def importHuaweiAgencys(self, jsonresult): totalCount = jsonresult.get("totalCount", 0) accounts = jsonresult.get("accounts", []) if 0 == totalCount or 0 == len(accounts): return # 入库account表 for i in accounts: accountId = i.get('accountId', 0) sql = 'select * from %s where `account_id` = "%d"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('HUAWEI_AGENCYS_TABLE'), accountId) Utils.D("Query: %s" % sql) res = self.cursor.execute(sql) # 如果找到返回主键id,否则返回0 status = Config.AUDIT_OK if i['status'] == 'AUDITED' else Config.AUDIT_FAIL jsondata = json.dumps({ "createTime": i.get('createTime', ''), "lastDaySpent": i.get('lastDaySpent', ''), "todaySpent": i.get('todaySpent', ''), "status": i.get('status', '') }) valuesTuple = ( i.get('corpName', ''), status, i.get('balance', 0), accountId, jsondata, ) xx = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime()) batch = self.api.getHbaseConn("account") rowkey = '{}|{}|{}|{}|{}'.format(str(accountId)[-1:], xx, self.mediaId, accountId, self.agencyId) data_list = json.dumps(jsondata) batch.put(row=rowkey, data={'info:data': str(data_list)}) batch.send() try: if (res): # update sets = { "`corp_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[0], "`status` = %s" % valuesTuple[1], "`balance` = %s" % valuesTuple[2], "`account_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[3], "`jsondata` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[4], } sql = "update %s set %s where `account_id` = '%s'" % ( Config.TableMap.get('HUAWEI_AGENCYS_TABLE'), ",".join(sets), accountId) Utils.D("Update: %s" % sql) else: # insert values = "'%s',%s,%s,'%s','%s'" % valuesTuple sql = "insert into %s (`corp_name`, `status`, `balance`, `account_id`, `jsondata`) values (%s)" % ( Config.TableMap.get('HUAWEI_AGENCYS_TABLE'), values) Utils.D("Insert: %s" % sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) except: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ "sql: %s" % sql, "value: %s" % json.dumps(valuesTuple) ]) # 提交事物 self.db.commit()
def importDenyKeywordList(self, jsonresult, accountId): for i in jsonresult.get('taskNegativeSearchKeyInfo', []): searchKey = i.get('searchKey', '') appName = i.get('appName', '') taskName = i.get('taskName', '') taskId = str(i.get('taskId', '')) keyword_str = searchKey + appName + taskName + taskId deny_keyword_id = Utils.md5(keyword_str.encode("utf-8")) valuesTuple = ( deny_keyword_id, int(i.get('taskId', 0)), i.get('taskName', ''), appName, searchKey, accountId, self.agencyId, self.mediaId, ) sql = 'select * from %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %d and `deny_keyword_id` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_DENY_TABLE'), accountId, self.agencyId, deny_keyword_id) Utils.D("Query: %s" % sql) res = self.cursor.execute(sql) # 如果找到返回主键id,否则返回0 try: if (res): # update sets = { "`deny_keyword_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[0], "`task_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[1], "`task_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[2], "`app_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[3], "`keyword` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[4], "`account_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[5], "`agency_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[6], "`media_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[7], } sql = 'update %s set %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %s and `deny_keyword_id` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_DENY_TABLE'), ",".join(sets), accountId, self.agencyId, deny_keyword_id) Utils.D("Update: %s" % sql) else: # insert values = "'%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s" % valuesTuple sql = "insert into %s (`deny_keyword_id`, `task_id`, `task_name`, `app_name`, `keyword`, `account_id`, `agency_id`, `media_id`) values (%s)" % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_DENY_TABLE'), values) Utils.D("Insert: %s" % sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) except: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ "sql: %s" % sql, "value: %s" % json.dumps(valuesTuple) ]) # 提交事物 self.db.commit()
