def load_effects(self): #effect 1, light rumble rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0x0000, weak_magnitude=0x500) duration_ms = 300 effect = ff.Effect(ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0, ff.Trigger(0, 0), ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble)) self.effect1_id = self.device_file.upload_effect(effect) # effect 2, strong rumble rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0xc000, weak_magnitude=0x0000) duration_ms = 200 effect = ff.Effect(ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0, ff.Trigger(0, 0), ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble)) self.effect2_id = self.device_file.upload_effect(effect)
def __init__(self, joystick_num, points, rumble_ms): pygame.joystick.init() self.joystick_num = joystick_num self.joystick_count = pygame.joystick.get_count() if self.joystick_num > self.joystick_count: print( "ERROR: Joystick index exceeds joystick count. i.e. no joystick detected" ) exit(1) self.joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(self.joystick_num) self.joystick.init() self.joystick_name = self.joystick.get_name() self.axis = self.joystick.get_numaxes() self.num_buttons = self.joystick.get_numbuttons() self.num_hats = self.joystick.get_numhats() self.screenwidth, self.screenheight = points.screenwidth, points.screenheight self.scaling = points.radius # Adding idle axis as a point for nearest neighbour self.idle_axis = (self.input_scaling(self.get_controller_state())) # Find first EV_FF capable event device (that we have permissions to use). = None for name in list_devices(): = InputDevice(name) if e.EV_FF in break rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0x0000, weak_magnitude=0xffff) effect_type = ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) effect = ff.Effect(e.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0, ff.Trigger(0, 0), ff.Replay(rumble_ms, 0), effect_type) self.effect_id =
def __init__(self, device, duration_ms): rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0xc000, weak_magnitude=0xc000) self.effect = ff.Effect( ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, # type -1, # id (set by ioctl) 0, # direction ff.Trigger(0, 0), # no triggers ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), # length and delay ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble)) self.device = device self.effect_id = self.device.upload_effect(self.effect) self.device.write(ecodes.EV_FF, self.effect_id, 1)
def vibrate_controller(): rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0xc000, weak_magnitude=0xc000) effect_type = ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) duration_ms = 500 effect = ff.Effect( ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, # type -1, # id (set by ioctl) 0, # direction ff.Trigger(0, 0), # no triggers ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), # length and delay ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) ) effect_id = dev.upload_effect(effect) repeat_count = 1 gamepad.write(ecodes.EV_FF, effect_id, repeat_count) time.sleep(1) gamepad.erase_effect(effect_id)
def VibrateBase(time): from evdev import ecodes, InputDevice, ff # Find first EV_FF capable event device (that we have permissions to use). for name in evdev.list_devices(): dev = InputDevice(name) if ecodes.EV_FF in dev.capabilities(): break rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0x0000, weak_magnitude=0xffff) effect_type = ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) duration_ms = 1000 * time effect = ff.Effect( ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0, ff.Trigger(0, 0), ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) ) repeat_count = 1 effect_id = dev.upload_effect(effect) dev.write(e.EV_FF, effect_id, repeat_count) dev.erase_effect(effect_id)
import evdev from evdev import ecodes, InputDevice, ff # Find first EV_FF capable event device (that we have permissions to use). for name in evdev.list_devices(): dev = InputDevice(name) if ecodes.EV_FF in dev.capabilities(): break rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0x0000, weak_magnitude=0xffff) effect_type = ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) duration_ms = 1000 effect = ff.Effect( ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0, ff.Trigger(0, 0), ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) ) # ie.type = EV_FF; # ie.code = FF_GAIN; # ie.value = 0xFFFFUL * gain / 100; repeat_count = 10 effect_id = dev.upload_effect(effect) dev.write(ecodes.EV_FF, effect_id, repeat_count) input() dev.erase_effect(effect_id)
def create_effect(strong, weak): return ff.Effect( ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0, ff.Trigger(0, 0), ff.Replay(17, 0), ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=strong, weak_magnitude=weak)))
