def __init__(self, alert_message_queue, event_loop): self.predictors = {} self.alert_message_queue = alert_message_queue self.predict_task_futures = {} self.loop = event_loop self.cloudwatch_logger = Cloudwatch() self.model = os.getenv('suppression_model', 'trews') # Start monitoring task self.loop.create_task(self.monitor_predictors())
def __init__(self, hospital, lookback_hours, jhapi_server, jhapi_id, jhapi_secret, lookback_days=None, op_lookback_days=None): if jhapi_server not in servers: raise ValueError("Incorrect server provided") if int(lookback_hours) > 72: raise ValueError("Lookback hours must be less than 72 hours") self.jhapi_server = jhapi_server self.server = servers[jhapi_server] = hospital self.lookback_hours = int(lookback_hours) self.lookback_days = int(lookback_days) if lookback_days else int(int(lookback_hours)/24.0 + 1) self.op_lookback_days = op_lookback_days self.from_date = ( + dt.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') tomorrow = + dt.timedelta(days=1) self.dateFrom = (tomorrow - dt.timedelta(days=self.lookback_days)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') self.dateTo = tomorrow.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') self.headers = { 'client_id': jhapi_id, 'client_secret': jhapi_secret, 'User-Agent': '' } self.cloudwatch_logger = Cloudwatch()
def __init__(self, event_loop, alert_server_port=31000, alert_dns=''): self.db = Database() self.loop = event_loop self.alert_message_queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=event_loop) self.predictor_manager = PredictorManager(self.alert_message_queue, self.loop) self.alert_server_port = alert_server_port self.alert_dns = alert_dns = os.getenv('etl_channel', 'on_opsdx_dev_etl') self.suppression_tasks = {} self.model = os.getenv('suppression_model', 'trews') self.TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION = int(os.getenv('TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION', 0)) self.notify_web = int(os.getenv('notify_web', 0)) self.lookbackhours = int(os.getenv('TREWS_ETL_HOURS', 24)) self.nprocs = int(os.getenv('nprocs', 2)) self.hospital_to_predict = os.getenv('hospital_to_predict', 'HCGH') self.push_based = bool(os.getenv('push_based', 0)) self.workspace = os.getenv('workspace', 'workspace') self.cloudwatch_logger = Cloudwatch() self.job_status = {}
from aiohttp import web from aiohttp.web import Response, json_response from aiocache import LRUMemoryCache from aiocache.plugins import HitMissRatioPlugin from etllib import extractor from etl.mappings.flowsheet_ids import flowsheet_ids import etl.io_config.core as core import json import pandas as pd from etl.io_config.cloudwatch import Cloudwatch EPIC_WEB_REQUEST_INTERVAL_SECS = int(core.get_environment_var('EPIC_WEB_REQUEST_INTERVAL_SECS', 10)) SWITCH_WEB_REQUEST = int(core.get_environment_var('SWITCH_WEB_REQUEST', 1)) CLOUDWATCH_ON = int(core.get_environment_var('CLOUDWATCH_ON', 0)) cloudwatch_logger = Cloudwatch() order_extraction = { extractor.extract_active_procedures, extractor.extract_lab_orders, extractor.extract_med_orders } med_order_extraction = { extractor.extract_med_orders } med_admin_extraction = { extractor.extract_med_admin }
class AlertServer: def __init__(self, event_loop, alert_server_port=31000, alert_dns=''): self.db = Database() self.loop = event_loop self.alert_message_queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=event_loop) self.predictor_manager = PredictorManager(self.alert_message_queue, self.loop) self.alert_server_port = alert_server_port self.alert_dns = alert_dns = os.getenv('etl_channel', 'on_opsdx_dev_etl') self.suppression_tasks = {} self.model = os.getenv('suppression_model', 'trews') self.TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION = int(os.getenv('TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION', 0)) self.notify_web = int(os.getenv('notify_web', 0)) self.lookbackhours = int(os.getenv('TREWS_ETL_HOURS', 24)) self.nprocs = int(os.getenv('nprocs', 2)) self.hospital_to_predict = os.getenv('hospital_to_predict', 'HCGH') self.push_based = bool(os.getenv('push_based', 0)) self.workspace = os.getenv('workspace', 'workspace') self.cloudwatch_logger = Cloudwatch() self.job_status = {} async def async_init(self): self.db_pool = await self.db.get_connection_pool() async def convert_enc_ids_to_pat_ids(self, enc_ids): ''' Return a list of pat_ids from their corresponding enc_ids ''' async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn: sql = ''' SELECT distinct pat_id FROM pat_enc where enc_id in ({}) '''.format(','.join([str(i) for i in enc_ids])) pat_ids = await conn.fetch(sql) return pat_ids async def suppression(self, pat_id, tsp): ''' Alert suppression task for a single patient and notify frontend that the patient has updated''' async def criteria_ready(conn, pat_id, tsp): ''' criteria is ready when 1. criteria is updated after tsp 2. no new data in criteria_meas within lookbackhours (ETL will not update criteria) ''' sql = ''' SELECT count(*) > 0 or (select count(*) = 0 from criteria_meas m where m.pat_id = '{pat_id}' and now() - tsp < (select value::interval from parameters where name = 