def get_ious(): conf_dir = os.path.join(task_dir, 'conf_map_{}'.format(model_name)) conf_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(conf_dir, '*.npy'))) cm = collectionMaker.read_collection('aemo_pad') truth_files = cm.load_files(field_name='aus50', field_id='', field_ext='.*gt_d255') truth_files = [f[0] for f in truth_files[:2]] '''uniq_vals = [] for conf, truth in zip(conf_files, truth_files): c = ersa_utils.load_file(conf) uniq_vals.append(np.unique(c.flatten())) uniq_vals = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate(uniq_vals))) ious_a = np.zeros(len(uniq_vals)) ious_b = np.zeros(len(uniq_vals))''' uniq_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) ious_a = np.zeros(len(uniq_vals)) ious_b = np.zeros(len(uniq_vals)) for conf, truth in zip(conf_files, truth_files): c = ersa_utils.load_file(conf) t = ersa_utils.load_file(truth) for cnt, th in enumerate(tqdm(uniq_vals)): c_th = (c > th).astype( a, b = nn_utils.iou_metric(c_th, t, truth_val=1, divide_flag=True) ious_a[cnt] = a ious_b[cnt] = b return np.stack([uniq_vals, ious_a, ious_b], axis=0)
def data_reader(file_list, chan_mean, th=1e-2): for cnt, (rgb_file, gt_file) in enumerate(file_list): rgb = crop_center(ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file), 224, 224) gt = crop_center(ersa_utils.load_file(gt_file), 224, 224) if np.sum(gt) / (224 * 224) > th: yield rgb - chan_mean, rgb_file
def make_dataset(rgb_files, info_dir, store_dir, tf_dir, city_name=''): writer_train = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( os.path.join(tf_dir, 'train_v2_{}.record'.format(city_name))) writer_valid = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( os.path.join(tf_dir, 'valid_v2_{}.record'.format(city_name))) for rgb_file_name in rgb_files: file_name = os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4]) if 'NZ' not in file_name: city_id = int(file_name.split('_')[-1]) else: city_id = int(file_name.split('_')[-2]) if city_id <= 3: print('Processing file {} in validation set'.format(file_name)) is_val = True else: print('Processing file {} in training set'.format(file_name)) is_val = False rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file_name) npy_file_name = os.path.join( info_dir, os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '.npy')) coords = ersa_utils.load_file(npy_file_name) patch_cnt = 0 for line in coords: for cell in line: patch_cnt += 1 save_name = os.path.join( store_dir, os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '_{}.jpg'.format(patch_cnt))) img = rgb[cell['h']:cell['h'] + PATCH_SIZE[0], cell['w']:cell['w'] + PATCH_SIZE[1], :3] label = cell['label'] # assert np.unique(label) == ['DT'] or label == [] box = cell['box'] '''import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches if len(label) > 0: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.imshow(img) for l, b in zip(label, box): rect = patches.Rectangle((b[1], b[0]), b[3]-b[1], b[2]-b[0], linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect)''' ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, img) tf_example = create_tf_example(save_name, label, box) if is_val: writer_valid.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) else: writer_train.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) writer_train.close() writer_valid.close()
def get_spcastats(): print('Extracting panel pixels in aemo...') aemo_stats = np.zeros((3, 255)) for rgb_file in tqdm(aemo_hist_files): gt_file = os.path.join(aemo_dir, os.path.basename(rgb_file[:-7]) + 'gt_d255.tif') rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file) gt = ersa_utils.load_file(gt_file) for c in range(3): cnt, _ = np.histogram(rgb[:, :, c] * gt, bins=np.arange(256)) aemo_stats[c, :] += cnt / np.sum(gt) aemo_stats = aemo_stats / len(aemo_files) return aemo_stats
def load_data(dirs, model_name, city_id, tile_id, merge_range=100): conf_dict = {0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 3} pred_file_name = os.path.join(dirs['task'], model_name + '_v2', 'NZ_{}_{}_resize.txt'.format(city_list[city_id], tile_id)) preds = ersa_utils.load_file(pred_file_name) raw_rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(os.path.join(dirs['raw'], 'NZ_{}_{}_resize.tif'.format(city_list[city_id], tile_id))) conf_img = ersa_utils.load_file(os.path.join(dirs['conf'], '{}{}.png'.format(city_list[city_id].replace(' ', ''), tile_id))) line_gt = ersa_utils.load_file(os.path.join(dirs['line'], '{}{}_GT.png'.format(city_list[city_id].replace(' ', ''), tile_id))) tower_gt = get_tower_truth_pred(dirs, city_id, tile_id) tower_pred, tower_conf, _ = local_maxima_suppression(preds, th=merge_range) conf_img = scipy.misc.imresize(conf_img, line_gt.shape) return preds, raw_rgb, conf_img, line_gt, tower_gt, tower_pred, tower_conf
