    def find(self, resource, req):
        args = dict()

        if req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)
        if req.sortMethod:
            sortMethod = req.sortMethod
            sortMethod = 1
        if req.sort:
            args['sort'] = ast.literal_eval(str([(req.sort,sortMethod)]))

        client_projection = {}
        spec = {}

        if req.latLng:
            spec['latLng'] = {'$within': {'$center': [[float(req.latLng[0]),float(req.latLng[1])],.75]}}
        if not req.latLng and req.city:
            spec['city'] = req.city
        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if req.projection:
                client_projection = json.loads(req.projection)
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                    'Unable to parse `projection` clause'

        datasource, spec, projection = self._datasource_ex(resource, spec,

        if req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['spec'] = spec

        if projection is not None:
            args['fields'] = projection

        return self.driver.db[datasource].find(**args)
文件: mongo.py 项目: tony7126/eve
    def aggregate(self, resource, req):
        client_projection = {}
        spec = {}
        if req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(
                    self._jsondatetime(json.loads(req.where, object_hook=json_util.object_hook)))
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'
        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if req.projection:
                client_projection = json.loads(req.projection)
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                    'Unable to parse `projection` clause'

        datasource, spec, projection = self._datasource_ex(resource, spec,

        groupers = config.DOMAIN[resource]["default_groupers"]
        groupees = config.DOMAIN[resource]["default_groupees"]
        group_val = {}
        group_val["_id"] = {g: "$%s" % g for g in groupers}
        for group_info in groupees:
            name = group_info["name"]
            group_type = group_info["type"]
            group_val[name] = {"$%s" % group_type: "$%s" % name}

        pipeline = []
        pipeline.append({"$match": spec})
        pipeline.append({"$project": projection})
        pipeline.append({"$group": group_val})
        pipeline.append({"$limit": 1000})
        docs = self.driver.db[datasource].aggregate(pipeline)["result"]
        cursor = Cursor(docs)  #gives required functions to returned result 
        return cursor
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        Seach for results and return list of them.

        :param resource: name of requested resource as string.
        :param req: instance of :class:`eve.utils.ParsedRequest`.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.
        qry = self.cls_map.objects(resource)

        client_projection = {}
        client_sort = {}
        spec = {}

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)
        if req.sort:
                client_sort = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)
            except Exception as e:
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        if req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
            except HTTPException as e:
                # _sanitize() is raising an HTTP exception; let it fire.
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'

        if sub_resource_lookup:

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
        # apply ordering
        if sort:
            for field, direction in _itemize(sort):
                if direction < 0:
                    field = "-%s" % field
                qry = qry.order_by(field)
        # apply filters
        if req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}
        if len(spec) > 0:
            qry = qry.filter(__raw__=spec)
        # apply projection
        qry = self._projection(resource, projection, qry)
        # apply limits
        if req.max_results:
            qry = qry.limit(int(req.max_results))
        if req.page > 1:
            qry = qry.skip((req.page - 1) * req.max_results)
        return PymongoQuerySet(qry)
文件: mongo.py 项目: Arable/evepod
    def find(self, resource, req):
        """Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1
           Better query handling. We're now properly casting objectid-like
           strings to ObjectIds. Also, we're casting both datetimes and
           objectids even when the query was originally in python syntax.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)
        if req.sort:
            args['sort'] = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)

        client_projection = {}
        spec = {}

        if req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'
            spec = self._mongotize(spec)

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if req.projection:
                client_projection = json.loads(req.projection)
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                    'Unable to parse `projection` clause'

        datasource, spec, projection = self._datasource_ex(resource, spec,

        if req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['spec'] = spec

        if projection is not None:
            args['fields'] = projection

        return self.driver.db[datasource].find(**args)
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        """ Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe"}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.

        args = dict()

        if req and req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req and req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = {}
        spec = {}

        if req and req.sort:
                # assume it's mongo syntax (ie. ?sort=[("name", 1)])
                client_sort = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)
            except ValueError:
                # it's not mongo so let's see if it's a comma delimited string
                # instead (ie. "?sort=-age, name").
                sort = []
                for sort_arg in [s.strip() for s in req.sort.split(",")]:
                    if sort_arg[0] == "-":
                        sort.append((sort_arg[1:], -1))
                        sort.append((sort_arg, 1))
                if len(sort) > 0:
                    client_sort = sort
            except Exception as e:
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        if req and req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
            except HTTPException as e:
                # _sanitize() is raising an HTTP exception; let it fire.
                # couldn't parse as mongo query; give the python parser a shot.
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                              'Unable to parse `where` clause'))

