def check_soft_delete_and_restore_roles(mng, instance, old_instance): """ Checks for soft delete and trash roles of the provided instance :param instance: SoftDeleteMixin """ user = get_current_user() # find out whether this is a restore or trash operation if old_instance.deleted: assert instance.deleted is False # restore instance # check if user has global restore permission if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(instance.__class__, 'restore')): return # check if object is restorable according to the objects manager if hasattr(instance, 'is_restorable') and not instance.is_restorable(): raise PermissionDenied else: assert instance.deleted is True # trash instance # check if user has global trash permission if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(instance.__class__, 'trash')): return # check if object is trashable according to the objects manager if hasattr(instance, 'is_trashable') and not instance.is_trashable(): raise PermissionDenied
def check_create_without_project(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ On create/update without projects, verify that the current user is allowed to do that :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ # ignore partial updates unless it contains projects if kwargs.get('partial') and 'projects' not in return if 'projects' not in or len(['projects']) == 0: user = request.user if user.has_perm( get_permission_name(self.serializer_class.Meta.model, 'add') + "_without_project"): # user is allowed to create this entity without a project relationship return else: raise ValidationError({ 'projects': ValidationError(_('You need to select a project'), params={'projects': []}, code='invalid') })
def auto_create_project_for_user(sender, user, *args, **kwargs): """ On post_auth, automatically create a project on login (if the user does not have any) :param sender: :param user: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ # set current requests user (as during auth, that user is not set yet) request = get_current_request() if request and (not hasattr(request, 'user') or request.user.is_anonymous): request.user = user if Project.objects.viewable().count() == 0: # no projects found, check if user has add_project permission if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(Project, 'add')): "Auto-creating project {project_name} for user {user_name}". format(project_name=_("My Project"), user_name=user.username)) Project.objects.create(name=_("My Project"),, description="<div>%s</div>" % _("Automatically generated project"))
def check_delete_roles(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): """ On pre_delete, check delete permission for every database object where the queryset implements "deletable" raises a PermissionDenied exception on error """ if isinstance(instance, Metadata): # deleting meta data is fine return if permission_checks_disabled(instance): return # ensure that the object has been soft deleted already, else raise an exception raise_error_if_object_not_soft_deleted(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs) user = get_current_user() # check if user has global delete permission for this class if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(instance.__class__, 'delete')): return mng = instance.__class__.objects # check if deletable exists and the is in the deletable queryset if hasattr(mng, "deletable") and callable( mng.deletable) and mng.deletable().filter( == 0: raise PermissionDenied
def viewable(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns an `all` QuerySet if current user has the 'APP.view_MODEL' permission (whereas "APP" corresponds to the managed models app label and "MODEL" corresponds to the managed models name). Returns a `none` QuerySet else. :rtype: models.QuerySet """ user = get_current_user() if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(self.model, 'view')): return self.all() return self.none()
def check_create_roles(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if the current user is allowed to create an object (which can be related to a project) :param sender: :param instance: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ user = get_current_user() if not or user.is_anonymous: return # check for global create permission of this object class if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(instance.__class__, 'add')): if type(instance) == Project: check_create_roles_for_parent_project(user, sender, instance, *args, **kwargs) return else: # user does not have global permission, check if the user is trying to create a project if type(instance) == Project: # user does not have the add_project permission raise PermissionDenied # check if this the instance is related to projects if not hasattr(instance, 'projects'): # not project related, # several workbench elements, such as meetings, kanban boards, labbooks etc... can deny creating related # objects (such as kanban board columns, labbook elements, ...) # We delegate this check to another signal check_create_roles_for_other_workbench_elements.send(sender=sender, instance=instance, user=user) # This signal used to be the following call: # if hasattr(instance, 'meeting'): # check_create_roles_for_meeting(user, sender, instance, *args, **kwargs) # elif hasattr(instance, 'kanban_board'): # check_create_roles_for_kanbanboard(user, sender, instance, *args, **kwargs) # elif hasattr(instance, 'Kanban_board_column'): # check_create_roles_for_kanbanboard_column(user, sender, instance, *args, **kwargs) # last but not least, check if this is related to the Project Model and has a parent_project if hasattr(instance, 'parent_project'): check_create_roles_for_parent_project(user, sender, instance, *args, **kwargs)
def check_update_roles(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): """ Check update permission for each database object where the queryset implements "changeable" raises a PermissionDenied exception on error """ # do not check for raw inserts or ChangeSet or ChangeRecord insert - those are always allowed if kwargs.get('raw') or isinstance(instance, ChangeSet) or isinstance(instance, ChangeRecord) \ or isinstance(instance, Metadata): return if permission_checks_disabled(instance): return mng = instance.__class__.objects # get the existing instance (if it exists) old_instance = mng.filter( # check if instance exists if not old_instance: return check_create_roles(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(instance, 'deleted'): # we need to do some checks for soft deleted objects # check if this instance is being soft deleted or restored if old_instance.deleted != instance.deleted: # delegate permission check to another function return check_soft_delete_and_restore_roles(mng, instance, old_instance) # prevent updates of soft-deleted (trashed) objects if instance.deleted: raise ValidationError({ 'non_field_errors': ValidationError( _("You are not allowed to edit an already trashed object"), params={'instance': instance}, code='invalid') }) # prevent updates of locked elements if ElementLock.objects.for_model( instance.