def make_dataset(rgb_files, info_dir, store_dir, city_name=''): writer_train = open( os.path.join(store_dir, 'data', 'train_{}_T.txt'.format(city_name)), 'w+') writer_valid = open( os.path.join(store_dir, 'data', 'test_{}_T.txt'.format(city_name)), 'w+') for rgb_file_name in rgb_files: file_name = os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4]) city_id = int(file_name.split('_')[-1]) if city_id <= 3: print('Processing file {} in validation set'.format(file_name)) is_val = True else: print('Processing file {} in training set'.format(file_name)) is_val = False rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file_name) npy_file_name = os.path.join( info_dir, os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '.npy')) coords = ersa_utils.load_file(npy_file_name) patch_cnt = 0 for line in coords: for cell in line: patch_cnt += 1 patch_file_name = os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '_{}.jpg'.format(patch_cnt)) img_name = os.path.join(store_dir, 'build/darknet/x64/data/obj', patch_file_name) lbl_name = os.path.join( store_dir, 'build/darknet/x64/data/obj', os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '_{}.txt'.format(patch_cnt))) img = rgb[cell['h']:cell['h'] + PATCH_SIZE[0], cell['w']:cell['w'] + PATCH_SIZE[1], :] label = cell['label'] # assert np.unique(label) == ['DT'] or label == [] box = cell['box'] ersa_utils.save_file(img_name, img) write_lbl(lbl_name, label, box, PATCH_SIZE) if is_val: writer_valid.write('{}\n'.format(img_name)) else: writer_train.write('{}\n'.format(img_name)) writer_train.close() writer_valid.close()
def get_spcastats(): print('Extacting panel pixels in spca...') spca_stats = np.zeros((3, 255)) for rgb_file in tqdm(spca_files): gt_file = rgb_file[:-7] + 'GT.png' rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file) gt = ersa_utils.load_file(gt_file) for c in range(3): cnt, _ = np.histogram(rgb[:, :, c] * gt, bins=np.arange(256)) if np.sum(gt) > 0: spca_stats[c, :] += cnt / np.sum(gt) spca_stats = spca_stats / len(spca_files) return spca_stats
def make_dataset_all(rgb_files, info_dir, store_dir, tf_dir): writer_train = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( os.path.join(tf_dir, 'train_v2_xcity.record')) writer_valid = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( os.path.join(tf_dir, 'valid_v2_xcity.record')) for rgb_file_name in rgb_files: file_name = os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4]) if 'NZ' not in file_name: city_id = int(file_name.split('_')[-1]) else: city_id = int(file_name.split('_')[-2]) if city_id <= 3: print('Processing file {} in validation set'.format(file_name)) is_val = True else: print('Processing file {} in training set'.format(file_name)) is_val = False rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file_name) npy_file_name = os.path.join( info_dir, os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '.npy')) coords = ersa_utils.load_file(npy_file_name) patch_cnt = 0 for line in coords: for cell in line: patch_cnt += 1 save_name = os.path.join( store_dir, os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '_{}.jpg'.format(patch_cnt))) img = rgb[cell['h']:cell['h'] + PATCH_SIZE[0], cell['w']:cell['w'] + PATCH_SIZE[1], :3] label = cell['label'] # assert np.unique(label) == ['DT'] or label == [] box = cell['box'] ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, img) tf_example = create_tf_example(save_name, label, box) if is_val: writer_valid.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) else: writer_train.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) writer_train.close() writer_valid.close()
