class EthLocust(Locust): ''' This is the abstract Locust class which should be subclassed. It provides an Ethereum JSON-RPC client that can be used for requests that will be tracked in Locust's statistics. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EthLocust, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) server, port =':') if int(port) == 443: tls_flag = True else: tls_flag = False self.client = EthJsonRpc(server, port, tls=tls_flag) self.addresses = self.get_target_address_list() def get_target_address_list(self, count=100): ''' As part of the initialization, we build up a list of 1k addresses which will be the targets of the getBal call. We do it as part of the initialization so that we dont slow down the concurrent tests. ''' addrs = [] block = self.client.eth_getBlockByNumber() while len(addrs) < count: block = self.client.eth_getBlockByHash(block['parentHash']) if block['transactions'] is not None: addrs += [ t['to'] for t in block['transactions'] if t['to'] is not None ] # Use a set to dedupe commonly used addresses (coinbase, poloniex, etc) return list(set(addrs))
print(x) assert v == x db_name = 'db_name' k = 'my_key' v = '0xabcdef' print(c.db_putHex(db_name, k, v)) x = c.db_getHex(db_name, k) print(x) assert v == x ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) b = (199583, '0x19d761c6f944eefe91ad70b9aff3d2d76c972e5bb68c443eea7c0eaa144cef9f') print(c.eth_getBlockByHash(b[1], tx_objects=False)) for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', b[0]]: print(c.eth_getBlockByNumber(x, tx_objects=False)) tx = '0x12cd5d9a82049154c8990214a551479853d1bfe45852688833bc4ef86a29b1a3' print(c.eth_getTransactionByHash(tx)) ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) code = 'contract Test {}' print(c.eth_compileSolidity(code)) ################################################################################ print('*' * 80)
args = parse_args() cloudwatch = boto3.resource('cloudwatch', region_name=PRIMARY_REGION) dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=PRIMARY_REGION) eth_client = EthJsonRpc(args.rpc_address, args.rpc_port) new_block_metric = cloudwatch.Metric(CLOUDWATCH_NAMESPACE, CLOUDWATCH_METRIC) block_count_table_name = "quorum-net-%s-blocks-by-region" % (args.network_id) block_count_table = dynamodb.Table(block_count_table_name) while True: try: coinbase = eth_client.eth_coinbase() block_filter = eth_client.eth_newBlockFilter() break except: print "Error contacting geth node. Waiting %d seconds and retrying." % ( SLEEP_SECONDS) time.sleep(SLEEP_SECONDS) while True: new_blocks = eth_client.eth_getFilterChanges(block_filter) for block_hash in new_blocks: block = eth_client.eth_getBlockByHash(block_hash) miner = block['miner'] if miner == coinbase: emit_block_creation_metric(new_block_metric) update_dynamodb_block_count(block_count_table) time.sleep(SLEEP_SECONDS)
class EthereumBlockchain: def __init__(self, the_code = False, the_sig = None, the_args = None, the_address = False, rpc_host = DEFAULT_RPC_HOST, rpc_port = DEFAULT_RPC_PORT, background_thread_sleep_time = 1.0, ): self.con = EthJsonRpc(rpc_host, rpc_port) self.the_code = the_code self.the_sig = the_sig self.the_args = the_args self.contract_address = the_address assert self.the_code or self.contract_address self.loop_once_started = False self.sig_to_topic_id_cache = {} self.send_transaction_queue = Queue() self.background_thread_sleep_time = background_thread_sleep_time self.pending_transactions = {} ## {tx:callback} self.is_deployed = False if the_address: assert self.check_anything_deployed(the_address), ('NOTHING DEPLOYED AT SPECIFIED ADDRESS:', the_address) self.is_deployed = True elif the_code: if auto_deploy: self.deploy() #def setup_create_pending_transaction(func): # self._create_pending_transaction = func #def setup_logic_callback(func): # self._logic_callback = func def event_sig_to_topic_id(self, sig): """ Compute ethereum topic_ids from function signatures. """ if sig in self.sig_to_topic_id_cache: return self.sig_to_topic_id_cache[sig] name = sig[:sig.find('(')] types = [x.strip().split()[0] for x in sig[sig.find('(')+1:sig.find(')')].split(',')] topic_id = ethereum.utils.int_to_hex(ethereum.abi.event_id(name,types)) self.sig_to_topic_id_cache[sig] = topic_id return topic_id def setup_event_callbacks(self, log_handlers, pending_handlers, ): self.log_handlers = log_handlers self.log_handlers_hashed = {((x == 'DEFAULT') and 'DEFAULT' or self.event_sig_to_topic_id(x)):y for x,y in log_handlers.items()} self.pending_handlers = pending_handlers def logic_callback(self, msg, *args, **kw): default_func = self.log_handlers_hashed.get('DEFAULT', False) if 'topics' not in msg: assert default_func is not False, ('Unknown topic_id and no DEFAULT handler.') print ('PROXY logic_callback()', '->', default_func, kw) default_func(msg, *args, **kw) return for topic in msg['topics']: func = self.log_handlers_hashed.get(topic, default_func) print ('PROXY logic_callback()', topic, '->', func) assert func is not False, ('Unknown topic_id and no DEFAULT handler.', topic, kw) func(msg, *args, **kw) def simulate_pending(self, args_sig, args, *aa, **bb): """ See: """ ## TODO: support indexed topics? func = self.pending_handlers.get(args_sig, self.pending_handlers.get('DEFAULT', False)) print ('Proxy: simulate_pending()', args_sig, '->', func) return func(args_sig, args, *aa, **bb) def get_block_by_hash_callback(self, block_hash): """ Get block by blockHash. """ print ('bcc.get_block_by_hash_callback()', block_hash) rh = self.con.eth_getBlockByHash(block_hash) for k in ['number', 'timestamp']: rh[k] = ethereum.utils.parse_int_or_hex(rh[k]) return rh def get_logs_by_block_num_callback(self, block_num): """ Get event logs for a particular block num. It's OK if the block_num has an unexpected hash, that'll be taken care of by caller. """ print ('bcc.get_logs_by_block_num_callback()', block_num) the_filter = self.con.eth_newFilter(from_block = fixed_int_to_hex(block_num), to_block = fixed_int_to_hex(block_num), address = self.contract_address, ) rr = self.con.eth_getFilterLogs(str(the_filter)) rr2 = [] for msg in rr: #assert 'topics' in msg, list(sorted(msg.keys())) got_num = ethereum.utils.parse_int_or_hex(msg['blockNumber']) if got_num != block_num: continue msg['data'] = solidity_string_decode(msg['data']) msg['blockNumber'] = got_num msg["logIndex"] = ethereum.utils.parse_int_or_hex(msg['logIndex']) msg["transactionIndex"] = ethereum.utils.parse_int_or_hex(msg['transactionIndex']) #msg_data = loads_compact(msg['data']) #payload_decoded = loads_compact(msg_data['payload']) rr2.append(msg) rr = rr2 return rr def get_latest_block_number(self): print ('bcc.get_latest_block_number()') bn = self.con.eth_blockNumber() return bn def get_latest_block_callback(self): """ Returns the single latest block. Missing intermediate blocks will be automatically looked up by caller. """ print ('bcc.get_latest_block_callback()') bn = self.get_latest_block_number() block = self.con.eth_getBlockByNumber(bn) return block def check_anything_deployed(self, address): """ Basic sanity check, checks if ANY code is deployed at provided address. """ print ('bcc.check_anything_deployed()', address) if self.con.eth_getCode(address) == '0x0': return False return True def deploy(self, the_sig = False, the_args = False, block = False, deploy_from = False, callback = False, ): """ Deploy contract. Optional args_sig and args used to pass arguments to contract constructor.""" print ('bcc.deploy()') if the_sig is not False: self.contract_sig = the_sig if the_args is not False: self.contract_args = the_args assert self.the_code if deploy_from is False: deploy_from = self.con.eth_coinbase() print ('DEPLOYING_CONTRACT...', 'deploy_from:', deploy_from, 'the_sig:', the_sig, 'the_args:', the_args) # get contract address xx = self.con.eth_compileSolidity(self.the_code) #print ('GOT',xx) compiled = None try: compiled = xx['code'] except KeyError: # geth seems to like putting the compiler output into an inner dict keyed by input filename, # e.g {'CCCoinToken.sol': {'code': '...', 'etc': '...'