig))
            # for r in fig:
            #     print('bounding rect', r.boundingRect())
            #     print('cols in row', len(r))

            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(fig)

            # peut etre si rien n'est mis juste faire une row avec un panel
            row1 = Row(img0, img1, img2, graph2d, animatedVectorGraphics) #, graph2d, animatedVectorGraphics  # , img6, #, nCols=3, nRows=2 #le animated marche mais faut dragger le bord de l'image mais pas mal qd meme
            # see how I should handle size of graphs but I'm almost there

            # marche pas en fait car un truc ne prend pas en charge les figs
            # ça marche donc en fait tt peut etre un panel en fait

            col1 = Column(img4, img5, img6, vectorGraphics)  # , vectorGraphics# , img6, img6, nCols=3, nRows=2,
            col2 = Column(img3, img7, img10)
            # col1.setLettering('<font color="#FFFFFF">A</font>')

            # col1+=col2
            col1 /= col2
            # col1+=img3

            # print('mega begin', panel2.nCols, panel2.nRows, panel2.orientation, len(panel2.images), type(panel2), panel2.boundingRect())
            # print('mega begin', len(col1.images), type(col1), col1.boundingRect())

            # ok need increment and need see how to change the font of the stuff and bg color and fg color --> TODO but ok for now
            row2 = Row(img8, img9)
            row2.setLettering('<font color="#FFFFFF">a</font>')

            # row1+=row2
            row1 /= row2
            # row1+= img7

            # all seems fine now

            # panel = Panel(img0)# , img1, img2, img3)  # , img6, #, nCols=3, nRows=2

            # # marche pas en fait car un truc ne prend pas en charge les figs
            # # ça marche donc en fait tt peut etre un panel en fait
            # panel2 = Panel(img4, img5)  # ,

            # panel2.setToWidth(256)
            # panel3.setToWidth(256)
            # panel.setToWidth(256)

            # print(type(col1))

            # tt marche
            # should I put align top left or right...
            # should I put align top left or right...

            col1.setToHeight(512) # creates big bugs now
            # panel3.setToWidth(512)
            # row1.setLettering('<font color="#FF00FF">B</font>')
            # row1.setLettering(' ') # remove letters
            # row1.setToWidth(1024)
            # ça a l'air de marcher...

            # it now seems ok
            # from epyseg.figure.alignment import alignRight, alignLeft, alignTop, alignBottom, alignCenterH, alignCenterV

            # alignLeft(row1, col1)
            # alignRight(row1, col1)
            # alignTop(row1, col1)
            # alignBottom(row1, col1)
            # alignCenterH(row1, col1)
            # alignCenterV(row1, col1)

            # can I add self to any of the stuff --> check --> if plus --> adds if divide --> stack it --> good idea and quite simple

            # fig = col(panel,panel2,panel3)

            # panel2+=panel
            # print(type(panel2))

            # panel2.setToHeight(512)
            # panel2.setToWidth(512)

            # all seems fine now --> see how I can fix things

            # panel2+=panel3 # bug here cause does not resize the panel properly
            # print('mega final', panel2.nCols, panel2.nRows, panel2.orientation, len(panel2.images), type(panel2), panel2.boundingRect(), panel.boundingRect())
            # print('mega final', len(col1.images), type(col1), col1.boundingRect(), row1.boundingRect())

            # on dirait que tt marche

            # maintenant ça marche mais reessayer qd meme
            # panel2.setToWidth(256) # seems still a very modest bug somewhere incompressible height and therefore ratio is complex to calculate for width with current stuff --> see how I can do --> should I ignore incompressible within stuff --> most likely yes... and should set its width and height irrespective of that
            # panel2.setToWidth(512) # seems still a very modest bug somewhere incompressible height and therefore ratio is complex to calculate for width with current stuff --> see how I can do --> should I ignore incompressible within stuff --> most likely yes... and should set its width and height irrespective of that

            # panel2.setToHeight(1024) #marche pas --> à fixer
            # panel2.setToHeight(128) # marche pas --> faut craiment le coder en fait --> voir comment je peux faire ça

            # marche pas non plus en fait --> bug qq part
            # panel2.setToHeight(82.65128578548527) # marche pas --> faut craiment le coder en fait --> voir comment je peux faire ça

            # panel += img7
            # panel -= img0
            # panel -= img1
            # panel -= img10
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(panel)
            # panel2.set_P1(256, 300)

            # panel2.set_P1(512,0)
            # panel3.set_P1(1024, 0)
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(panel2)


            # big bug marche pas
            # packX(3, None, *[img0, img1, img2])  # ça marche presque de nouveau

            # print(img0.boundingRect(), img1.boundingRect(), img2.boundingRect())
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img0)
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img1)
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img2)

            img4.setLettering('<font color="#0000FF">Z</font>') # ça marche mais voir comment faire en fait
            # self.shapes_to_draw.append(fig)

        # panel2 | panel
        # panel2 | panel # for swapping panels
        # panel | panel2

        # panel << img3

        # ça ne marche pas pkoi

        # img3 >> panel # does not work --> need implement it in my image2D

        # panel >> img3

        # cannot be dragged --> is it because self.is_set
        # row.packX()
        # row.packY() # ça marche mais finaliser le truc pr que ça soit encore plus simple à gerer
        # img.setP1(10,10) #translate it --> cool
        # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img1)
        # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img2)
        # self.shapes_to_draw.append(img3)

        self.shapes_to_draw.append(Square2D(300, 260, 250, stroke=3))
        self.selected_shape = None
    # # @return the block incompressible height
    # def getIncompressibleHeight(self):
    #     # in fact need get nb of cols a
    #     extra_space = (self.nRows - 1.) * self.space
    #     extra_space += self.getExtraIncompressibleHeight()
    #     return extra_space
    # def getExtraIncompressibleHeight(self):
    #     extra_space = 0
    #     return extra_space

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from epyseg.draw.shapes.image2d import Image2D  # KEEP Really required to avoid circular imports

    img0 = Image2D('/media/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/00.png')
    # img0.setLetter(TAText2D(
    #     text='<p style="text-align:left;color: yellow">This text is left aligned <span style="float:right;font-style: italic;font-size: 8pt;"> This text is right aligned </span><span style="float:right;font-size: 4pt;color:red"> This text is another text </span></p>'))

    img1 = Image2D('/media/D/Sample_images/sample_images_PA/trash_test_mem/counter/01.png')
    # img1 = Image2D('D:/dataset1/unseen/focused_Series012.png')
    # img1.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<font face='Comic Sans Ms' size=16 color='blue' >this is a <br>test</font>"))
    # ça ça marche vraiment en fait --> use css to write my text instead of that

    # ça ça a l'air de marcher --> pas trop mal en fait du coup
    # ça a l'air de marcher maintenant --> could use that and do a converter for ezfig ???
    # img1.setLetter(TAText2D(text="<span style='font-size: 12pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: yellow; paddind: 20px; text-align: center;'> <u>Don't miss it</u></span><span style='font-size: 4pt; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: #00FF00; paddind: 3px; text-align: right;'> <u>test2</u></span>"))

    # TODO need remove <meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /> from the stuff otherwise alignment is not ok... TODO --> should I offer a change to that ??? maybe not
    # test_text = '''
    #       </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:11pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">