def __init__(self, options_dict=None, autonomous=[], print_freq=1.0, joystick_id='??:??:??:??:??:??', debug=False, save_data=False): """ joystick_id: see instruction on how to pair the joystick to the RPI Zero W """ # List of inputs that will be taken over when in autonomous mode # For testing purposes, it is possible to pass even an empty list # or a combination of these possible values: ['roll', 'pitch', 'throttle'] self.autonomous_inputs_enabled = autonomous self.joystick_id = joystick_id self.print_freq = print_freq self.debug = debug self.save_data = save_data if self.save_data: self.DATA = deque( []) # list where the CMDS data will be temporarily stored # Using MSP controller it's possible to have more auxiliary inputs than this. # In fact, I think it's possible to have up to AUX14 using RX_MSP. # Below are the default values for all the cmds: self.CMDS_init = { 'roll': 1500, 'pitch': 1500, 'throttle': 1000, # throttle bellow a certain value disarms the FC 'yaw': 1500, 'CH5': 1000, # DISARMED (1000) / ARMED (1800) 'CH6': 1500, # ANGLE (1000) / NAV_POSHOLD (1500) 'CH7': 1000, # FAILSAFE (1800) 'CH8': 1000 # HEADING HOLD (1800) } # This order changes according to the configurations on betaflight: # Receiver=>Channel Map=>AETR1234 # A=>roll, E=>pitch, T=>throttle, R=>yaw and 1234... self.CMDS_ORDER = [ 'roll', 'pitch', 'throttle', 'yaw', 'CH5', 'CH6', 'CH7', 'CH8' ] self.controller_init = { 'kpx_v': 0.0, 'kix_v': 0.0, 'kdx_v': 0.0, # PID values velocity control: x 'kpx_p': 0.0, 'kix_p': 0.0, 'kdx_p': 0.0, # PID values position control: x 'kpy_v': 0.0, 'kiy_v': 0.0, 'kdy_v': 0.0, # PID values velocity control: y 'kpy_p': 0.0, 'kiy_p': 0.0, 'kdy_p': 0.0, # PID values position control: y 'kpz_v': 0.0, 'kiz_v': 0.0, 'kdz_v': 0.0, # PID values velocity control: z 'kpz_p': 0.0, 'kiz_p': 0.0, 'kdz_p': 0.0, # PID values position control: z 'kph_v': 0.0, 'kih_v': 0.0, 'kdh_v': 0.0, # PID values velocity control: heading 'kph_p': 0.0, 'kih_p': 0.0, 'kdh_p': 0.0, # PID values position control: heading 'beta_tof': 0.0, 'beta_optflow': 0.0 } self.sensors_init = {'beta_tof': 0.0, 'beta_optflow': 0.0} if options_dict != None: if 'Input_Config' in options_dict: self.CMDS_init = options_dict['Input_Config'] if 'Input_Order' in options_dict: self.CMDS_ORDER = options_dict['Input_Order'] if 'Controller_Config' in options_dict: self.controller_init = options_dict['Controller_Config'] if 'Sensors_Config' in options_dict: self.sensors_init = options_dict['Sensors_Config'] self.CMDS_init['error_p'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # error_x,error_y,error_z,error_h self.CMDS_init['error_v'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] # error_vx,error_vy,error_vz,error_vh self.CMDS_init['velocity'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # vx,vy,vz,vh self.CMDS_init['time_stamp'] = 0.0 self.CMDS = self.CMDS_init.copy() try: self.gamepad = InputDevice('/dev/input/event2') except FileNotFoundError: raise Exception( 'I would bet the PS4 joystick is not connected... Did you turn it on?' ) # Initialization of some global constants... self.shutdown = False self.board = None self.mean_batt_voltage = -1 self.min_batt_voltage = -1 # Controls the order how things are printed # from the dict frequencies_measurement self.frequencies_keys = [ 'send_cmds_to_fc', 'joystick_interface', 'autonomous', 'control', 'read_voltage_from_fc', 'print_values' ] # It starts with 100000 just because 0 would crash and -1 looks weird... # TODO: I think it will not crash with zero anymore because there's a barrier self.frequencies_measurement = { 'joystick_interface': 100000, 'send_cmds_to_fc': 100000, 'autonomous': 100000, 'control': 100000, 'read_voltage_from_fc': 100000, 'print_values': 100000 } # Setup for the joystick vibration used to alert the user (warnings) rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0x0000, weak_magnitude=0xffff) duration_ms = 1000 effect = ff.Effect(ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, -1, 0, ff.Trigger(0, 0), ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble)) self.effect_id = self.gamepad.upload_effect(effect) self.NofCHEV = 50 # just used when printing info on the screen # Limits the max frequency these nodes can run self.joystick_min_period = 1 / 50.0 self.fc_min_period = 1 / 100.0 # too many cmds may overload the FC
# Find first EV_FF capable event device (that we have permissions to use). for name in util.list_devices(): dev = InputDevice(name) if ecodes.EV_FF in dev.capabilities(): break if dev is None: print("Sorry, no FF capable device found") else: print("found " + + " at " + dev.path) print("Preparing FF effect...") rumble = ff.Rumble(strong_magnitude=0xc000, weak_magnitude=0xc000) effect_type = ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble) duration_ms = 1000 effect = ff.Effect( ecodes.FF_RUMBLE, # type -1, # id (set by ioctl) 0, # direction ff.Trigger(0, 0), # no triggers ff.Replay(duration_ms, 0), # length and delay ff.EffectType(ff_rumble_effect=rumble)) print("Uploading FF effect...") effect_id = dev.upload_effect(effect)