def dataManager(self, startdate, enddate): try: dates = Utils.getDayDeltas(startdate, enddate) for dateval in dates: startdate = enddate = dateval formdata = { "beginTime": startdate, "endTime": enddate, "fromRecCount": 0, "maxReqCount": self.maxReqCount, "nsp_svc": "AppPromote.Agent.queryReport", "access_token": self.accessToken, "nsp_fmt": "JSON", "nsp_ts": Utils.getMicSecond() } Utils.D(formdata) result =, data=formdata, headers=self.headers).text try: jsonresult = json.loads(result, encoding="utf-8") except: continue if 'error' in jsonresult: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ jsonresult.get('error'), 'methodName: %s' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "resultText: %s" % result, "agencyId: %s" % self.agencyId, "mediaId: %s" % self.mediaId, "startdate: %s" % startdate, "enddate: %s" % enddate, ]) # print jsonresult # exit() # 入库huawei_daily_report_account表 self.logic.importDataManager(jsonresult, startdate) time.sleep(Config.HUAWEI_REQUEST_TIME) except HuaweiException as e: self.log(e.code, e.msg, log_prefix="huawei")
def work(self, *args, **kwargs): # print args Utils.D(kwargs) agencytype = kwargs['agencytype'] # 代理类型:agencyuser直客,agencys二代维护 operation = kwargs['operation'] startdate = kwargs['startdate'] enddate = kwargs['enddate'] agency_ext = kwargs.get("agency_ext", {}) agency_user_id = agency_ext.get('agency_user_id', '') # 二代用户id # 直客 if 'agencyuser' == agencytype and '' != agency_user_id: if 'getaccounts' == operation: self.accountManager() elif 'datamanager' == operation: self.dataManager(startdate, enddate) elif 'keywordreport' == operation: self.keywordReport(startdate, enddate) elif 'keywordlist' == operation: self.keywordList(startdate, enddate) elif 'keyworddenylist' == operation: self.keywordDenyList() elif 'taskreport' == operation: self.taskReport(startdate, enddate) elif 'tasklist' == operation: self.taskList(agency_user_id) else: self.accountManager() self.dataManager(startdate, enddate) self.taskList(agency_user_id) self.taskReport(startdate, enddate) self.keywordList(startdate, enddate) self.keywordDenyList() self.keywordReport(startdate, enddate) # 二代维护 if 'agencys' == agencytype: if 'agencyslist' == operation: self.huaweiAgencys()
'python -t <agencytype> -o <operation> -s <startdate> -e <enddate>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print 'python -t <agencytype> -o <operation> -s <startdate> -e <enddate>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-t", "--agencytype"): agencytype = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--operation"): operation = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--startdate"): startdate = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--enddate"): enddate = arg Utils.D('代理类型:%s' % agencytype) Utils.D('执行的操作:%s' % operation) Utils.D('开始时间:%s' % startdate) Utils.D('结束时间:%s' % enddate) hl = HuaweiLogic() agencys = hl.getAgencys(agencytype) for i in agencys: agency_ext = json.loads(i.get('agency_ext', '{}')) kwargs = { "agencytype": agencytype, "operation": operation, "startdate": startdate, "enddate": enddate, "agency_ext": agency_ext } hw = HuaweiSpider(i['media_id'], i['id'], kwargs)
def importKeywordReport(self, jsonresult, accountId, startdate): for i in jsonresult.get('taskSearchKeyReportList'): jsondata = json.dumps({ "aveRanking": i.get('aveRanking', ''), "fastSearchAvePrice": i.get('fastSearchAvePrice', ''), "matchType": i.get('matchType', ''), "searchListAvePrice": i.get('searchListAvePrice', ''), "siteType": i.get('siteType', ''), "totalConsumeSum": i.get('totalConsumeSum', ''), "totalDownloadAll": i.get('totalDownloadAll', ''), }, encoding="utf-8") searchKey = i.get('searchKey', '') appName = i.get('appName', '') taskId = str(i.get('taskId', '')) taskName = i.get('taskName', '') keyword_str = searchKey + appName + taskId + taskName + accountId report_keyword_id = Utils.md5(keyword_str.encode("utf-8")) valuesTuple = ( report_keyword_id, int(i.get('taskId', 0)), i.get('taskName', ''), appName, searchKey, jsondata, accountId, self.agencyId, self.mediaId, startdate ) try: sql = 'select * from %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %d and `report_keyword_id` = "%s" and `ymd` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_REPORT_TABLE'), accountId, self.agencyId, report_keyword_id, startdate) Utils.D("Query: %s" % sql) res = self.cursor.execute(sql) # 如果找到返回主键id,否则返回0 if (res): # update sets = { "`report_keyword_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[0], "`task_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[1], "`task_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[2], "`app_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[3], "`keyword` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[4], "`jsondata` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[5], "`account_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[6], "`agency_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[7], "`media_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[8], } sql = "update %s set %s where `account_id` = '%s' and `agency_id` = %s and `report_keyword_id` = '%s' and `ymd` = '%s'" % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_REPORT_TABLE'), ",".join(sets), accountId, self.agencyId, report_keyword_id, startdate) Utils.D("Update: %s" % sql) else: # insert values = "'%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s, '%s'" % valuesTuple sql = "insert into %s (`report_keyword_id`,`task_id`, `task_name`, `app_name`, `keyword`, `jsondata`, `account_id`, `agency_id`, `media_id`,`ymd`) values (%s)" % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_REPORT_TABLE'), values) Utils.D("Insert: %s" % sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) except: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ "sql: %s" % sql, "value: %s" % json.dumps(valuesTuple) ]) # 提交事物 self.db.commit()
def importKeywordList(self, jsonresult, accountId, startdate): for i in jsonresult.get('taskPositiveSearchKeyInfo', []): status = Config.AUDIT_OK if i['searchKeyStatus'] == 'ON' else Config.AUDIT_FAIL jsondata = json.dumps({ "downloadRate": i.get('downloadRate', ''), "fastSearchPrice": i.get('fastSearchPrice', ''), "searchListPrice": i.get('searchListPrice', ''), "todayConsume": i.get('todayConsume', ''), "totalConsumeSum": i.get('totalConsumeSum', ''), "totalDownloadAll": i.get('totalDownloadAll', ''), "totalImpressionAll": i.get('totalImpressionAll', ''), "searchKeyStatus": i.get('searchKeyStatus', '') }, encoding="utf-8") searchKey = i.get('searchKey', '') appName = i.get('appName', '') searchKeyStatus = i.get('searchKeyStatus', '') taskName = i.get('taskName', '') taskId = str(i.get('taskId', '')) keyword_str = searchKey + appName + searchKeyStatus + taskId + taskName + accountId keyword_id = Utils.md5(keyword_str.encode("utf-8")) valuesTuple = ( status, int(i.get('taskId', 0)), i.get('taskName', ''), appName, searchKey, jsondata, accountId, self.agencyId, self.mediaId, keyword_id, startdate ) sql = 'select * from %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %d and `keyword_id` = "%s" and `ymd` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_TABLE'), accountId, self.agencyId, keyword_id, startdate) Utils.D("Query: %s" % sql) res = self.cursor.execute(sql) # 如果找到返回主键id,否则返回0 try: if (res): # update sets = { "`status` = %s" % valuesTuple[0], "`task_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[1], "`task_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[2], "`app_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[3], "`keyword` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[4], "`jsondata` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[5], "`account_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[6], "`agency_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[7], "`media_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[8], "`keyword_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[9], } sql = 'update %s set %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %s and `keyword_id` = "%s" and `ymd` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_TABLE'), ",".join(sets), accountId, self.agencyId, keyword_id, startdate) Utils.D("Update: %s" % sql) else: # insert values = "%s, %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s, '%s', '%s'" % valuesTuple sql = "insert into %s (`status`, `task_id`, `task_name`, `app_name`, `keyword`, `jsondata`, `account_id`, `agency_id`, `media_id`, `keyword_id`, `ymd`) values (%s)" % ( Config.TableMap.get('KEYWORD_TABLE'), values) Utils.D("Insert: %s" % sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) except: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ "sql: %s" % sql, "value: %s" % json.dumps(valuesTuple) ]) # 提交事物 self.db.commit()
