def initialize_model(tsid, target_date):
    """make instances of model classes"""
    start_time = time.time()
    tdate = target_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(8) as executor:
    #     res = [executor.submit(fn, tsid, tdate=tdate) for fn in [make_sections,
    #                                                             make_dgu_groups,
    #                                                             make_bids,
    #                                                             make_stations,
    #                                                             make_areas,
    #                                                             make_impex_areas,
    #                                                             make_nodes,
    #                                                             make_loads,
    #                                                             make_consumers,
    #                                                             make_dpgs,
    #                                                             make_dgus,
    #                                                             make_wsumgen,
    #                                                             make_gus,
    #                                                             make_lines,
    #                                                             make_price_zones,
    #                                                             make_settings]]
    # list(res)

    make_sections(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_dgu_groups(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_bids(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_stations(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_areas(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_impex_areas(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_nodes(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_loads(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_consumers(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_dpgs(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_dgus(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_wsumgen(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_gus(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_lines(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_price_zones(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_settings(tsid, tdate=tdate)
    make_peak_so(tsid, target_date, tdate=tdate)

    print(time.time() - start_time)
#         tup = tuple(map(lambda x, y: Decimal(x) - Decimal(y), n, o))
#         if sum(map(abs, tup)) > 1e-3:
#             print(tup + n)
#             print('%i;%i;%f;%i;%i;%f;' % (tup + n), file=f)
#         else:
#             print('%i;%i;%f;' % tup, file=f)

# ORM.recreate_all()
sections = make_sections(tsid, tdate)

dgu_groups = make_dgu_groups(tsid, tdate)

bids = make_bids(tsid, tdate)

stations = make_stations(tsid, tdate)

areas = make_areas(tsid, tdate)

impex_areas = make_impex_areas(tsid, tdate)

nodes = make_nodes(tsid, tdate)

loads = make_loads(tsid, tdate)

consumers = make_consumers(tsid, tdate)

dpgs = make_dpgs(tsid, tdate)

dgus = make_dgus(tsid, tdate)
import mat4py
from utils import DB
from decimal import *
from operator import itemgetter

getcontext().prec = 28
getcontext().rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP

def f(x):
    return Decimal(x).quantize(Decimal('0.0000001')).quantize(

con = DB.OracleConnection()

dates = con.exec_script('''select trade_session_id, target_date--, note
                           from tsdb2.trade_Session
                           where trunc(target_date) = to_date('10102016', 'ddmmyyyy')
                           and is_main = 1
                           order by target_date''')

for tsid, tdate in dates:
    ns = stations.make_stations(tsid, tdate.date())
    for station in ns:
        if not station.category is None and station.category != 1:
            print(station.code, station.type, station.category)
    gaes = ns[198495]
    print(gaes.code, gaes.type, gaes.category)