'lookbackhours')) ready FROM criteria where pat_id = '{pat_id}' and update_date > '{tsp}'::timestamptz '''.format(pat_id=pat_id, tsp=tsp) cnt = await conn.fetch(sql) return cnt[0]['ready'] async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn: n = 0 N = 60"enter suppression task for {} - {}".format( pat_id, tsp)) while not await criteria_ready(conn, pat_id, tsp): await asyncio.sleep(10) n += 1"retry criteria_ready {} times for {}".format( n, pat_id)) if n >= 60: break if n < 60:"criteria is ready for {}".format(pat_id)) sql = ''' select update_suppression_alert('{pat_id}', '{channel}', '{model}', '{notify}'); '''.format(pat_id=pat_id,, model=self.model, notify=self.notify_web)"suppression sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) "generate suppression alert for {}".format(pat_id)) else:"criteria is not ready for {}".format(pat_id)) def garbage_collect_suppression_tasks(self, hosp): for task in self.suppression_tasks.get(hosp, []): task.cancel() self.suppression_tasks[hosp] = [] async def alert_queue_consumer(self): ''' Check message queue and process messages '''"alert_queue_consumer started") while True: msg = await self.alert_message_queue.get()"alert_message_queue recv msg: {}".format(msg)) # Predictor finished if msg.get('type') == 'FIN': if self.model == 'lmc' or self.model == 'trews-jit': if self.TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION == 1: suppression_future = asyncio.ensure_future( self.run_suppression(msg), loop=self.loop) elif self.TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION == 2: suppression_future = asyncio.ensure_future( self.run_suppression_mode_2(msg), loop=self.loop) else: logging.error("Unknown model: {}".format(self.model)) # self.suppression_tasks[msg['hosp']].append(suppression_future) #"create {model} suppression task for {}".format(self.model,msg['hosp']))"alert_queue_consumer quit") async def suppression(self, pat_id, tsp): ''' Alert suppression task for a single patient and notify frontend that the patient has updated''' async def run_suppression_mode_2(self, msg): t_fin = # if msg['hosp']+msg['time'] in self.job_status: if msg['job_id'] in self.job_status: t_start = self.job_status[msg['job_id']]['t_start'] self.cloudwatch_logger.push_many( dimension_name='AlertServer', metric_names=[ 'prediction_time_{}{}'.format( msg['hosp'], '_push' if self.push_based else ''), 'prediction_enc_cnt_in_{}{}'.format( msg['hosp'], '_push' if self.push_based else ''), 'prediction_enc_cnt_out_{}{}'.format( msg['hosp'], '_push' if self.push_based else '') ], metric_values=[(t_fin - t_start).total_seconds(), len(msg['enc_ids']), len(msg['predicted_enc_ids'])], metric_units=['Seconds', 'Count', 'Count'])"start to run suppression mode 2 for msg {}".format(msg)) tsp = msg['time'] enc_id_str = ','.join([str(i) for i in msg['enc_ids'] if i]) hospital = msg['hosp']"received FIN for enc_ids: {}".format(enc_id_str)) # calculate criteria here # NOTE: I turst the enc_ids from FIN msg async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn: if self.notify_web: if self.push_based: job_id = msg['job_id'] await self.calculate_criteria_enc(conn, msg['enc_ids']) sql = ''' with pats as ( select p.enc_id, p.pat_id from pat_enc p where p.enc_id in ({enc_ids}) ), refreshed as ( insert into refreshed_pats (refreshed_tsp, pats) select now(), jsonb_agg(pat_id) from pats returning id ) select pg_notify('{channel}', 'invalidate_cache_batch:' || id || ':' || '{model}') from refreshed; '''.format(, model=self.model, enc_ids=enc_id_str) else: await self.calculate_criteria_hospital(conn, hospital) sql = ''' with pats as ( select p.enc_id, p.pat_id from pat_enc p inner join get_latest_enc_ids('{hosp}') e on p.enc_id = e.enc_id ), refreshed as ( insert into refreshed_pats (refreshed_tsp, pats) select now(), jsonb_agg(pat_id) from pats returning id ) select pg_notify('{channel}', 'invalidate_cache_batch:' || id || ':' || '{model}') from refreshed; '''.format(, model=self.model, enc_id_str=enc_id_str, hosp=msg['hosp'])"trews alert sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql)"generated trews alert for {}".format(hospital)) "complete to run suppression mode 2 for msg {}".format(msg)) t_end = if msg['job_id'] in self.job_status: t_start = self.job_status[msg['job_id']]['t_start'] self.cloudwatch_logger.push_many( dimension_name='AlertServer', metric_names=[ 'e2e_time_{}{}'.format(msg['hosp'], '_push' if self.push_based else ''), 'criteria_time_{}{}'.format( msg['hosp'], '_push' if self.push_based else ''), ], metric_values=[ (t_end - t_start).total_seconds(), (t_end - t_fin).total_seconds(), ], metric_units=['Seconds', 'Seconds']) self.job_status.pop(msg['job_id'], None) async def run_suppression(self, msg): # Wait for Advance Criteria Snapshot to finish and then start generating notifications"start to run suppression for msg {}".format(msg)) tsp = msg['time'] pat_ids = await self.convert_enc_ids_to_pat_ids(msg['enc_ids']) pats_str = ','.join([str(i) for i in pat_ids]) hospital = msg['hosp']"received FIN for enc_ids: {}".format(pats_str)) async def criteria_ready(conn, enc_ids, tsp): ''' criteria is ready when 1. criteria is