def compare_lines_rnn(task_dir): city_list = ['AZ_Tucson', 'KS_Colwich_Maize', 'NC_Clyde', 'NC_Wilmington'] tp_all, p_d_all, r_d_all = 0, 0, 0 for city_id in range(4): tp_city = 0 pd_city = 0 rd_city = 0 for tile_id in [1, 2, 3]: cp_file_name = os.path.join(task_dir, '{}_{}_cp.npy'.format(city_list[city_id], city_id)) connected_pairs = ersa_utils.load_file(cp_file_name) conns_name = os.path.join(task_dir, 'graph_rnn_{}_{}_gt.npy'.format(city_id, tile_id)) conns = np.load(os.path.join(task_dir, conns_name)) _, tp, p_d, r_d = grid_score(conns, connected_pairs) tp_city += tp pd_city += p_d rd_city += r_d p = tp_city / pd_city r = tp_city / rd_city f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) print('{}: f1={:.2f}'.format(city_list[city_id], f1)) tp_all += tp_city p_d_all += pd_city r_d_all += rd_city p = tp_all / p_d_all r = tp_all / r_d_all f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) print('overall f1={:.2f}'.format(f1))
def process(self, **kwargs): """ process to make the new field :param kwargs: file_list: the list of the files, if not given, use all the files with selected field extension file_ext: the new file extension, if not given, use the same as the old one d_type: the new data type, if not given, use the same as the old one :return: """ if 'file_list' not in kwargs: file_list = self.clc.load_files(','.join(self.clc.field_name), ','.join(self.clc.field_id), self.field_ext_pair[0]) else: file_list = kwargs['file_list'] assert len(file_list[0]) == 1 pbar = tqdm(file_list) for img_file in pbar: save_name = img_file[0].replace(''.join([a for a in self.field_ext_pair[0] if a != '.' and a != '*']), self.field_ext_pair[1]) if 'file_ext' in kwargs: # user specified a new file extension save_name = save_name.replace(save_name.split('.')[-1], kwargs['file_ext']) save_name = os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(save_name)) pbar.set_description('Making {}'.format(os.path.basename(save_name))) img = ersa_utils.load_file(img_file[0]) for old_val, new_val in self.switch_dict.items(): img[np.where(img == old_val)] = new_val if 'd_type' in kwargs: img = img.astype(kwargs['d_type']) ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, img) self.files.append(save_name)
def process(self, **kwargs): """ Extract the patches :param kwargs: file_list: list of lists of the files, can be generated by using collectionMaker.load_files() file_exts: extensions of the new files :return: """ assert len(kwargs['file_exts']) == len(kwargs['file_list'][0]) grid_list = None if self.tile_size is not None: grid_list = make_grid(self.tile_size + 2*self.pad, self.patch_size, self.overlap) pbar = tqdm(kwargs['file_list']) record_file = open(os.path.join(self.path, 'file_list.txt'), 'w') for files in pbar: pbar.set_description('Extracting {}'.format(os.path.basename(files[0]))) patch_list = [] for f, ext in zip(files, kwargs['file_exts']): patch_list_ext = [] img = ersa_utils.load_file(f) if self.tile_size is None: grid_list = make_grid(np.array(img.shape[:2])+2*self.pad, self.patch_size, self.overlap) # extract images for patch, y, x in patch_block(img, self.pad, grid_list, self.patch_size, return_coord=True): patch_name = '{}_y{}x{}.{}'.format(os.path.basename(f).split('.')[0], int(y), int(x), ext) patch_name = os.path.join(self.path, patch_name) ersa_utils.save_file(patch_name, patch.astype(np.uint8)) patch_list_ext.append(patch_name) patch_list.append(patch_list_ext) patch_list = ersa_utils.rotate_list(patch_list) for items in patch_list: record_file.write('{}\n'.format(' '.join(items))) record_file.close()
def data_reader(save_dir, chan_mean): file_list = os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list.txt') with open(file_list, 'r') as f: files = f.readlines() for f in files: patch = ersa_utils.load_file(f.strip()) yield patch - chan_mean, os.path.basename(f.strip())
def get_pretrained_weights(weight_dir, model_dir): save_name = os.path.join(weight_dir, 'weight.pkl') if not os.path.exists(save_name): X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, input_size[0], input_size[1], 3], name='X') y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, input_size[0], input_size[1], 1], name='y') mode = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='mode') model = uabMakeNetwork_UNet.UnetModelCrop({'X': X, 'Y': y}, trainable=mode, input_size=input_size, start_filter_num=32) model.create_graph('X', class_num=2) train_vars = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables()] weight_dict = dict() with tf.Session() as sess: model.load(model_dir, sess, epoch=95) for v in train_vars: theta = weight_dict[] = theta ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, weight_dict) else: weight_dict = ersa_utils.load_file(save_name) tf.reset_default_graph() return weight_dict
