def __init__(self, args): super(ProcessingContext, self).__init__(args) self.config_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(args.i)) self.ref = 'devel' if args.devel else 'master' self.url = GITHUB_CONTENT_API self.url += GITHUB_API_PARAMETER.format('ref', self.ref) self.files = None
def get_special_case(f, url, repo, ref, auth): """ Get a dictionary of (filename -> file_info) pairs to be used for named files in place of the file info from the general API call done for the directory. file_info should contain at least the elements 'sha' and 'download_url' """ url = url.format(repo) url += '/{}'.format(f) url += GITHUB_API_PARAMETER.format('ref', ref) r = gh_request_content(url=url, auth=auth) Print.debug('Set special GitHub reference -- "{}": "{}"'.format(f, ref)) return {f: r.json()}
def run(args): """ Main process that: * Decide to fetch or not depending on file presence/absence and command-line arguments, * Gets the GitHub file content from full API URL, * Backups old file if desired, * Writes response into table file. :param ArgumentParser args: Parsed command-line arguments """ # Instantiate processing context manager with ProcessingContext(args) as ctx: for project in ctx.project: try: # Set repository name repo = REPO_PATTERN.format(project) # Get the list of available refs for that repository r = gh_request_content(url=ctx.ref_url.format(repo), auth=ctx.auth) refs = [os.path.basename(ref['url']) for ref in r.json()] # Get refs to fetch if hasattr(ctx, 'ref'): if ctx.ref not in refs: raise GitHubReferenceNotFound(ctx.ref, refs) fetch_refs = [ctx.ref] else: fetch_refs = list( filter(re.compile(ctx.ref_regex).match, refs)) if not fetch_refs: raise GitHubReferenceNotFound(ctx.ref_regex.pattern, refs) Print.debug('GitHub Available reference(s): {}'.format( ', '.join(sorted(refs))))'Selected GitHub reference(s): {}'.format(', '.join( sorted(fetch_refs)))) # Get special case for CMIP6_CV.json file special_cases = get_special_case(f='CMIP6_CV.json', url=ctx.url, repo=repo, ref='master', auth=ctx.auth) # Fetch each ref for ref in fetch_refs: try: # Set reference url url = ctx.url.format(repo) if ref: url += GITHUB_API_PARAMETER.format('ref', ref) Print.debug( 'Fetch {} tables from "{}" GitHub reference'. format(project, ref)) # Build output directory if ctx.no_subfolder: outdir = make_outdir(ctx.tables_dir, repo) else: outdir = make_outdir(ctx.tables_dir, repo, ref) # Fetch GitHub reference fetch_gh_ref(url=url, outdir=outdir, auth=ctx.auth, keep=ctx.keep, overwrite=ctx.overwrite, backup_mode=ctx.backup_mode, filter=ctx.file_filter, special_cases=special_cases) except Exception: exc = traceback.format_exc().splitlines() msg = TAGS.FAIL msg += 'Fetching {} tables from {} GitHub reference'.format( COLORS.HEADER(project), COLORS.HEADER(ref)) + '\n' msg += '\n'.join(exc) Print.exception(msg, buffer=True) ctx.error = True except Exception: exc = traceback.format_exc().splitlines() msg = TAGS.FAIL msg += 'Fetching {} tables'.format( COLORS.HEADER(project)) + '\n' msg += '\n'.join(exc) Print.exception(msg, buffer=True) ctx.error = True # Flush buffer Print.flush() # Evaluate errors and exit with appropriated return code if ctx.error: sys.exit(1)