def getLength(self): """ Returns the distance between this arrows head-point and tail-point. @rtype: float @return: length of this arrow from head-point to tail-point. """ return (Vec3(self.getHeadPt())-Vec3(self.getTailPt())).norm()
def __init__(self, radius, endPt1=None, endPt2=None, segEndPt1=None, segEndPt2=None): """ Initialises capsule with center-end-point coordinates and radius. @type radius: float @param radius: Radius of capsule. @type endPt1: sequence of 3 floats @param endPt1: Coordinate of one end ("apex" of hemisphere). @type endPt2: sequence of 3 floats @param endPt2: Center coordinate of other end ("apex" of hemisphere). @type segEndPt1: sequence of 3 floats @param segEndPt1: Coordinate of one end ("apex" of hemisphere). @type segEndPt2: sequence of 3 floats @param segEndPt2: Center coordinate of other end ("apex" of hemisphere). """ self.radius = radius if (endPt1 != None) and (endPt2 != None): endPt1 = Vec3(endPt1) endPt2 = Vec3(endPt2) centre = 0.5 * (endPt1 + endPt2) direction = (endPt2 - endPt1) length = direction.norm() direction /= length self.segEndPt1 = centre - (0.5 * length) * direction self.segEndPt2 = centre + (0.5 * length) * direction elif (segEndPt1 != None) and (segEndPt2 != None): self.segEndPt1 = Vec3(segEndPt1) self.segEndPt2 = Vec3(segEndPt2) else: raise Exception( "Must specified end-points or segment-end-points, not both.")
def getHeight(self): """ Returns the height of this cone. @rtype: float @return: Center coordinate of this cone. """ return (Vec3(self.getEndPt1()) - Vec3(self.getEndPt2())).norm()
def getHeadPt(self, record): return \ ( Vec3(self.getTailPt(record)) + (Vec3(self.getVec(record))*self.getLengthScale()) )
def getSegmentLength(self): """ Returns the segment-length of this capsule. @rtype: float @return: minimum distance between end-points of cylinder. """ return \ (Vec3(self.getSegmentEndPt1()) - Vec3(self.getSegmentEndPt2())).norm()
def configure(self, lookAt=Vec3(0, 0, 0), camPosn=Vec3(0, 0, 20), zoomFactor=0.1, imageSize=[800, 600]): self.lookAt = lookAt self.camPosn = camPosn self.zoomFactor = zoomFactor self.imageSize = imageSize
def rotatePosn(self, axis, axisPt): """ Rotates the camera position about the specified axis. @type axis: iterable of 3 C{float} elements @param axis: Axis of rotation and angle of rotation (C{ = axis.norm()} radians). @type axisPt: iterable of 3 C{float} elements @param axisPt: Axis of rotation is assumed to pass through this point. """ self.setPosn(Vec3(self.getPosn()).rotate(Vec3(axis), Vec3(axisPt)))
def getLength(self): """ Returns the length of this capsule. @rtype: float @return: Distance between hemi-sphere apexes. """ return \ 2.0*self.radius() \ +\ (Vec3(self.getSegmentEndPt1()) - Vec3(self.getSegmentEndPt2())).norm()
def run(self): """ Moves upper and lower walls by an increment parallel to the gouge axis and applies a constant force perpendicular to it. """ t=self.theLSM.getTimeStep() if(t<1000): dx_cur=self.dx*(t/1000.0) else: dx_cur=self.dx self.theLSM.moveWallBy("lowerWall",Vec3(dx_cur,0.0,0.0)) self.theLSM.moveWallBy("upperWall",Vec3(-1.0*dx_cur,0.0,0.0)) self.theLSM.applyForceToWall("upperWallInteraction",Vec3(0.0,-0.25,0.0)); self.theLSM.applyForceToWall("lowerWallInteraction",Vec3(0.0,0.25,0.0));
def snapshot(particles=None, index=0): pkg = povray scene = pkg.Scene() for pp in particles: povsphere = pkg.Sphere(pp.getPosn(), pp.getRadius()) povsphere.apply(pkg.Colors.Red) scene.add(povsphere) camera = scene.getCamera() camera.setLookAt(Vec3(0, 0, 0)) camera.setPosn(Vec3(0, 0, 20)) camera.setZoom(0.1) scene.render(offScreen=True, interactive=False, fileName="snap_{0:04d}.png".format(index), size=[800, 600]) return
