def boussinesq(p = {'S':0.04}, domain=[-10,10], verbose=True, Plot_Evans=False): ''' parameters contained in dictionary p ''' # # numerical infinity # if domain[0] < domain[1]: s = {'I':1,'R':domain[1],'L':domain[0]} else: raise TypeError, "Error in the specified domain" # # set STABLAB structures to local default values # # Must be called before calling emcset / Boussinesq-specific s['EvansSystems'] = EvansSystems [s,e,m,c] = emcset(s,'front',2,2,'reg_reg_polar') # # # refine the Evans function computation to achieve set relative error # c['refine'] = 'on' '''Create the Preimage Contour''' # circpnts=5; imagpnts=5; innerpnts = 5 # r=10; spread=4; zerodist=10**(-2) # ksteps = 32; lambda_steps = 0 # preimage=semicirc2(circpnts,imagpnts,innerpnts,ksteps, # r,spread,zerodist,lambda_steps) points = 10; preimage = (0.44 + 0.05*np.exp( 2*np.pi*1j*np.linspace(0,0.5,points+(points-1)*c['ksteps'])) ) '''Compute the Evans function''' out = Evans_compute(preimage,c,s,p,m,e) w = np.concatenate(( out,np.flipud(np.conj(out)) )) # # Display Evans function output and statistics # if verbose: pass # print 'Evans Computation Successful' # print 'The winding number is ', winding_number(w) titlestring = ('Parameters for the Boussinesq equation: \n ' + 'S = ' +str(p['S'])+', I = '+str(s['I'])) filestring = (os.getcwd() + '/data_Boussinesq/'+'Parameters_'+ str(p['S'])+'_'+str(s['I']) ) labelstring = 'Evans Output' format = '.pdf' # Possible formats: png, pdf, ps, eps and svg. Evans_plot(w,labelstring,titlestring, filestring, format,Plot_Evans) return
def gKdV(domain=[-5, 5], verbose=True): ''' System Parameters ''' p = {'p': 10} ''' Numerical Infinity ''' assert domain[0] < domain[1] s = {'I': 1, 'R': domain[1], 'L': domain[0]} ''' Set STABLAB structures to local default values ''' s['EvansSystems'] = EvansSystems # Must be called before calling emcset s, e, m, c = emcset(s, 'front', 2, 1, 'adj_reg_polar') ''' contains profile/ode functions specific to computing the Evans function for the gKdV equation ''' # # # refine the Evans function computation to achieve set relative error # c['refine'] = 'on' '''Create the Preimage Contour''' # circpnts=5; imagpnts=5; innerpnts = 5 # r=10; spread=4; zerodist=10**(-2) # ksteps = 32; lambda_steps = 0 # preimage=semicirc2(circpnts,imagpnts,innerpnts,ksteps,r, # spread,zerodist,lambda_steps) points = 50 preimage = (5.5 + 5 * np.exp( 2 * np.pi * 1j * np.linspace(0, 0.5, points + (points - 1) * c['ksteps']))) '''Compute the Evans function''' out = Evans_compute(preimage, c, s, p, m, e) # # Display Evans function output and statistics # w = np.concatenate((out, np.flipud(np.conj(out)))) if verbose: pass # print 'Evans Computation Successful' # print 'The winding number is ', winding_number(w) titlestring = ('Parameters for the gKdV equation: \n ' + 'p = ' + str(p['p']) + ', I = ' + str(s['I'])) filestring = (os.getcwd() + '/data_gKdV/' + 'Parameters_' + str(p['p']) + '_' + str(s['I'])) labelstring = 'Evans Output' plot_flag = False format = '.pdf' # Possible formats: png, pdf, ps, eps and svg. Evans_plot(w, labelstring, titlestring, filestring, format, Plot_B=plot_flag) return