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        if config.DOMAIN[resource]['soft_delete'] \
                and not (req and req.show_deleted) \
                and not self.query_contains_field(spec, config.DELETED):
            # Soft delete filtering applied after validate_filters call as
            # querying against the DELETED field must always be allowed when
            # soft_delete is enabled
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
            resource, spec, client_projection, client_sort)

        if req and req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['filter'] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args['sort'] = sort

        if projection:
            args['projection'] = projection

        return self._find(resource, datasource, **args)
文件: mongo.py 项目: xcubillas/eve
    def find(self, resource, req):
        """Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)
        if req.sort:
            args['sort'] = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)

        client_projection = {}
        spec = {}

        if req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if req.projection:
                client_projection = json.loads(req.projection)
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                    'Unable to parse `projection` clause'

        datasource, spec, projection = self._datasource_ex(resource, spec,

        if req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['spec'] = spec

        if projection is not None:
            args['fields'] = projection

        return self.driver.db[datasource].find(**args)
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        Seach for results and return list of them.

        :param resource: name of requested resource as string.
        :param req: instance of :class:`eve.utils.ParsedRequest`.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.
        qry = self._objects(resource)

        client_projection = {}
        client_sort = {}
        spec = {}

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)
        if req.sort:
                client_sort = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)
            except Exception as e:
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        if req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
            except HTTPException as e:
                # _sanitize() is raising an HTTP exception; let it fire.
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'

        if sub_resource_lookup:

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if req.projection:
                client_projection = json.loads(req.projection)
            except Exception as e:
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                    'Unable to parse `projection` clause: '+str(e)
        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
        # apply ordering
        if sort:
            for field, direction in _itemize(sort):
                if direction < 0:
                    field = "-%s" % field
                qry = qry.order_by(field)
        # apply filters
        if req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}
        if len(spec) > 0:
            qry = qry.filter(__raw__=spec)
        # apply projection
        qry = self._projection(resource, projection, qry)
        # apply limits
        if req.max_results:
            qry = qry.limit(req.max_results)
        if req.page > 1:
            qry = qry.skip((req.page - 1) * req.max_results)
        return PymongoQuerySet(qry)
文件: mongo.py 项目: iotrl/eve
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        """ Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe"}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Support for multiple databases.
           Filter soft deleted documents by default

        .. versionchanged:: 0.5
           Support for comma delimited sort syntax. Addresses #443.
           Return the error if a blacklisted MongoDB operator is used in query.
           Abort with 400 if unsupported query operator is used. #387.
           Abort with 400 in case of invalid sort syntax. #387.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4
           'allowed_filters' is now checked before adding 'sub_resource_lookup'
           to the query, as it is considered safe.
           Refactored to use self._client_projection since projection is now
           honored by getitem() as well.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3
           Support for new _mongotize() signature.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           Support for sub-resources.
           Support for 'default_sort'.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1
           Better query handling. We're now properly casting objectid-like
           strings to ObjectIds. Also, we're casting both datetimes and
           objectids even when the query was originally in python syntax.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req and req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req and req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = {}
        spec = {}

        if req and req.sort:
                # assume it's mongo syntax (ie. ?sort=[("name", 1)])
                client_sort = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)
            except ValueError:
                # it's not mongo so let's see if it's a comma delimited string
                # instead (ie. "?sort=-age, name").
                sort = []
                for sort_arg in [s.strip() for s in req.sort.split(",")]:
                    if sort_arg[0] == "-":
                        sort.append((sort_arg[1:], -1))
                        sort.append((sort_arg, 1))
                if len(sort) > 0:
                    client_sort = sort
            except Exception as e:
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        if req and req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
            except HTTPException as e:
                # _sanitize() is raising an HTTP exception; let it fire.
                # couldn't parse as mongo query; give the python parser a shot.
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        if config.DOMAIN[resource]['soft_delete'] \
                and not (req and req.show_deleted) \
                and not self.query_contains_field(spec, config.DELETED):
            # Soft delete filtering applied after validate_filters call as
            # querying against the DELETED field must always be allowed when
            # soft_delete is enabled
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(

        if req and req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['filter'] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args['sort'] = sort

        if projection is not None:
            args['projection'] = projection

        return self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource].find(**args)
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup, perform_count=True):
        Seach for results and return list of them.

