def Undock_Thread(self, shipID): from eve.client.script.ui.station.lobby import Lobby if not self.exitingstation: lobby = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobby and not lobby.destroyed: lobby.SetUndockProgress(None) return undockSteps = 3 undockDelay = 5000 if session and session.nextSessionChange: duration = session.nextSessionChange - blue.os.GetSimTime() if duration > 0: undockDelay = max(undockDelay, (duration / const.SEC + 1) * 1000) for i in xrange(undockSteps): lobby = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobby and not lobby.destroyed: lobby.SetUndockProgress(i * 1.0 / undockSteps) blue.synchro.SleepSim(undockDelay / undockSteps) if not self.exitingstation: if lobby and not lobby.destroyed: lobby.SetUndockProgress(None) return lobby = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobby and not lobby.destroyed: lobby.SetUndockProgress(1) self.pastUndockPointOfNoReturn = True self.UndockAttempt(shipID)
def OnShipTreeClosed(self): self.factionTreesByFactionID = {} self.selectedFaction = None sm.GetService('audio').SendUIEvent('isis_end') lobbyWnd = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobbyWnd: lobbyWnd.Maximize(animate=False)
def OnShipTreeOpened(self): self.history = HistoryBuffer() sm.GetService('skills').MySkills(renew=True) self.SelectFaction(self.GetDefaultFactionID()) lobbyWnd = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobbyWnd: lobbyWnd.Minimize(animate=False) sm.GetService('audio').SendUIEvent('isis_start')
def OnOfficeRentalChanged(self, corporationID, officeID, folderID): oldOfficeID = None if self.itemIDOfficeFolderIDByCorporationID is not None: if self.itemIDOfficeFolderIDByCorporationID.has_key(corporationID): oldOfficeID = self.itemIDOfficeFolderIDByCorporationID[corporationID].itemID if officeID is not None and folderID is not None: self.AddOffice(corporationID, officeID, folderID) else: self.RemoveOffice(corporationID, officeID, folderID) from eve.client.script.ui.station.lobby import Lobby lobby = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobby: lobby.ReloadOfficesIfVisible() if officeID is None: lobby.LoadButtons() if corporationID != eve.session.corpid: return
def ReloadLobby(self): from eve.client.script.ui.station.lobby import Lobby Lobby.CloseIfOpen() Lobby.Open()
def BlinkButton(self, what): from eve.client.script.ui.station.lobby import Lobby lobby = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobby: lobby.BlinkButton(what)
def OnCorporationChanged(self, corpID, change): bAdd, bRemove = self.GetAddRemoveFromChange(change) if self.corporationByCorporationID is not None: if bAdd: if len(change) != len(self.corporationByCorporationID.header): self.LogWarn( 'IncorrectNumberOfColumns ignoring change as Add change:', change) return line = [] for columnName in self.corporationByCorporationID.header: line.append(change[columnName][1]) self.corporationByCorporationID[corpID] = line else: if not self.corporationByCorporationID.has_key(corpID): return if bRemove: del self.corporationByCorporationID[corpID] else: corporation = self.corporationByCorporationID[corpID] for columnName in corporation.header: if not change.has_key(columnName): continue setattr(corporation, columnName, change[columnName][1]) if header = cfg.corptickernames.header line =[corpID] i = -1 for columnName in header: i = i + 1 if not change.has_key(columnName): continue line[i] = change[columnName][1] updateDivisionNames = 0 loadLogo = 0 showOffices = 0 loadButtons = 0 resetCorpWindow = 0 if eve.session.corpid == corpID: if 'division1' in change or 'division2' in change or 'division3' in change or 'division4' in change or 'division5' in change or 'division6' in change or 'division7' in change: updateDivisionNames = 1 if 'shape1' in change or 'shape2' in change or 'shape3' in change or 'color1' in change or 'color2' in change or 'color3' in change or 'typeface' in change: if eve.session.corpid == corpID: loadLogo = 1 if self.corp__locations.HasCorporationOffice(corpID): showOffices = 1 if 'ceoID' in change and eve.session.corpid == corpID: oldCeoID, newCeoID = change['ceoID'] if eve.session.charid in change['ceoID']: loadButtons = 1 self.corp__members.MemberCanRunForCEO_ = None resetCorpWindow = 1 showOffices = 1 if resetCorpWindow: sm.GetService('corpui').ResetWindow(1) if loadLogo: sm.GetService('corpui').LoadLogo(corpID) if updateDivisionNames: ).context = 'svc.corp.OnCorporationChanged' from eve.client.script.ui.station.lobby import Lobby lobby = Lobby.GetIfOpen() if lobby: if showOffices: lobby.ReloadOfficesIfVisible() if loadButtons: lobby.LoadButtons()