def gKdV_profile(): ''' System Parameters ''' p = {'p': 5.2} ''' Numerical Infinity ''' domain = [-20, 20] assert domain[0] < domain[1] # s = {'I':domain[1],'R':domain[1],'L':domain[0],'side':1, # 'larray':np.array([0,1,2,3]), 'rarray':np.array([4,5,6,7])} s = { 'I': domain[1], 'R': domain[1], 'L': domain[0], 'side': 1, 'larray': np.array([0, 1]), 'rarray': np.array([2, 3]) } ''' Set STABLAB structures to local default values ''' s['EvansSystems'] = EvansSystems # Must be called before calling emcset s, e, m, c = emcset(s, 'front', 2, 1, 'adj_reg_polar') ''' contains profile/ode functions specific to computing the Evans function for the gKdV equation ''' n = 2 # g = guess(0,p) ph = [1, 0] #g[1]] sech = lambda x: 1. / np.cosh(x) # % parameters # p.p = 5.2; %p.rooot = 0.098034924900383 # p.target_p = 10; # p.s =1; % Wave speed is scaled out. See Blake's thesis. # % # % # % # s['I'] = 20; # s['R']=s['I']; s['L']=-s['I']; # s.larray = 3:4; s.rarray = 1:2; # s.side=1; # s.F=@F; # s.UL = [0;0]; s.UR = [0;0]; [s, e, m, c] = emcset(s, 'front', 2, 1, 'reg_reg_polar') # m.method = @drury; # m.options['R']elTol = 1e-6; m.options.AbsTol = 1e-7; # # p_span = [0,0,p.p: .005: p.target_p]; # %rec contains the parameter p, the eigenvalue lambda, and numerical # %infinity # S_I = linspace(s['I'],10,length(p_span)); # rec = [p_span ; zeros(size(p_span)); S_I]; # rec(2,1) = .08; rec(2,2) = .09; # % rec(2,3) %0.098034924900383; def double_F(x, y, s, p): # out = double_F(x,y,s,p) # # Returns the split domain for the ode given in the function F. # # Input "x" and "y" are provided by the ode solver.Note that s.rarray # should be [1,2,...,k] and s.larray should be [k+1,k+2,...,2k]. See # STABLAB documentation for more inforamtion about the structure s. print "y = ", y print "y[s['rarray']] = ", y[s['rarray']] print "y[s['larray']] = ", y[s['larray']] out = np.zeros(2 * n) out[0:2] = (s['R'] / s['I']) * F(x, y[s['rarray']], s, p) out[2:] = (s['L'] / s['I']) * F(x, y[s['larray']], s, p) # out = np.array([(s['R']/s['I'])*F(x,y[s['rarray']],s,p),(s['L']/s['I'])*F(x,y[s['rarray']],s,p)]) return out def F(x, y, s, p): return np.array([y[1], y[0] * (1 - (y[0]**(p['p'] - 1)) / p['p'])]) def double_F_jacobian(x, y, p): out = np.zeros((4, 4)) out[0:2, 0:2] = (s['R'] / s['I']) * np.array([[0, 1], [1 - y[0]**(p['p'] - 1), 0]]) out[2:, 2:] = (s['L'] / s['I']) * np.array([[0, 1], [1 - y[2]**(p['p'] - 1), 0]]) return out # import numdifftools as nd # # def double_F_jacobian(x,y): # Testing numdifftools # try: # g = nd.Jacobian(lambda z:double_F(x,z,s=s,p=p),delta=np.array([1e-9,1e-9])) # out = g(y) # except: # # print sys.exc_info() # # g = nd.Jacobian(lambda z:double_F(x,z,s=s,p=p),step_nom=.0005) # g = nd.Jacobian(lambda z:double_F(x,z,s=s,p=p),delta=np.array([1e-9,1e-9])) # out = g(y) # # return out def guess(x, p): gamma = 0 out = np.array( [(p['p'] * (p['p'] + 1) / 2)**(1 / (p['p'] - 1)) * (sech((1 - p['p']) / 2 * x + gamma))**(2 / (p['p'] - 1)), (p['p'] * (p['p'] + 1) / 2)**(1 / (p['p'] - 1)) * (sech((1 - p['p']) / 2 * x + gamma))**(2 / (p['p'] - 1)) * (np.tanh((1 - p['p']) / 2 * x + gamma)), (p['p'] * (p['p'] + 1) / 2)**(1 / (p['p'] - 1)) * (sech(-(1 - p['p']) / 2 * x + gamma))**(2 / (p['p'] - 1)), (p['p'] * (p['p'] + 1) / 2)**(1 / (p['p'] - 1)) * (sech(-(1 - p['p']) / 2 * x + gamma))**(2 / (p['p'] - 1)) * (np.tanh(-(1 - p['p']) / 2 * x + gamma))]) return out def Flinear(y, p): return np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) def bc2(ya, yb, s, p): AM = Flinear((ya + yb) / 2., p) LM = linalg.orth(projection2(AM, -1, 10**(-6))[0]) AP = Flinear(yb, p) LP = linalg.orth(projection2(AP, +1, 10**(-6))[0]) out = np.zeros((4, )) #,dtype='complex128') out[0] = np.real( ya[s['rarray'][0:-1]] - ya[s['larray'][0:-1]]) #matching conditions: only satisfying one out[1] = np.real(ya[ph[0]] - ph[1]) #phase condition: 1 # print yb[s['rarray']] ) out[2] = np.real( yb[s['rarray']])) #two growth modes at +infty out[3] = np.real([s['larray']])) return