updated after tsp 2. no new data in criteria_meas within lookbackhours (ETL will not update criteria) ''' sql = ''' with pats as ( select distinct enc_id from criteria where enc_id in ({enc_ids}) ), updated_pats as ( select distinct enc_id from criteria where enc_id in ({enc_ids}) and update_date >= '{tsp}'::timestamptz ) SELECT * from pats except select * from updated_pats '''.format(enc_ids=enc_ids, tsp=tsp) cnt = await conn.fetch(sql) if cnt is None or len(cnt) == 0:"criteria is ready") return True else:"criteria is not ready ({})".format(len(cnt))) return False async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn: n = 0 N = 60"enter suppression task for {}".format(msg)) while not await criteria_ready(conn, pats_str, tsp): await asyncio.sleep(10) n += 1"retry criteria_ready {} times for {}".format( n, pats_str)) if n >= 60: break if n < 60: if self.notify_web: sql = ''' with pats as ( select enc_id, pat_id from pat_enc where enc_id in ({pats}) ), alerts as ( select update_suppression_alert(enc_id, '{channel}', '{model}', 'false') from pats), refreshed as ( insert into refreshed_pats (refreshed_tsp, pats) select now(), jsonb_agg(pat_id) from pats returning id ) select pg_notify('{channel}', 'invalidate_cache_batch:' || id || ':' || '{model}') from refreshed; '''.format(, model=self.model, pats=pats_str) else: sql = ''' with pats as ( select enc_id from pat_enc where enc_id in ({pats}) ) select update_suppression_alert(enc_id, '{channel}', '{model}', 'false') from pats) '''.format(, model=self.model, pats=pats_str)"lmc suppression sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) "generate suppression alert for {}".format(hospital)) else:"criteria is not ready for {}".format(pats_str)) async def distribute_calculate_criteria(self, conn, job_id): server = 'dev_db' if 'dev' in else 'prod_db' hospital = None if 'hcgh' in job_id: hospital = 'HCGH' elif 'bmc' in job_id: hospital = 'BMC' elif 'jhh' in job_id: hospital = 'JHH' else: logging.error("Invalid job id: {}".format(job_id)) if hospital: sql = "select garbage_collection('{}');".format(hospital)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) sql = ''' select distribute_advance_criteria_snapshot_for_job('{server}', {hours}, '{job_id}', {nprocs}); '''.format(server=server, hours=self.lookbackhours, job_id=job_id, nprocs=self.nprocs)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) async def distribute_calculate_criteria_hospital(self, conn, hospital): server = 'dev_db' if 'dev' in else 'prod_db' sql = "select garbage_collection('{}');".format(hospital)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) sql = ''' select distribute_advance_criteria_snapshot_for_online_hospital('{server}', '{hospital}', {nprocs}); '''.format(server=server, hospital=hospital, nprocs=self.nprocs)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) async def calculate_criteria_hospital(self, conn, hospital): sql = "select garbage_collection('{}', '{}');".format( hospital, self.workspace)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) sql = ''' select advance_criteria_snapshot(enc_id) from get_latest_enc_ids('{hospital}'); '''.format(hospital=hospital)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) async def calculate_criteria_enc(self, conn, enc_ids): sql = "select garbage_collection_enc_ids(array[{}],'{}')".format( ','.join([str(enc_id) for enc_id in enc_ids]), self.workspace)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) sql = 'select advance_criteria_snapshot_enc_ids(array[{}])'.format( ','.join([str(enc_id) for enc_id in enc_ids]))"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql)"complete calculate_criteria_enc") async def calculate_criteria_push(self, conn, job_id, excluded=None): sql = ''' select garbage_collection(enc_id, '{workspace}') from (select distinct enc_id from {workspace}.cdm_t where job_id = '{job_id}' {where}) e; '''.format(workspace=self.workspace, job_id=job_id, where=excluded)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) sql = ''' select advance_criteria_snapshot_batch( 'select distinct enc_id from {workspace}.cdm_t where job_id = ''{job_id}'' {where}' ); '''.format(workspace=self.workspace, job_id=job_id, where=excluded) # sql = ''' # select advance_criteria_snapshot(enc_id) # from (select distinct enc_id from {workspace}.cdm_t # where job_id = '{job_id}' {where}) e; # '''.format(workspace=self.workspace, job_id=job_id, where=excluded)"calculate_criteria sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql)"complete calculate_criteria_enc") async def get_enc_ids_to_predict(self, job_id): async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn: # rule to select predictable enc_ids: # 1. has changes delta twf > 0 # 2. adult # 3. HCGH patients only sql = ''' select distinct t.enc_id from {workspace}.cdm_t t inner join cdm_twf twf on t.enc_id = twf.enc_id left join {workspace}.{job_id}_cdm_twf twf_delta on twf_delta.enc_id = t.enc_id left join {workspace}.