        :param resource: name of requested resource as string.
        :param req: instance of :class:`eve.utils.ParsedRequest`.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.
        args = dict()

        if req and req.max_results:
            args["limit"] = req.max_results

        if req and req.page > 1:
            args["skip"] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = self._convert_sort_request_to_dict(req)
        spec = self._convert_where_request_to_dict(resource, req)

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        if (config.DOMAIN[resource]["soft_delete"]
                and not (req and req.show_deleted)
                and not self.query_contains_field(spec, config.DELETED)):
            # Soft delete filtering applied after validate_filters call as
            # querying against the DELETED field must always be allowed when
            # soft_delete is enabled
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
            resource, spec, client_projection, client_sort)

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args["filter"] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args["sort"] = sort

        if projection:
            args["projection"] = projection

        qry = self.cls_map.objects(resource)

        # apply ordering
        if sort:
            sort_fields = []
            for field, direction in _itemize(sort):
                if direction < 0:
                    field = "-%s" % field
            qry = qry.order_by(*sort_fields)

        if len(spec) > 0:
            qry = qry.filter(__raw__=spec)
        # apply projection
        qry = self._projection(resource, projection, qry)
        # apply limits
        if args.get("limit"):
            qry = qry.limit(int(args["limit"]))
        if args.get("skip"):
            qry = qry.skip(args["skip"])

        count = None
        if perform_count:
            count = qry.count()
        return PymongoQuerySet(qry), count
    def test_validate_filters(self):
        self.app.config["DOMAIN"][self.known_resource]["allowed_filters"] = []
        with self.app.test_request_context():
                "key" in validate_filters({"key": "val"}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue("key" in validate_filters(
                {"key": ["val1", "val2"]}, self.known_resource))
                "key" in validate_filters({"key": {
                    "$in": ["val1", "val2"]
                }}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue("key" in validate_filters(
                {"$or": [{
                    "key": "val1"
                }, {
                    "key": "val2"
                }]}, self.known_resource))
                "$or" in validate_filters({"$or": "val"}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue("$or" in validate_filters({"$or": {
                "key": "val1"
            }}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue("$or" in validate_filters({"$or": ["val"]},

        self.app.config["DOMAIN"][self.known_resource]["allowed_filters"] = [
        with self.app.test_request_context():
                validate_filters({"key": "val"}, self.known_resource) is None)
                validate_filters({"key": ["val1", "val2"]},
                                 self.known_resource) is None)
                validate_filters({"key": {
                    "$in": ["val1", "val2"]
                }}, self.known_resource) is None)
                validate_filters({"$or": [{
                    "key": "val1"
                }, {
                    "key": "val2"
                }]}, self.known_resource) is None)
文件: mongo.py 项目: omixen/eve
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        """ Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.5
           Return the error if a blacklisted MongoDB operator is used in query.
           Abort with 400 if unsupported query operator is used. #387.
           Abort with 400 in case of invalid sort syntax. #387.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4
           'allowed_filters' is now checked before adding 'sub_resource_lookup'
           to the query, as it is considered safe.
           Refactored to use self._client_projection since projection is now
           honored by getitem() as well.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3
           Support for new _mongotize() signature.