} for k, v in xx.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, dict) and 'code' in v: compiled = v['code'] break assert compiled contract_tx = self.con.create_contract(from_ = deploy_from, code = compiled, gas = 3000000, sig = self.contract_sig, args = self.contract_args, ) if block: ## NOTE: @yusef feel free to switch back to this method if you want: #print('CONTRACT DEPLOYED, WAITING FOR CONFIRMATION') #wait_for_confirmation(self.c, contract_tx) print ('BLOCKING FOR RECEIPT..') while True: receipt = self.con.eth_getTransactionReceipt(contract_tx) ## blocks to ensure transaction is mined if receipt: break sleep(self.blocking_sleep_time) print ('GOT RECEIPT') else: self.pending_transactions[contract_tx] = callback self.contract_address = str(self.con.get_contract_address(contract_tx)) self.is_deployed = True print ('DEPLOYED', self.contract_address) return self.contract_address def send_transaction(self, *args, **kw): """ 1) If possible create simulated outputs of transactions, to use as pending state. 2) Queue the transaction for blockchain commit. Used for e.g.: - addLog(bytes) - mintTokens(address, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint) - withdrawTok(bytes) - lockupTok(bytes) """ print ('bcc.send_transaction()') assert len(args) <= 2 #assert self.loop_once_started, 'loop_once() not started?' ## Potentially slow blocking call to commit it to the blockchain: if kw.get('block'): ## Send transaction in blocking mode, and grab actual event logs that are committed: rh = self.inner_send_transaction(*args, **kw) pending_logs = rh['pending_logs'] is_pending = False else: ## Run callbacks, return simulated event logs where possible: self.send_transaction_queue.put((0, args, kw)) pending_logs = self.simulate_pending(*args, **kw) is_pending = True ## Run logic_callback() against pending transactions: for log in pending_logs: print ('CALLING', 'is_pending:', is_pending, 'is_noop:', log.get('is_noop', False)) self.logic_callback(log, is_pending = is_pending, is_noop = log.get('is_noop', False) ) return pending_logs def inner_send_transaction(self, args_sig, args, callback = False, send_from = False, block = False, gas_limit = False, gas_price = 100, value = 100000000000, ): """ 1) Attempt to send transaction. 2) Get first confirmation via transaction receipt. 3) Re-check receipt again after N blocks pass. """ print ('bcc.inner_send_transaction()') assert self.is_deployed, 'Must deploy contract first.' print ('SEND_TRANSACTION:', args_sig, args) if send_from is False: send_from = self.con.eth_coinbase() send_to = self.contract_address print ('====TRANSACTION') print ('send_from', send_from) print ('send_to', send_to) print ('args_sig', args_sig) print ('args', args) #print ('gas', gas_limit) gas_limit = 1000000 gas_price = self.con.DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE value = web3.utils.currency.to_wei(1,'ether') data = self.con._encode_function(args_sig, args) data_hex = '0x' + data.encode('hex') tx = self.con.eth_sendTransaction(from_address = send_from, to_address = send_to, data = data_hex, gas = gas_limit, gas_price = gas_price, value = value, ) if block: print ('BLOCKING FOR RECEIPT..') while True: receipt = self.con.