def _create_runpath(ert: LibresFacade, iteration: int = 0) -> ErtRunContext: """ Instantiate an ERT runpath. This will create the parameter coefficients. """ enkf_main = ert._enkf_main result_fs = ert.get_current_fs() target_fs = ert._enkf_main.getEnkfFsManager().getFileSystem("iter") model_config = enkf_main.getModelConfig() runpath_fmt = model_config.getRunpathFormat() jobname_fmt = model_config.getJobnameFormat() subst_list = enkf_main.getDataKW() run_context = ErtRunContext.ensemble_smoother( result_fs, target_fs, BoolVector(default_value=True, initial_size=ert.get_ensemble_size()), runpath_fmt, jobname_fmt, subst_list, iteration, ) enkf_main.getEnkfSimulationRunner().createRunPath(run_context) return run_context
def run(self, job_config): facade = LibresFacade(self.ert()) user_config = load_yaml(job_config) user_config = _insert_default_group(user_config) obs = facade.get_observations() obs_keys = [facade.get_observation_key(nr) for nr, _ in enumerate(obs)] obs_with_data = keys_with_data( obs, obs_keys, facade.get_ensemble_size(), facade.get_current_fs(), ) default_values = _get_default_values( facade.get_alpha(), facade.get_std_cutoff() ) for config_dict in user_config: config = ObsCorrConfig(config_dict, obs_keys, default_values) config.validate(obs_with_data) measured_data = _get_measured_data( facade, config.get_calculation_keys(), config.get_index_lists(), config.get_alpha(), config.get_std_cutoff(), ) job = ObservationScaleFactor(self.reporter, measured_data) scale_factor = job.get_scaling_factor(config.get_threshold()) "Scaling factor calculated from keys: {}".format( config.get_calculation_keys() ) ) scale_observations(obs, scale_factor, config.get_update_keys())
def test_load_inconsistent_time_map_summary(copy_data, caplog): """ Checking that we dont util_abort, we fail the forward model instead """ cwd = os.getcwd() # Get rid of GEN_DATA as we are only interested in SUMMARY with fileinput.input("snake_oil.ert", inplace=True) as fin: for line in fin: if line.startswith("GEN_DATA"): continue print(line, end="") res_config = ResConfig("snake_oil.ert") ert = EnKFMain(res_config) facade = LibresFacade(ert) realisation_number = 0 assert (facade.get_current_fs().getStateMap()[realisation_number].name == "STATE_HAS_DATA") # Check prior state # Create a result that is incompatible with the refcase run_path = Path( "storage") / "snake_oil" / "runpath" / "realization-0" / "iter-0" os.chdir(run_path) ecl_sum = run_simulator(1, datetime(2000, 1, 1)) ecl_sum.fwrite() os.chdir(cwd) realizations = BoolVector(default_value=False, initial_size=facade.get_ensemble_size()) realizations[realisation_number] = True with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): loaded = facade.load_from_forward_model("default_0", realizations, 0) assert ( f"""Inconsistency in time_map - loading SUMMARY from: {run_path.absolute()} failed: Time mismatch for step: 1, new time: 2000-01-10, reference case: 2010-01-10 """ in caplog.messages) assert ( f"Inconsistent time map for summary data from: {run_path.absolute()}" f"/SNAKE_OIL_FIELD, realisation failed" in caplog.messages) assert loaded == 0 assert (facade.get_current_fs().getStateMap()[realisation_number].name == "STATE_LOAD_FAILURE") # Check that status is as expected
def run(self, job_config): facade = LibresFacade(self.ert()) user_config = load_yaml(job_config) user_config = _insert_default_group(user_config) obs = facade.get_observations() obs_keys = [facade.get_observation_key(nr) for nr, _ in enumerate(obs)] obs_with_data = keys_with_data( obs, obs_keys, facade.get_ensemble_size(), facade.get_current_fs(), ) for config in user_config: job = ScalingJob(obs_keys, obs, obs_with_data, config) measured_data = MeasuredData(facade, job.get_calc_keys(), job.get_index_lists()) job.scale(measured_data)
def test_load_forward_model(copy_data): """ Checking that we are able to load from forward model """ # Get rid of GEN_DATA it causes a failure to load from forward model with fileinput.input("snake_oil.ert", inplace=True) as fin: for line in fin: if line.startswith("GEN_DATA"): continue print(line, end="") res_config = ResConfig("snake_oil.ert") ert = EnKFMain(res_config) facade = LibresFacade(ert) realisation_number = 0 realizations = BoolVector(default_value=False, initial_size=facade.get_ensemble_size()) realizations[realisation_number] = True loaded = facade.load_from_forward_model("default_0", realizations, 0) assert loaded == 1 assert (facade.get_current_fs().getStateMap()[realisation_number].name == "STATE_HAS_DATA") # Check that status is as expected