def build_sub_edges_of_triangle(point_list_or_triangle_object):
    Takes either a triangle class instance or a set of three
    points as input and makes the edges that a triangle defined this
    way would contain. Checks for redundancies.
    if type(point_list_or_triangle_object) == list:
        vertices = set(point_list_or_triangle_object)
    elif type(point_list_or_triangle_object) == tuple:
        vertices = set(point_list_or_triangle_object)
    elif type(point_list_or_triangle_object) == set:
        vertices = point_list_or_triangle_object
    elif isinstance(point_list_or_triangle_object,triangle):
        vertices = set(point_list_or_triangle_object.vertices)
    else: # This is a way to give more verbose error messages
        print "ERROR: You have passed the function"
        print "'build_sub_edges_of_triangle'"
        print "an object that is not a list, a set, a tuple," + \
            "or a triangle class instance."
        print "The object was: {}".format(point_list_or_triangle_object)
        assert isinstance(point_list_or_triangle_object,triangle) \
            or type(point_list_or_triangle_object) == list \
            or type(point_list_or_triangle_object) == tuple \
            or type(point_list_or_triangle_object) == set
    # A triangle should only have 3 vertices
    assert error_checking.check_length(vertices,3,'triangle',

    # Now calculate the points the subsimplices contain
    ordered_pairs = ut.k_combinations(vertices,2)
    # The ids of our subsimplices. This will be a return value.
    edge_ids = set([]) 
    # For each edge, check to see if it exists. If it does not, make it.
    for pair in ordered_pairs:
        duplicates = edge.find_duplicates(pair)
        # If there are no duplicates, then we need to make this edge
        if len(duplicates) == 0: 
            # And tell our triangle it exists
            new_edge = edge(pair)
            # And add it to the edge instances hash table
        # If there is exactly one duplicate, then we simply add its id
        # to the triangle's edge ID list
        elif len(duplicates) == 1:
        else:  # If there is more than one duplicate, something went
               # very wrong.
    # There should be exactly 3 edge ids.
    assert error_checking.check_length(edge_ids,3,'edge_ids',
    return edge_ids
def build_triangle_and_edges(point_list):
    Builds a triangle by creating the triangle object (if it doesn't
    already exist) and all subsimplices---just edges---if they don't
    already exist. Checks for redundancies. If the triangle already
    exists, returns its id.
    # local constants
    triangle_length = 3 # The total number of vertices in a triangle.

    # Make sure we actually have a collection of 3 triangle vertices.
    assert len(point_list) == triangle_length

    # Generate a list of point ids.
    point_list = [vertex.parse_input(t).get_id() for t in point_list]
    # Typecast to eliminate duplicates
    vertices = set(point_list)

    # Build the edges contained by the triangle and return their ids.
    # build_sub_edges_of_triangle runs some error checking too.
    edge_ids = build_sub_edges_of_triangle(vertices)

    # Check to see if the triangle we want to build already exists
    duplicates = triangle.find_duplicates(vertices,edge_ids)

    # If there is one duplicate, work with it. If there is more than
    # one, raise an error. If there are no duplicates, make that
    # triangle!
    if len(duplicates) == 0:
        t = triangle(vertices,edge_ids) # Make the triangle
        triangle_id = t.id # Ensure we have the id for the triangle
        triangle.add(t) # Add the triangle to its hash table
    elif len(duplicates) == 1:
        triangle_id = duplicates[0] # The id for our triangle
    else: # If the length of duplicates is not 0 or 1, something went
          # very wrong.
        assert error_checking.too_many_duplicates('triangle',vertices,
    return triangle_id
def build_sub_edges_of_triangle(edge_list):

	Takes edge list of a triangle of any type
	Check for redundancies.
	Need to recall: edge_list = (timelike1, timelike2, spacelike1)

    #For timelike edges:
    timelike_edge_ids = set([])
    for pair in edge_list[0:2]:
        duplicates = timelike.find_duplicates(pair)
        #If there are no duplicates, then we need to make this timelike edge.
        if len(duplicates) == 0:
            # And tell our triangle it exists.
            new_timelike_edge = timelike(pair)
            # And add it to the timelike instances hash table
        #If there is exactly one duplicates, then we simply add its id
        #to the triangle's timelike ID list
        elif len(duplicates) == 1:
        #If there is more than one duplicate, something went very wrong.
            error_checking.too_many_duplicates('timelike edge', pair,
                                               duplicates, 1,

    #There should be exactly 2 timelike edge ids.
    assert error_checking.check_length(timelike_edge_ids, 2,
                                       'timelike edge ids',

    #For spacelike edges:
    spacelike_edge_ids = set([])
    pair = edge_list[2]
    duplicates = spacelike.find_duplicates(pair)
    #If there are no duplicates, then we need to make this spacelike edge.
    if len(duplicates) == 0:
        # And tell our triangle it exists.
        new_spacelike_edge = spacelike(pair)
        # And add it to the spacelike instances hash table
    #If there is exactly one duplicates, then we simply add its id
    #to the triangle's timelike ID list
    elif len(duplicates) == 1:
    #If there is more than one duplicate, something went very wrong.
        error_checking.too_many_duplicates('spacelike edge', pair, duplicates,
                                           1, 'build_sub_edges_of_triangle')

    #There should be exactly 1 spacelike edge ids.
    assert error_checking.check_length(spacelike_edge_ids, 1,
                                       'spacelike edge ids',

    return timelike_edge_ids, spacelike_edge_ids