        .. versionchagend:: 0.2
           Support for sub-resources.
           Support for 'default_sort'.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1
           Better query handling. We're now properly casting objectid-like
           strings to ObjectIds. Also, we're casting both datetimes and
           objectids even when the query was originally in python syntax.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = {}
        spec = {}

        if req.sort:
                client_sort = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)
            except Exception as e:
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        if req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
            except HTTPException as e:
                # _sanitize() is raising an HTTP exception; let it fire.
                # couldn't parse as mongo query; give the python parser a shot.
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(

        if req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['spec'] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args['sort'] = sort

        if projection is not None:
            args['fields'] = projection

        return self.driver.db[datasource].find(**args)
    def test_validate_filters(self):
        self.app.config['DOMAIN'][self.known_resource]['allowed_filters'] = []
        with self.app.test_request_context():
            self.assertTrue('key' in validate_filters(
                {'key': 'val'},
            self.assertTrue('key' in validate_filters(
                {'key': ['val1', 'val2']},
            self.assertTrue('key' in validate_filters(
                {'key': {'$in': ['val1', 'val2']}},
            self.assertTrue('key' in validate_filters(
                {'$or': [{'key': 'val1'}, {'key': 'val2'}]},
            self.assertTrue('$or' in validate_filters(
                {'$or': 'val'},
            self.assertTrue('$or' in validate_filters(
                {'$or': {'key': 'val1'}},
            self.assertTrue('$or' in validate_filters(
                {'$or': ['val']},

        self.app.config['DOMAIN'][self.known_resource]['allowed_filters'] = \
        with self.app.test_request_context():
                {'key': 'val'},
                self.known_resource) is None)
                {'key': ['val1', 'val2']},
                self.known_resource) is None)
                {'key': {'$in': ['val1', 'val2']}},
                self.known_resource) is None)
                {'$or': [{'key': 'val1'}, {'key': 'val2'}]},
                self.known_resource) is None)
    def test_validate_filters(self):
        self.app.config['DOMAIN'][self.known_resource]['allowed_filters'] = []
        with self.app.test_request_context():
                'key' in validate_filters({'key': 'val'}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue('key' in validate_filters(
                {'key': ['val1', 'val2']}, self.known_resource))
                'key' in validate_filters({'key': {
                    '$in': ['val1', 'val2']
                }}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue('key' in validate_filters(
                {'$or': [{
                    'key': 'val1'
                }, {
                    'key': 'val2'
                }]}, self.known_resource))
                '$or' in validate_filters({'$or': 'val'}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue('$or' in validate_filters({'$or': {
                'key': 'val1'
            }}, self.known_resource))
            self.assertTrue('$or' in validate_filters({'$or': ['val']},

        self.app.config['DOMAIN'][self.known_resource]['allowed_filters'] = \
        with self.app.test_request_context():
                validate_filters({'key': 'val'}, self.known_resource) is None)
                validate_filters({'key': ['val1', 'val2']},
                                 self.known_resource) is None)
                validate_filters({'key': {
                    '$in': ['val1', 'val2']
                }}, self.known_resource) is None)
                validate_filters({'$or': [{
                    'key': 'val1'
                }, {
                    'key': 'val2'
                }]}, self.known_resource) is None)
文件: utils.py 项目: sunbit/eve
    def test_validate_filters(self):
        self.app.config["DOMAIN"][self.known_resource]["allowed_filters"] = []
        with self.app.test_request_context():
                "key" in validate_filters({"key": "val"}, self.known_resource)
                in validate_filters({"key": ["val1", "val2"]}, self.known_resource)
                in validate_filters(
                    {"key": {"$in": ["val1", "val2"]}}, self.known_resource
                in validate_filters(
                    {"$or": [{"key": "val1"}, {"key": "val2"}]}, self.known_resource
                "$or" in validate_filters({"$or": "val"}, self.known_resource)
                "$or" in validate_filters({"$or": {"key": "val1"}}, self.known_resource)
                "$or" in validate_filters({"$or": ["val"]}, self.known_resource)

        self.app.config["DOMAIN"][self.known_resource]["allowed_filters"] = ["key"]
        with self.app.test_request_context():
                validate_filters({"key": "val"}, self.known_resource) is None
                validate_filters({"key": ["val1", "val2"]}, self.known_resource) is None
                    {"key": {"$in": ["val1", "val2"]}}, self.known_resource
                is None
                    {"$or": [{"key": "val1"}, {"key": "val2"}]}, self.known_resource
                is None
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        """ Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4
           'allowed_filters' is now checked before adding 'sub_resource_lookup'
           to the query, as it is considered safe.
           Refactored to use self._client_projection since projection is now
           honored by getitem() as well.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3
           Support for new _mongotize() signature.