{job_id}_cdm_twf_del twf_del on twf_del.enc_id = t.enc_id inner join cdm_s s on twf.enc_id = s.enc_id inner join cdm_s s2 on twf.enc_id = s2.enc_id where s.fid = 'age' and s.value::float >= 18.0 and s2.fid = 'hospital' and s2.value = 'HCGH' and job_id = '{job_id}' and (twf_delta.enc_id is not null or twf_del.enc_id is not null) '''.format(workspace=self.workspace, job_id=job_id) res = await conn.fetch(sql) predict_enc_ids = [row[0] for row in res] return predict_enc_ids async def run_trews_alert(self, job_id, hospital, excluded_enc_ids=None): async with self.db_pool.acquire() as conn: if self.push_based and hospital == 'PUSH': # calculate criteria here excluded = '' if excluded_enc_ids: excluded = 'and enc_id not in ({})'.format(','.join( [str(id) for id in excluded_enc_ids])) await self.calculate_criteria_push(conn, job_id, excluded=excluded) if self.notify_web: sql = ''' with pats as ( select e.enc_id, p.pat_id from ( select distinct enc_id from {workspace}.cdm_t where job_id = '{job_id}' {where} ) e inner join pat_enc p on e.enc_id = p.enc_id ), refreshed as ( insert into refreshed_pats (refreshed_tsp, pats) select now(), jsonb_agg(pat_id) from pats returning id ) select pg_notify('{channel}', 'invalidate_cache_batch:' || id || ':' || '{model}') from refreshed; '''.format(, model=self.model, where=excluded, workspace=self.workspace, job_id=job_id)"trews alert sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) "generated trews alert for {} without prediction". format(hospital)) elif self.TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION == 2: # calculate criteria here await self.calculate_criteria_hospital(conn, hospital) if self.notify_web: sql = ''' with pats as ( select e.enc_id, p.pat_id from get_latest_enc_ids('{hospital}') e inner join pat_enc p on e.enc_id = p.enc_id ), refreshed as ( insert into refreshed_pats (refreshed_tsp, pats) select now(), jsonb_agg(pat_id) from pats returning id ) select pg_notify('{channel}', 'invalidate_cache_batch:' || id || ':' || '{model}') from refreshed; '''.format(, model=self.model, hospital=hospital)"trews alert sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) "generated trews alert for {}".format(hospital)) elif self.TREWS_ETL_SUPPRESSION == 1: if self.notify_web: sql = ''' with pats as ( select e.enc_id, p.pat_id from get_latest_enc_ids('{hospital}') e inner join pat_enc p on e.enc_id = p.enc_id ), alerts as ( select update_suppression_alert(enc_id, '{channel}', '{model}', 'false') from pats), refreshed as ( insert into refreshed_pats (refreshed_tsp, pats) select now(), jsonb_agg(pat_id) from pats returning id ) select pg_notify('{channel}', 'invalidate_cache_batch:' || id || ':' || '{model}') from refreshed; '''.format(, model=self.model, hospital=hospital) else: sql = ''' select update_suppression_alert(enc_id, '{channel}', '{model}', 'false') from (select distinct t.enc_id from cdm_t t inner join get_latest_enc_ids('{hospital}') h on h.enc_id = t.enc_id where now() - tsp < (select value::interval from parameters where name = 'lookbackhours')) sub; '''.format(, model=self.model, hospital=hospital)"trews suppression sql: {}".format(sql)) await conn.fetch(sql) "generate trews suppression alert for {}".format(hospital)) async def connection_handler(self, reader, writer): ''' Alert server connection handler ''' addr = writer.transport.get_extra_info('peername') sock = writer.transport.get_extra_info('socket') if not addr: logging.error( 'Connection made without a valid remote address, (Timeout %s)' % str(sock.gettimeout())) return else: logging.debug('Connection from %s (Timeout %s)' % (str(addr), str(sock.gettimeout()))) # Get the message that started this callback function message = await protocol.read_message(reader, writer)"connection_handler: recv msg from {} type {}".format( message.get('from'), message.get('type'))) if message.get('from') == 'predictor': return await self.predictor_manager.register( reader, writer, message) elif message.get('type') == 'ETL': self.cloudwatch_logger.push_many( dimension_name='AlertServer', metric_names=['etl_done_{}'.format(message['hosp'])], metric_values=[1], metric_units=['Count']) # self.job_status[message['hosp'] + message['time']] = { # 'msg': message, 't_start': # } if self.model == 'lmc' or self.model == 'trews-jit': job_id_items = message['job_id'].split('_') t_start = parser.parse(job_id_items[-1] if len(job_id_items) == 4 else job_id_items[-2]) if self.push_based: # create predict task for predictor predict_enc_ids = await self.get_enc_ids_to_predict( message['job_id']) if predict_enc_ids: self.job_status[message['job_id']] = { 't_start': t_start } self.predictor_manager.cancel_predict_tasks( job_id=message['job_id']) self.predictor_manager.create_predict_tasks( hosp=message['hosp'], time=message['time'], job_id=message['job_id'], active_encids=predict_enc_ids) else:"predict_enc_ids is None or empty") # create criteria update task for patients who do not need to predict t_fin = await self.run_trews_alert( message['job_id'], message['hosp'], excluded_enc_ids=predict_enc_ids) t_end = self.cloudwatch_logger.push_many( dimension_name='AlertServer', metric_names=[ 'e2e_time_{}{}'.format( message['hosp'], '_short' if self.push_based else ''), 'criteria_time_{}{}'.format( message['hosp'], '_short' if self.push_based else ''), ], metric_values=[ (t_end - t_start).total_seconds(), (t_end - t_fin).total_seconds(), ], metric_units=['Seconds', 'Seconds']) elif message.get('hosp') in self.hospital_to_predict: if self.model == 'lmc': self.garbage_collect_suppression_tasks(message['hosp']) self.job_status[message['job_id']] = {'t_start': t_start} self.predictor_manager.cancel_predict_tasks( job_id=message['hosp']) self.predictor_manager.create_predict_tasks( hosp=message['hosp'], time=message['time'], job_id=message['job_id']) else:"skip prediction for msg: {}".format(message)) t_fin = await self.run_trews_alert(message['job_id'], message['hosp']) t_end = self.cloudwatch_logger.push_many( dimension_name='AlertServer', metric_names=[ 'e2e_time_{}'.format(message['hosp']), 'criteria_time_{}'.format(message['hosp']), ], metric_values=[ (t_end - t_start).total_seconds(), (t_end - t_fin).total_seconds(), ], metric_units=['Seconds', 'Seconds']) elif self.model == 'trews': await self.run_trews_alert(message['job_id'], message['hosp']) else: logging.error("Unknown suppression model {}".format( self.model)) else: logging.error("Don't know how to process this message") def start(self): ''' Start the alert server and queue consumer ''' self.loop.run_until_complete(self.async_init()) consumer_future = asyncio.ensure_future(self.alert_queue_consumer()) server_future = self.loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.start_server(self.connection_handler, self.alert_dns, self.alert_server_port, loop=self.loop))'Serving on {}'.format( server_future.sockets[0].getsockname())) # Run server until Ctrl+C is pressed try: self.loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Exiting") consumer_future.cancel() # Close the server'received stop signal, cancelling tasks...') for task in asyncio.Task.all_tasks(): task.cancel()'bye, exiting in a minute...') server_future.close() self.loop.run_until_complete(server_future.wait_closed()) self.loop.stop() finally: self.loop.close()
class PredictorManager: def __init__(self, alert_message_queue, event_loop): self.predictors = {} self.alert_message_queue = alert_message_queue self.predict_task_futures = {} self.loop = event_loop self.cloudwatch_logger = Cloudwatch() self.model = os.getenv('suppression_model', 'trews') # Start monitoring task self.loop.create_task(self.monitor_predictors()) async def monitor_predictors(self): ''' Monitor predictors and log current status in cloudwatch every 30 seconds ''' while True: # Build list of tuples of cloudwatch info (name, value, unit) metric_tuples = [] # Get overall predictor info metric_tuples.append( ('push_num_predictors', int(len(self.predictors)), 'Count')) # Send individual predictor info to cloudwatch for pred_id, pred in self.predictors.items(): metric_tuples += [ ('push_predictor_{}_{}_{}_status'.format(*pred_id), STATUS_DICT[pred.status], 'None'), ]"cloudwatch metrics: {}".format(metric_tuples)) # Send all info to cloudwatch self.cloudwatch_logger.push_many( dimension_name='LMCPredictors', metric_names=[metric[0] for metric in metric_tuples], metric_values=[metric[1] for metric in metric_tuples], metric_units=[metric[2] for metric in metric_tuples]) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def register(self, reader, writer, msg): ''' Register connection from a predictor ''' # Create predictor object pred = Predictor(reader, writer, msg['status'], msg['node_index'], msg['partition_index'], msg['model_type'], msg['is_active'], msg['ip_address'], self) # Cancel any existing predictor with same id if in self.predictors: self.predictors[].shutdown = True # Save predictor in data structure self.predictors[] = pred"Registered {}".format(pred)) # Start listener loop return await pred.listen(self.alert_message_queue) def get_partition_ids(self): return set([p.partition_index for p in self.predictors.values()]) def get_model_types(self): return set([p.model_type for p in self.predictors.values()]) def cancel_predict_tasks(self, job_id): ''' Cancel the existing tasks for previous ETL '''"cancel the existing tasks for previous ETL") for future in self.predict_task_futures.get(job_id, []): future.cancel()"{} cancelled".format(future)) def create_predict_tasks(self, hosp, time, job_id, active_encids=None): ''' Start all predictors '''"Starting all predictors for ETL {} {} {} {}".format( hosp, time, job_id, active_encids)) self.predict_task_futures[job_id] = [] for pid in self.get_partition_ids(): for model in self.get_model_types(): future = asyncio.ensure_future(self.run_predict( pid, model, hosp, time, job_id, active_encids), loop=self.loop) self.predict_task_futures[job_id].append(future)"Started {} predictors".format( len(self.predict_task_futures[job_id]))) async def run_predict(self, partition_id, model_type, hosp, time, job_id, active_encids, active=True): ''' Start a predictor for a given partition id and model ''' backoff = 1 # Start the predictor "start the predictors for {} at {}: partition_id {} model_type {}". format(hosp, time, partition_id, model_type)) while True: pred = self.predictors.get((partition_id, model_type, active)) if pred and pred.status != 'DEAD': try: predictor_started = await pred.start_predictor( hosp, time, job_id, active_encids) break except (ConnectionRefusedError) as e: err = e else: err = '{} dead'.format( predictor_str(partition_id, model_type, active)) if self.model == 'trews-jit': return else: # Log reason for error logging.error("{} -- trying {} predictor {}".format( err, 'backup' if active else 'active', humanize.naturaltime( + dt.timedelta(seconds=backoff)))) # Switch to backup if active (and vice versa) active = not active await asyncio.sleep(backoff) backoff = backoff * 2 if backoff < 64 else backoff # Check status if predictor_started == False: return None