def visitNodeRef(self, nodeRef): displArray = numarray.array([0.0] * self.lsm.getDim()), displArray) displVec = Vec3() for i in range(0, self.lsm.getDim()): displVec[i] = displArray[i] getLogger().debug("Moving node " + str(nodeRef) + " by " + str(displVec)) self.lsm.moveNodeBy(nodeRef, displVec)
def runSimulation(): """ Initialises elastic block model and runs the compression simulation. """ #setVerbosity(True) mySim = LsmMpi(1, [0, 0, 0]) mySim.initVerletModel("RotSphere", 2.5, 0.5) mySim.setTimeStepSize(0.01) mySim.setSpatialDomain( BoundingBox(Vec3(-5.0, -5.0, -5.0), Vec3(15.0, 25.0, 15.0))) mySim.readGeometry( InstallInfo.getDataFilePath("bench_block_10x20x10_r0.15.geo")) # setup interactions bip = RotBondPrms(0, "bonded", 0.5, 0.15, 0.04, 0.017, 0.0025, 0.0125, 0.00125, 0.00125) fip = RotFrictionPrms("friction", 1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0) dip = DampingPrms("Damping", "damping1", 0.01, 50) rdip = DampingPrms("RotDamping", "damping2", 0.01, 50) mySim.createInteractionGroup(bip) mySim.createInteractionGroup(fip) mySim.createExclusion("bonded", "friction") mySim.createInteractionGroup(dip) mySim.createInteractionGroup(rdip) # create walls mySim.createWall("lowerWall", Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) mySim.createWall("upperWall", Vec3(0.0, 20.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)) wp1 = NRotElasticWallPrms("upperWallInteraction", "upperWall", 1.0) wp2 = NRotElasticWallPrms("lowerWallInteraction", "lowerWall", 1.0) mySim.createInteractionGroup(wp1) mySim.createInteractionGroup(wp2) # setup savers nb_prm = InteractionScalarFieldSaverPrms("bonded", "count", "nbonds", "SUM", 0, 12000, 4) mySim.createFieldSaver(nb_prm) mySim.createFieldSaver( WallVectorFieldSaverPrms(fileName="wf.dat", fieldName="Force", wallName=["lowerWall", "upperWall"], fileFormat="RAW_SERIES", beginTimeStep=0, endTimeStep=12000, timeStepIncr=4)) # add loading function lf = Loading(mySim) mySim.addPreTimeStepRunnable(lf) mySim.setNumTimeSteps(12000) start_time = time() stop_time = time() print("runtime: ", stop_time - start_time, " seconds")
def runSimulation(): """ Runs a compression simulation on an elastic block. Outputs wall-forces and wall-positions to file. """ setVerbosity(True) mySim = LsmMpi(2, [0, 0, 0]) mySim.initVerletModel("NRotSphere", 2.5, 0.5) mySim.setTimeStepSize(0.02) mySim.setSpatialDomain( BoundingBox(Vec3(-5.0, 0.0, -5.0), Vec3(15.0, 10.0, 15.0))) mySim.readGeometry(InstallInfo.getDataFilePath("cube10r0.2.geo")) # setup interactions bip = NRotBondPrms(1, "bonded", 1.0, 1.05) fip = NRotFrictionPrms("friction", 1.0, 0.6, 1.0) mySim.createInteractionGroup(bip) mySim.createInteractionGroup(fip) mySim.createExclusion("bonded", "friction") # wall parameters mySim.createWall("lowerWall", Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) mySim.createWall("upperWall", Vec3(0.0, 10.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)) wp1 = NRotElasticWallPrms("upperWallInteraction", "upperWall", 1.0) wp2 = NRotElasticWallPrms("lowerWallInteraction", "lowerWall", 1.0) # setup savers mySim.createFieldSaver( WallVectorFieldSaverPrms(fileName="wf2.dat", fieldName="Force", wallName=["lowerWall", "upperWall"], fileFormat="RAW_SERIES", beginTimeStep=0, endTimeStep=10, timeStepIncr=1)) mySim.createFieldSaver( WallVectorFieldSaverPrms(fileName="wp2.dat", fieldName="Position", wallName=["lowerWall", "upperWall"], fileFormat="RAW_SERIES", beginTimeStep=0, endTimeStep=10, timeStepIncr=1)) # create walls mySim.createInteractionGroup(wp1) mySim.createInteractionGroup(wp2) # add loading function lf = Loading(mySim) mySim.addPreTimeStepRunnable(lf) mySim.setNumTimeSteps(10)