def data_reader_helper(self, files): """ Helper function of data reader, reads list of lists files :param files: list of lists, each element is a patch name, each row is corresponds to one file :return: feature and label, or only feature """ data_block = [] for f in files: data_block.append(ersa_utils.load_file(f)) data_block = np.dstack(data_block) for aug_func in self.global_func: data_block = aug_func(data_block) for aug_func in self.aug_func: data_block = aug_func(data_block) if self.has_gt: ftr_block = data_block[:, :, :-self.gt_dim] ftr_block = ftr_block - self.chan_mean lbl_block = data_block[:, :, -self.gt_dim:] if self.include_gt: return ftr_block, lbl_block else: return ftr_block else: data_block = data_block - self.chan_mean return data_block
def get_pretrained_weights(flags): save_name = os.path.join(flags.weight_dir, 'weight.pkl') if not os.path.exists(save_name): X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, flags.input_size[0], flags.input_size[1], 3], name='X') y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, flags.input_size[0], flags.input_size[1], 1], name='y') mode = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='mode') model = uabMakeNetwork_UNet.UnetModelCrop({'X': X, 'Y': y}, trainable=mode, model_name=flags.model_name, input_size=flags.input_size, batch_size=flags.batch_size, learn_rate=flags.learning_rate, decay_step=flags.decay_step, decay_rate=flags.decay_rate, epochs=flags.epochs, start_filter_num=flags.sfn) model.create_graph('X', class_num=flags.num_classes) train_vars = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if 'global_step' not in] weight_dict = dict() with tf.Session() as sess: model.load(flags.model_dir, sess, epoch=95) for v in train_vars: theta = weight_dict[] = theta ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, weight_dict) else: weight_dict = ersa_utils.load_file(save_name) tf.reset_default_graph() return weight_dict
def read_meta_data(self): """ Read meta data of the collection :return: """ meta_data = ersa_utils.load_file(os.path.join(self.clc_dir, 'meta.pkl')) return meta_data
def align_files(data_dir, save_dir, source_dist, target_dist): rgb_files = glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.tif')) for file in rgb_files: print('aligning {}'.format(file)) im_s = ersa_utils.load_file(file) im_res = cust_hist_match(target_dist, source_dist, im_s) ersa_utils.save_file(os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.basename(file)), im_res)
def plot_pred_stats(gt_files, pred_files, model_name): size_all = [] acc_all = [] for gt_file, pred_file in zip(gt_files, pred_files): gt = ersa_utils.load_file(gt_file) pred = ersa_utils.load_file(pred_file) sizes, accuracy = pred_stats(pred, gt) size_all.append(sizes) acc_all.append(accuracy) plt.scatter(np.concatenate(size_all), np.concatenate(acc_all), s=8) plt.xlabel('Building Size') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.title(model_name) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( os.path.join(img_dir, 'panel_size_vs_acc_{}.png'.format(model_name))) plt.close()
def write_dataset(rgb_files, info_dir, img_dir, csv_dir, patch_size, city_name): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'filenames', 'width', 'height', 'class', 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax', 'train_test' ]) for rgb_file_name in rgb_files: file_name = os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4]) city_id = int(file_name.split('_')[-1]) if city_id <= 3: print('Processing file {} in validation set'.format(file_name)) train_test = 'test' else: print('Processing file {} in training set'.format(file_name)) train_test = 'train' rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file_name) npy_file_name = os.path.join( info_dir, os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '.npy')) coords = ersa_utils.load_file(npy_file_name) patch_cnt = 0 record_cnt = 0 for line in coords: for cell in line: patch_cnt += 1 img_name = os.path.basename(rgb_file_name[:-4] + '_{}.png'.format(patch_cnt)) save_name = os.path.join(img_dir, img_name) img = rgb[cell['h']:cell['h'] + patch_size[0], cell['w']:cell['w'] + patch_size[1], :] label = cell['label'] box = cell['box'] ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, img) if len(box) > 0: for lbl, bbox in zip(label, box): df.loc[patch_cnt] = [ img_name, patch_size[0], patch_size[1], lbl, bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2], train_test ] record_cnt += 1 df.to_csv(os.path.join(csv_dir, 'labels_{}.csv'.format(city_name)), index=False)