        .. versionchagend:: 0.2
           Support for sub-resources.
           Support for 'default_sort'.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1
           Better query handling. We're now properly casting objectid-like
           strings to ObjectIds. Also, we're casting both datetimes and
           objectids even when the query was originally in python syntax.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = {}
        spec = {}

        if req.sort:
            client_sort = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)

        if req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                    abort(400, description=debug_error_message(
                        'Unable to parse `where` clause'

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(

        if req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['spec'] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args['sort'] = sort

        if projection is not None:
            args['fields'] = projection

        return self.driver.db[datasource].find(**args)
文件: mongo.py 项目: rtalukder/eve
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        """ Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe"}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Support for multiple databases.
           Filter soft deleted documents by default

        .. versionchanged:: 0.5
           Support for comma delimited sort syntax. Addresses #443.
           Return the error if a blacklisted MongoDB operator is used in query.
           Abort with 400 if unsupported query operator is used. #387.
           Abort with 400 in case of invalid sort syntax. #387.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4
           'allowed_filters' is now checked before adding 'sub_resource_lookup'
           to the query, as it is considered safe.
           Refactored to use self._client_projection since projection is now
           honored by getitem() as well.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3
           Support for new _mongotize() signature.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           Support for sub-resources.
           Support for 'default_sort'.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1
           Better query handling. We're now properly casting objectid-like
           strings to ObjectIds. Also, we're casting both datetimes and
           objectids even when the query was originally in python syntax.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req and req.max_results:
            args['limit'] = req.max_results

        if req and req.page > 1:
            args['skip'] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = {}
        spec = {}

        if req and req.sort:
                # assume it's mongo syntax (ie. ?sort=[("name", 1)])
                client_sort = ast.literal_eval(req.sort)
            except ValueError:
                # it's not mongo so let's see if it's a comma delimited string
                # instead (ie. "?sort=-age, name").
                sort = []
                for sort_arg in [s.strip() for s in req.sort.split(",")]:
                    if sort_arg[0] == "-":
                        sort.append((sort_arg[1:], -1))
                        sort.append((sort_arg, 1))
                if len(sort) > 0:
                    client_sort = sort
            except Exception as e:
                abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        if req and req.where:
                spec = self._sanitize(json.loads(req.where))
            except HTTPException as e:
                # _sanitize() is raising an HTTP exception; let it fire.
                # couldn't parse as mongo query; give the python parser a shot.
                    spec = parse(req.where)
                except ParseError:
                              'Unable to parse `where` clause'))

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        if config.DOMAIN[resource]['soft_delete'] \
                and not (req and req.show_deleted) \
                and not self.query_contains_field(spec, config.DELETED):
            # Soft delete filtering applied after validate_filters call as
            # querying against the DELETED field must always be allowed when
            # soft_delete is enabled
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
            resource, spec, client_projection, client_sort)

        if req and req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = \
                {'$gt': req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args['filter'] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args['sort'] = sort

        if projection is not None:
            args['projection'] = projection

        return self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource].find(**args)
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        """ Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe"}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Support for multiple databases.
           Filter soft deleted documents by default

        .. versionchanged:: 0.5
           Support for comma delimited sort syntax. Addresses #443.
           Return the error if a blacklisted MongoDB operator is used in query.
           Abort with 400 if unsupported query operator is used. #387.
           Abort with 400 in case of invalid sort syntax. #387.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4
           'allowed_filters' is now checked before adding 'sub_resource_lookup'
           to the query, as it is considered safe.
           Refactored to use self._client_projection since projection is now
           honored by getitem() as well.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3
           Support for new _mongotize() signature.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           Support for sub-resources.
           Support for 'default_sort'.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1
           Better query handling. We're now properly casting objectid-like
           strings to ObjectIds. Also, we're casting both datetimes and
           objectids even when the query was originally in python syntax.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req and req.max_results:
            args["limit"] = req.max_results

        if req and req.page > 1:
            args["skip"] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = self._convert_sort_request_to_dict(req)
        spec = self._convert_where_request_to_dict(req)

