class HomeNewRecommendApp(CategoryRecommendApp): objects = CustomManager({'type': RECOMMEND_TYPES.HOME_NEW}) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("applist", _("AppList")) verbose_name = _("HomeNew Recommendation") verbose_name_plural = _("HomeNew Recommendations")
class RiskApp(Application): objects = CustomManager({'tag': APP_TAGS.RISK}) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("riskapps", _("Risk Apps")) verbose_name = _("Risk App") verbose_name_plural = _("Risk Apps")
class MusicVideoTopApp(TopApp): objects = CustomManager({'app__category__name': _('Music & Video')}) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("applist", _("AppList")) verbose_name = _("Top Music & Video") verbose_name_plural = _("Top Music & Video")
class ReadingTopApp(TopApp): objects = CustomManager({'app__category__name': _('Reading')}) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("applist", _("AppList")) verbose_name = _("Top Reading") verbose_name_plural = _("Top Reading")
class AppUpdateWithScreenshots(Application): objects = CustomManager({'versions_count__gt': 1, 'has_icon__exact': True}) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("updateapps", _("App Updates")) verbose_name = _("Update with Screenshots") verbose_name_plural = _("Update with Screenshots")
class ManuallyAddedApp(Application): objects = CustomManager({ 'source': APP_SOURCES.MANUAL, 'review_status': REVIEW_STATUS.NOT_REVIEWED }) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("newapps", _("New Apps")) verbose_name = _("Manually Added") verbose_name_plural = _("Manually Added")
class DevUploadedApp(Application): objects = CustomManager({ 'source': APP_SOURCES.DEV_UPLOAD, 'review_status': REVIEW_STATUS.NOT_REVIEWED }) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("newapps", _("New Apps")) verbose_name = _("Developer Uploaded") verbose_name_plural = _("Developer Uploaded")
class AutoCrawledApp(Application): objects = CustomManager({ 'source__gte': APP_SOURCES.CRAWLED, 'review_status': REVIEW_STATUS.NOT_REVIEWED }) class Meta: proxy = True app_label = string_with_title("newapps", _("New Apps")) verbose_name = _("Auto Crawled") verbose_name_plural = _("Auto Crawled")