class JHAPIConfig: def __init__(self, hospital, lookback_hours, jhapi_server, jhapi_id, jhapi_secret, lookback_days=None, op_lookback_days=None): if jhapi_server not in servers: raise ValueError("Incorrect server provided") if int(lookback_hours) > 72: raise ValueError("Lookback hours must be less than 72 hours") self.jhapi_server = jhapi_server self.server = servers[jhapi_server] = hospital self.lookback_hours = int(lookback_hours) self.lookback_days = int(lookback_days) if lookback_days else int(int(lookback_hours)/24.0 + 1) self.op_lookback_days = op_lookback_days self.from_date = ( + dt.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') tomorrow = + dt.timedelta(days=1) self.dateFrom = (tomorrow - dt.timedelta(days=self.lookback_days)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') self.dateTo = tomorrow.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') self.headers = { 'client_id': jhapi_id, 'client_secret': jhapi_secret, 'User-Agent': '' } self.cloudwatch_logger = Cloudwatch() def make_requests(self, ctxt, endpoint, payloads, http_method='GET', url_type=None, server_type='internal'): # Define variables server = self.server if server_type == 'internal' else servers['{}-{}'.format(self.jhapi_server, server_type)] url = "{}{}".format(server, endpoint) request_settings = self.generate_request_settings(http_method, url, payloads, url_type) semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(ctxt.flags.JHAPI_SEMAPHORE, loop=ctxt.loop) base = ctxt.flags.JHAPI_BACKOFF_BASE max_backoff = ctxt.flags.JHAPI_BACKOFF_MAX session_attempts = ctxt.flags.JHAPI_ATTEMPTS_SESSION request_attempts = ctxt.flags.JHAPI_ATTEMPTS_REQUEST # Asyncronous task to make a request async def fetch(session, sem, setting): success = 0 error = 0 for i in range(request_attempts): try: async with sem: async with session.request(**setting) as response: if response.status != 200: body = await response.text() logging.error("Status={}\tMessage={}\tRequest={}".format(response.status, body, setting)) response = None error += 1 else: response = await response.json() success += 1 break except IOError as e: if i < request_attempts - 1 and not e.errno in (104): # Connection reset by peer logging.error(e) wait_time = min(((base**i) + random.uniform(0, 1)), max_backoff) sleep(wait_time) else: logging.error("Request IOError: Request={}".format(setting)) raise Exception("Fail to request URL {}".format(url)) except Exception as e: logging.error("Request exception: Request={}".format(setting)) if i < request_attempts - 1 and str(e) != 'Session is closed': logging.error(e) wait_time = min(((base**i) + random.uniform(0, 1)), max_backoff) sleep(wait_time) else: raise Exception("Fail to request URL {}".format(url)) return response, i+1, success, error # Get the client session and create a task for each request async def run(request_settings, semaphore, loop): async with ClientSession(headers=self.headers, loop=ctxt.loop) as session: tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(session, semaphore, setting), loop=loop) for setting in request_settings] return await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Start the run task to make all requests for attempt in range(session_attempts): try: task = run(request_settings, semaphore, ctxt.loop) future = asyncio.ensure_future(task, loop=ctxt.loop) ctxt.loop.run_until_complete(future) break except Exception as e: if attempt < session_attempts - 1: logging.error("Session Error Caught for URL {}, retrying... {} times".format(url, attempt+1)) logging.exception(e) wait_time = min(((base**attempt) + random.uniform(0, 1)), max_backoff) sleep(wait_time) else: raise Exception("Session failed for URL {}".format(url)) # Push number of requests to cloudwatch"Made {} requests".format(sum(x[1] for x in future.result()))) self.cloudwatch_logger.push( dimension_name = 'ETL', metric_name = 'requests_made', value = sum(x[1] for x in future.result()), unit = 'Count' ) label = + '_' + endpoint.replace('/', '_') + '_' + http_method self.cloudwatch_logger.push_many( dimension_name = 'ETL', metric_names = ['{}_success'.format(label), '{}_error'.format(label), 'jh_api_request_success', 'jh_api_request_error'], metric_values = [sum(x[2] for x in future.result()), sum(x[3] for x in future.result()), sum(x[2] for x in future.result()), sum(x[3] for x in future.result())], metric_units = ['Count','Count','Count','Count'] ) # Return responses return [x[0] for x in future.result()] def generate_request_settings(self, http_method, url, payloads=None, url_type=None): request_settings = [] if url_type == 'rest' and http_method == 'GET': for payload in payloads: u = url + payload request_settings.append({'method': http_method,'url': u}) else: for payload in payloads: setting = { 'method': http_method, 'url': url } if payload is not None: key = 'params' if http_method == 'GET' else 'json' setting[key] = payload request_settings.append(setting) return request_settings def extract_bedded_patients(self, ctxt, hospital, limit=None): resource = '/facilities/hospital/' + + '/beddedpatients' responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, [None], 'GET') if limit:"max_num_pats = {}".format(limit)) df = pd.DataFrame(responses[0]).head(limit) if limit else pd.DataFrame(responses[0]) if df.empty: ctxt.log.error("No beddedpatients.") sys.exit() return df.assign(hospital = hospital) def extract_ed_patients(self, ctxt, hospital, limit=None): resource = '/facilities/hospital/' + + '/edptntlist?eddept=ADULT' responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, [None], 'GET') if limit:"max_num_pats = {}".format(limit)) df = pd.DataFrame(responses[0]).head(limit) if limit else pd.DataFrame(responses[0]) return df.assign(hospital = hospital) def combine(self, response_list, to_merge): if type(response_list) != list: raise TypeError("First argument must be a list of responses") dfs = pd.DataFrame() for idx, df in enumerate(response_list): if not df.empty: dfs = pd.concat([dfs, df.assign(index_col=idx)]) if dfs.empty: return dfs return pd.merge(dfs, to_merge, how='inner', left_on='index_col', right_index=True, sort=False).drop('index_col', axis=1) def extract_ed_patients_mrn(self, ctxt, ed_patients): resource = '/patients/mrn/' payloads = [row['pat_id'] for i, row in ed_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET', url_type='rest') def calculate_age(born): today = return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, < (born.month, for r in responses: pat_id = [pid["ID"] for pid in r[0]['IDs'] if pid['Type'] == 'EMRN'][0] sex = r[0]['Sex'] gender = 0 if sex == 'Female' else 1 dob = parse(r[0]["DateOfBirth"]) age = calculate_age(dob) ed_patients.loc[ed_patients.pat_id == pat_id,'age'] = age ed_patients.loc[ed_patients.pat_id == pat_id,'gender'] = gender return ed_patients def extract_chiefcomplaint(self, ctxt, beddedpatients): resource = '/patients/getdata/chiefcomplaint' payloads = [{ "ContactID": { "ID": pat['visit_id'], "Type": "CSN" }, "DataFormat": None, "Items": [ { "ItemNumber": "18100", "LineRange": { "From": 1, "To": 10 } } ], "RecordID": { "ID": pat['pat_id'], "Type":"EMRN" } } for _, pat in beddedpatients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'POST', server_type='epic') for r in responses: if r: raw_items = r['Items'][0] new_items = '[' + ','.join(["{{\"reason\" : \"{}\"}}".format(reason) for reason in [item['Value'] for item in raw_items['Lines'] if item['LineNumber'] > 0]]) + ']' r['Items'] = new_items r['RecordIDs'] = None r['ContactIDs'] = [id for id in r['ContactIDs'] if id['Type'] == 'CSN'] dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r) for r in responses] df = self.combine(dfs, beddedpatients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) return df def extract_flowsheets(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/patients/flowsheetrows' flowsheet_row_ids = [] for fid, internal_id_list in flowsheet_ids: for internal_id in internal_id_list: flowsheet_row_ids.append({'ID': str(internal_id), 'Type': 'Internal'}) payloads = [{ 'ContactID': pat['visit_id'], 'ContactIDType': 'CSN', 'FlowsheetRowIDs': flowsheet_row_ids, 'LookbackHours': self.lookback_hours, 'PatientID': pat['pat_id'], 'PatientIDType': 'EMRN' } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'POST') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r) for r in responses] return self.combine(dfs, bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def extract_active_procedures(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/facilities/hospital/' + + '/orders/activeprocedures' payloads = [{'csn': pat['visit_id']} for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r) for r in responses] return self.combine(dfs, bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def extract_treatmentteam(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/patients/treatmentteam' payloads = [{ 'id': pat['visit_id'], 'idtype': 'csn' } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r['TreatmentTeam'] if r else None) for r in responses] return self.combine(dfs, bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def extract_lab_orders(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/patients/labs/procedure' procedure_types = [] for _, ids in lab_procedure_ids: procedure_types += ({'Type': 'INTERNAL', 'ID': str(x)} for x in ids) payloads = [{ 'Id': pat['pat_id'], 'IdType': 'patient', 'FromDate': self.from_date, 'MaxNumberOfResults': 200, 'NumberDaysToLookBack': self.lookback_days, 'ProcedureTypes': procedure_types } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'POST') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r['ProcedureResults'] if r else None) for r in responses] return