def plot_across_model(link_r=20, model_names=('faster_rcnn', 'faster_rcnn_res101', 'faster_rcnn_res50')): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) city_list = ['AZ_Tucson', 'KS_Colwich_Maize', 'NC_Clyde', 'NC_Wilmington'] for city_id in range(4): plt.subplot(221 + city_id) for model_name in model_names: pred_list_all = [] gt_list_all = [] cf_list_all = [] for tile_id in [1, 2, 3]: # load data pred_file_name = os.path.join( task_dir, model_name, 'USA_{}_{}.txt'.format(city_list[city_id], tile_id)) preds = ersa_utils.load_file(pred_file_name) csv_file_name = os.path.join( raw_dir, 'USA_{}_{}.csv'.format(city_list[city_id], tile_id)) pred_list = [] gt_list = [] cf_list = [] center_list, conf_list, _ = local_maxima_suppression(preds) for center, conf in zip(center_list, conf_list): pred_list.append(center.tolist()) cf_list.append(conf) for label, bbox in read_polygon_csv_data(csv_file_name): y, x = get_center_point(*bbox) gt_list.append([y, x]) pred_list_all.extend(pred_list) gt_list_all.extend(gt_list) cf_list_all.extend(cf_list) f1, y_true, y_score = radius_scoring(pred_list_all, gt_list_all, cf_list_all, link_r) ap = average_precision_score(y_true, y_score) precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_score) plt.step(recall[1:], precision[1:], alpha=1, where='post', label='{}, AP={:.2f}'.format(model_name, ap)) plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.title('{} Performance Comparison'.format(city_list[city_id])) plt.legend(loc='lower left') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(img_dir, 'cmp_tile_pr.png'))
def get_spcastats(): print('Extracting panel pixels in aemo...') aemo_stats = np.zeros((3, 255)) for rgb_file in tqdm(aemo_hist_files): rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file) for c in range(3): cnt, _ = np.histogram(rgb[:, :, c], bins=np.arange(256)) aemo_stats[c, :] += cnt aemo_stats = aemo_stats / len(aemo_hist_files) return aemo_stats
def get_aemo_stats(data_dir, suffix='*.tif'): rgb_files = glob(os.path.join(data_dir, suffix)) dist = np.zeros((3, 255)) for rgb_file in rgb_files: rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb_file) for c in range(3): rgb_cnt, _ = np.histogram(rgb[:, :, c], bins=np.arange(256)) dist[c, :] += rgb_cnt dist[:, :2] = 0 dist[:, -1] = dist[:, -2] return dist
def process_files(save_dir, file_list, code_list): for f, c in zip(file_list, code_list): print('processing: {} with code {}'.format(f,c)) sub_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, '/'.join(f.split('/')[5:-1])) ersa_utils.make_dir_if_not_exist(sub_dir) save_name = os.path.join(sub_dir, os.path.basename(f)) rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(f) rgb_new = makeup_aemo_img(rgb, c) ersa_utils.save_file(save_name, rgb_new)
def load_data(dirs, model_name, city_id, tile_id, merge_range=100): conf_dict = {0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 3} pred_file_name = os.path.join( dirs['task'], model_name, 'USA_{}_{}.txt'.format(city_list[city_id], tile_id)) preds = ersa_utils.load_file(pred_file_name) raw_rgb = ersa_utils.load_file( os.path.join(dirs['raw'], 'USA_{}_{}.tif'.format(city_list[city_id], tile_id))) conf_img = ersa_utils.load_file( os.path.join( dirs['conf'].format(conf_dict[city_id]), '{}{}.png'.format(city_list[city_id].split('_')[1], tile_id))) line_gt = ersa_utils.load_file( os.path.join( dirs['line'], '{}{}_GT.png'.format(city_list[city_id].split('_')[1], tile_id))) tower_gt = get_tower_truth_pred(dirs, city_id, tile_id) tower_pred, tower_conf, _ = local_maxima_suppression(preds, th=merge_range) return preds, raw_rgb, conf_img, line_gt, tower_gt, tower_pred, tower_conf
def get_spcastats(): spca_dir = r'/media/ei-edl01/data/uab_datasets/spca/data/Original_Tiles' spca_files = glob(os.path.join(spca_dir, '*_RGB.jpg')) idx = np.random.permutation(len(spca_files)) spca = np.zeros((3, 255)) for i in tqdm(idx[:100]): rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(spca_files[i]) for c in range(3): cnt, _ = np.histogram(rgb[:, :, c], bins=np.arange(256)) spca[c, :] += cnt spca = spca / 100 return spca
def plot_gt_panel_stats(gt_files): for gt_file in gt_files: tile_name = os.path.basename(gt_file)[:-9] gt = ersa_utils.load_file(gt_file) sizes, coords = get_objects(gt) plt.hist(sizes, bins=np.arange(2500)) plt.xlabel('Panel Size') plt.ylabel('Cnts') plt.title(tile_name) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( os.path.join(img_dir, '{}_panel_size_stats.png'.format(tile_name))) plt.close()
