def set_model(self, model=None, model_grads=None):
        Computes the coefficients of the polynomial.

        :param Correlations self:
            An instance of the Correlations class.
        :param callable model:
            The function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable function, the input can be the function evaluated at the quadrature points.
        :param callable model_grads:
            The gradient of the function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable gradient function, the input can be a matrix of gradient evaluations at the quadrature points.
        # Need to account for the nataf transform here?
        model_values = None
        model_grads_values = None
        if callable(model):
            model_values = evaluate_model(self._points, model)
            model_values = model
        if model_grads is not None:
            if callable(model_grads):
                model_grads_values = evaluate_model_gradients(
                    self._points, model_grads)
                model_grads_values = model_grads
        self.corrected_poly.set_model(model_values, model_grads_values)
 def _iterative_quadrature_computation(self,
     # Keep increasing the order till we reach ORDER_LIMIT
     quadrature_error = 500.0
     quadrature_order = 0
     integral_before = 10.0
     while quadrature_error >= 1e-6:
         quadrature_order += QUADRATURE_ORDER_INCREMENT
         pts, wts = self._get_quadrature_points_and_weights(
         integral = float(, evaluate_model(pts, integrand)))
         quadrature_error = np.abs(integral - integral_before)
         integral_before = integral
         if quadrature_order >= ORDER_LIMIT:
             raise (RuntimeError, 'Even with ' + str(ORDER_LIMIT + 1) +
                    ' points, an error in the mean of ' + str(1e-4) +
                    'cannot be obtained.')
     if quadrature_order_output is True:
         return integral, quadrature_order
         return integral
    def set_model(self, model=None, model_grads=None):
        """ Computes the coefficients of transformed polynomial (equivalent to calling ``self.get_transformed_poly().set_model(...)``)

        model :,numpy.ndarray, optional
            The function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable function, the input can be the function evaluated at the quadrature points.
        model_grads :,numpy.ndarray, optional
            The gradient of the function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable gradient function, the input can be a matrix of gradient evaluations at the quadrature points.
        # Need to account for the nataf transform here?
        model_values = None
        model_grads_values = None
        if callable(model):
            model_values = evaluate_model(self._points, model)
            model_values = model
        if model_grads is not None:
            if callable(model_grads):
                model_grads_values = evaluate_model_gradients(self._points, model_grads)
                model_grads_values = model_grads
        self.corrected_poly.set_model(model_values, model_grads_values)