__class__, ).filter( Q(webdav_lock=False, - timezone.timedelta( minutes=site_preferences.element_lock_time_in_minutes)) | Q(webdav_lock=True, - timezone.timedelta(minutes=site_preferences. element_lock_webdav_time_in_minutes)) ).exclude( # ignore if the element is locked by the current user locked_by=get_current_user()).exists(): # element is locked by another user raise ValidationError({ 'non_field_errors': ValidationError( _("This object is currently locked by another user"), params={'instance': instance}, code='invalid') }) # !!! from now on we know for sure that this is an update !!! # check if the user has global change roles user = get_current_user() if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(instance.__class__, 'change')): return # allow the user to edit if he was attending, so he can remove himself if hasattr(instance, 'attending_users') and user in instance.attending_users.all(): logger.debug( "In check_update_roles: User is attending so user is allowed to edit" ) else: # check if this instance is editable if hasattr(instance, 'is_editable') and not instance.is_editable(): logger.debug( "In check_update_roles: Checking editable() viewset - " "could not find object -> PermissionDenied") raise PermissionDenied
def check_workbench_element_relation_with_projects(sender, instance, action, model, *args, **kwargs): """ Each workbench element can be related to many projects (hence m2m_changed). Relations with projects are important, as users have roles in projects, and those roles provide permissions on the elements within a project. Therefore, everytime this relation changes (action = add or remove), we need to verify that the current user is actually allowed to change it :param sender: :param instance: BaseModel :param action: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ # do not handle raw inserts, or ChangeSet or ChangeRecord insert - those are always allowed if kwargs.get('raw') or isinstance(instance, ChangeSet) or isinstance( instance, ChangeRecord): return # check if disablePermissionChecks is currently set for this class if permission_checks_disabled(instance): return # check if the instance is actually related to projects if not hasattr(instance, 'projects'): # not related, ignore return # only handle pre_add and pre_remove actions if action != 'pre_add' and action != 'pre_remove': return # this handler only checks for projects if model != Project: return # We temporarily must deactivate all permission checks for files because of SITUMEWB-819 if instance.__class__ == File: return user = get_current_user() # first of all, check if the object is editable by the current user if hasattr(instance, 'is_editable') and not instance.is_editable(): raise PermissionDenied # on both actions (pre_add and pre_remove), we can get the set of primary keys that is affected from kwargs project_pk_set = kwargs.get('pk_set') # get all viewable projects of this primary key set, a newly generated cache_id is added to the request in order # to fetch a fresh result from the DB, instead of a cached result projects = Project.objects.viewable(cache_id=uuid.uuid4()).filter( pk__in=project_pk_set) # TODO: We must change the following permission checks as we run into several logic errors all the time. # We don't need to check if the user has specific permissions on all linked projects. It's satisfying enough to have # specific permissions on only one linked project as it overrules all the other ones. # # The problem of running into permission errors occurs if e.g. a user uploads a file to a storage which inherits # permissions from multiple projects. Although permission checks are disabled they can still throw PermissionDenied # errors if you link more than one project or use a parent/child project. Use this setup to reproduce this behavior: # # Project A by User A -> set User B as Observer # Project B by User A (Project A is the parent project for Project B) -> set User B as Project Member # Storage A by User A with linked projects Project A and Project B -> User B can't upload although he should be able # to because he is Project Member in Project B but not in Project A. if action == 'pre_add': # pre add: verify that the user has the permission to create a new instance of within the projects if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(instance.__class__, 'add')): return # for each project, verify that we have add roles for project in projects: if not get_permission_name( instance.__class__, 'add') in project.current_users_project_permissions_list: raise PermissionDenied elif action == 'pre_remove': # pre remove: verify that the user is allowed to remove an instance within the projects if user.has_perm(get_permission_name(instance.__class__, 'delete')): return # for each project, verify that we have remove roles for project in projects: if not get_permission_name( instance.__class__, 'delete' ) in project.current_users_project_permissions_list: raise PermissionDenied
def check_create_roles_for_parent_project(user, sender, instance, *args, **kwargs): """ If a project is created (or the parent_project property is changed), we need to check if the current user has permissions to do that E.g., as a project member, you are usually not allowed to create a sub-project However, as a project manager, you are allowed to do that :param user: :param sender: :param instance: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ with transaction.atomic(): Project.objects.rebuild() # the user is already logged in and does not have the global permission to create something, therefore we need # to check the add_project permissions of instance.parent_project if not hasattr(instance, 'parent_project'): return if not instance.parent_project: return # get parent project from the provided instance parent_project = instance.parent_project # get the current project (it might not exist yet) current_project = Project.objects.filter( # check if this is an existing project if current_project: # Check if parent_project has changed old_parent_project = current_project.parent_project if parent_project == old_parent_project: # nothing changed, ignoring return # Check if current user has the change_parent_project permission on the current project if not get_permission_name( instance.__class__, 'change_parent' ) in instance.current_users_project_permissions_list: raise ValidationError({ 'parent_project': ValidationError( _('You are not allowed to change the parent project'), params={'project': parent_project}, code='invalid') }) # check if current user has the add_project permission on the parent_project if not get_permission_name( instance.__class__, 'add') in parent_project.current_users_project_permissions_list: # user is not allowed to create this entity without relating it to a project # You do not have permissions to create a new task without selecting a project raise ValidationError({ 'parent_project': ValidationError(_('You are not allowed to select this project'), params={'project': parent_project}, code='invalid') })