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        if (config.DOMAIN[resource]["soft_delete"]
                and not (req and req.show_deleted)
                and not self.query_contains_field(spec, config.DELETED)):
            # Soft delete filtering applied after validate_filters call as
            # querying against the DELETED field must always be allowed when
            # soft_delete is enabled
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
            resource, spec, client_projection, client_sort)

        if req and req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = {"$gt": req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args["filter"] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args["sort"] = sort

        if projection:
            args["projection"] = projection

        self.__last_target = self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource], spec
            self.__last_cursor = self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource].find(
        except TypeError as e:
            # pymongo raises ValueError when invalid query paramenters are
            # included. We do our best to catch them beforehand but, especially
            # with key/value sort syntax, invalid ones might still slip in.
            abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        return self.__last_cursor
文件: mongo.py 项目: sunbit/eve
    def find(self, resource, req, sub_resource_lookup):
        """ Retrieves a set of documents matching a given request. Queries can
        be expressed in two different formats: the mongo query syntax, and the
        python syntax. The first kind of query would look like: ::

            ?where={"name": "john doe"}

        while the second would look like: ::

            ?where=name=="john doe"

        The resultset if paginated.

        :param resource: resource name.
        :param req: a :class:`ParsedRequest`instance.
        :param sub_resource_lookup: sub-resource lookup from the endpoint url.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.6
           Support for multiple databases.
           Filter soft deleted documents by default

        .. versionchanged:: 0.5
           Support for comma delimited sort syntax. Addresses #443.
           Return the error if a blacklisted MongoDB operator is used in query.
           Abort with 400 if unsupported query operator is used. #387.
           Abort with 400 in case of invalid sort syntax. #387.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.4
           'allowed_filters' is now checked before adding 'sub_resource_lookup'
           to the query, as it is considered safe.
           Refactored to use self._client_projection since projection is now
           honored by getitem() as well.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.3
           Support for new _mongotize() signature.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.2
           Support for sub-resources.
           Support for 'default_sort'.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.1.1
           Better query handling. We're now properly casting objectid-like
           strings to ObjectIds. Also, we're casting both datetimes and
           objectids even when the query was originally in python syntax.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.9
           More informative error messages.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.7
           Abort with a 400 if the query includes blacklisted  operators.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.6
           Only retrieve fields in the resource schema
           Support for projection queries ('?projection={"name": 1}')

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5
           handles the case where req.max_results is None because pagination
           has been disabled.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.4
           retrieves the target collection via the new config.SOURCES helper.
        args = dict()

        if req and req.max_results:
            args["limit"] = req.max_results

        if req and req.page > 1:
            args["skip"] = (req.page - 1) * req.max_results

        # TODO sort syntax should probably be coherent with 'where': either
        # mongo-like # or python-like. Currently accepts only mongo-like sort
        # syntax.

        # TODO should validate on unknown sort fields (mongo driver doesn't
        # return an error)

        client_sort = self._convert_sort_request_to_dict(req)
        spec = self._convert_where_request_to_dict(req)

        bad_filter = validate_filters(spec, resource)
        if bad_filter:
            abort(400, bad_filter)

        if sub_resource_lookup:
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, sub_resource_lookup)

        if (
            and not (req and req.show_deleted)
            and not self.query_contains_field(spec, config.DELETED)
            # Soft delete filtering applied after validate_filters call as
            # querying against the DELETED field must always be allowed when
            # soft_delete is enabled
            spec = self.combine_queries(spec, {config.DELETED: {"$ne": True}})

        spec = self._mongotize(spec, resource)

        client_projection = self._client_projection(req)

        datasource, spec, projection, sort = self._datasource_ex(
            resource, spec, client_projection, client_sort

        if req and req.if_modified_since:
            spec[config.LAST_UPDATED] = {"$gt": req.if_modified_since}

        if len(spec) > 0:
            args["filter"] = spec

        if sort is not None:
            args["sort"] = sort

        if projection:
            args["projection"] = projection

        self.__last_target = self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource], spec
            self.__last_cursor = self.pymongo(resource).db[datasource].find(**args)
        except TypeError as e:
            # pymongo raises ValueError when invalid query paramenters are
            # included. We do our best to catch them beforehand but, especially
            # with key/value sort syntax, invalid ones might still slip in.
            abort(400, description=debug_error_message(str(e)))

        return self.__last_cursor