out def bc2_jacobian(x, y, p): A = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) LM = linalg.orth(projection2(A, -1, 10**(-6))[0]) LP = linalg.orth(projection2(A, +1, 10**(-6))[0]) dGdya = np.array([[1, 0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) dGdyb = np.zeros((4, 4)) dGdyb[2, 0:2] = np.real(LP.T) dGdyb[3, 2:] = np.real(LM.T) print dGdya print dGdyb return dGdya, dGdyb pre_double_F = lambda x, y: double_F(x, y, s, p) pre_bc = lambda ya, yb: bc2(ya, yb, s, p) ode_jacobian = lambda x, y: double_F_jacobian(x, y, p) # ode_jacobian=lambda x,y: double_F_jacobian(x,y) #Testing numdifftools bc_jacobian = lambda x, y: bc2_jacobian(x, y, p) pre_guess = lambda x: guess(x, p) options = struct() # options include abstol, reltol, singularterm, stats, vectorized, maxnewpts,slopeout,xint options.abstol, options.reltol = 1e-7, 1e-6 options.fjacobian, options.bcjacobian = ode_jacobian, bc_jacobian options.nmax = 5000 options.stats = 'on' solinit = bvpinit(np.linspace(0, s['I'], 100), pre_guess) s['sol'] = bvp6c(pre_double_F, pre_bc, solinit, options) xint = np.linspace(0, 20, 1600) Sxint, _ = deval(s['sol'], xint) plt.plot(xint, Sxint[0], '-k', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(-xint, Sxint[2], '-k', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(xint, Sxint[1], '-b', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(-xint, Sxint[3], '-b', linewidth=2.0) # x = np.linspace(s['L'],s['R'],1600) # p = p['p'] # y_xint = (.5*p*(p+1))**(1./(p-1))*(sech(.5*(1-p)*x))**(2/(p-1)) # plt.plot(x,y_xint,'-r',linewidth=1.2) plt.clf() return
def burgers(ul=10, ur=2, domain=[-12, 12], verbose=False): """ burgers(domain=[-12,12], ul=10, ur=2, verbose=False) """ # # parameters # p = {'ul': ul, 'ur': ur, 'integrated': 'off'} # # numerical infinity # if domain[0] < domain[1]: s = {'I': 1, 'R': domain[1], 'L': domain[0]} # # set STABLAB structures to local default values # # Must be called before calling emcset / Burgers-specific s['EvansSystems'] = EvansSystems # default for Burgers is reg_reg_polar s, e, m, c = emcset(s, 'front', 1, 1, 'default') # # contains profile/ode functions specific to # computing the Evans function for Burgers equation # # # # refine the Evans function computation to achieve set relative error # c['refine'] = 'on' '''Create the Preimage Contour''' circpnts, imagpnts, innerpnts = 5, 5, 5 r = 10 spread = 4 zerodist = 10**(-2) # ksteps, lambda_steps = 32, 0 preimage = semicirc2(circpnts, imagpnts, innerpnts, c['ksteps'], r, spread, zerodist, c['lambda_steps']) # print len(preimage) # full_preimage = np.concatenate((preimage,np.flipud(np.conj(preimage)) )) # plt.plot(np.real(full_preimage), np.imag(full_preimage), # '.-k',linewidth=1.5) # # plt.clf() ''' Compute the Evans function ''' out = Evans_compute(preimage, c, s, p, m, e) w = np.concatenate((out, np.flipud(np.conj(out)))) windnum = winding_number(w) if abs(windnum) < 1e-8: windnum = 0. """ Display Evans function output and statistics """ if verbose: print 'Evans Computation Successful' print 'The winding number is ', windnum titlestring = ('Evans output for Burgers equation \n ' + "$u_-= " + str(p['ul']) + "$, $u_+ = " + str(p['ur']) + '$, $I = [' + str(s['L']) + ', ' + str(s['R']) + ']$') filestring = (os.getcwd() + '/data_Burgers/' + 'Parameters_' + str(p['ul']) + '_' + str(p['ur'])) labelstring = 'Evans Output' format = '.pdf' plot_flag = False Evans_plot(w, labelstring, titlestring, filestring, format, Plot_B=plot_flag) # Possible formats: png, pdf, ps, eps and svg. return ul, ur, windnum