class FrameWithPointer(Container): pointerOffset = None skinCache = {} def ApplyAttributes(self, attributes): Container.ApplyAttributes(self, attributes) skinName = attributes.get('skinName', 'general') actualSkinClass = SKIN_NAME_TO_CLASS.get(skinName) if not FrameWithPointer.skinCache.get(skinName): FrameWithPointer.skinCache[skinName] = actualSkinClass() = FrameWithPointer.skinCache[skinName] self._pointer = SpriteUnderlay( texturePath= 'res:/UI/Texture/classes/FrameWithPointer/pointer_down_02.png', parent=self, colorType=attributes.colorType or uiconst.COLORTYPE_UIHILIGHTGLOW, opacity=0.95) self._background = FrameUnderlay( name='__underlay', bgParent=self,,,, colorType=attributes.colorType or uiconst.COLORTYPE_UIHILIGHTGLOW, opacity=0.95) def SetColor(self, color): self._background.color = color self._pointer.color = color def SetAlpha(self, alphaValue): self._background.SetAlpha(alphaValue) self._pointer.SetAlpha(alphaValue) def UpdatePointerPosition(self, positionFlag): if positionFlag == uiconst.POINTER_NONE: self._pointer.display = False return (0, 0) SIZE = 24 BACKOFFSET = 8 x, y = positionFlag self._pointer.displayX = [ -SIZE + BACKOFFSET, 0, (self.displayWidth - SIZE) / 2, self.displayWidth - SIZE, self.displayWidth - BACKOFFSET ][x] self._pointer.displayY = [ -SIZE + BACKOFFSET, 0, (self.displayHeight - SIZE) / 2, self.displayHeight - SIZE, self.displayHeight - BACKOFFSET ][y] self._pointer.displayWidth = SIZE self._pointer.displayHeight = SIZE if y == 0: if x == 0: self._pointer.displayX = -11 self._pointer.displayY = -11 resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + 5, self._pointer.displayY + 5 ] elif x == 4: self._pointer.displayX = self.displayWidth - 13 self._pointer.displayY = -11 resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + 19, self._pointer.displayY + 5 ] else: resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + SIZE / 2, self._pointer.displayY + 10 ] elif y == 4: if x == 0: self._pointer.displayX = -11 self._pointer.displayY = self.displayHeight - 13 resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + 5, self._pointer.displayY + 19 ] elif x == 4: self._pointer.displayX = self.displayWidth - 13 self._pointer.displayY = self.displayHeight - 13 resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + 19, self._pointer.displayY + 19 ] else: resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + SIZE / 2, self._pointer.displayY + 14 ] elif x == 0: resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + 10, self._pointer.displayY + SIZE / 2 ] elif x == 4: resPath = self.pointerOffset = [ self._pointer.displayX + 14, self._pointer.displayY + SIZE / 2 ] self._pointer.SetTexturePath(resPath) self._pointer.display = True return self.pointerOffset
class GlowSprite(Container): default_name = 'GlowSprite' default_texturePath = '' default_state = uiconst.UI_NORMAL default_align = uiconst.TOPLEFT default_glowExpand = 0 default_color = None default_rotation = 0.0 default_iconOpacity = 0.9 default_gradientStrength = 1.0 default_color = None def ApplyAttributes(self, attributes): Container.ApplyAttributes(self, attributes) self.texturePath = attributes.Get('texturePath', self.default_texturePath) self.color = attributes.Get('color', None) self.rotation = attributes.Get('rotation', self.default_rotation) self.iconOpacity = attributes.Get('iconOpacity', self.default_iconOpacity) self.gradientStrength = attributes.get('gradientStrength', self.default_gradientStrength) self.color = attributes.get('color', self.default_color) self._glowAmount = 0.0 self.spriteEffect = None self.glowExpand = None self.icon = SpriteUnderlay(bgParent=self, name='icon', state=uiconst.UI_DISABLED, align=uiconst.TOALL, blendMode=trinity.TR2_SBM_ADD, opacity=self.iconOpacity, colorType=uiconst.COLORTYPE_UIHILIGHTGLOW, color=self.color, texturePath=self.texturePath, rotation=self.rotation) self.glowIcon = None self.bgGradient = None def ConstructGlow(self): if not self.glowIcon: self.OnSizeUpdate() self.glowIcon = SpriteUnderlay(name='glowIcon', bgParent=self, state=uiconst.UI_DISABLED, colorType=uiconst.COLORTYPE_UIHILIGHTGLOW, spriteEffect=self.spriteEffect, padding=-self.glowExpand, blendMode=trinity.TR2_SBM_ADDX2, opacity=0.0, texturePath=self.texturePath, rotation=self.rotation, color=self.color) self.bgGradient = SpriteUnderlay(name='bgGradient', bgParent=self, texturePath='res:/UI/Texture/shared/circularGradient.png', opacity=0.0, padding=-self.glowExpand, color=self.color) def UpdateSpriteEffect(self, size): """ Use BLUR effect for small icons and GLOW for larger """ if size > 20: self.spriteEffect = trinity.TR2_SFX_GLOW else: self.spriteEffect = trinity.TR2_SFX_BLUR def OnSizeUpdate(self): w, h = self.GetAbsoluteSize() size = max(w, h) self.UpdateSpriteEffect(size) self.UpdateGlowExpand(size) def _OnResize(self, *args): self.OnSizeUpdate() def UpdateGlowExpand(self, size): """ Make glow expand more for larger icons """ g = size / 20 g = max(1, min(g, 3)) self.glowExpand = g if self.glowIcon: self.glowIcon.padding = (-g, -g, -g, -g) self.bgGradient.padding = (-g, -g, -g, -g) def SetTexturePath(self, texturePath): self.texturePath = texturePath self.icon.SetTexturePath(texturePath) if self.glowIcon: self.glowIcon.SetTexturePath(texturePath) def LoadTexture(self, texturePath): self.SetTexturePath(texturePath) def LoadIcon(self, iconNo, ignoreSize = False): texturePath, _ = Icon.ConvertIconNoToResPath(iconNo) self.SetTexturePath(texturePath) def LoadIconByTypeID(self, typeID, itemID, *args, **kw): """ Hack needed since loading texturePaths by typeID/itemID is locked within the Icon class """ icon = Icon(typeID=typeID, itemID=itemID) self.SetTexturePath(icon.texturePath) def SetRGBA(self, *color): self.color = color if self.glowIcon: self.glowIcon.SetFixedColor(color) self.bgGradient.SetFixedColor(color) def SetRGB(self, *args): self.SetRGBA(*args) def GetRGBA(self): return self.icon.GetRGBA() def OnMouseEnter(self, *args): uicore.animations.MorphScalar(self, 'glowAmount', self.glowAmount, 1.0, duration=uiconst.TIME_ENTRY) def OnMouseExit(self, *args): uicore.animations.MorphScalar(self, 'glowAmount', self.glowAmount, 0.0, duration=uiconst.TIME_EXIT) def OnMouseDown(self, *args): uicore.animations.MorphScalar(self, 'glowAmount', self.glowAmount, 1.5, duration=0.1) def OnMouseUp(self, *args): uicore.animations.MorphScalar(self, 'glowAmount', self.glowAmount, 1.0, duration=0.3) @property def glowAmount(self): return self._glowAmount @glowAmount.setter def glowAmount(self, value): self.ConstructGlow() self._glowAmount = value self.icon.opacity = self.iconOpacity + value * 0.5 self.glowIcon.opacity = value * 0.2 self.bgGradient.opacity = value * 0.3 * self.gradientStrength self.glowIcon.display = value > 0.0001 def SetRotation(self, value): self.rotation = value self.icon.rotation = value if self.glowIcon: self.glowIcon.rotation = value