def read_collection(clc_name=None, clc_dir=None, raw_data_path=None, field_name=None, field_id=None, rgb_ext=None, gt_ext=None, file_ext=None, files=None, force_run=False): """ Read and initialize a collection from a directory, try to create one if it does not exists :param clc_name: name of the collection :param clc_dir: directory to the collection :return: the collection object, assertion error if no process hasn't completed :param raw_data_path: path to where the data are stored :param field_name: could be name of the cities, or other prefix of the images :param field_id: could be id of the tiles, or other suffix of the images :param rgb_ext: name extensions that indicates the images are not ground truth, use ',' to separate if you have multiple extensions :param gt_ext: name extensions that indicates the images are ground truth, you can only have at most one ground truth extension :param file_ext: extension of the files, use ',' to separate if you have multiple extensions, if all the files have the same extension, you only need to specify one :param files: files in the raw_data_path, can be specified by user to exclude some of the raw files, if it is None, all files will be found automatically :param force_run: force run the collection maker even if it already exists """ if clc_dir is None: assert clc_name is not None clc_dir = ersa_utils.get_block_dir('data', ['collection', clc_name]) # check if finish if processBlock.BasicProcess('collection_maker', clc_dir).check_finish(): # read metadata meta_data = ersa_utils.load_file(os.path.join(clc_dir, 'meta.pkl')) # create collection cm = CollectionMaker(meta_data['raw_data_path'], meta_data['field_name'], meta_data['field_id'], meta_data['rgb_ext'], meta_data['gt_ext'], meta_data['file_ext'], meta_data['files'], meta_data['clc_name'], force_run=force_run) return cm else: # try to create the collection return CollectionMaker(raw_data_path, field_name, field_id, rgb_ext, gt_ext, file_ext, files, clc_name, force_run)
def check_stats(check_fig=False): root_dir = r'/home/lab/Documents/bohao/data/aemo_all/align/0584270470{}0_01' data_dir = r'/media/ei-edl01/data/aemo/TILES/' for fl, p_dir in get_file_list(root_dir): rgb_file_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, '/'.join(p_dir.split('/')[8:])) pred_save_dir = os.path.join(task_dir, 'aemo_all', '/'.join(p_dir.split('/')[7:])) pred_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(pred_save_dir, '*.png'))) conf_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(pred_save_dir, '*.npy'))) for file_pred, file_conf in zip(pred_files, conf_files): print('Processing file {}'.format(file_pred)) pred = ersa_utils.load_file(file_pred) conf = ersa_utils.load_file(file_conf) rgb = ersa_utils.load_file( os.path.join(rgb_file_dir, os.path.basename(file_pred)[5:-3]) + 'tif') bm = 1 - get_blank_regions(rgb) pred = bm * pred conf = bm * conf if check_fig: visualize_utils.compare_three_figure(rgb, pred, conf) ersa_utils.save_file(file_pred, pred) ersa_utils.save_file(file_conf, conf)
def make_patches(files, patch_size, save_dir, overlap=0): for f in tqdm(files): tile_name = '_'.join(os.path.basename(f).split('_')[:2]) rgb = ersa_utils.load_file(f) h, w, _ = rgb.shape grid = patchExtractor.make_grid((h, w), patch_size, overlap) file_list = os.path.join(save_dir, 'file_list.txt') with open(file_list, 'w+') as f: for cnt, patch in enumerate( patchExtractor.patch_block(rgb, overlap // 2, grid, patch_size)): file_name = '{}_{:04d}.jpg'.format(tile_name, cnt) ersa_utils.save_file(os.path.join(save_dir, file_name), patch) f.write('{}\n'.format(os.path.join(save_dir, file_name)))
def read_data(data_dir, city_name): gt_files = get_gt_files2(data_dir, city_name) tile_num = len(gt_files) n_tower = 0 n_line = 0 print('City: {}, #Images: {}'.format(city_name, tile_num)) for gt in gt_files: tower_gt = read_tower_truth(gt) line_gt = read_lines_truth(gt, tower_gt) n_tower += len(tower_gt) n_line += len(line_gt) print('\t #Tower:{}, #Line:{}'.format(n_tower, n_line)) city_area = 0 for rgb in get_rgb_files(data_dir, city_name): img = ersa_utils.load_file(rgb) city_area += (img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]) * 0.3 * 1e-3 * 0.3 * 1e-3 print(city_area)