freq = np.loadtxt('%s/freq%s_nSeeds%d_chunk%dyr.txt' \
                  % (corrSamplePath, corrSamplePostfix, nSeeds, cfg.stat.chunkWidth))

angFreq = freq * 2*np.pi
cfg0 = ((f - (f * statDist).sum()) * statDist * (g - (g * statDist).sum())).sum()
powerSample /= 2 * np.pi * cfg0

# Reconstruct correlation and power spectrum
# Get normalized weights
weights = ergoPlot.getSpectralWeights(f, g, eigVecForward, eigVecBackward, statDist, skipMean=True)
# Remove components with heigh condition number
weights[eigenCondition > maxCondition] = 0.
eigenCondition[eigenCondition > maxCondition] = maxCondition
(corrRec, compCorrRec) = ergoPlot.spectralRecCorrelation(lags, f, g, eigValGen, weights,
                                                         statDist, skipMean=True, norm=True)
(powerRec, compPowerRec) = ergoPlot.spectralRecPower(angFreq, f, g, eigValGen, weights, statDist, norm=True)

# Plot correlation reconstruction
ergoPlot.plotRecCorrelation(lags, corrSample, corrRec, plotPositive=True,
            % (cfg.general.plotDir, corrName, int(cfg.stat.lagMax),
               nev, postfix, ergoPlot.figFormat),
            dpi=ergoPlot.dpi, bbox_inches=ergoPlot.bbox_inches)

# PLot spectrum, powerSampledogram and spectral reconstruction
msize = np.zeros((weights.shape[0]))
msize[weights.real > 0] = np.log(weights[weights.real > 0].real)
msize[weights.real > 0] = (msize[weights.real > 0] + 15) * 10
# msize[weights.real > 0] = (msize[weights.real > 0] + 6) * 3
msize[msize < 0] = 0.
angFreq = freq * 2*np.pi
cfg0 = ((f - (f * statDist).sum()) * statDist * (g - (g * statDist).sum())).sum()
powerSample /= 2 * np.pi * cfg0
powerSampleSTD /= 2 * np.pi * cfg0

powerSampleDown = powerSample - powerSampleSTD / 2
powerSampleUp = powerSample + powerSampleSTD / 2

# Reconstruct correlation and power spectrum
# Get normalized weights
weights = ergoPlot.getSpectralWeights(f, g, eigVecForward, eigVecBackward, statDist, skipMean=True)
# Remove components with heigh condition number
weights[eigenCondition > 5] = 0.
(corrRec, compCorrRec) = ergoPlot.spectralRecCorrelation(lags, f, g, eigValGen, weights,
                                                         statDist, skipMean=True, norm=True)
(powerRec, compPowerRec) = ergoPlot.spectralRecPower(angFreq, f, g, eigValGen, weights, statDist, norm=True)

# Plot correlation reconstruction
ergoPlot.plotRecCorrelation(lags, corrSample, corrRec, plotPositive=True,
            % (cfg.general.plotDir, corrName, int(lagMax),
               nev, postfix, ergoPlot.figFormat),
            dpi=ergoPlot.dpi, bbox_inches=ergoPlot.bbox_inches)

# PLot spectrum, powerSampledogram and spectral reconstruction
zmin = cfg.stat.yminPower
zmax = cfg.stat.ymaxPower 
# PLot spectrum, powerSampledogram and spectral reconstruction
msizeWeight = np.zeros((weights.shape[0]))
msizeWeight[weights.real > 0] = np.log(weights[weights.real > 0].real)
    power = []
    cPow = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
    while len(cPow) < nObs:
        cPow = np.concatenate((cPow, rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']))
    lsPow = ['-'] * nObs
    lwPow = [2] * nObs
    for obs in np.arange(nObs):
        # Get weights of the spectral projections of the observables
        # let the forward eigenvectors carry the measure.
        weightsObs = ergoPlot.getSpectralWeights(f[obs], g[obs],
                                                 eigVecForward[:, :nevRec],
                                                 eigVecBackward[:, :nevRec])
        # Get power spectrum
        powerObs, powerCompObs = ergoPlot.spectralRecPower(angFreq, f[obs], g[obs],
                                                           weights[obs], norm=True,

    # Calculate analytical eigenvalues
    if mu <= 0:
        eigValAnaPoint = (J + J.T) * mu \
                         + 1j * (J - J.T) * gam
    if mu > 0:
        eigValAnaPoint = -(J + J.T + 2) * mu \
                         - 1j * (J - J.T) * gam
        D = eps**2 * (1 + beta**2) / (2 * mu)
        eigValAnaOrbit = (-I**2 * D + 1j * I * omega \
                         - 2 * mu * J).flatten()