def importTaskReport(self, jsonresult, accountId, startdate): totalCount = jsonresult.get('totalCount', 0) taskDateList = jsonresult.get('taskDateList', []) if 0 == totalCount or 0 == len(taskDateList): return for i in taskDateList: jsondata = json.dumps({ "clickRate": i.get('clickRate', ''), "download": i.get('download', ''), "downloadAvgMoney": i.get('downloadAvgMoney', ''), "downloadRate": i.get('downloadRate', ''), "impression": i.get('impression', ''), "money": i.get('money', ''), "pricingType": i.get('pricingType', ''), "siteSlotName": i.get('siteSlotName', ''), "slotName": i.get('slotName', ''), }, encoding="utf-8") taskName = i.get('taskName', '') date = i.get('date', '') appName = i.get('appName', '') taskId = str(i.get('taskId', '')) keyword_str = taskName + date + appName + taskId + accountId report_task_id = Utils.md5(keyword_str.encode("utf-8")) valuesTuple = ( report_task_id, int(i.get('taskId', 0)), taskName, appName, jsondata, date, accountId, self.agencyId, self.mediaId, startdate ) sql = 'select * from %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %d and `report_task_id` = "%s" and `ymd` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('TASK_REPORT_TABLE'), accountId, self.agencyId, report_task_id, startdate) Utils.D("Query: %s" % sql) res = self.cursor.execute(sql) # 如果找到返回主键id,否则返回0 try: if (res): # update sets = { "`report_task_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[0], "`task_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[1], "`task_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[2], "`app_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[3], "`jsondata` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[4], "`report_date` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[5], "`account_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[6], "`agency_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[7], "`media_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[8], } sql = 'update %s set %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %s and `report_task_id` = "%s" and `ymd` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('TASK_REPORT_TABLE'), ",".join(sets), accountId, self.agencyId, report_task_id, startdate) Utils.D("Update: %s" % sql) else: # insert values = "'%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s, '%s'" % valuesTuple sql = "insert into %s (`report_task_id`, `task_id`, `task_name`, `app_name`, `jsondata`, `report_date`, `account_id`, `agency_id`, `media_id`, `ymd`) values (%s)" % ( Config.TableMap.get('TASK_REPORT_TABLE'), values) Utils.D("Insert: %s" % sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) except: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ "sql: %s" % sql, "value: %s" % json.dumps(valuesTuple) ]) # 提交事物 self.db.commit()
def importTaskList(self, jsonresult, accountId): totalCount = jsonresult.get('totalCount', 0) taskList = jsonresult.get('taskList', []) if 0 == totalCount or 0 == len(taskList): return for i in taskList: sql = 'select * from %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %d and `task_id` = %d' % ( Config.TableMap.get('TASK_TABLE'), accountId, self.agencyId, int(i['taskID'])) Utils.D("Query: %s" % sql) res = self.cursor.execute(sql) # 如果找到返回主键id,否则返回0 status = Config.AUDIT_OK if i['status'] == 'RUN' else Config.AUDIT_FAIL jsondata = json.dumps({ "auditLastFlag": i.get('auditLastFlag', ''), "auditLastTime": i.get('auditLastTime', ''), "budget": i.get('budget', ''), "contentStatus": i.get('contentStatus', ''), "dailyLimit": i.get('dailyLimit', ''), "download": i.get('download', ''), "downloadRate": i.get('downloadRate', ''), "endDate": i.get('endDate', ''), "impression": i.get('impression'), "mediaChannel": i.get('mediaChannel', ''), "price": i.get('price', ''), "pricingType": i.get('pricingType', ''), "rtbStatus": i.get('rtbStatus', ''), "schedule": i.get('schedule', ''), "spent": i.get('spent', ''), "startDate": i.get('startDate', ''), "todaySpent": i.get('todaySpent', ''), "status": i.get('status', '') }, encoding="utf-8") valuesTuple = ( status, int(i.get('taskID', 0)), i.get('taskName', ''), int(i.get('contentAppId', 0)), i.get('contentAppName', ''), jsondata, accountId, self.agencyId, self.mediaId, ) try: if (res): # update task_id = valuesTuple[1] sets = { "`status` = %s" % valuesTuple[0], "`task_id` = %s" % task_id, "`task_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[2], "`app_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[3], "`app_name` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[4], "`jsondata` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[5], "`account_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[6], "`agency_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[7], "`media_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[8], } sql = "update %s set %s where `account_id` = '%s' and `agency_id` = %s and `task_id` = %s" % ( Config.TableMap.get('TASK_TABLE'), ",".join(sets), accountId, self.agencyId, task_id) Utils.D("Update: %s" % sql) else: # insert values = "%s, %s, '%s', %s, '%s', '%s', '%s', %s, %s" % valuesTuple sql = "insert into %s (`status`, `task_id`, `task_name`, `app_id`, `app_name`, `jsondata`, `account_id`, `agency_id`, `media_id`) values (%s)" % ( Config.TableMap.get('TASK_TABLE'), values) Utils.D("Insert: %s" % sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) except: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ "sql: %s" % sql, "value: %s" % json.dumps(valuesTuple) ]) # 提交事物 self.db.commit()
def importDataManager(self, jsonresult, startdate): totalCount = jsonresult.get("totalCount", 0) reportDetail = jsonresult.get("reportDetail", []) if 0 == totalCount or 0 == len(reportDetail): return # [1:]从第二条记录开始循环,第一条记录时报表的汇总信息 for i in reportDetail[1:]: accountId = i.get('accountId', 0) sql = 'select * from %s where `account_id` = "%s" and `agency_id` = %d and `ymd` = "%s"' % ( Config.TableMap.get('DATA_MANAGER_TABLE'), accountId, self.agencyId, startdate) Utils.D("Query: %s" % sql) res = self.cursor.execute(sql) # 如果找到返回主键id,否则返回0 jsondata = json.dumps({ "cashSpend": i.get('cashSpend', ''), # 现金消耗 "totalSpend": i.get('totalSpend', ''), # 总消耗 "exchangeSpend": i.get('exchangeSpend', ''), # 置换消耗 "giftSpend": i.get('giftSpend', ''), # 赠送消耗 "totalImp": i.get('totalImp', ''), # 曝光量 "totalDownload": i.get('totalDownload', ''), # 下载量 }, encoding="utf-8") valuesTuple = ( accountId, self.agencyId, self.mediaId, jsondata, i.get('corpName', ''), startdate ) batch = self.api.getHbaseConn("huawei_daily_report_account") rowkey = '{}|{}|{}|{}|{}'.format(str(accountId)[-1:], startdate.replace('-', ''), self.mediaId, accountId, self.agencyId) data_list = json.dumps(jsondata) batch.put(row=rowkey, data={'info:data': str(data_list)}) batch.send() try: if (res): # update sets = { "`account_id` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[0], "`agency_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[1], "`media_id` = %s" % valuesTuple[2], "`jsondata` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[3], "`corpname` = '%s'" % valuesTuple[4], } sql = "update %s set %s where `account_id` = '%s' and `agency_id` = %s and `ymd` = '%s'" % ( Config.TableMap.get('DATA_MANAGER_TABLE'), ",".join(sets), accountId, self.agencyId, startdate) Utils.D("Update: %s" % sql) else: # insert values = "'%s',%s,%s,'%s','%s','%s'" % valuesTuple sql = "insert into %s (`account_id`, `agency_id`, `media_id`, `jsondata`, `corpname`, `ymd`) values (%s)" % ( Config.TableMap.get('DATA_MANAGER_TABLE'), values) Utils.D("Insert: %s" % sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) except: raise HuaweiException(Config.KD_ERROR, [ "sql: %s" % sql, "value: %s" % json.dumps(valuesTuple) ]) # 提交事物 self.db.commit()