def preprocess(self):
     if not self.args.get('ThumbprintList.member'):
         req = GetOpenIDConnectProvider.from_other(
             self, OpenIDConnectProviderArn=self.args.get(
         url = req.main().get('Url')
         if not url:
             raise ClientError("unable to determine the provider's URL "
                               "automatically; please specify a thumbprint "
                               "with -t/--thumbprint")
         elif '://' not in url:
             # URLs seem to come back from IAM without schemes
             url = 'https://{0}'.format(url)
         self.params['ThumbprintList.member.1'] = \
             util.get_cert_fingerprint(url, log=self.log)
 def preprocess(self):
     if not self.args.get('ThumbprintList.member'):
         req = GetOpenIDConnectProvider.from_other(
         url = req.main().get('Url')
         if not url:
             raise ClientError("unable to determine the provider's URL "
                               "automatically; please specify a thumbprint "
                               "with -t/--thumbprint")
         elif '://' not in url:
             # URLs seem to come back from IAM without schemes
             url = 'https://{0}'.format(url)
         self.params['ThumbprintList.member.1'] = \
             util.get_cert_fingerprint(url, log=self.log)
 def preprocess(self):
     if not self.args.get('ThumbprintList.member'):
         self.params['ThumbprintList.member.1'] = \
             util.get_cert_fingerprint(self.args['Url'], log=self.log)
 def preprocess(self):
     if not self.args.get('ThumbprintList.member'):
         self.params['ThumbprintList.member.1'] = \
             util.get_cert_fingerprint(self.args['Url'], log=self.log)