self.combine(dfs, bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def extract_lab_results(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/patients/labs/component' component_types = [] for _, cidl in component_ids: component_types += ({'Type': 'INTERNAL', 'Value': str(x)} for x in cidl) payloads = [{ 'Id': pat['pat_id'], 'IdType': 'patient', 'FromDate': self.from_date, 'MaxNumberOfResults': 200, 'NumberDaysToLookBack': self.lookback_days, 'ComponentTypes': component_types } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'POST') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r['ResultComponents'] if r else None) for r in responses] return self.combine(dfs, bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def extract_loc_history(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/patients/adtlocationhistory' payloads = [{ 'id': pat['visit_id'], 'type': 'CSN' } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r) for r in responses] return self.combine(dfs, bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def extract_med_orders(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/patients/medications' payloads = [{ 'id': pat['pat_id'], 'dayslookback': str(self.lookback_days), 'searchtype': 'IP' } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] + \ [{ 'id': pat['pat_id'], 'dayslookback': str(self.op_lookback_days), 'searchtype': 'OP' } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r) for r in responses] half = len(dfs)//2 med_ip = self.combine(dfs[:half], bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) med_op = self.combine(dfs[half:], bedded_patients[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def remove_inpatient(val): if val is None or str(val) == 'nan': return val for item in val: if item == 'OrderMode' and val[item] == 'Outpatient': return val return {} med_op['MedicationOrders'] = med_op['MedicationOrders'].apply(remove_inpatient) return pd.concat([med_ip, med_op]).reset_index(drop=True) def extract_med_admin(self, ctxt, med_orders): if med_orders is None or med_orders.empty: return None else: resource = '/patients/medicationadministrationhistory' payloads = [{ 'ContactID': order['visit_id'], 'ContactIDType': 'CSN', 'OrderIDs': list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(order['ids'])), 'PatientID': order['pat_id'] } for _, order in med_orders.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'POST') dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r) for r in responses] return self.combine(dfs, med_orders[['pat_id', 'visit_id']]) def extract_notes(self, ctxt, bedded_patients): resource = '/patients/documents/list' payloads = [{ 'id' : pat['pat_id'], 'dateFrom' : self.dateFrom, 'dateTo' : self.dateTo } for _, pat in bedded_patients.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET')'#NOTES PAYLOADS: %s' % len(payloads))'#NOTES RESPONSES: %s' % len(responses)) dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r['DocumentListData'] if r else None) for r in responses] df = self.combine(dfs, bedded_patients[['pat_id']]) if not df.empty: not_empty_idx = df.Key.str.len() > 0 df = df[not_empty_idx].reset_index() return df def extract_note_texts(self, ctxt, notes): if not notes.empty: resource = '/patients/documents/text' payloads = [{ 'key' : note['Key'] } for _, note in notes.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET')'#NOTE TEXTS PAYLOADS: %s' % len(payloads))'#NOTE TEXTS RESPONSES: %s' % len(responses)) dfs = [ pd.DataFrame([{'DocumentText': r['DocumentText']}] if r else None) for r in responses ] return self.combine(dfs, notes[['Key']]) return pd.DataFrame() def extract_contacts(self, ctxt, pat_id_list): if not pat_id_list: return pd.DataFrame() resource = '/patients/contacts' pat_id_df = pd.DataFrame(pat_id_list) # Get rid of fake patients by filtering out incorrect pat_ids pat_id_df = pat_id_df[pat_id_df['pat_id'].str.contains('E.*')] payloads = [{ 'id' : pat['visit_id'], 'idtype' : 'csn', 'dateFrom' : self.dateFrom, 'dateTo' : self.dateTo, } for _, pat in pat_id_df.iterrows()] responses = self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'GET') response_dfs = [pd.DataFrame(r['Contacts'] if r else None) for r in responses] dfs = pd.concat(response_dfs) if dfs.empty: return None else: return pd.merge(pat_id_df, dfs, left_on='visit_id', right_on='CSN') def push_notifications(self, ctxt, notifications): if ctxt.flags.TREWS_ETL_EPIC_NOTIFICATIONS:"pushing notifications to epic") resource = '/patients/addflowsheetvalue' load_tz='US/Eastern' t_utc = dt.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) current_time = str(t_utc.astimezone(pytz.timezone(load_tz))) payloads = [{ 'PatientID': n['pat_id'], 'ContactID': n['visit_id'], 'UserID': 'WSEPSIS', 'FlowsheetID': '9490', 'Value': n['count'], 'InstantValueTaken': current_time, 'FlowsheetTemplateID': '304700006', } for n in notifications] for payload in payloads:'%s NOTIFY %s %s %s' % (payload['InstantValueTaken'], payload['PatientID'], payload['ContactID'], payload['Value'])) self.make_requests(ctxt, resource, payloads, 'POST')"pushed notifications to epic") else:"not pushing notifications to epic")