#import the appropriate ESyS-Particle modules: from esys.lsm import * from esys.lsm.util import Vec3, BoundingBox from esys.lsm.geometry import CubicBlock, ConnectionFinder from POVsnaps import POVsnaps #instantiate a simulation object #and initialise the neighbour search algorithm: sim = LsmMpi(numWorkerProcesses=1, mpiDimList=[1, 1, 1]) sim.initNeighbourSearch(particleType="NRotSphere", gridSpacing=2.5, verletDist=0.5) #set the number of timesteps and timestep increment: sim.setNumTimeSteps(10000) sim.setTimeStepSize(0.001) #specify the spatial domain for the simulation: domain = BoundingBox(Vec3(-20, -20, -20), Vec3(20, 20, 20)) sim.setSpatialDomain(domain) #add a cube of particles to the domain: cube = CubicBlock(dimCount=[6, 6, 6], radius=0.5) cube.rotate(axis=Vec3(0, 0, 3.141592654 / 6.0), axisPt=Vec3(0, 0, 0)) sim.createParticles(cube) #create bonds between particles separated by less than the specified #maxDist: sim.createConnections(ConnectionFinder(maxDist=0.005, bondTag=1, pList=cube)) #specify bonded elastic interactions between bonded particles: bondGrp = sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotBondPrms(name="sphereBonds", normalK=10000.0, breakDistance=50.0, tag=1, scaling=True))
def getCenter(self): """ Returns the coordinate of the center of this cone. @return: Center coordinate of this cone. """ return (Vec3(self.getEndPt1()) + Vec3(self.getEndPt2())) * 0.5
def uniform(L=10): return Vec3( 2*L*rand() - L, 2*L*rand() - L, 2*L*rand() - L, )
sim.initNeighbourSearch( particleType="NRotSphere", gridSpacing=0.2, verletDist=0.1 ) # set the number of timesteps and timestep increment: sim.setNumTimeSteps(5000000) sim.setTimeStepSize(0.0001) L = 10 Ld = L + 1 kT = 0.1 a = sqrt(kT) # specify the spatial domain for the simulation: domain = BoundingBox(Vec3(-Ld, -Ld, -Ld), Vec3(Ld, Ld, Ld)) sim.setSpatialDomain( bBox=domain, circDimList=[False, False, False]) # add a cube of particles to the domain: #cube = CubicBlock(dimCount=[20, 20, 20], radius=0.05) #sim.createParticles(cube) N = 100 seed(1234) for n in range(N): p = NRotSphere(id=n, posn=uniform(), radius=0.05, mass=1.0) sim.createParticle(p) for n in range(sim.getNumParticles()): sim.setParticleVelocity( id=n, Velocity=Vec3(a*randn(), a*randn(), a*randn()))
def getCenter(self): return (Vec3(self.getMaxPt())+Vec3(self.getMinPt()))*0.5
def run(self): """ Moves upper and lower walls by an increment. """ self.theLSM.moveWallBy("lowerWall", Vec3(0.0, 0.00005, 0.0)) self.theLSM.moveWallBy("upperWall", Vec3(0.0, -0.00005, 0.0))
def run(self): """ Moves walls in compressive fashion. """ self.theLSM.moveWallBy("lowerWall", Vec3(0.0, 0.0001, 0.0)) self.theLSM.moveWallBy("upperWall", Vec3(0.0, -0.0001, 0.0))
# # #import the appropriate ESyS-Particle modules: from esys.lsm import * from esys.lsm.util import Vec3, BoundingBox #instantiate a simulation object #and initialise the neighbour search algorithm: sim = LsmMpi(numWorkerProcesses=1, mpiDimList=[1, 1, 1]) sim.initNeighbourSearch(particleType="NRotSphere", gridSpacing=2.5, verletDist=0.5) #specify the number of timesteps and timestep increment: sim.setNumTimeSteps(10000) sim.setTimeStepSize(0.001) #specify the spatial domain for the simulation: domain = BoundingBox(Vec3(-20, -20, -20), Vec3(20, 20, 20)) sim.setSpatialDomain(domain) #add the first particle to the domain: particle = NRotSphere(id=0, posn=Vec3(-5, 5, -5), radius=1.0, mass=1.0) particle.setLinearVelocity(Vec3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0)) sim.createParticle(particle) #add the second particle to the domain: particle = NRotSphere(id=1, posn=Vec3(5, 5, 5), radius=1.5, mass=2.0) particle.setLinearVelocity(Vec3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)) sim.createParticle(particle) #specify the type of interactions between colliding particles: sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotElasticPrms(name="elastic_repulsion", normalK=10000.0, scaling=True)) #Execute the simulation:
def runSimulation(): """ Initialises elastic block model and runs the compression simulation. """ dt=0.02 v=0.002 nt=10000 ncpu_x=int(sys.argv[1]) ncpu_y=int(sys.argv[2]) ## setVerbosity(True) mySim=LsmMpi(ncpu_x*ncpu_y,[ncpu_x,ncpu_y,1]) mySim.initVerletModel("RotSphere", 2.5, 0.5) mySim.setTimeStepSize(dt) mySim.force2dComputations(True) # read geometry mySim.readGeometry("bench_gouge.geo") # setup interactions bip=RotBondPrms(0,"bonded",0.5,0.15,0.04,0.017,0.025,0.125,0.0125,0.0125) fip=RotFrictionPrms("friction", 1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0) dip=DampingPrms("Damping","damping1",0.01,50) rdip=DampingPrms("RotDamping","damping2",0.01,50) mySim.createInteractionGroup(bip) mySim.createInteractionGroup(fip) mySim.createExclusion("bonded","friction") mySim.createInteractionGroup(dip) mySim.createInteractionGroup(rdip) # create walls mySim.createWall("lowerWall",Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),Vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0)) mySim.createWall("upperWall",Vec3(0.0,40.0,0.0),Vec3(0.0,-1.0,0.0)) wp1=NRotBondedWallPrms("upperWallInteraction","upperWall",1.0,4) wp2=NRotBondedWallPrms("lowerWallInteraction","lowerWall",1.0,3); mySim.createInteractionGroup(wp1) mySim.createInteractionGroup(wp2) # setup savers mySim.createFieldSaver( WallVectorFieldSaverPrms( fileName="wf.dat", fieldName="Force", wallName=["lowerWall","upperWall"], fileFormat="RAW_SERIES", beginTimeStep=0, endTimeStep=nt, timeStepIncr=10 ) ) mySim.createFieldSaver( WallVectorFieldSaverPrms( fileName="wp.dat", fieldName="Position", wallName=["lowerWall","upperWall"], fileFormat="RAW_SERIES", beginTimeStep=0, endTimeStep=nt, timeStepIncr=10 ) ) ek_prm=ParticleScalarFieldSaverPrms("e_kin","ekin.dat","SUM",0,nt,10) mySim.createFieldSaver(ek_prm) # add loading function lf=Loading(mySim,dt,v) mySim.addPreTimeStepRunnable(lf) mySim.setNumTimeSteps(nt) nparts=mySim.getNumParticles() print("Particles in the model: ", nparts) start_time=time() stop_time=time() run_time=stop_time-start_time # calculate relative performance perf=(nparts*nt)/run_time # print results print("runtime : ", run_time, " seconds") print("performance : ", perf, " particles*timesteps/second")
# #import the appropriate ESyS-Particle modules: from esys.lsm import * from esys.lsm.util import Vec3, BoundingBox from POVsnaps import POVsnaps #instantiate a simulation object #and initialise the neighbour search algorithm: sim = LsmMpi(numWorkerProcesses=1, mpiDimList=[1, 1, 1]) sim.initNeighbourSearch(particleType="NRotSphere", gridSpacing=2.5, verletDist=0.5) #set the number of timesteps and timestep increment: sim.setNumTimeSteps(20000) sim.setTimeStepSize(0.001) #specify the spatial domain for the simulation: domain = BoundingBox(Vec3(-20, -20, -20), Vec3(20, 20, 20)) sim.setSpatialDomain(domain) #add a particle to the domain: particle = NRotSphere(id=0, posn=Vec3(0, 5, 0), radius=1.75, mass=1.8) particle.setLinearVelocity(Vec3(1.0, 10.0, 1.0)) sim.createParticle(particle) #initialise gravity in the domain: sim.createInteractionGroup( GravityPrms(name="earth-gravity", acceleration=Vec3(0, -9.81, 0))) #add a horizontal wall to act as a floor on which to bounce particles: sim.createWall(name="floor", posn=Vec3(0, -10, 0), normal=Vec3(0, 1, 0)) #specify the type of interactions between wall and particles: sim.createInteractionGroup( NRotElasticWallPrms(name="elasticWall", wallName="floor", normalK=10000.0)) #add local viscosity to simulate air resistance: sim.createInteractionGroup(
def getSideLength(self): return (Vec3(self.getMaxPt())-Vec3(self.getMinPt()))