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx) ## blocks to ensure transaction is mined if receipt: break sleep(self.blocking_sleep_time) print ('GOT RECEIPT') #print ('GOT_RECEIPT', receipt) #if receipt['blockNumber']: # self.latest_block_num = max(ethereum.utils.parse_int_or_hex(receipt['blockNumber']), self.latest_block_num) else: self.pending_transactions[tx] = callback #self.latest_block_num = self.con.eth_blockNumber() return {'tx':tx} def poll_outgoing_receipts(self): """ Check for transaction receipts on transactions sent from this node. TODO - why not replace this with just watching for incoming transactions??? """ assert self.is_deployed, 'Must deploy contract first.' had_any_events = False if self.pending_transactions: had_any_events = True for tx, callback in self.pending_transactions.items(): receipt = self.con.eth_getTransactionReceipt(tx) if receipt is not None and 'blockNumber' in receipt: actual_block_number = ethereum.utils.parse_int_or_hex(receipt['blockNumber']) else: ## TODO: wasn't confirmed after a long time. actual_block_number = False ## Now compare against the block_number where it was actually included: if actual_block_number is not False: if callback is not False: callback(receipt) del self.pending_transactions[tx] return had_any_events def _start_background_thread(self, terminate_on_exception = False, ): last_event = False while True: try: had_any_events = self.loop_once_blockchain() except Exception as e: print ('-----LOOP_ONCE_EXCEPTION', e) #exit(-1) raise if terminate_on_exception: raise continue if had_any_events: last_event = time() else: print ('NO_NEW_EVENTS', last_event and (time() - last_event)) sleep(self.background_thread_sleep_time) def start_background_thread(self, start_in_foreground = False, terminate_on_exception = False, ): """ Start ContractWrapper loop_once() in background thread, which (in that thread!) calls back to self.process_event() """ if start_in_foreground: self._start_background_thread(terminate_on_exception = terminate_on_exception) else: self.t = Thread(target = self._start_background_thread, args = (terminate_on_exception,), ) self.t.daemon = True self.t.start() def loop_once_blockchain(self): ## Check for available write receipts: #self.poll_outgoing_receipts() self.loop_once_started = True ## Do write transactions transactions: while self.send_transaction_queue.qsize(): print ('TRY_TO_SEND') tries, args, kw = self.send_transaction_queue.get() try: self.inner_send_transaction(*args, **kw) except Exception as e: print ('FAILED_TO_SEND', e, tries, args, kw) sleep(1) ## TODO self.send_transaction_queue.put((tries + 1, args, kw)) break
print x assert v == x db_name = 'db_name' k = 'my_key' v = '0xabcdef' print c.db_putHex(db_name, k, v) x = c.db_getHex(db_name, k) print x assert v == x ################################################################################ print '*' * 80 b = (199583, '0x19d761c6f944eefe91ad70b9aff3d2d76c972e5bb68c443eea7c0eaa144cef9f') print c.eth_getBlockByHash(b[1], tx_objects=False) for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', b[0]]: print c.eth_getBlockByNumber(x, tx_objects=False) tx = '0x12cd5d9a82049154c8990214a551479853d1bfe45852688833bc4ef86a29b1a3' print c.eth_getTransactionByHash(tx) ################################################################################ print '*' * 80 code = 'contract Test {}' print c.eth_compileSolidity(code) #code = '' #print c.eth_compileSerpent(code)
# assert v == x # db_name = 'db_name' # k = 'my_key' # v = '0xabcdef' # print(geth_client.db_putHex(db_name, k, v)) # x = geth_client.db_getHex(db_name, k) # print(x) # assert v == x ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) b = (199583, '0x19d761c6f944eefe91ad70b9aff3d2d76c972e5bb68c443eea7c0eaa144cef9f') print(geth_client.eth_getBlockByHash(b[1], tx_objects=False)) for x in ['earliest', 'latest', 'pending', b[0]]: print(geth_client.eth_getBlockByNumber(x, tx_objects=False)) tx = '0x12cd5d9a82049154c8990214a551479853d1bfe45852688833bc4ef86a29b1a3' print(geth_client.eth_getTransactionByHash(tx)) ################################################################################ print('*' * 80) code = 'contract Test {}' print(geth_client.eth_compileSolidity(code)) #code = '' #print(geth_client.eth_compileSerpent(code)