def validate(val_loader, model, criterion, epoch): results = predict(val_loader, model) vqa_eval = get_eval(results, cfg.TEST.SPLITS[0]) # save result and accuracy result_file = os.path.join(cfg.LOG_DIR, 'result-{:03}.json'.format(epoch)) json.dump(results, open(result_file, 'w')) acc_file = os.path.join(cfg.LOG_DIR, 'accuracy-{:03}.json'.format(epoch)) json.dump(vqa_eval.accuracy, open(acc_file, 'w')) return vqa_eval.accuracy['overall']
def validate(val_loader, model, criterion, epoch, quesIds=None): results = predict(val_loader, model) if quesIds is None: vqa_eval = get_eval(results, cfg.TEST.SPLITS[0]) else: vqa_eval = get_eval_subset(results, cfg.TEST.SPLITS[0], quesIds) # save result and accuracy #result_file = os.path.join(cfg.LOG_DIR, 'result-{:03}.json'.format(epoch)) #json.dump(results, open(result_file, 'w')) #acc_file = os.path.join(cfg.LOG_DIR, 'accuracy-{:03}.json'.format(epoch)) #json.dump(vqa_eval.accuracy, open(acc_file, 'w')) print(vqa_eval.accuracy['overall']) print(vqa_eval.accuracy['perAnswerType']) return vqa_eval.accuracy['overall']
def validate(val_loader, model, criterion, epoch): # list of list of dict{'question_id': que_id,'answer': model's answer} (batch x batch_size) x dict results = predict(val_loader, model) vqa_eval = get_eval(results, 'val2014') # val2014 return vqa_eval.accuracy['overall'] # 返回所有batch,所有样本的总和accuracy
def __init__(self, model_info, split, save_dir): assert len(model_info) > 0 assert len(cfg.TEST.SPLITS) == 1 and cfg.TEST.SPLITS[0] == split model_info = sorted(model_info, key=itemgetter(0)) self._split = split self.model_info = model_info self.save_dir = save_dir # load model self._pred_ans = [] self._scores = [] self._att_weights = [] dataset = VQADataset('test', model_info[0][0]) emb_size = get_emb_size() for model_group_name, model_name, cp_file in model_info: cache_file = cp_file + '.cache' if os.path.isfile(cache_file): print("load from cache: '{}".format(cache_file)) cache = pickle.load(open(cache_file, 'rb')) self._pred_ans.append(cache['pred_ans']) self._scores.append(cache['scores']) self._att_weights.append(cache['att_weights']) continue # dataset dataset.reload_obj(model_group_name) dataloader =,, shuffle=False, num_workers=2, pin_memory=True) # model model_group = import_module('models.' + model_group_name) model = getattr(model_group, model_name)(num_words=dataset.num_words, num_ans=dataset.num_ans, emb_size=emb_size) checkpoint = torch.load(cp_file, map_location=lambda s, l: s.cuda(0)) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) model.cuda() model.eval() # predicting itoa = dataloader.dataset.codebook['itoa'] batch_att_weight = [] pred_ans = [] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() print('predicting answers...') # sample: (que_id, img, que, [obj]) for sample in bar(dataloader): # setting hook att_weight_buff = torch.FloatTensor(len(sample[0]), 36) def get_weight(self, input, output): att_weight_buff.copy_( hook = model.att_net.register_forward_hook(get_weight) # forward sample_var = [Variable(d).cuda() for d in list(sample)[1:]] score = model(*sample_var) att_weight = F.softmax(Variable(att_weight_buff)).data.numpy() batch_att_weight.append(att_weight) pred_ans.extend(format_result(sample[0], score, itoa)) hook.remove() att_weights = np.vstack(batch_att_weight) # evaluation print('evaluting results...') if split in ('train2014', 'val2014'): vqa_eval = get_eval(pred_ans, split) scores = [] for i in range(len(dataset)): qid = int(dataset[i][0]) score = vqa_eval.evalQA.get(qid) scores.append(score) else: scores = None self._pred_ans.append(pred_ans) self._scores.append(scores) self._att_weights.append(att_weights) # save cache cache = {} cache['pred_ans'] = pred_ans cache['scores'] = scores cache['att_weights'] = att_weights pickle.dump(cache, open(cache_file, 'wb')) print('done.') # load data print('load raw data...') split_fname = '{}/raw-{}.json'.format(cfg.DATA_DIR, split) self._data = json.load(open(split_fname)) print('load boxes...') self._boxes = self._load_box() # query key self._question = None self._answer = None self._condition = None # query result self._r_question = None self._r_answer = None self._r_condition = None # dirty flag self._d_question = True self._d_answer = True self._d_condition = True self.last_results = None